5E rCYPRIGTSUNWiLLlNGVGYPSiES MW Wwummwmniw rewtmntoonr IM LLWWIIMNgt run E5Wslhmm DtMNoushsmMIII9lng Editor WWlf mumpmnrnms All ma rounder lgri Cctr Caniieip Avoid Holiday Tragedy awmlm by magnum mm gr it it ii ii 55 If it ti Fifi iii 3i gr it 5E it at can EE RE gr it 55 ii 533 i2 55 Err it it is 35 so this to it at ii til it iii rt EE re ii in it in teen own nor Barrie gue reported pm in elm tor mum mediated oorntogprohihitionoi quorvolgfhtrt Warned mivwm First plpu Inning Mod omnnnmrla It IrrenOrenCp showe stsrring when nerisi perlorm Barrie photon liunte Avenue ieu ed for en dancesr committee and Barrie Ohi tonal quality and re ve action by legato Cadet Band Much Ilteniion given mute critics It Belle where it was in rai but to siL installed in Belle Theatre Worddrc vAr loses end at er in Int nowncd ithorrdch Weigh hlele Chorus pre iduis raised by toast breeders First tented recital at Central Methodist ayefail or you came on night opt30 Chords Elizabeth St now Central Unil Palm ordered irypoy tortunetellerr ed on Ron 5L Dick Garretts Cso out of Berrte lsir utter charges of pick that Theatre icsture movie oi week was ghting Co tr ergo gist or Er it gt E31 Narratives Imneed Unguerded Wornenetenln Bebe Dro mz in Sirncoe North to heer ltt HOD tau mom or me hiery liner Melton former Prime Minister Gseoiine price rd to 284 gallon of lands Mayor John Oral and Dr Adired Dyer native at 121 Young represented Barrio st Onier Holly imistrl Tow is opening deni tqlilghvrs Amdntion meeiin Resolu st oifice in King Block second floor tion or more is on above Barrie Examiner nt Flight 81W road sisograve eslrian Cadet it Caro noted college nib It rides Dr Ind ire hockey and football AMT suiiomi injur trereton scconvpened by Mr Ind lire its when training Iircrait meshed sir 111 thdequo returned imIn amp Borders Groin lrntiic irom hematite motor tnp through Northern Western Omda heavy on Mandate CNR litterlo Michigan and Ohio too easy test division these days much of it running dullth days over unpaved reeds Ind thIwghBInieiine to lkeslbod bit Bes wowezedldtmervw rear EEE its iii iii rt 32 35 than Grain Settlement Lifts Labors Sights utensleeerrs 37 manr BEAN Ciesriy lir hime must lend the new vs Increase will mime Ind Consumer Attsire with other poopisr will mutt treble Asslyrt serve to tenure hIg As for ths elevator oom Thomson Nm letvia dunsndr by utters mmmguaug oorvmssrron urnm mufflerriboavin mmmmm am dwmlm nut that wont be the end or near Neil Perry THE worm TODAY Gloomy Time 1an Has Strength Marmuurtw$mpm 30ng Btd wowhm In Stormont mg showthstitnunuooorm mendat in the true rears but rniher conventihrm oi turis tin suggestons in the cmdlimion otdoers worth they were with lux stellarme bapetullr with form Ivbddll upon which thI Intents public mulls iIr reairslrt in dermati ing use intervenesor em they braided by letl Minis loo ldIn lhmms argument thet stunner harm is lusti iieditor Vermsvertprsin hen dlers Ind woesmt but ior litter in the Great lake dripping lrsdel Gunners sronr bzic me tun pnrtiu ooud ultimately eotcrulolo twovyess new meizilre buildwork legislation Lprvvldu or remain to crease its the basic imriy wees to $5 trvrn at 13$ Dec starting next Dec lbs of lth mat OM mutewsod pies pull tor by ths envoys NEW mrtisu 4min hsndtlnt ts hsrd work strike with 30 per cert rugs boost It time when initiation lit FM ti red yeer open wide Eatdoor to Ma 16 rubbery inereeees lor other powerhrt intern So too wit the governments Veneouvu Ind Greet utter note ilemmls 1W4 ilit other wsge dernnmh to and mains mockery oi the pins widow nnner sir ior restraint by Can in the lntereste oi ourhtng Million The swmmert seems to be list it has neither the nor the means to enlle eiiectlvo checks Ind betnoes tint solid in dis ptbtic inter4 est truth excessive power oureivoung Man By nonlnowwm use em the day not hull Riel It i1 the psges oilistory electing on usury nrs ehsin limit that he Medea quiet young men noisyeernotue lie came irorn met hert tege itls grantian was Marleer at There on Quewh msnted tho buttto btmierl een mulls Leltsnodim Ind become tins mmdtevvomenlativeonihs Prairies ill emu lliel Ba pisyed tended port in breokktg Hudsons Bey Many moms an the Palms We Riel Jrwss bone in st ntnltm but we educated in Wed Now he hnl tuned logic iii er rnrl was known in be hrdtisnt hut vsln Ind tut sigble gt Neveriluess siren itbecsnre hams that tinneds we blew him to lure over the WW iron the liudsons Bry Corn Isnr Ind meyorl herln rumour the had the Metls settlers mane Ilnnnod Ihd calde tin lAIII Riel to in vestigsleSoitlel Idcomnenied lellI imermed Hells rndwzla me mrve were inr disrnolrrttedyu IdI toot the WWWWI Glutn Ind rsld You so no further its then formed pmtislonslzWetru ment took over Feetcurry mulled the mended ileum Intgovernor from eateries the territory 1112 guitar gr live an no form mo old his demands were practical Ami rensonrhle They were eccopltd by the Mernment when the ec lust tsktover took plsee My 13 the ioiouing year My Until Faiehil Stop iii one big InlIlnirI use the nonwhch surveyors ted to to mull Inlrnoeity in On tsrlo that there we bounty tor his mest Ii use not Ibis to trike his seat In the iiouse oi Commons slilwugh he we oleeled by the voters oi Entren iie spent several in mullMinis in rim Ind then ed to the U5 is went to Essirstchwau in that ltd the rebellion the tattooing you In we hinged Wn touts ltiel sviiirin or heror Perhaps he lllslary lies not derided ytt mlEK OCT 11 EVENTS intiIlirhiueemrmrkes mncre me ihm ml Ind AW Insmum ritiryied re lrerlilll Aeration in Luke Olmlairi is not oilEAItN uurens Psrit ilnresn Theater News Emits NRNWAIL George Snmls is lloumld echoot teacher orlrlnnlly ortoi lionLeIi but resident here ior lg yredrs bll Iodwre so will curly redheired heed ir curving the hopes oi the ND oi telling the Dot 11 mornlent byelectlon Air Semis has one Ichievelgnt to his credtttie bu put the N17 into potilion titre Ernie Exterior in humid Street ilsnie OnlIrIo Telephone 1266537 Second Class histl liegiIiroiiun ill Iber am More polls lusrenteod nlliy mdnys Ind tsurtutory Iloiiders excepted Subscription rstes dsltytbr unler loo weekly Loo yesr ly single copies 15c null hsrrie euro icsri lmcoe County moo ycnr Belsncs oi CsnIdI 100 yesriy All other counlrleluim yesriyz Motor threw oil moo yesriy ieuonri Advertising Iliilru to Queen St West Town 11W old Cathclrl EL Montreni liember oi the Cnnsdisn Prerr snd Audit iiuresu oi Circuit The Csnsdlsn PM it exclue lvsly entitled to ill Ie tor r0 publication at sli watch in mi psper Btrlltnl in it or The Associated Press or iieuier Ind Ilsa thr local news puhitrln srl therein siie Berrie Exsmlner eislms yright in nu ollginel Idver lls us end tiliurlll meterisi on sled by its employees and so DIdtlied In thi nowrnsper Conyritltt nrrirnynn Nuns her mill rrrlrirr it where tor the rst Lime in the history oi the riding ll is cone codedbybolhoilheblhbrw Mill iier that not only does it hm chance but pmme is the party they the to best both the ConserVIthe Ind liberal rnndldstes the Semis is their rosin opposition They base this partly on the set that Semis we the ND csndldnte tn the genersl eloce lion in ms Ind rsn second pro viously unisesrd oi in lhe psrty in stemtent Ind collected over noon votes over 3000 more thsnthe NDP or had over won in the rtdiul And then psrtly on the chen ecter oi the csndldnle genlsi rstner lowkey ior the NW herdwhing nnd pitelm Ind nullknown for sports hes minor hockey reiereei Incl other community Icllvities Despite the highnuklng by his opponents however one would say lhst Send us herd ton shesd oi him to his the rest It oi ell becnuse evenv ih eh he did get em voter in unr um Ml gridtheme inburmuiicllil the winner iermer labor minis lo lerrt Gulnden Then the herds hsd very ViviK esndidsie who dropped eoo votes horn th inst prior election in 1961 Ind wst nearly moo behind the Izooo votes the libesels Ittreclgd in i930 their our in the riding in modern times Granting thrt the Gen servstiver arent going to corne BIBLE THOUGHT ut the words at my mouth lull the ntediistlnn III In hem be stunner in thy sight Lord my strength end my relt dmer Psalm 15 The noel oi ry Irirllnn oveht to he to blelle God deny reii Ind serve othen our tritium Into Is coo votes thet the tremode Ir Gulnden took vSemle rill will have to increase his support ho about It ieut soon votes to like the ridtny And the question bowlnd Where he can do LABORQUIEI its hitmell expresses coo dem tbst he can do ll But he csnt he lilo shout when the sin it come isom lie mentions thet toms Con Iennlive support is coining to him And it his dsim is right he also is much better oi linen scisin with homo outset hell or it raised locally throueh smell conhihntionsr Also he ssye lhst lsbor support is stronger then beiore But in this nue collar isnd Tillie suddenly prosperous centre the ND cant look to the support trorn labor thIt it norrneily rnight eXWi 1rsde Intlonisrn in Cornerle is eruptiontry reversed potth icsliy Not union in lawn is oitt lly Iiiilllled wllh ll not endorsing csodidates candidate is that the EM ill Ind lves oi the eper linkers Ii Dornter the llreelt DOM industry with we employetl will are It the pisnt gates with illrllm But they Ilse are not oin cisiiy endorsing him sod he cant loot to the poweriut beck ing thst him one give the ND is other sittings Then his cnnvssrinl orzsn lsntlon does not nrmenr to be stronz snd intensive Ines cIn vessing is the other trsdiiionel pilslgr micstrgnrm stat ur he me will retsln his e000 votes if lhere the light is hard Ind it he cars manner to gel the voter he needs it wli oroIhy be through In heroic eiiort by GeorgeSemlsn Judgments mm by wiltldut For The lSraelis By JOHN BANle Foreign Alislrs Ausiyst Thomson New service brie is not in the news these days ll events move elsewhere in the lilddie Best to Wm Ethloeis Greece sud why his tummy abandon rnent oi breel by riotid pos ers concerned with other issues intlstion oil resolute this win tor elections my be put at the moon lrreeiis In not re raonding in lbeL must tout way to the nutty enemies still surrounding them Exborlstions to reduce peo rnonl commotion in country utth better than per cent in itetlun and on per cent ei its ns Iionstbudget devoted to the miiitsry Ire siting on dent esrs The everprim ihmt el terrorism either the hind that come over the border in tits north between 13ml Ind Abs non or the more unexpected kind In the motor nirports is now considered part or tile like urban crime in the Unlled Stiles There is the aroulnr but rarely publicly expreseedreunt mentvustnrt the weilsmenlnz Jewish visitors irorn oversees iuil oi toihuslsrn in insert rtsnd but who not Irtund to don unliorrn or shore the dangers oi the shooqu llr it could ell he venous iorm oi hatue istigue irom muzzle whlcll huluted not thelix years oi Second World wsr but quarter century spanning lhe llvrs or ihree goaerstlonr cl lo reelis old sod isms Itrsrnr runner Apathy shoot the next conflict could be Is rite locri oblerver hss willed the only wsy to prepare Ind keep motel hel ence it end when it comes But were all the chnnge ln Iiiiiude no longer hidden in re oi the everlrenl thresi trilrcts the Mutton to had Ind military leaders in the You Kippur lll oi nor ego There had been In in iIlidbtllty About pollllcll Ind military lendth which the irreelh Justifishly did not eel they had to retort This we reA iieeted in the mood oi the press the quick repoe to iorelm erit it who sold the odds worst building in timer end their skill using it Among Is reele many Arab uetzhborrm The emly looses in October 1m especially inihe sir nodf dunxdhe tsnir mrinrs Ilonl the isrseiirsyrlsn trout hnvrool been publicized by Israel Untiloe Ines there were ne Ibow the created Ill major tics or vsrlous kinds or captured Sostet alum msde Itlllahllla Emits1 end Sydsns And during the will rounds oi dLmtsslonbymerld oil producing Ind use With tries InIiniy in the us It the Innusl meetian oi the WI bank Areh eeentntlves Ire not expressing hetr stress leel torts sgsinst iIrIett ex pnnsloulsm in soy volatile war Their Intide opposition to Israel has been vlowed on wenilul pert oi discussions Ind bugterm possibilities to oil rtow continuity totbe Western inatrtriei nstions MimAiW STILL ALERT Undoubtedly the nrrned term Iresr Ilert ever the slr tom siting tor its Irwin bitch USrel tighterhlll srnvy to the out rive ueiusl Syrian lnlrlulensiiol there Ire restrict by the Golan IIthlI oesnsei or hevobeen ro iar All in oil its so uncery and gloomy time or the israelis echo Ire supposed to remain content lhsl the liltslnm Int pole sorting oi earlier this year will krcp the pence tn the or norm no one csrl be one or armhint sad the Tel Aiiv outntneoueettnowsu hr huddle East