Ise down org Ill DIE lion lt5 AMI too Ill Oil oIo all ms we ml 61 an wt III MI Olo tor Io II at II II gr is lt33 gt gggi gEIEEIE I3 AUCTION SALES olmuuo Ministry of Natural Resources AWMN BALE Il ovum WASAOA BEA PROVINGAL PARK 0n FRIDAY OCIDBDI ll Ml modem 71 MUNICIPAL 01 hlUSKOKA TondcrNo lilMllii SUPPLY OF TRUCK TIRES lrndcrs on Iorma low the District villi he xv tho goo DIOR DIET Moborlstulmllollnew ruck tender will he openld tr It in the Dlltrlct lt holidayoomltlteo Doom llld pm on Nrsdoy Mob 1513 1774 tcnderl must ho Iuhmiltod District tender tom EINI marked and atLirtlsed to unirman and ltlomhcrs Dislrlrt Municipality or Musth MUD Cornmiltoc PO Doll lmI Drumlogo Ontlrto NE 100 IWAIIT NATE 511 71 HOMER on TENDERS SALE BY TENDER THE HATER OF THE BANKIIUPNY OF DONALD GmliGE FAIRMAN OF THE QTY OF DAIUUE IN THE DUNN 0F SUIMEI lN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO CARRYING ON 8115le IN PARTNERSHIP WITH AN OTHER UNDER THE NAME 01 WW PAVILION SEALED TENDERS titay MM lho ntoto at Donald Foinrun and Tender minding conldtd MO gt1 wranammtmwmummwmw INDIGO II his attired it ll Gmrtlle SLIM Throw Odor Lu until 300 oclock in tho nttemomxon lthy the 25th vod Oclohcr WI Immuniva he opened Mammode pumtmnolwdlin PAWuleDClIloihml PAIRED N0 mm In WW II MOW clonhou l1ool malt DL5TI1IUTMANAO mumml or Imu momma llUllONlA Dismal on AUCTION SALE mitum timed mum hold cttocll or dual illi all tools autono nod coiled Duidr Wildcat ctr NIT EDS BROWSE OAGNON to he held TIIANXSGlVlNG NON WT it commMina at 1130 thorn located In tho mood commm lty hall HIM No It Strwd rillloo mm onsu HOME soil vaN mm mumm tut Mnel no Glhooso PARCEII N0 21 IL mwlinor mun No mu lwizmvriinor muttermm ml It Thonuan Traitor SKIMAIB All Valued ll T3100 PAIIOEL N0 Small mutational ilactor door loos villiilg 533$ TAMIL N0 hhutong ooIontml rm It 1m 1063 mm Tool ml mnegiiw N0 Union cm MEL desks chain etc mined at $179500 Tender will he am on tho buts not the purchaser hll cled lho aunts and titles lhortlo and no manly or cost on II mod or can hatrwllcd todmrtplm condltlm 1rn slunnrrnaomr Morey miiiIbelarlneullrowmllndllvwblocttotho oval ol tho lnsptclon domiwlllbemtumtdlowhlddcriltholmdorbnot mgd wdilry deposit will ha Iorlelted llolrldstod damages lho udder to tho trulloo it tho bid is withdnwn at only limo by bidder hcloro rllease them the WIN All hld hos accepted the or trill torlrlt his deposit no looted damage It the not mortied or him lho lnulra film the rtlht to rotoct nny or All larder su ltd nolmlthsunctinz tho price oontolnod therein and further the IN wowed the rim to flood the couplets assets in the hands llqnldotor nd IIIIIMI the tlustlo resents too rid lose assets as min NW Imdm lain llatimont to tho client that the run rr will gyfilrmlltlon to the tench yrlce Ill tales ms iimhlo on the Item purchalod Mkm ot the nurthoso by tho successild tenderer that And mutt be by 1100 noon Inlay October 23 ms and by celtllled chtuuo or ush Iho qucluul tcndlrer mall hod hirde responsible tor my to oceanon to tho pmnim rotultlnd from the use oocutr andor removal oI equivalent tron the sold rummage Iurther rtmovo slid auct not later then Noddy ottlcrnent III III lnspIIled at the farm 01 Arthur on ILIL No Whlwhomo uroxllmtc No as on on IIIomrltill III llxloo wiemdm MM Mi 65mm 11 norm cIl mm co lion and llotn Gtattredmmmlo cnv IIIOIIIJNIO Oullrlo BIIY LU 09 tables Including tel wagon 106 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAI NOTICES CASH RATES Inmatelmwwdlnmwm load labor Ill COMING EVENTS DISCARD SALE THURSDAY OCT IDTII law to gm AND FRIDAY ocr ttth mm to 51 mmzws rmmnm ctIuncuI corner oI DIM Ind Worthy Std SIT0 RUMMAGE SALE Mmtvflnsn 1m umlurAJn hemM sunImam wankw ram Ego It TI 5i IE is ti xiii at i3 iii ll 13 mp1 Collier street ucw ratiowa 51000 BINGO PJI EVERY THURSDAY ROYAL CANADHN Allt NM ASSOCIATION Iiixh 5L thhovo Nuhrnice amen $200 JACKPOT 60E EVEIW wm Mrnhrmt Count memttt GIIM all g5 got in it 919 553 TREE EARLY BIND GAME AT 1139 PM Ii actollontmunioq llIIl DyllMMM annealAnt AM IGI on ladenhh at New mcnlhu been Iwn nil pollLiul Whlhlbaoethatllliil Etnhrlnglmr mud mam on om keel The lung oi Rodents Ins tomsan the distilled labor mime Ihm Prime Illnlxt Norman Kirk dlcd it the up at at tailoring heart lclmre ht unit in stature and mmltly no PM no dominated the the trlcnltiltoitlooknlltmtn Into to that no otter Incm be at the uhlmthadrury strong hue the plume The Labor It Partin mt ram fiance Minute VILIIJC 211mi Radial LI Itrn In In Liar Elli Ibo had mo tho isle prime mestut drool Iris int monument us thl ha would give herond sitar llcrl to cernatic Mum The limit print with Isir mlIorrd In manqu Icr his mule at dam pmtlnu lutum ty More rutrrlnl tlu Iie dumb himarll more mmdn in out toa than norm Intmom oI Eraamount mI Jmyr 63 tho partyl sputum on my um hum It pant Add lull Elm not munmm tau been armed dam mlnutrr Ind width ol mm LII ud mum mlaill returnth it medal to cell it polity to slronpr alxtl on tanntlca Nu tubal has teen no lnllnllvll althoule gotcm meat spanned contra lhsl Art OfTombstone Carving Changed In Wprkers Life VANWUVm tun hound Ill th year 53m Winn tuba manner bo nnlulututnl tombstones Alt the other vampnice haw all otl ol buslm ol thu cm It didnt In now pmont on cuts the tamI not than Mid Ralph bandit loru doing mom business than one More than em uvw new out into rst Wdllu Noah and Its the East but Ihoywoonl make than FLEA MARKET Pholpston Store Optn days mt mucus saw on CONSIONIIIENT Phone 3222432v Er rl FARMERS MARKET uukuter EL Oppoalto Library 0th Eva Potatoes Illnd Kn ta Sowlnl tllny Girlllmu llohhlra OPEN EVERY IIlllUliDItY MORNING TI FLORISTS EENDIEIS FIJOIIERS It BMGJSL FOWL SUPPER MUTUELS FLOWERS Wednesday Oct 30 gt11 Doyllcld It 530 pm and pm 728156 WWEE 81 UNITED llnltltls rwwnns mm my 5L LRIM only lhono TIEEN mm AUSPIDES UCW CARD 0F THANKS to mmIImZ mm of on MUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Iml DIRECT PHONE 72824 mumIlium and mum on Ivlullita IIIEIIMIII uchan o1 clml In DIMIII mllumnlr unlcn mm In dun to II Ivolrltlsn IIITNI INIAIIMIN summit own no mmilrns tt um run or Insultls we not at wit on word III MIMDIIAM NITIIII Wlll VII II II mu who flaw III Mr citvmn Ind mm CONSIGNIIDNT AUCTION SALE Saturday Oct 12 at 1230 pm Snlo will by mid st tho PAIIK BUILDING In IM VILLAGE OF DEENN Old mi nnlinuo lumlturo such an minim thin the at Ilal tall or lrvcs mwmlnod our NW comer china wobooni or bed roorrl rulto Circa total also clcctric welder vulva nllndsr oiedric teblo cow partial llIt Edy Many more niaccillneous an arm vANolcnooulr Almlonocr nnADlonD uth No Lt It won MINIMUM CUIIIIID ADVIIVI INO amount lllII now uld wIIrIIn div 50 St IIIIIIIMI III wd IanIoIt ms wnucvtln In unlm Mo on word lmrtl Iotll It mum IOIIIIWI not low an Row Mutton ms or or II on to rIMollnlleIl NV IUIII hIIIM Mullth It III II worm Inn IIlut IBBIIVIIIGIL grammar mu II It IM AUCTION SALE Monday Oct 14 all Ill loo IiiithIilaIIIEI Rmiislim std oppolllo mm unmisth ot mndzmthcr cloth MID airman worlollml worn unophom ooh MITtom oukrnntlow we only IANRIYIIEII mm MM mu ltlon only udmmmm thin It leIM III Mtotl Ilatrio saw Ito exercise bl Io Inunvdvullmrmwlnl as it nllIzonlnu lpomtbic tor Amati tau tgmuglg 35 an dry Dull HTOIIN BALL Auctioneer nn No ALLISNN um 801 No ID III DIIICIQN AI WM III vvltl It II rollvunlum IIII INIth Trenton clultm mun DrumIII VIII so Illn lo Itndl Ira IIu IIIan lot Elt Jolt liuott Ion nasr Ilasum cm mumltn rlloIllI mIIII no Im blocks or motto Ww Aggysz on wmiui on podtloncd he mhmuw tn the rst Vntcr Ind lfgm CAIDIdD pour ow lh block nhtla the win ml bndr IM Iotih at loads 01 to miles In at Than mum mutt tLy con mum In all Into the am Allel MUM at rule to 30 kllhcs on noun tho block ms Into In lutulnatlc diurnaler voltiler lhrzo In method to lift was The Ill Ilrll laLn om nut tumour ihc Win name es end manage on Item man Is pixel mt th Hock lhtn It on to 1m und htutinx room than line unlit mum lid mlo bombard the Nut Ink to ID punk OI more hen tile Mohcr cumin the xmril Ia mom tin Item Elan on in wild Tho mini lI column Ior lh to in II Wmtln Nut about Ol Wo turn out In lintTm at 100 Will norm Lid Ralph murder We have make tiltII mmy to Irma owned certainly dont um All the nmkord Io DC We fiz un II no at the Muesl lol om in our llx To donx well with the admit 01 mm tton and tho NWO gum on lho stle DI mu Merits one lush tor norm on hmm IIqu to muk Krlvcs VCJDKI are but the met toriu Ill utility mm r5 twenty mm or mania slid 1hr Kim Mr or Vlmwin health dopmrrm CARE SIMPLIFIED when the Ilium no lct 1qu to the round In con rrcto no now motto one man whh Irma mm coll took utter an ma It would otherwtn tale to men to cm tor It violent with the hi anI that they all into dimalr topple over or Condemns By THE CANADIAN PRESS Tho ltrlIo tho ovrratttdy and tho political IMIIKIEIIDD oltrn parent in urban rclt nowai bromo III toovlstbio In Alrtcvltlo Iilo Lilo Ind Death 01 Canadlon IIIKk Community no social llluly oI tho relo cation block community by Authors Dollid ll Clair moot lnd Dcnntx wuuam ht III II condomnntionol ol IDIIHIIN AtriEllllo not block In elm within the clty at Hall lax inhabth by tom to olpio comprising do Ilml lcs many at whom lrrro de lccndod Irom critters who had movod there cmtury Ill lLI dwelllnxx were located battle the rlty dump and talk road trucks oat acrols the one unpnwd dirt road lowlqu into the em Sorrow lighting and other while rlvlccs wcm conanlctloully absent ltllny ot Its poonlo had little education End In enrcmely low 1mm and mm wcro undrumoyed Tho Iutllors port that do mlto Ill tlaMlItlu many ob noted stron ttnla or com munity nnd tome Matdtnts txnmsed wtlltnctlon with livin Alricltllc not In the midmod the city ol ltnltlnx decided to relocate the Alrlovlllo IIIIIIbIIlIlII and tho dum by Its dun or canto the rublcct ol lludlrt political Encountcrl Ind In ulsh tor lla restdcnts Cinlrlrvxlt nnd linglll ltll tho story 01 the ronununlty mm tl curly mum to tho rcrultl olluloettlon Atrtovlilox 111a Lita Ind built at Condom lllri Continuum Douid II mllmonl null nrnnll Wit IIIIII llIulIlI rural Itll hlrrtlalld and dlvw Canadian Oomtry Pm solID end Wines by Blanche Pownull Garrett houso ol roclprs and now and anotxlotcs About the mill at CanndIIIl Held and Inn em The hook rungca from applcs to zucchini and it turn DD and Illracllu moist miles It pleasure to lot Th author who Yes in lctrrhorough Ont admits to two ahlorblnx lrltrcsil nur lucd our mow thin 25 you ono bclnl old ude end tho olhc tho plants ot Canada No learn that untll about the nllddln of tho Inn eclltury tomatoes wcro consIIlchd pol sonout but boclule they were so colorlld poopt lung thrm In InEIr homes for detonation And nlnedny pitkie mil do tulle nine any to make at the author word lor It Sho tried lholtenlnI the nlconu wortt The roelpcs tlt Into lion and utrnotiel bovrnnrl otluw chutney and re llllm conslrvcs manur indc and mumd lam and Aclllrs and ptlltrs Thry inclu Inch old lnvorllrl ruwberry IIlIImI and Into hln jelly And now cuncocllono web Iorlcot orange MD you uIE Iroznn our lulcd and blendcr Tho excellent blhllolllophy lllts luth mind works as The Cool No Mall or ltlItlD nnu kacry mind Cullen tloll oI ITIIIIIIII Ind Coilertrd Ileclplrl yublllltcd In ill and Ilnmo Oooklnr Scurrtl ot Clllllllld6 Stroll Ullllrd Ohm womm Undw Ou lotto pttolishcd In loos Cnhudlln Country Ilmh rel Ind lIllrl munch inuu Ilfltlll lll Dlltll luau Lulu sud lllrlltrl HI Social Study Social Injustice tlon period end It Just dtdnl hu mud any or mu Wu Oll lik to cm than In ml oo outlive to my thorn Al mull vrnn lrtt with nod seen ma when more we lowly value an monuments that won In IIy cared Ior blow ml tho st or Irquwa roads not deal oI mom to than that no mi here Is that In cairnmi Arts on etha Ll am tntsruted In Hull City It You make good grades at school 30 vanguardM cw 9J Ki dug Innlut We Irbcd the next by mung II all if Igbur lulznxml to In nblnet mm lorr thxl III Klrta luIJrn dulh hat Iloa In to pm lo mmi lion do At Ihz rnlot ms IL Iill drpcml on the or can palm In It endTrude llrU Th ogposillzn Nitnlh lhzl Utu union rattler than lho alcrnment um mania country duriax In ndrninlunllou ctInl mt pcned during It IIII Irv In nhrn Illness low end the vrlmo Inlntster Ip on allIn mm Muldwn Ilery lcadcr the National party nhth Hope In nnscat Lthor out your hat mnlruiod that oodlit well trader It will DANID work last to do win an rtectlonulnnln styb and won llldwn Youre the one we wont osporlally If you leln to go to collegol Vove noticed It Our blast carriers lll item to he aboveaverage students Perhaps Its because In the daily manlgoment ol their routes they toply tha IIEHDDS they learn In the classroom Like arithmetic in making chango and in keeping record of their protita 0r mlyho its because newspaper route mlnngcmont Is just one 01 those things soul stu dent can do well In any tale It your grades are As Ind Bs and you plan to go to college vo want to hear Ironlyou We can show yotholv to build savings account that can be hrlp when you get there Why not get started loday us or sending in tho coupon below There my be It route avallltllln in your neighborhood by calling rrln Eramlnor pop My namoll IPhoniI MIII tot CIRCULATION MANAGER THE BARRIB EXAMINER l6 lIyIiold Strut Bmlo PhonoJTMSl