aca Anacjrsnsnnena Annualn hselvrcrorpels Iw mo owna Hot Do somtmotmoeoenlo IlgnIIIn manI mm In St Gllu AndIcon Gourd on Sunny II VII the Icoond annual church mvleo tor pets In an H0 nd the turn llllod VIII ndulll Ind dllldren urh Michigan Bctnd To Ploy In Bclrri thCert series In lntnrnalloonlly Un Iwnlty IIIohlun Symvhony Band Ihn thlrd 2an lnlh 775 Cellos boom SedanIAN mth nmwuie lion Vkl III had lmrI mombk by tho pndormure folk aw roast Harri Cltholle aunt TM vol Moo haw mox nlu World Anlmnln Day on lrnnlhl tluwamt tho US In mu Jar lrwl lllrkq recon llamnln Ind Polmd the mold ll srmdrony Bond Illdtnd tho III II prIlu lor III perform trom alum oonooserl Unlvait ot llllrhlnn Symphnn BarJIIIo VII the In maria lmlmlly hand on szn matI ulnlvnly throw the Ilriled Salon cull year WA mo III been Inna In long IIIIVII Cumin IIIII Ithmmodc Unooln New Yum Balm Symhany IIIII War Hulk Bushnell Wm In Ilnrtforrl ConnIcIlotl Morm DON IMF1 III Hm nnun mom of FAdlno Art and Artllutn In ochn HlnIhIDeIlwArIIW Icth WIMth In It Gmndul Colleu In BInII 1h oldtlhlon whlch lI open to tho ubllc Ind wlll oontlnm untll Molar II II Autlenn hard oonduded by Rn seem III Ind Archdencon BIIII rm loo Slndnr Iervloe ml laid t2 thatch honor 51 Punch ol AIIIII who med lo Nu InInnII Ind hlrdo Prom thl ehllnrenI potnr Wm In Dotmll lilcm In Olden Ire now Mn lam lor III mlkilnta concert Inlet We Ibo Include the Ndlm Il Arts fault con duclzo by mm Ilnrlo Born Irdt ntumlnl to BIrrlI mgr IIIcIr Pam and MCI Un Inn Imr at In ur world Iwrlnl Elan Wm Ind hlI ore chum mumponry Ilu bond and EIHIII on her nllanIl mood Burt Con unI Coletlnu and Inner lhI dlroetlorl of MI Calm llmed uric Ilentu orb II moo lid 000 IN noun lot conoort IoIIII IIwIII II mu nnrmrvod mt manna1rle III WW nu Imp momma trvln tho oIIIIcIlon at Mr slu Irt Ind hII IIII JIII who IperA moral yrIrI worklnx In OInIdII North Mr stu can pa dogs Ion utlluro1 0th to nu 1n unto new In Ienla ummooa Ill ruine PIO thII lulu no hnId lIIt yenr Il Trlolty llm In lhnlr pet Ind vi try In no God crrIllon We IlIo moltu thus to rmmmtomen lrnmunmoemor Innis chlldron Ir MIN pea on Sundoy Don Stuart nalHam for H1 Inn munenter myd In at II mo vad unk peso Ibo noun ulna thItIomIollulouetII new your older thlI III mall to thorn nwnznnvnn M5pemndmllled Inn lo DIstrlcll Hunlers III mmgmmt To Hold Sljlhlflnl Oct l9 fhbgm 23m nmrin Int bu In drlnuocll Illma nnlM mi Mummlummwm Wag um It the Bank Dlxrlot nun who whn armed Putlelp mlyw IMWII cannervulon Gull Innrammmrm MN Mlloateaunuoounnnolmomnwmng howlbtnlltn are llon Lastly Wm mm For lurthnr Inlormnllon all III our erdInd Ihero I1 mmu Md Bill mm It moon or Red WWIIUIMIIIIMH 19 IntImam NY ma RorIu lilsloocen In I00 mlllllil 7w mgmgrmy we 11 912 but Cluboflldnll mm thIt In W3 Arddem BIIII Inliti IIld thI Imleo Irln ho held II No Igmalll II hIlItIItM Qumran leo win lho nwunnu at nm Ila Shunt armed In monIdIh urnlo look III at inch Iglel rlglwllry lndnrlmnm nlr Stuart Indra IHIIB II hvnnnn Irt II In InItnlctor In mv Inx Ind mIIIII In tho Coll enII Dulrn MIDroutrnont OnslIncallnu Photol lBarri Couple DiSplaY Their Eskimo Art And Artifacts North IMIII South Ind old mm In In Intarerllu ox hlblllon ol Esklrno Irl mo Irt IIIdI annullwa View It gnaw Gallon Ill Bookworm vlTIlI oxhlhltlon IIlIcII nIII rb nln on dIIpIIy In Dolln WWII unlIl Dolohrr 15 III common at Dow no Ill $111an llur Itlnnk Hm Horri who Ioent uvmlmrn In an INoth II mot whzn hell can led In PInlnlrlunx lull IIuInnIhIodlo II mIlutIc Horn luIt mlh of Amlo Clmlo Tho Intro ow mm It the IIIwa to Illlln Iplnnd Natlonol Pork nlr Climax Iolnrd lllo CoIIotlnI Do nn In Family In Womb orplm llvln Imlruolnr Ill IM MIMI rl stunt wu emoloyoo II nuru In IInlnlrlunx Ind IIr stunt wnI Involved In luv momenta Iponroml project to mm mm mullsInna on Ioouenlly morn unoloymonl lor women In the Nnrlh nlr Slmnn Income moo lbtllly wan to Int no ma womjnr Industry tor mlmo women In Ponxnlrtunl task he mmolllned wllll eonrldrr IbII Irlllty When he IlIrted lllI prolerl In Juno 1m lho women now nolnlnlvot wenvlnu llu wholI prowl In honour IheIr tom prehennlou my land nulok ly howot undu Southerner 5mm guldnnce he was born In Toronto and grow up In Port mam wanton they may not Inn been but croflimen they Ilmdy were mnItllll Inclr own clothel utenlIlI tooII Ind wgn no The Pnnznlrulnl womn pro lulled qulrllly Ind man wort rotolvod wldo IcolIIm oulmln III In In Exhlhltlon ol IIn lntrtunx TIpeIlry In onlml In 1m an Input on oulellly when nlr ElnIrl loll rm lIn Enklmo nomen netI Imploooo MllllnI Ind 15 pnrtllnu In the Iter tle Industry Tho SIuIrII Mleronnenul oollrcllon on dIlItIll II lII Collm Include nurrolu ol IInmlrlunr new no Ino eIlry vrrloly ol Ich lrom cnrlbotl Inllu IoInIthnI Ind oolrlllrd wnIII bone IIIllI men orInlI nlnwlnnl In other exlmpluptyldrno Irt MM mnllor In III modln II drawn from the Irtllll Iur roundtnzl Ind Il chnrnctlrlr on by Illrwllolty Inn nownrlul mm MW ON AND OOMOUBINGBAMN Mm MODERN OONDIIIONING BUILDING AND REDUCING EQUIPMENT HYDROTHERAPY WHIRLPOOL EUCALYHUS INHALATOB 1100M HOE DAB SALON HMRDBYEM SUN 300M IBNATB SHOWERS IPBWAm WEB nodule INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL rnoonnmsanmvrsm BY EXPERTS IN mm neu In realm nllh IIiIIr IIvrI Ind Ilu tlzrnrntn mm which they Mum IIAIIPOON TIP Contrulln tho ronlemoul work In Illa Illnw In IhI Irl lIctI old nIrooon tlon IIIII loom Ilnlvol Inn mm IIInu Mr stout lI mnqu of III OnIIlIo Colleao ol Art Ind went lwn you nlnn voltm nun Iludtu In Sundlnolln In November tho Doilrn Alta DooIrtmont ot GeorItIn OoIIeII ntll prourll In nxnlbl tlon ol lIoInan lollr pol lrom tho toIIeotlnn II Don Omar oI Toronto Ilr unmrr IIohnol tenoher Ilooltd llto poll dub In IWMPN portal that room In IInnn All Dorxn Am oxhlblllnnl An open to Ila onbllo II no chu gn 55 ll 5m gell Inll gt no gg Esiglggigg for 33 ne inll IE5 aging Ir Irgvontlon UIKIIMIE It wotn at IPEEEEIE 8le IIY munIII IPA III OIIILII IHulunall tmnr