BARrsHERFERRY Ritesi Brids Mdthr IDesigsfflijrgsses 31793 twomAtJEveriinnwedding vlm at tutu Tho wntotnummtdti Iqaluitla MIMIde tlldrnlrw mun mhm lm Ill Im EXAMINER SATURDAY If this rf 53 gs ti Principal VExploins IntegratedISystom Mord Forth WW Pause Vlrw WI Barttn plalned lho latemtod tnlrm tn ed It Burl my Public School to mad at tho lad ttr Auxiliary in on Hair can at Barrie ng CLUB BEGINS BUSYYEAR the Barrie Mint and um Jouswl be mgr ct Renault ttrmtnvtde Pmlmlnnml Womens Clth Ill be npnsrnlrd III murmur wnlcrrnce on Futon lty lrnrrrty whldt will be hcl at thtl Park on had 71 Mn LIL ll chb delcgatlu Lam mt Irio Above Mn Robert Ay dlllc right tightI the Iod le which mnbolim her My ofce at president lol mm Fm lat Ire Mn Mm WENDYS COLUMN Discovers Easy Way To Meet Neighbors lty wtth tum lbw many nl your neighbor do you lmow It prultalty drpcndt on the nee in your ncihbor1tood nnd how land him beat part dlLllymtllrelnmteuithe new Winkle ltI very pos hmise on the Crunch Ia lntito on utd pl it Ilia hat ytn dont know many was It um Warmtlnbelikem on our Itml but mt any more thank to some at the more cnlrryrlslnl lomfdco 113m at the mat mldtxt that It list tlmo wt Ill knew each atm and lth catno In any the mle to rim patty They mllecibd mm each dlrmor Md Mn UL IIIn Joou Mlldly dim In mt Dttly Bttdlnnr ri tepmldcnr Summer Pl l0 hr It the IitxlllIryI Bah tutti mmy dinner meetltw held It Mlumat am nutday It Forage 1n Iludmt II upodIl mItlott alum Ire uum along with Itudem In SILgnm In some wblodI In on altltlbett dads Ions thats ever been rmdo l7 the Idtloory ommllleo or lrIltt We retarded chlltkcn Mr Fem Mk two ycIr tied to the Simone County Board at Education NW witll lnlo ltI third year Portage whomit nu been hmwwylrloodmdtoldmlm mrym to leave all tho nr m7 Mbm WMi rmmenu to an Irrlnzemmlt lot the Klch gm way we mm pm mer Waterloo Production pre wmmunmm mmuumotilrldltronlho my um Wmn Rad Il mine Clllnl cnttp to do the you they no man lilo Audltorlum on Nov 73 515 pmhhero wllxl he MIVIII mum ca booking ma lrom Nov Mm am imam to Ind the box times will up WM ho IttL 10m Dunlap Street WHVWWMV3 lnmmNWll mains no mo preterm nu notvu rt tho goran who at Iludr the lch was mum llr Fomolt um In Ipu way Mum Men PEOPLE AND PLACES most Luann DOLLS WARDROBE worryguum lha orgtnlacrs Everythlrig VIII RN11 it fut low minutes ornate um go lnz like tmuly motion The rst cw mimics am little had as you dupcratdy tlrylalhirtotsxxndhlnxtnuy to wide sunny but Iv cryme Ind the mnmm hood mi no um till Waring name logs on lt dal take long it was Just ml to 51 to hlt the has Im my poor at rcmnmhcrttz POW anyway bu its ztcn larder la mm iize people what all one Ices its hen siting in cnr JUST AUEAD 0t cosmer long in accrm carwlimrlolncm lain titm know Its nelglt bar and so wave but it at the same car Whom else dont have the Whos be hind lhc heal Th2 Tulan we had chan IN to put bodies mt VOICE to the heads and it was my good nxpcrimar POLLst POlNTERS ll PDLLY CRMIER Dur Pallyl cm mmathlu llh Glndyl time home Irv vadod by llrw blntt nnu We ltIvt had both black Ind red one Ind lhe but Me we Iottnd wt lo use emmno or red pepper Sprinkle whcnnr them no my signs the one not they nil noon crrve Do ttrll about men luckMu DeIr PollyDo tell CItIn Ilia tiny It park out at in bottle to use lwlno Itrlng utth moral knot made on one end one on top or the ollwr unlll the knot good Ilu law tho string ntldt lh bow with knot at lho bottom tum bottle Ipsidp down Io the cork will IIlllnlo the track at tho botlle Ind the knot will be bdtlnd the cork Pull Pmio lhu cork will come tumFlorence ltI not tmmmt ton uh Ilart tinting your lmn krilllkd uld Mb ttrtr hutts Thu Dalian of tho dolt wardrobe Includes My dress mat hrtl sun ruit rind booms To thln lho nullll is illttch Iquaro bhnltct Tram clolhn Ire BRIDGE CLUB NEWS lhn mnmoxlcrI gm wlll scroll third Munro at thI Timlo Dupltcntn Anyonl Inmatle In Iltcndi hrtdpo CM on Oct 10 ohm log the brldps session asked tho cluh mctls at Burton Aim to call Ira Wimp It 118 nun Unltttl hitch Ittdttorltrm tallied with Palm Arir for ll 16 Ind ll Ind mill lo obtaltt tho pattern ulldddmmd stunned at vrlapo to the Home Eternity medium mommmt unneld 51 Barrio mt request pattern Itll Winner at the Thursday mm minim mm nltfyutulan were hr DIl WW mm mm lay and in Wmllterlom pm nupmta little Club llrrl Ev nrtrl Garry Clmdtrtrr Wm yummy mil Int mourn llltlze 5le Ind Jam lthy Ilrm Wltt Con ttnd Elm tum thlrrlt dcr Ind thllttI Smith Iocond Manrlny trait vdnnm were Jenn nod My Mum lhlr Audrey Mum ml Wln kinder Emmott lorry 1mm and led with John Graham In Don Alllntt tlrIlt laI llnller MN Darla Gallon VI In thncilvm muhmnlnllad tclno Iht Alba Inn Altair WEDDING Gums In the city to Ittetpi mung Enron Fury nod Mm Dottrchtr It st 0mm Antlan Clntrch thII ovum mat the bridth rrIndrncther mmhtlqtavm Cmlllhl nl llvxy month one UM Mrl llnrold Barium Kil ohemrt Inn lirtdepnotnn mat MAM Mr And fl Hm mcr Wntorloo lllr MIME Imut sin Dim amtn lIt muslin ol the bridegroom Alli Fran may Mill Ilr Ind Mn Aim cIrntthm Hm lllonlMr Ind Mn William mot ltlchmond 1011 Mr Ind in NINA Wood Amollasb ll Mr and Mn Davis Am cl Mr nod llrr lame Cum lilo Mr Ind Mnt luzk Coch nno uncle Ind Aunt at thI its FEE Thornton Terry Arnold mh the brick who will be mount mica at lhn mmmwdsddst Ittbemt dirt and ttn Arnold Got It complete Dill PlInrtlu Ind Detlnlrtl Senlce Duk Clulrl Flla CIltlnelI TIblrI Olllco Emmett WHITFIELD OFFICE OUTFITIEIIS 19 Dunlap SI Hmlo Irvine tor rst ue ml mutt llmlmtt month awhmmx Graham mlJohnllIulImd Mitt ltmdl Ind arm Gollltu rod VI NI tritium ANN LANDERS Recipe Preserves Happy Husband Frtvult Adams Drar Arm tandem re dswucy sllr mt St Andmtvs Pmsbylcrtan Inltllukt carnation with In omn wired cookbook lmInmmrhex lint mnt 121 match mod the setting We how gt tTtlllwn ssnrttwd 1L had WW for hm parlor of time an mm Mm mm mm nnpgmms mm mm pm the best oooltI in To add Wm llnvnr am and Doug Fm limit rtonrtengtn ting mm mm tty Inmrilc mapc msnrtnkte gencrntnty with pran govtn ol Ehlllm in shades of dnsod and hapemi vtlll prnitnnd unwrap To molt exchanged Wits pink and sum and mrsage iL it call ow to km The poorest Ipodrmt may he 11 rings More REL tar pig nnn white to etaIa imam lmprmui ll you allow them In she her unscinhrc no use can my srtttilom ml will keep for All bcb vsnzcmmztadssftn gride is up doughlcr all pm we hwww umber of yon In it arallranlF It it $23M and mun ma net and lailda on empire son or Mr and Mrs Douglas mkksstv It may lines The dress natural bibr TM Chalk mm mp nm from arid high coler ot la for wedding mp may the Dont pt In hot Valor This mu on mam will hand cl three runs bnde donned burgundy my intakes llwm ltzm sour in mm lace on the 51m ord iu bel suil 5mm mum and mochqu 1mm mmmdmm um sleeves Heroic Icallttg the bride pm t1ll patience Itll varieties Muml Km ttnr chrpo ILIlflh wil passcncd her Ixmquc whcr mat respond mu mm mm trimmed HLII Valt in rm and am Mrs Jackson my 33 Tu Imum wonrlmlul witCum held in place With tritiu pclztll had Ltaulltxi mm ed flowers She carried bou or for the happy occasion quct of while and pink 115 OHMtout guests vim mm es and babys hrrath stnxg mnptiui llcnlruwl at at her Dom tutor run he Tururttu anihuu and tongstM primrose yellow mlnstvnv patycswr knit gown with The nmlymls put be rusttt dramd bodlto rm higlt mllul Don Mills minute and white picture 77777 Ital WIIII lam trim matching hut gutm Shh tarrtLd bouquc of white nhnsta duties and ylllrtw to rmrr IN man was Jtrin Lance rl llsttrs ware Eduard Fr Itrulwr uI lltv zrmm ntnt ynu thitrunwin thr tr Book Eath for Christmas Portraits TrwlrI SHEERS lll wldI leltod lupply YImdyl nourtrttntrs $2549 yd 98 fntnplrn 533 yd Comm ll PlAIDS 109 Acryllc IIthII WM 45 writ BROADCLOTH FInItl guullly AIIortI colon yd If Comm ll BUFFET SPECIAL SEATINGS 400 PM 630 PM NOTTAWASAGA INN HWY 89 ALLISTON 4539575 PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS tr Mimi inurnnxtt ru lil 4H