Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1974, p. 5

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Elmvale Horse Show llimongF Features DISTRICT NEWS mm Damum mammarmn nmsrocmatxlrrr mwhmkww huuwdnrdgd is Golfer Iim Mitchell Wins Moonstone E5 hf vi tr at It oi NOIIAWASAGA DEPUTY reeva Dirt McQueen tall disaster ms budget pray pectstnr Simon district health mil with item Edgar mule 311mm i813 Ai lbougb the ehntar wont be made until lInunry Iltcr con log municipal clectlnoc than already is considerrbie interest shown in minty circles concern ing prospects tor in erden Reeve Ddgrr orrrle ot Nolta wasagr tormcr chairman at roads and Reeve Orville liiub es at West Grilllmbury chair man oi nuance In moo those rIid to be considering lc din ros ahuLplMpeh Mil PM tmuy mentioned are Rm lion Stanton oi Orith township ltenve ingrtun Amos pl linden is Ind Rceve ii Petr 0n hm oi Slayncr Reeve Carl Don In Ind Deputy Reeve Alan Johnston ol VesprI Ilsa bIrI been Irnong other trtqucntly nIrned Slim It is not considered good policy in prospective wan dens to do none has announ ced be Is cIndIdale The che lcvlstobumadabylhelm come council which wont be known until alter municipal el cctions on December LVNlSFiL REXIVE Reeve George button at innlr til is maddered as one ol the roost capable prospects but it is not loo pitch that rcpresenullv es oi the larger municipalities are chosen it was abovra by review at past records train it is the largest tax contrith ter in county colch out oi Its member municipalities Room in ms at Tenan Icih also has it mentioned Ii various times its has been chllrmlm ol the busy social rer vleos committee curing the past two years and Ilso recreiIry oi the nccinn Agricultural Socie ty tor 25 years Roam Amos oi lilrdontn lust New Drug Benefit Plan Is ExplainedBy Evans ll ARTHUR EVANS hlPP Blmcoe Centre The Ontario 15mm drug bendlt pun pm vldulnrgeaunbcroi plenn limited budgets with cutn tiai medication they in The plan will do Iiovv pol tr who Ire mnlntllncd on expensive drug therapy to remain It home rather than in In institution Roth quality Ind prim oi the drugs have been standardized to citrum Willid tor both the recip ient and the tl Present estimations Indicate that 04500 min across the province will be served by the Ontario Drug Retrofit Plan Slnce the the Mom mmy Illnesqu regardln various prob lvsm encountered constit trintr Thactore like to take this opportunity to clarity In mlwndcnterxllngv or dilillt cuties ttlidll up poope are Mo to benellt ilvm ilh MW drug plan Fnrnrly luneilts Allowance lwpknil Fodqu Guaranteed income Svalcmcnt recipients Special bmtllla indolent pip who are over to yum age with yoan rundan In Canals the lost our having brcn rpcnt in Ontario Those who receive this ilmiiy member at the ames mith alter government rel quest tor cutout Reeve erm is considered to be one smiled rben naked be Inten tied to be undidtn or 1715 warderxhlp lie is currently chairman of road where his ollnrts have been commended The uednnle new is herring his sixth var as bud at the caused and previously was de puty ior lour Ind eoimctllar tor our minus on In cw Reeve Amos when Ist ed ll he were interested in the wlldensttip liu said in would make definite Imam shout bidpill tenths tom inf election inter There could be contest or teens in Alcdonlr be said ltreve Amos urocccdcd lornrrr warden Dalian Jcrrnc Is head oi Ibo township cu ibeputy Reeve Don Woodrow has been the other county rcpcseaiIllve for the pat tire years Rccue orhm oi Stayncr also was noncornmlltrl when used it he would let his name stand or the wardensblp ills Itrnng opposition in regions govern meat and the Itress be has gIv en lo thcrlrhtr ol rntcpayvn have lrrquently received Iiten than in minty circles Asked he would be rind lng for reelection in Shyner item ochrn sold he hadnt do cided but nulnily Iddeil Im trying to acne the best Inlcrest oi the reer ls hm done in the past they lcel can be at value to them and they want mc rm will tny to continue servo Reeve curls at Nottauasaga osnt dismissed gliskpllzsu but dawry rears ecu trld he tell his rceve should have an exerllrnt chance at be coming the ms warden Reeve errln is member oi the in benthis allowance will get their dnrg card in the torn at cheque stub each month Thk WWW person rrcciics the gunrnntcod Income supplement or special benets he will be sent cards or the months at Scotemhcr Octtbcr November Ind December Then he will not another series ol cords tor the months at January Mnury limb and April or ms Mitt Anni the dmg cud wil be In the lvrrn niI cirque duh Iiirim to the monthly allowuue When one nccds to have proeui ltn tilled take the drug card with the rosctiptlm and give to your gums llo whl burn the cortiiicote until the cnd oi the month and vrtu tilt in any avidtlmni prescriptions airing that month ivou more however or sth to tha your prcscriton tilled at mother pharmacy during that me month you my tree to do In You simply reclalnr your eertlib cale mm the first pharmacy and take it with you to your new one Under this program most brand drugs wiil not be Ivail Lblc Tbls docs not urenn how evrr that you will receive drugs at lrderlor utility It the drug you moire listcd tn the PAR mbl Comparative Drug Index to interchangeable then put will at the landing proapccts or erdcnr The latter will be chosen It opening Iesslon in January tEhumincr Photo ottawasaga Reeve VIls Warden Prospect Inca committee The last warden iron Noltr wIIIgI was Arnold VInchc who herded the county council in that Reeve urrria wu then deputy mere Deputy Reeve hie Queen Incidentally hulbccn munber oi notinqu inunv dllornontauycmsndira tanner rceve hicdouln tmsblpI lashwtrv dIn en Minn sIrrny who held the title in BM IbliI liefh liugbu oi Wcrt Gwiliirth bury wIs vrIldcn in loss review of Mord showrd the town blstryocr hasnlbId warden since the ottlne was held by George ll Shepherd in harlcs trickling in loss was the last warden from Vespra with last lrornTeannseib was George list to me The lIst treat Essa township was the late Georrze Drvls In mo The present Essa Mite Gear Guerris has been In on one mentioned Is prnr ped inc chairman or finance or appointment to the roar committee next year Wardens during the part decade include Dalton Jermey at illcdonia in 15 llcrb littgh es of West Gwililmhtny George hlcCaguo oi Ailistnn George incline oi Oro Alex hrcAu ley oi FJrnvnir Arnold Vanc in at Nottawasaga George Davis at Essa Rm Sewart oi hrrdlolvl Unyd Pridhsm 0t mnnldtle James WIles oi Tos oronila Indthe loambent Earl Elliott During the last years on Ly ibur town Drugs with two or mum to have been elected warden Ind there have been two lrorn vill ages The others me Ill rc prcsratrllves at township mun lcipollties receive the brand which has the lowest price An cxmoic hi this crn bo scorn in the vannus roprescnlaihcs For Wasaga Tax Ir at PRESIDENT OF the F10 AK IiwliurIl Society Lloyd Diu lqa Ind his wllr ilik over plans tor the coming 19 cr bibitinn which is In be held It Emvnle lIirgrounik on NEW AUDITOM bTROUD sum innisfii Tomsth mural In to decide on which new auditors to hire on ednesdlb Oct Cotmdi recently itcth not to rrhlru nodan who bird worked tor its iio PM me said it is good practice to get new such ling NOT RUNNIND PmETANGUlSIENE Sill Manner Ed Dcsrecheri has decided not to stand tar mt cctlnn In the min town mun Idol clectim ROADS COURSES Environ SM Twig I1 will Ipply tar training courvcs in 1913 in Tvrmtn Colinll at proved Ipmding not to enrol hid subsist in 1de muse ro design were dinl In mm John Goodm tniv in anewch general in cocciion name Coundl will al In new extra harm ed by the two men when they use the me in moot Roads apertuth Make De mpstrr had asked roimntl to the rum Billion HOCKEY EuWAllf Stilt Mg than N0 nym Io Ir registered to play in Elrnvnie minor hockey leagues this to niing Ieosm PARKS PLAN ONLLIA Stall egre llrrtnory maskr plan tor ril liss parts will be the Iuhlcct at to meeting an Thurs dny to at the city court cl cbrmbcrs Tho parks and recreation committee will hold the mcotlag beginning It 130 in rviu STAND AGAIN Mayor Vincent llamas has mourned his intention at stun din tor reelection at the caning rnrnrlclpal election Most rumban at tho Prerent council Due Datels Set WASAGA BEMill Slil Due dole or payment at the llnal tax bill on the 1974 town at Vnsagn Bench taxes is Monday Minds Penicillin lnhlas nbl The that mill rate or the town med 5121 Km 10M mun tor public school COST index ranging in price tram 1250 to 31110 per 100 tab munmini For rcparuta rota leis The Drug Quality and Then upwiics Canrmt ttu tor Ontario has lodge that all brands have the exact some quality and im Irpcutlc value Tbcntorv the gov crnnimt will rclzrburse the gbnrmaclst the lowest priced tnlcillin which is iislrd mdicnts on not on the approv ed drug list The ministry at health has been Idvhcd that than cunblnaiibn drugs do not harp as not thm tic vai ue as single prepanton drugs However tin individual humil enls in ruchoornhlnntlon drugs crnubwe obtalnrdcld ring taken Sto ua new or our or doctorI directions Drun prescrlbcd ltnnurh the program will be valid tor no more than three rnonlhs ly Iitcr which time the patient must return to his physician Inr re assessment This lcatiuv is do signal to protect llnrcclplcnt from conilnidng lridrtlriltclyon longterm come at treatment wither consulting his doctor Exceptions will be male horm gr tor ccrtzin lohgtcrm therapy rugs Nay 1a rcsldrnilII ratepayers Ind rm vupovrtccs the rules are tons and now The turn at 3961 ls requir ed or turn nervous name or the couhb 957939 ior tec ondary schools $111905 tor clo rncntary public schools and till 314 lo rnparate schools Mayor Clair Robertson heads the town council which it new completing the ilrsi yvar oi threeyear term SOON Killtllllll MIAMI llllllli lillllll OIIIIZII IIlllIl is agg its PllIIANGUlSiiENE Stall board so 33 or Friday Ind Saturday oi Thanks giving method Dunlrps rim will be with commercial co temns Il exhibits If noon parole on Saluntry will stress the rum color theme Bald colorful llnals than will be berm decorated blades etarm and riding ban sex all Binnie lat ween miter Fm Ilse will be Prank Archer and member his parade cumrrdilee who have MI buy or weeks Iith Irnagments lnchrde Tcro ile hlIan Ind Georrs Allen indoor that will be the rim or show Izslesituro exhibits cult display Ind dinner commemlsl booths HORSE mm GIsses listed or the opening dayI pony show include apple map momma on the line musical risih figure right event piano race potato no es Ind bIlloon race The stem horse show will also lenture Iboamnnsbip on the line mnpctillvn Ind Phi np nee slang with at tire stun planner pole hcnding mrrel race man due and potato spam Canadian Trotting Association Imlncr Photo COUNTY GLIMPSES Ibo are expected In IlI indrrlhrx Reece Lleod Dion m0 mime VALE 1WD ml mks will prevail er the Ir ky rues which are Innoally riandout crime of the 22m vnieuenlnrborseradny lInI Approve illlislon Annexation Plan ALLISION Salt The 00 illlo blimldpal Board roster catiomiorresldminihelt unit acrivr cltlzms housing pro lecltnombetngamwd It the Eimvale Intuition time The twontcrvry hiddh is In bemdylnrmocypnllw HORSE Silo ELWME 31K stem 53 lmid 3333 show It the Elmvde ilil air on Privacy Dd ll EIJIWALEI SHARE EUIWALE lStnltl The iIga Eimvnle will my 632 per cart at minty taxes in Is ms levy accusing in In Is lcssmln table mentor to cotmly courrlciiil 13m Wdus pm mm year in ilgun it wild work out to levy ti $3sz in place at men no this yclfl md lug basis antistatic it my the burn made VLI plmtinc bee by Moore llnrueuliiral Society ii is to this place on Wednesday 06 It Ian when dollndlls will be planted in mi All the pork ower beds CROSSNUNTIW TOHENHAM Stall The Ontario llcstcm Region Cross Oountry Championship Is to be hell on Saturday It the Toticn brun Conscrvaon arcs The ra cu begin at It am RESIGNATION ELWALE Stud Reeve Kcn Knox has resigncd trons the FlosElmvnlo planning board cDJng lack ol time to devote to it Oinmciior Frcd llnrpcll will replace him on the INDUSTRIAL PARK GUTHNE Stnlii Alter last nicks will nittrip proposal to create 36am in dustrsal nest hcru is the hnrxia at the Oro Townspr plain nlng board The plan requires rezoning oi agricultural land as deinhrpcr ls Cornurtibie APPEARING THIS WEEK Fol Chance Dunlap Imllt VIyOurFomnus MlllliMlilli cost loiienharn To Vote On Village Centre mrrmuuu Still The residents or Tlattznaam In to autism with of manually corne tn the village Theiotalwiilbeontheballot in the mclpal eemion Dec ibnbounstdpcoumih ntAd IslaaniicumcdlImelm being asked to plate the ques ion bclora iwnship residents In December ii the public tavern the community one this titre mid tics my chm the mass TONIGHT lIMITED ENGAGEMENT FOR BIG DAYS HUME Clion Tlllnm Daniels Ihd Paulo Prentiss rrrruru AT 7zo use but complete Show is BOX OFFICE OPENS i130 ROXY mcmaultswbyinIIoedal act Dyte Memorial Event maxim Jim Middltnyurnmrnrmm alas name the Jack on tanm kid It the penny gulf war ame pinyin lion Sinner Van Jamison I31 tiflkii in draw in the inn rlp mmctliion Ind the btlcr Im at can play Rial behind the lcldrn were Joe Garry Den Eodor Bill himr lull Lilllmm sun Ny chzd nu DWI Percy llJl Incl Donx knob JIck White Du sum PKcr Lunslde and G017 Steele lens mag othrrs Ibo nude goal drawing Doug Dru presented the in pity bchIlt of tho Dyte tarn lby unity in memory at the lormer Nil Diurr wbotesud den duth llst all In deeply manned Lite Mr Date pinyld Airline hoary in BIrrie bntora going to pro ranks The Doris Tlsbctk mcmtrlli trophy instrument olil be play ed Ihls mung Saturday Ind open ocular ennuvjtioa 81n wtnoc nqu Drlirtry til Burial nun with me Order oonutu curm murmur323 onusrm FL BARBIE 0m 0in um may mu ll pm 7281521 NOW PLAYING SHOWTlME PM THE Moss DARING ROBBERYw EVER Ti IMAGINED THEODD illl vrlmul how at VI in tiniiiiowriousrj um in lusinruil SpocIIl Klddros Matinee Saturday 100 and 230 Sunday 130 rRI5Arsurt Also PLAYING COEUNGWOOD 9332 In JCK NICHOLSON anagram urea3

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