Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1974, p. 13

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frugal swag 69 THE TSMYJIUEIT OlJrla Youth Choir dtrtetcd by Al Greer ran in Mcenlast Il lUIllEL LEEIHII The Ontario Youth Glair nhlth htziul its tuur ot the pm Sept give reimb Ind culling corral last night III Trinity Anglican Chu rch Thu cbvlr has Ilready IIr Itl Ottawa Derp litter and Grammars and the next no ire Ictcrborwgh LlildsyIIDd nally Tumni me the llrst contemporary harmodceol Dunk llolmms lllahe We Jay New In ThlI lrasl It was apparent that this as not usual prvzram nor In this Muai their llcm mun chorotgmup at low ample horn is to years oiIgc th vitality and exciting sound mhenced by mp pitch that was ran treat The 75 value were chasm tn lmm mum totalling l50 Arid the Ontario meh Chou nnl tanned again this rurmner the list in Will and under the direction at Aint Gm hnl twp neck of Intensive ruining bolero mmdm on our night alritlly An GILINIZ The cbol ahi chilies iu Barrie rlrnrnlrrs Th pregnant as vlnsm rum list at 30 tires that the 5m had ceveml during ll training pulod and the ad ccttd pmgrnm vru Inmmcod in nu Intercslinz way by tour coordintor hleud hickn The choir mtg Bachs manu 6le Matt Vi Prllte lard All ye Netlonsf This dil llcult rnrrtala had mm at minimum the whinging IM not quite so emlmlled But lienlty warm Three lJlurgICA pl llntcu were Meal guru The wily owing melodies we re treated in semitlvo way III the harmony thanng ellrttrd subtly tlTInI exdilug Aposuwhie to the Heavenly lioel inkth PM the tint part at the program The 15 voice became double choir and ucetl emu high points In Llrrz mum Foiloutrtg brief luluml kn the Youth Choir btgan with 16th with Centaur Domino by We puma Williams lntrtztdo Three Shakespeare Songs Irm udleontrvlled but 12km Smlill and are num man currmtly on luur Ontario Youth Choir Presents Refreshing Exciting Concert an us pm at 1mm the must latcruiinz total music It Fmdrumr Keeuaydin tor legt mIle ices Cmdlm Nmposu llIrry Freedman ls Iruzucaly listed on mrmethmrgimt the mud try and Knewth is most to intriguHK minimum using the mm at Ontario towns In Ollb way The girl delighted in it and bmugbt scuttlth 01 their own to the tang Aamn VWIIMI in the De ginning concluded the prvgmm it luge work Ind demibd lag Sublet nee ltymhm pm ty voice and mum plten ya lot this composltlcn upuld erred trial soprano with less rate to unphulrc the dignity at the blblleni don mmt at tho beglouhags oi earth charming encore by Mar demand It Temps dc Vim cun pleted preterm Ircsh In spirit and interpretation We look lmvenl in Barrie lo learning the Ontario Youth Chrir next tour Jury Hearstonicting Murder Trial Testimony Drltcllwllnspcclogltan Work lelt or outeta PM Police It Tbranto tcsliilrd Wed nesday in Ontario Supreme Md It llIrrlo that the rule merit he took tram Ted 0buvw rkl accurately mreuhte what the witness told him lnspeclnr Weddell was IIIIlIy In In the murdtr trial oi John lilocrk 52 at Toronto chergcd ullh the Stpl in murder at his wile Jeanine The inel dcnt took place It the placetr college at Curtain Beach In Tilly Township near Midland Mr Obnalvski lesiilied that he bod not told the policeman that Mrs slocek had kissed him several times uhllI dancing Ind nguln at the ilncek rottIge Ind the Iiaiement he gva It Toronto General llorpilai Sept 24 lie also denied laying bu told Mll MmkthItho would drive his car to his collage and return on not to see her lnspcctar Weddell ol the crirru tnal Investigation branch OPP headquarters in Toronto told the court Mr ohnovnlrl had made such rtItrmcntI and under cos examinetlun by drienco counsel Arthur Melpnty he Ilutzd It In my opinion that be Mr nowskit is lying The eight men uni laur an inch oi the Jury nlrn hurl Cart Banning lermer member at the OFF It lllltllnndccad the attainment he look tram hlr MI cell an the morning at Sept 73 In the iiuiemcnt and in open court Mr Muck raid that alter lcatln tlvo cottage where sdvtt nl lrlcnds had gathered he re turntu to his own cottage and got his car llc returned to the ivinlly oi the vital nlrrre the gnihcrlli was and observed his gtti ting into Mr omwslda car llcl allowed the co to the abhor std cottage Ind through the aim uow observed Mr obnourkl and his nllo hissing lie overheard Mr Obnowskl ask his mile to come to bed She relused Ind then asked to he inkrn homru Also in the statement Mr limit said he lotionrd the two to itll cottelt Ind IinI ob served lhrm and overheard their conversation heard lr ulr nowsltl say be vuuld drle his car back and return on loot to keep Mrs ltlncrk eompany At that point Mr Mneelt took hunting lrnllo ram thc ieul box In his ear punctured Mr Oboounkls tires When Mr Obnowrld returned on foot Mr Merck said he glth his wile let him in through the side door Mr Mural laid he waited about live mlnule be ioro entering tbe house and when Ml Obuowihl came lor Ward him in the lltdrtg mum he hit him nilh the 1111 whlzh he was sJll holding and lhcn went into the bedroom and hit his wile From his ruling he no In the cottage when the gutherlng was held laid the people what he had done and uxltrd them to send or an ambulance and the police when the police arrived he tummlcrcd hlmscll willingly During Wednesdays rlttlng the court braid three people who attended the gathering give their rmiicdlons oi the cwnlngs events The court aha heard the its timeny oi the police otliccr uhp lirst Irrilod It the Man cot tIge Iitor the stabbing and the polch ofcer who administer ed tun hreethalyzer test on lir Munch early In the morning oi Sept Both proved he was not intoxicated and had no more to dilllit than the equivalent cl two or three burrs Theodore Morel vlho drove llr obnokai to the Midland OPP achment alter he had been rubbed told the court thIt at no time while he we helping ilr ohnovvtlrl had Mr tllllouu ski Indlealtd that Mrs Macri had also been new BEHEIIRSIIIG Foil DANDELION The childrens Illutlrnl play llnndrllon doesnt open untll Nulcluim but ill llillcs lilll llnyrru are already rrhcltrr Inglrnrd In prrparnllnu lul limiting night llrhearula Ire hung held in the 9an True lllue llull ABOVE Mr Tilli the llllSlliLUln played by John llerlor dealt with complaint rent one nl his my tnmm AT lilGIth Dalian the Daring Aaron Dyck lie happy with tho lll pi tilt rm urrd In hln lcnrroma lion tamin aciutlkamlner Photon Snowmobilers Plan Events 197445 SeoVoyazm Iotnird kid tint in ma thrweiml the mtg New mil It lb 810 Vme whiff slurp arr me dent Bantu tie Vrles 5w ratify lumbar unsum Ken Mm HurvoII Snow mnie Association director Shin In hHKner meld maretor mum Smith men am in Al Harris bylaw Ml Wm llelstzm trail mater 1d MINI In at several Onleriu centres 5W masters lmcminrr Photnt and IVIIV lleury nud gt An emtive math will be held Wedntsdly to pin the tivitice the this mm Anyone melded In onIn the club should klwbtm hlr Mallet It meow EMERGENCY NUMBERS DIM mam my Pellet mun Aublluu emu rum orr rum lira iiurrir Examiner CITY NEWS TIIUMDAY OCNIIEB IIll London per Show Tour Contest Starts Today In The Examiner Budd mm am IS week prulmtloo teddy which will Itatlt WMlPIKI Mm liscmtnta Irwnd Ibo theme Lbndnn Super shew Tour Cen last The grand trim is ldmry trip In luv to inndan VII lintbll Aimnos The trip lntludu return Ilr Iarc ImuTamote lo Auden to two persue air an or outer Importation were In mesa to ltdsin aim to Md on arrival nights lintclass It lrt Immundnlltm Winmtll breakfast every rmmlng get lngc rr party in tendon mtbenhip In union omitin Am thier in one day tlw pay only the milelgo cha reel tllnncn nut Ictwt the Lin No Itanale prize It Inllabic The re Burk mutants will team rpmlal an every week In tlbcLlK Mm rtis They will Ike Inna purple irorn man than It Ire town inIIm In Barrie by ins ting their Idvertmutl in the imam the thorium Its extended cowago etude that god lite All bdrm lbscunt WM The lint page at Irniun ll emI llilildt soul in lotttyx is sup hernia Prams run In Horticulture Competitions Winners vi competition bald by District 16 the Ontario Horticultural Society durlll Its annual contention in limb Wed Icslay here District 16 seniors Class Diaylny or the photographs de pletlng godly projects or Ira tivitice 1st lire Evelyn Morena nl Parry Sound 2ndllrtrlorie licll ol 0m 3rd lleil Caldwell or ore Cohlulnrr design min lowers fruits or wgetnblca rst Allis tnn Horticultural Slxltiy 31d Weed Groungaard oi Oro Int Sr ell oi Gravenhum live to rightinch design us ing lined INLlltd or natural mottriIls lsi Mrs Cartw bcil vi Per Sound Ind ill Willi ol hlaleml 3rd Alllslnn llorllmitural Society Clair ll 011A seniors essay lrt Mary Gould oi Barrie limerick lst Wendy Groun ztlard ol ore hid llelen lied man OI Midland ltd llrla Cnid ncll Ole boukruurlr 15 Mary Could It Barrie and Vi Brown at Blrrle er NIMy Jvlulaon al Midland pictue Doha llroscr at ore tad liartori licil oi 0r Nutty Johnson oi Midland banner ist lls June llllll nl Coillncawd led llelen Rod men It Mldlrnd ling lllerloric ilvll oi Orv Dalia nl II wanton lit Tibia Caldvlell uI Orv 2nd Ethel Lalour pl Parry Sound Dolls bl pt mun lil Mrs Campbell oi PI Sound Dbtrict l5 Juniors Class un der it years souvenir oi sum mr pitture using dried treat ed or InturIl maicrlnlx lst lameln holes at tlluton and llIrt bagel Barrie ant burl Slkblsh bi Allleen dish garden isi Pamela no cl Allisten 2nd Murray Bell ol Ora 3rd Dori Shrhish oi Ailisicn mobile oi blrds or animals III Linda Sheblsh at AllLstcu 2nd Judith AllII litutlzy at in corsagt lsi Judtih Ann llnrlley cl urn 2nd Karen lircth Ir nr Oro 3rd Linda Sllcblsll at Alliston PUllilC iiBerIiY bu Increasing steadily A19 tLl Lnlitx cm muesl of 0mm Ultkulnnl Assumed told Immanuel an dekgxtee lo uuvr District 15 Inauei Imitation til Wedded Mr Buford It on aid III bortlmitnl Maddie vaI ha Iumtd time be Him Ilsa They re the Busch and iv Itsham hortde ceded Elect Directors Distrldldtbhlchzllb titlch below hell it milieu lieu here because lblI t1 Eb Danie 1W We denim ym The wriload II gelling Ir mettle or III dislil til Mar lit 11de uld Ind the this has me lor the rarer line at III district are he said OlIA bu not as sided be on dmilce could be brought IbouL MORE socntm Mr Gsrind menu me societies Iill be lruxd in lure lie IIld be hope the mm on hctlee In Jqu 1975 will be held In Barrie OIIA puidrct Glad Malai ehy It Richmnd illll amid the medalist In once the hunt in the Irltl That in when Olu had mtmbersbh 31 000 and 2M bertltittll md tics Iillaied to Ii Min Meliidty lnld Illa OII merrbcrsbip bu dmtuzxiby atom slate It heyday Ind tall Id tor more men in Join the million Difukt ls coten the In mm Parry Sound to Alllslen it not heard at dimim con sists oi diredor hits Dori wt oi Midland IsaodIiI tireetnn MrI llnrry liollaod oi Allislou run swim hiqu ot rm Sound Ind Mrs lloy Boothby of llmtsnlle mwy Mrs litekiln llbbson at Iliulaod Ind treason Mn Mary Pigeon oi Brmbrlthe Eliect or may GUEST SPEAKER GLADYS MCLATCHY Snowfall Difficult To Determine The Nil died at why Ive nlngs early vet mnwtslt an pow rr lines may not be mad until this waited him Olin owners nmve imm the with Maxim own priced thumb the rum My mi 11 day llme to restore power in the ma oi Perry Sand iiracrbrmv lhutsttk blinku sad It lrsm extent Echelon hits Iilildl non um area must all NIDY the WW ram Ted mun pints relations om lul the Garch Day region It Ontario grin lhe shoalIil on trees with the leaves still an earned trm In be towltd and lube to snap breaking min lines The pavil Itm has investd in man here the allege thtlt uni clon lu puurr lines We hate as way or imning him all the militia pcuu Iullurus ult said Mr John lm Walla on out potmla and pursuit who In his lulu tailing tn Some oi the lulllms are in area when lit nsdvlttts m7 ulitlgt and these may not bt lUtIlltJ nail the mint arriw Ind ind their pow all Mr Johnaan turned that per ram vho hue culture in the alluded ems tlwlrl attempt to it in It er hate freezers An Imthtlieu pl nx indu Icll TIltsdly in the Bnctbtid arm Hydra new Item quJ cheii arms Including limit Staynu FtudIng Ind Owen Sound hem mt tI lb alluded max Mr Johnston dnuibed LR tit uatiun my serious reason lor the pnvm line beier closer to tree now then If balm is thepoic rt selective rang the otr best ear it Is something cant mm fur We cant trim trm am when madly in said ltidm oiiriala eztirmid lhIt It lent mom women initially Inech by the pen lbs The minty at line have been Mural by now but in we when In re cent dining the weir then is no Ily or amusing meg Kaitlin until the molded Ir rue For saidy reasons listed Ilciale advise hmm urn ldmeanbledauttohn all electric milum er email ram 11 use will at Indicate Ibeo pow Ir has been ristmd Separate School Board Sets Pay Rates For Custodians munitions In separate schools in Simcne County will receive $300 room per year and get vhelilnlt pay at live dollar per hour til Jan W75 The revision in the custodian lwnyvar contract uhich begun Jen 1mm varuml Wed nest1y mung hi meeljug or the Shame County Roman Catholic SchIic Sshonl Heard The revision use based no creases In the Toronto Cesium rr liltl index our the past ytar Ind rrmxrnls an Increase ol Iwmxlmetety it per It em last Ru earnings said Trustee Rev Guy llamel ch11 man of the committee which negotiated rilh the interim suucstrd rate oi $15 In hour tor regular perttlrne cu ms nu also Imptrd by the new llumel referred tvihe nee gptiellonl II bulb pleasant and banuoninus LOCAL AND GENERAL CARJIDIISE COLLISION Innislil Tvvlnshlp Polite er looking lo horse In amped tlna llll hit and Na Imi dcnt laul Bill 57 vi Kit otroud was the driver oi In Itrlomoblle invviml in will Inn nith horse about 335 am Thursday Damage to the vehicle he dring was es tintatcd al 500 Illcr the rol lislnn nn Con II It Side ood 20 The horse ran Iuay Ind has not as yrt been located by police BASEMENT FIIIE No estimate of damage has as yet man made alter In early morning tire in home base ment at 39 humid St llIrrie re Chic Don Ktsst said turni ture in the basement Ind rst tlnor um destroyed by lire smoke and water There uIs ex ttnslvq tire damage to the haw meat apartment There was no one In the basement or on the Ilrst Iiwr oi the building tath the lire broke out Perseus liv In In apartments an the second Ind third oor escaped Vtitll out Inlury Celts ol the III has not yet been dctcrmillcd TYlElllIITEH SHEEN Citm Milne custodian at the Simeoe 0nme board at Eritrea lien 99 nrrll Leno reported the run oI tron typewriter to llarrle Pvllcn ninesday The machine Ipmntly not taken sometime durln the last neck itiKEATlIDl CIMLLIINGIL Inabill Townnhlp 11ch Goorgu man has diallemod all mil memtm at rmlslil and Fear Touer lo Solo him In ulkrnthon In full um tor the itrurrltwr community centre The blkchon Is to be held nnbatuniuy on to Mr nur lon will he pillla to complete thv Ellmile mule MUDDMGE SAL Mr Jerk lchlnsun lull wrurnc rummage talc cl gwd used LIMIIIIIS null Illitlc at runny Anglican Lhuxrh parish hall tram 930 to II Im Friday PET SERVICE Barrie Ind Inn rcsltlcllls hrt Ilwllttl to bring their DH I0 special service at St ills Lhu lTIt tills Sillitlil at pin ThIS ill be the 5mm annual scr vim in which the various pets are blessed it is held In con Junction with the cast at St hands and vliii be led by Archdcumn Lin ell Tunis The lpik mass group lrdm Si Mary Clillrtll ulll Ilng It the sen Ice Persons oi Ill denominat lons Irn inviicd Ind lay lytv It pet may be brought long ll ran be tootmiled by the ownvr ANIMAL CAI Princlpab at artwork in Sim we ommty are being Inked to appoint perm Irpm their respective sthwl tn Id liaison boltan tho stwa Ind tbc nlmal curb committee Th animal care rum ke loin vntcrc at the we County lloanl pl Ethtullcn and the Situtoe County Roman Catholic Stpalaie szhoci Board has been Itlmlll to Natalm with the An Intelt for Research Act uhich requires Iny Institution trotphi lire llllmlls for study in cre ate such committee PROVINCIAL COURT Burrs humr nvrrrr mo Sentencing at Pusan ilian lilt UrliIII was rcm andcd In prnvineiel court It llarrlv Wednesday nllrr he pleaded guilty to lhelt over 300 lie to appear to prev Inclnl wait in Orlilla Oct 15 nttcr preparatiuu pt pitlt5ch lencc rrpvri than was told Vl nn was an employee at liar rlc lluulbln Iltd Electrical ppy Co bill 150 Victoria Vlllcn the store manager Ilcrt ed police July 25 Iiirr he be came suspicious about bund at topper pipe that had been put In th urea place Vlvlun was later teen puttlng the tttppcr Into his car Upon humiliation police iolIllrd ll ms in his mrsclslon It IINttt mu Court vaI told all at the Item am rrrutmd ex ccpl lur about $300 Vlonh or mul Till installed In Vivians rrslt drnce ABSOLUTE DISCHARGE Brim stiller 31 or Oshawa uas given absolute discharge in provincial court at Barrie Wed nesday Iitrr he pleaded not guilty in sensing disturbance try ilshtiru wart was told Mil Icr was involved In light July outside the Simon lloi cl about 130 Inn Miller raid he hit the hotel beverage royal Iitrr unknown persons had luv uullcd hinuell Ind his rider lln ald tan or litre puith IIIth lighting with him when henna notildl title hotel lla Ml wean ryiagtn roe tecthlmsrtl

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