Publishacl by Canadian Nnxpapm Complny Llrnilcd menu 51 WIIII Editor Emerita WISE annuu at Blrrll Ontario Robb FuhlichorvGIMrIl Manager Nanxhav Manning Idltol It Int PAGE Qullook For Taxpayers Would Justin Concern Prcpcrty ratepayers have good reason tmmrciuSy note the wamnz oi the provincial treasurer John While that vtfhey will be lacing heavier taxes in thc dim 11 White morninan rpecIIicolly the xcmtscltlemenu with the prov new hospital workers which lrwloved pay boosts mid to mange im 34 to 75 per rcpt Along with montage costs he said ltcond boost hospital expenses by hi abtlon dollars ior the rm oi this year through 1915 wos med this will mean somewhat or tax rates next year because the err mgr bill willrcducc tbu provincial money available ior municipalities aid schoo boards it was estimated that this years pro rhtcial assistance tomunlclpaiitlcs and new will run 52400000900 rcprc renting an incmse oi 142 prr cent ovcr 191 This money of course also is pro ivided by taxpayers irom other Hull pro perty law They have brcn brarirr in creased burdem with the govemmcnt tax rovmua up by it per em but it was warnrd lint government spending is in wslng even IasAer The move towsm rrgional governmcnt also cost the provincial iaxoayers ancher $25 trillion in rpecal gmnis given to help these reformed adminstrntimt trv and Md down the pronerty tax thermos which resulted in their areas irom this DOWN MEMORY Linn 70 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barri Northern Advance Sept 24 04 Board oi Irldc cllort ruccesviul In geitin addcd gervIce tor Barrie now that rand Trunlr northbound midnight express now malt train Delegrtnn lrom Town Council called on Semtur Gowan rc getting Canadian Pacific Itnll way into Barrie President Sir Thomas Shaughnessy Italed that he was most anxious ior new line irom Toronto to Sudbur to touch this community and would nstruct civil engineer to do their bcgtovcrcome gradcpmblcm The Great Vhitcliiahalmlr wercpt Grand Opera Ilouse Monday cvenlngior dem onstratiiins an occult phenomena and int world Report meagre here ut progress at ituulanerancsc war in Far East Work started on new James Bay Ital aLwhlch will cut across Ontario east at ire Simcoc through Bcaverton to lVIrhIgo where it will cross Grand irunlrilno Thirtylive entth teacherr enrolled at Barrie lilo dcl hool under Princile Haliott Barrie badly in need at more police prolt tectlon Six hotels burglarlzcd Sunday night by gdng and It the Queens Mun nger Dan Lcltoy was heldat point oi rd volvcr 0n wooircnd Barrio was In holiday mood and militia gtttrc as 85th ilcglmcnt Simcoc Foresters entertained mum myme CANADAS STORY government sponmred achemo all rem ham12 Extension oi diliercnt mlnlstcries also rbould be considered on the basis oi whe lhcr taxpayers generally benet nnce it Lt Idding to thcir burdens Iue mentIiI governments introduc tion oia land speculation tax last spring also is likely to rrccivc mixed recept ton it has bccn praised by politlcans but the Land Speculation Tax Act to be real Istic is another in to add to property owners wore The extcnt oi the present inheritance tax is gencnvv not realized by rmnv panopie and they become involved and then most at them are Imued It how It bites into legacies The federal governments capilsi gains in implemented just little over cou ne oi yms ago also has an impact in brvord WIlli manv realize Some icel aso lhrc It trndncy lo turd too many taslr iorce studies and reports at considerable expcme ron lendnz the monev would he better rnenl on dtrrot action In combttlng pollution ant prerervlng the environment The great increase In government tax spendng and rrcord tax burdrns would indicate that the time is well nrt due to in 71vch to omnre to protect their bar W3 mimt the crowing tide ri privil cd grcupt who lec it is ihcr rig to 1mm rn the neoplc who have to tool the bills lot It all the 57th Regiment oi Canada Peterbore ough Rangrrrt Major Thomas Rogers is mart unhappy however in the Unlrn Jack has been missing irom his iircoolo ever since Canadian timer urged by Ottawn to nice hogs lor export VuA Pro Boys BlllIll young athletic lawyer and hockey itar tram 0r goode Hall mIdc aplcndid rhowinr at international lawn lcnnls tournament held atNiigIrI Falls NntDymentI horse Fort Hunter which hu been dov ing to wall on Conicts and American traclu this year pulled up lame It Sam togI NY and ha been rclircd to Brookdaie stable Farmtn Barrie Clarence Bothwcn oi Barrie washeld up and robbed late at night in Brndiord Peterborough hangerr had lino time in Barrie but that report about looting at stores is rerndalously untrue Ind rhould call ior libel and gilndor action The scatterbraincd idiot who rtgrlcd that rtoryiollowcd by writing no doubt Ill rtrong strain at Fenian blood and right at men in red coats lr gait Ind worm wood From Altnndalo Ward oi Barrie came complaints about races bones and bicycles on Essa Roadat night and loud proinnc language accom pnn ingthc mwdyigrn Town Coun cil eolded to have rldcwalks constructed on gowan Ind WiliiIm Six In AIlIudaie Wdi arm Real Estate Anmeladon in lillt lie pylclgrvir The FurhTrade Once Kept Cc1nada Alive Br IlOll BOWMAN NULBESLNESE There daya when there it so much outcry about the killing ct itchy cells It may be Mkin to miw that Canndal originI dndopmmt depmdcd on tho iur llndc The early Engiiah mi Frmch expnrerr Cabot Cutler Ind ohcrr were roIrchlng tor tho Ihort NIIII irom Europa to All or hoping to ilnd gold and dia monda ltcwltI were disappointing and development er delayed until lit in the ioth century when Europe and Arts becImc very inhion conscious lien IlIltd to wear clothe trimmed to Baynrid Street llarAe OniIrio Telephone mam Srcbnd CtIsr Mail IIJllrutlrnl II Iber MM ItIurn POJIIKI guaranteed Daily uudm and Statutory lloitdcve excepted Subscription ratcl daily by carrier We weekly trio year ly SIngIV coplcl the By mnII Barrie rum yearly Simone Counll Wm yearly IInIgnre oi CanIdI mm yrIrty All other countrch turn yearly htotcr throw oil moo yrIriy Urihnrl AvIVtrllxng mum on Queen St WHI Iornnlo lot 17W Cathcar EL Montreal liemhcr ol thr Cnnluign Prerr Ind Audit Uurcau oi Ctrculr tlonr Thu Canadian Pm ir excius IVcly entitled to the mo tor rov publication at all nnwr dilpllch in this our credited to it or The Aiiannted Press or eulur Ind airn rbr local rint publiab rd therein The limit Examiner claims yright in all orlgInII adver tis ng and idliorlni rnIirrIai cro nirtl by It emplnvres and prdnccd in 1th nrwrquer Copyright lirnvrtnunn Nurn NV Tliilld rrulllri dI withiur and it was known that there waI In abundance in Cri rda So the French got native In the iur lrrde ln Eulem Can ndil Cbanvpictn Ind Id Col ieaguea wars the original ner muiont huiklcra Thcn Drclcnd got Into the Ir tlvlty lirng the creation oi tho liudsmg Bay Compnny The nzme was true oi the West Nathng hppcncd on the Pacic coast until CLFIEIJI Cook rIII hit prionni In I77 IIo dibd before geiln knelt to Ilrll nIn lrat hi1 dI es hold the nbundanco nl cator md oihsr turn that coud be oh tntncd tram the Infant This led to iur IIIIII to tho went cont oi Vrncouvor irnml ether arrived there and tho lurrnarhng rlvnry almost WE WIINT YOUR OPINION Ilir Examiner Intlien can trlbnilonr In it Leltcrl In the Editor at In It lgttcrr Ihottid be rrrtrtctrd In 100 In 450 worda and they mint ba Iignrd or Ibr will niit be pillilhlrnl llrllrrr IIIIIIIIiI ciurla their Idilrmra and we rhnnn llllmlllll run name may ho uied ii regurrtrd cIured war between Britain and Spain rhr wert pout iur went to China tor the most part and lrbdc was proiliabls hieam built ship at ricotta Ind it railed ior China with cargo ct lung on Sept line That waa the beginning oi the dcvrlcpmrni oi tho Pariiic court In tho mtlme iurtru dm were emailing the corn nant irom the Allunlle in the Pacific and they wcrn the 2x piorcrr who opened Canada MIIBIE SIJI EVEN im XtlbdiIIun nailed irnm New England to rupture PM oi Canada 11 cry llillirst Sehlrk ceilieri It nvod gt lludron 3w illsQuebec became capital at Cnnadn tut6000 sheep award Elbow ILVcr to Cnlgury tillDimming to Itlhhridgu llnllway was opened rmAroh bridge wu opened om Nlngm litter IIIilW Glbzon ew his own rrrplrno It Victoria mo Clttltta Britain and us um lglbllthl lmirlma Minister DI lcnixtltcr rch Garden oil mt Provincer at Ottawa mllllillilIIl 33 ca Aggro on iii cg light underm between Hm um and add no Mary tor Iccla devrroment Irad vxiotu group whount mow nd better day organic and door can calm Maxim In no high that ct Night Work Has tun Hardest lob mm decision bow tarlo go lozlzy it Iimply mnt put up tho rrmcy for lullnoale unl wnl program nut roomy tr rIIl ilhue to do more Ind rncrr And madaywoprdoeblyliliaou univa pewn Been Killing For Many Employees In Alberta muomv icin 1b xtLbnmw Lanny agnz msvuzrrm Role For Business InCities Growth Ir VINCENT EGAN Iiitam Laminar Altair AnIIyrt Thomca ler Irrrlre The Wood Slater hr the old as Iriablahcd porrrcncnt inat ing crtaia on exrthtba decay oi ttl ciLaa To our ririghbbrn Cdudlm citirr appear to ba mmptu that all the world Ihouid toiaw What bringl thil to mind It glowing grtlcc about Toronto in the current mun ci Fortune magarnr that II to Us hurt renmrn Doom mod to be to iur buiir or spcrdng NonI to barchall lInI Ihn Irtlclg conclude that To ronto II on at the law cities at thI world that can be aude ll greatcithcugh come at it moiedu could ha IppicJ Iurt well to other Cancdian cliiu an my Fortune reader who intends to more to Toronto would do well to umder tho other ride ot tho picture OIIDWIII OUTMWED Home at moa prdiemr were outlined to the recent In nugl oonicrmce ol the canrdirn Juz rzd his term as CllbA peildeni lip cited th interimca at relarrn city coundl ibgw den rpetlIllntererl group rod pluralxi who have no alike in tho drvelwmem over whim they examine veto power miccoirkrnllon he duimsu blocking ubIlllon north of munch activity and causing the city to tote tax rev cnuca cl lilmilicn to tlbomll lien or ycar Ccrtrlliv no municipality should glve mleatuta davel operl trrn hznd ma exInt pic oi uncontmlind develop rrcnl cm iound Ill Incorr Conndr But reIlestlte devutperl are by no meanrtba only rpeclnl trnrrcst grub tint rught to be contmled Yet in Thumb It most any rpecinintcrerl group erawith the right combiner ci mullt giugnm and demon ItrIthontrbct Mal prlvl lcgcr irorn city round thri hIs wrn IlncII ostenta tiouxiy in bnnner oi roiorm Thur hundreda at people are Iilnrvrd to have homes on pub Ignoring Width INTERPRETING THENIIWS lax brtan llIgrA whohoa noin long alter lhehioaxea have exvtrrd TrIllic irprn well or bocked by pctlvora oi lie restrictions And new bu comic lira Ira planm cnnod lnI large central am tins numb In lu1ihrrrastrig ILSnIIy be to ownms ct exislng downtown buildicga Could it be that Toronto leading the way back lo the bad old dry when only there his belonged to the ght lodge or club were tamed by munici phi oiilctnar possibility Does it meanthzi other Cana diancltlor will hit into the rIdc headed by the bertng bu iu oi thin cityr muted rel merit Another poartbllliycs pcdaiiy II the probe Irons For tune and similar rogue is no rm normally There II Indeed roecial and piccsant uallty to tile in most oi our rit Hut tho good ihingrct thou etiiu represent the metal capttnl mod on to in through the In urtry oi ear licr grnrrrllona It rhould not be murdered bedonlstloally graveyard Ibltt bar bemdcnd log can rent Alberta to the grove Anirvqy hIs land that the upon to be none in Alarta than in other partI oi in Mary and action ta bcbg takm by labor rcups the labor Ale Ind to Lbs IihlIUcn ThI IxtInt oi the problem came to light on Aug and Aug in two southern Athena cities it mitt rout Brventeenyeamld Pctrr Van and was worth the over nim or gravay rhdt It In nJoicht gaI nation to Medlan rm tic was hzotcn to deIth by assailant who got rroo tron thr uu The next cigb twc men drovavup to Euldcrva and station in Gallery wblrc io yconold John Dem was on duty Tho boy we onbrd to the chart Ind his throat Wu clashed The assailant got no that rummer nyeIroid mrn waa beaten to drath in robbery II In Ilinlgbt In gtr lion in Edmonton and tho pa vim ynar lbyranold outh wu riiot and killed in Ca guy It ii In at In allrnight grocery Morn Police IRut talking about my connection bztwecn tho murderr oven the two within at Itdtiht in August They Itd IMII as tho extrch ct coolin utog ood oi licenlgbt rob lcrie oi retail nick The problem among ctalty Intense In Alberta Po cc department In Toronto WInnI Pct hectic and Vnncouvcr said In IMBNIW that none at Ihctr cities have had btmlctda lntolving latcnight gcrvicr rta ion or gai elation operations in recent memory The provlncor lint murder nt lair night Mail cutlct in UNs Emphasis Shifts To EcOnomic Matters UNITED NATIONS CF Emphula in the Unit Nations tI ghIIlIng immtha pollltlI to thr economic Ind thI process in likely to be micrcm In lltII new tall Iersion oi the General Auranbiy The great EastWell con Irpntntlcns oi the aid vvcr Ire rapidly becomlng thing at tho past because as one diplomat ut It tltcynow are tnorcra Ingly lrrclevInt to the economic prnbicms inning largo pact oi the world Cerium on IIIII devcop nortodicnlly in tho Iecuriiy ttlllnlII but they have honI oi the tin and the drama oi the political clashes utrch grew out rt Iuch worldshutting event the Berlin Blockade the Korean lcfInd nuclear tesIng tn the at Th Gcnervl Aunmbiy dirt cusslonr row lian more and mm to econmiic iuuer oltcn spurred bythc demand ct un derdeveloped und dmioping MDT seeking better rtnndvrd oi living and greater Iliara oi thc worldI wcalh An exsmrta was the rpeclni mum on rm mntcrirlr culled Anothnr exunpla is the op prowhtg world lood conic moo the emphasis United Euler President Ford plnccd on thII in MI Iddrelg to the UN on Wednesday Ford crged thp cotmtrica cl the world to Join In giobni Iirntcgy tor iood and mom wunn that iitlum to cocpcrate on and oil and in ilatbn could spell dimlcr tor everypafion represented in this last iiarch at the behest oi the room dlveloplng countrter The muttler nations ilnaily ovede the objections ot the biggsr in dtutaldiud countries and bi virtue oi their greItcr voting pom Iienmroiiend thrwrh Icrles oi resolutionl calingcn the big pcwcrs to give them greater mooniic help mmWm xmw THE PICK atomlc energy BIBLE THOUGHT rIII lo rrmrmhrrlntl my long In the ntghtx namniune with mine own heart and my Ipiril mnde dllIgenI Ielrch PIIlmr 115 It Ir In the dam oi the hidil llrnl we run have our gcnhl ulIi lllm tIII it Ii vivid it to ni llr Illnrrt nu Ivcrcd mc IiOlTl all nu learn OF PUNCH cmnm mumu Iylltuil malofill It ruled hrrmoniou what the dpichlI call the decolonisation erI line it vir tuItly over That cm which gmurtod lomd oi the great rice plea oi the part at third world countries ought lor the irecing oi cotrniu lInds has been brongh to in rlnre by For tugalr ccticn in deciding to grant tndrpendencc to her Airt cnr counties Only two malor lnuu rcmnln invthat eldthe question oi Rhodesia where lrrge bnctr by lvaI while minority Ind South At rici whim policy oi Imrthctd hnr long been condemned in UN dcbater oi the political org Ilia hr ccn lira develop ment oi grc it not will marattest tween Eui IndWest The 50 viet Union whlch Ihunncd the tomdim oi the old UN pence iorre during the Armlvacll war ol me now gupportl tho new UN amrrgcncy lorro tonncd lay lull to police the ceauilro thll ended the Delo bcr woe ol um The Soviet Union Imdv has hullum Interest in goltlng an nu contingcm the UN pcrce i1 ll wlrn tho moraine mum up or rcamai lutcr IIIII awn ml July 1771 led to the passing cl provincial leglrlItJon uying that buttresses may not hire miner to atoll graveyard ridits Staneld hide But perm trader it my writ thI thin It tbo ermmr pmth direct and coatinuotn arncrvtaton by we The Abrata Federation or in bor tr compladng that not ony ls rbll promion too week but tbnt it la not even rnlcrred It iba mvarnkmbmo lorbld ram up grow Iird chili Hammer in nation and IIllt night groceries an it It dtiiicuit to get anyone crcept your mom to work nob botn DANS DONSIDENED Labor IIInIIler Bert llohol Ind the bond oi industrial rall tiom say thly pnpag to considar dung ranging trcm wnger than is workIrg III to mblllng midnth mam Ittonvyutneala depart mc has taken action in tho lime dGIIIl charging Servlcr tad our oil damn lighting Ibo Alberta him an by nsplortug mm It aga with the dtrcct cupmirion at In aint Ilaxlrmm penalty Is 0000 lice aitgs ya service rtIIIon cp union or unlikg Ezrir own ac tion ailing city council to ban mast overnight gas rtailonopcr Itlcng nod to rcoulrw that lent thm men be an rally at those tint do remain open Thu rcblrm in being traded in torent win by police in Edmonton Ind CalgIry WavI given 1ccrurn Ind remtnan to burirmrmcn both oonwnlcnm Itorer ant cervth ciaions Ind thcyrc ghrping upIaid 511 Chcrllc Rodi thci Edmonton crime prevention II Bul Calgary police who haw been DiliIlInSItll two year tor on exactehango rystcrn It gas abnlvjuid tlrbtor Icwrity nilclghl groocttcs any them outlets arr lust beginning move weve been trying our dam nedest or the past two yam raid Deltas lien Johnson We can only make rugzestions thought Fighting Dissension In The Tory Ranks OTTAWA CPD ItonIId httdils iI determined to iacc down ditscoilon within the Pro grenivo Conrcrvativa party over blr Iuddcn emrrgrnco II the pouedul top Aldo in Opp tlbn Leader Robert stun olilce Ilc cm in is lmdln wartiy In the new Job but doter mlncd to plny In active roi In the upper ranks oi the Con Icrvaum leadera organization li am In Ixtcnsion oi tho leader in his dullnghwtth the cum and the pull Mr liltdito raid in an interview Anything he is involved In Itll lnvolvcdin ltlr Ritchie the Mearoid 1mm executive who abruptly quit NI motor mldcnta lab at lmnMIll OII Ltd int lnounry signed up ar party mrmbcr nnd tell that on his tare In two Ontario riding during the July general election cam Ptn To the dirmIv it come party mnrrvbm IIIi Ritchy now has turned up In Ottawa dexpito the election result lie took ovor as Mr stuuicida principal arristnt inst nwzk Ar ntrstnnilrils renlorl aszistanl he can exert inuencel over who the lender rm and whzt ho deer tie it Mr Struflndl gmemen with the palm and tho itrnomber Cone oeusn and the di rector at withing III in tho icrdrrc nillcc Canwcrvntlvc rcgulnrly lnid tin nnrtv tltril rIrl rm mimmrr Iro bewil mm by the appointrntnt Irrtctedthnt the new kid Ihr block uwld mota thILLy tnio rector post part about 6000 year its IIId the lnItItIon crcnard when Mr Ritchie went beiorn the televiiton camcrur only Iitcr ht appuintmenl gvo view on the riot tho coonmly Tnerc hnrd iceings it about caucus having liliia in whst goes on ths Cam icrmrnt raid Alberta bnrhbenchor Schumnchcr lPalIIrcr rented the reaction in caucus when illicth wu introduced to 1ng by hlr Stnitlield Soms at in thought that iundrolsing coliozeions irom it all compch nuut down ho rad condent htr itltohin ha is mtomcd to ntunglng hcsdlcng into how rituvions llourwr obttnusty have things to learn and will learn all that want added ilr hich had the dubiour rtslinnlon oi losing or twin the July corllm hut in Ontrrto riding oi Wellington when he did not win the rcrvritve rumination Ind in IciidiyUbtrrl Algoma iihce hr was Immocd hv incumbent Liierni Maurice Foster in boh rtdlnci ho ioirht Iuoecuiuily and at consideran extreme to overcome the that he was virtually unknown to the party rich and tile lhn voters And in bath n1ch Im lln tlluleI cltrltm oi hlg rtrtnr ur1 ouuidu paradiute candidate lI