mucArIouALrorILnI lbeeeunehueg or Bert my mhelmnlp NOnWorking Mothers Organize BcLrrie CooperativeiNuISeIYSchool thetldrrnl Ieornln ninth to omlde oert Ihero with other drum bdlm thncnumrytchool tor experience mm tlantosnlagortn LEARN TO BEAR IhxlouI to hem tholr hlldren benet IoclIlly lnIrn vaeclni armament magnum llnd ylncu tor ln cooperat playedml we the ylstheresulrdngrut of VIM Md wwk We reedsed amountemmt Ind jurqu run Ilradfmll It LI mull helpttl to only wtnhxnntopllym the dark WHIme lyr nmtyenxer pmednde theorntlourymot Chmmhllu litrnl sm mm FRIDAY smil ml IAu Imam nu vmmm mumm lo the trIblnod mm IlrI mmwmm on relItlnr EXECUTIVE 2cher re Church earner Cook SM lnxdmder nlIloel mourn PEOPLEAND PLACES muomdumu amt germ Ind nelthbon An Inernotn shower we nut III Arm AND nanmm ammo mm AP 41m 0m oo one or trauma hud SATURDAY NIGHT rmrcnrsr reIlIrlnl JIM PHIIIPPS Coupler Only For thlI numIlom Phone t5 lit all El e5 NEW IN TOWN AndriaIlan which way to turn combo WW0 the AS 01 Youlbe bled you on 55r3ie telling 1231023 In landone The math hue ALI elec ted to neatle which Iorln dn Wredy IIeII pnrllnlx Jan gambk prerl eo MINI Illrte 69mm Ilunrrr Ind PIt Anette ohoIloz III Ler mnmlttre All Mhrr then Irrn uemmltterl Farm Servlm While the LIV been mtrmnm whllo em for dtlrhen In 11an It Ilro provider return In mtrleernlng artlvttlu MOTHERS IIZLP Alothcn new the mm In hmlwd end at one to at It per month whleh raven RIIII mu toe mt null Includhrwnt cl Ind th If II Mr ea moot mu urn37 Iotwoll cm mm tlt to $21 per month while lnIvete day can Ichodl colt cly 12 per eh ELYEXPRESSION Emkn though art work pIan loarhor more In every Wutnndnytrrmuln l0 tout the rhlloml Ion 0w ohm ere hlrh IM In am to Will the need at all children we hove turned Ilonr utth thanthotlhokayuw1n our mailman 3197 momn rI ey mIIIIMIchwh one ourvyenr old chlld Jemttor tailor pert tn the prayam Her Chocolhles Got ReaI Popular EDMONTON CPI Whrn Merlln SnItlhI mm he nwmm WI ddntlmow the om loundlnzn 1de tnnllly mum rum Gwlotrs Inklst us come mlnlar In hot home town at krdslon Alla Il mo do The mm mm uu Md elry and thrwgh mule MUM Wank hlIytIlr 1110 ooet Ime hIw med It ever vlrtnIII contlnuo thII Imrr CIvenIlh uld InI trr to hlI tome Include Princes mudthebmbnolllent shower tun by lllIu Illnlrl mold ol honor lllu MIrlon Morty Ind hrtder Alla wu In Numb Ellu Sue WritM Ind ninth at the bde I5 hrlenwr Charity Game Begins III Ifloon On Sept 22 3m Bente noun club wLu be hostlnl the Unlt and 053me Font Lone tn dIn Itdlut IIoalth Amokton 1th utll he eu ent wllh lull ucusmu The Mormon Iaslau wtlt be nlrI It la oeladI man And In the ovoulna It pm Wham hr the mu were lndlvlduIl move Ittrt tlnt my Gum tied hr mood Peg lllore ml eruuquM In overtoeldo end lrwoulbll or II to bulk all women In No Alan FINESI mum Arm CANADIAN roan TAKE OUT OI FAST HOME DELIVERY II llIrrIe Ind IIIlthmt 7370455 CEDAR GARDEN RESTAURANT ltllnuler at mute on Ilwy 2L Ind Ioolor IIh IdvIntIzeot thlI dfoetal IIvlnu Ind with our Iervlrol Brtnl modern ledlltlu We Ibo here toln IIundry cotn dnm your Imhlnr to III Ind uu our TV room to mow newlcd nhllokur elothu en M101 VtIItItAt Century WIIII Clem the lantern wry to teen elem 2Isl crurunr WASH LEAN BAYMARI PLAZA num rmnd was no great that llm ed company war tunnel Ind enlce were exvnnrlrd In Which outlets around the vrvvlnce and bowl WA 11 ha or non er hendl mutton lull 0l plum to mud to gland WM Georglan College mmfufimum George Manna Motx151 lIrot nllho Illlo ed PM North lth am Illdl Ind Don Ev nru mellnrixoodstoch Ind Manta and mun CAMPBELL enter he beak out lune on tho trt cIIAMe to benellt roclrlly Irvm tam Jennllrr Fowler ren none The Idtorl um organ tho nlIyuhool cnvIrwranI ln tn mt Clndy Nmnn II two to em moIchoolcrn Imorwm lnr klrxlcrzartm EXTENSION SERVICES DIVISION Offer In BARRIE Ier PerlTime IPCIIIS Collection Focuses On Variety In Fashions PARIS VIrIIly II he Iplce ol the PIrII winter mllmlnru CortI II volt II pIrIchute or us Ilreltht II ltVtpIpe DreIIoI umbrellI Skirted or clnrettoellrn Ihrotlu not to Inleetlon the return the rhe rnlw Items mehlnz lrom be low the Itnru to below the cell ulna absent torn mall or well drum No more ukuol trom tnrhlon dIcIIlorl Imlud hundred queotloru whlch Allow wo men to dreu momma to her way at Ille her tASleI her pork elbook end crrtelnly not lrort her Inmate Women the world over wlll weloome the new that thepre lelIIll mood II utterly lemlnlne tott klttcne cor IIIII the WIlttllne movnhle cut thnt AlrlrtI can lont not Mr mdlng to whlm that plot ornnlrnled to tho Infor IIIII Irene that rullu the can wntlmut verxlon are back In lotto IronI tho carnal turn or fllnhel vorslon to that went Illy bozulllng hlurkvlvet mm In which can to anywhm ol eoy tlrrIo won used to bo LnownTIum llttle Pull black number elm mtlrer declrlvo comeback lor coddntl 0r dtnner In ehlllon vclvrt treneor IBIIlI Clcl or wide In lrnt met or llttlnr closer to the Body In another leoture whch III the rhythm II wall It the cnlng Arcane Ehnwh etrllre romnnllc note In Ilmolo crowded wool or chr nllle yInI they eomylement the aunt lorrnol evrolnr number The dreuy lIloure II yet In olhor rovlvnl whlrh women wlll Ipnrcclrle In then dry at corelul budtctlnz Inulln bro cull chlllon tlo lIlk Illk hr they have lolIIy tled nort llnu or bdrtllod at neck Ind wrlot cuolntrlbute the now look The IIIDerIumplunuI evenlnl number Ll wounded by more sexual rollerlowear lorrnnlr rtothlhu tn the Inhle urunlly ullh embroldrry need Iparlrlzly nullon Ia be Idunted from the IIIITAIMI the long eIcnlng Alrtrt Irelhrrrrl around the wnl wherl home around the mov lnce lle IIIde two or three week mmth dnxnmlnr un tales end homr Io exvmd Into Snrkatrhowan and Eowm Canv EatWWII Honey and Genoa Illncoor tled tor no wth MGrrham Ind Joln llazrll Illzm and D003 MINOL Wit ndrI Icon lle ndmIIe he cant Atop lam 911m hlr own market than or longeleeved top llere Irnotrlnnllon colo uhIe Ind color comblnhtlon can be llIrII lull play Iklrt an be III rlntrd dealgn wlth mooolonr or vlce your There II return alto to ho perlod drerI wlde Iltlrt and lllled bodlro with Ihoertrlnu mom or drow ed Ihoultlor decntlrto other than black whlth hol mItI meulve comeback the nuwelt colorr Are All the belt or end olluhllu rapper plum chocolate brown IlAle orunxo brlck Ioroet Arron coral Im quartz and Imtthylt Boon wlll he lremplnr All over the lot II III hour ol the tlly UruallyInre hluh they hey normal IoleI nrul hlrh heol Evenln lealum Trtropo IIIIIK heel and other lormx at xendnb tth Ilendcr tourInch heelI Flewrlllnl It 72038 For lnlonnltlon Ind nIrtnrr Ihlpt or III romeo rtll hlIrr pm to women They helm Inn THE PARKINGS NOT EASV our htrtlum luIrInterd OUR PRICES AREI EGGS 59 400 GRILL IMIIIIIE Tull Drlve IIIltInr lot Nomad Under the LLBO Alf momma lualneullrll Lucien WI tI mu Prtule roan lor urtln rrIrrutleII TrI IIIIII ltl Colller ltml Illnte Evenlan Study very wlde and CIIondIr 197475 to now out or leII the Extomlon Office Phone 72819 VIrIod telecllon of towns and Iarogremr OIIr If you the not obtained onocaII llS Boll FIrm Reed Bmlo Intel 317 Thoro Ire over ISO comm nod for example MARKETING ArI Intmductnry Itudy ol the dlrlrthutlon good and when In our mommy emphnr Ilrlnz the primary Inuwrtnm ol the NW Iumer Ihumhyt 700 IMO Inn sum Sept 0o Wt IIIYSIN Am Ind vectors lInear motlon Newtons low hlotlou on octllrr Perlodle Illo Ion wort energy power hut therqu pIWtlu ol muterlAlA trunrtrr Wm motlon sound lllurrttmtlon rellectlon re lrntllml Wednesdays 700 830 pm Start Oct IVII nnAmNa Ihl oouno mm with the hAIlrI 0l enrln torlnl drawing as mrhlr tanuunno tor tteIquloxy 10 Itudent wl learn the we drawlnr equth for line work Ieltcrlnr end dlmrulonrlu and wlll ItuLly the theory ol orthorrrohtc prolrcllon trance plum Iemlon o1 vlcwn and multlple VICWI In the second hull at tho rouru ho wlll Iturt dolnr grayms relevant to hII anwlnr halal 15 Week Fee tum 2t World Fee $3500 Midayt 100 930 pm Start Oct PRINCIPLE or SUPERVISION An lntmductlon to the nmmldoy concept tho role or woman In hurlneu IrIrl Industry Rudy II mado at the more com Imn pmblerm lmxt by the Innervlwr ml 21 Works Fee NW REGISTRATION murmurs Iw PHONE awrwrlote responses to thue prob Ihundayr 100 1000 pm Start Sept to CHINA PAINTING tostmrtlon Ind drrmnstrutlon ol ptlntln on stared wlllte pomhln and line bone china Thunder 030 nm lo Ween Start Sept Vlt Fro 51500 LrunAhrANsIIrr Iomlnnr Ind as Verks Fee $3500 Vrltshop oourro with II Ilrnmentr doolrntd to be ol vrrxtlcol me to actual or PWIIW lthnrlcm In the oetelonrlnz Ind cleexlllcatlmr ol Mole Wednetdnyl 100 1000pm ll llrrlu Starts Sept 25 ml Fee $2500 NIIIINER SIIORTIIAND learn med wrlltnz technlque adequate for moot mmerlel mdtlons Mny 700 twpm sum Sept th AIMIEUIA Moro COURSE lIIIIII OpIrItorl lundr 0n mum whrre lttltImIl wlll he helped up to Itondmlx mulrrd tor the Government mm In No Theory Morse code and the rmtotlon or Rudlo 0er torr It word per mlnmel Cour wlll be run In two action tan ween mh up Irate rorlrtrutlon tor each Ilorxleyl 100 000 pm In Week Start Supt 30 197 Pro QILW lhau II Monday 100 000 pan 19 Week Fee moo Stem Jan 1m MAIL on IN PERSON Ar nut 10 week Fee 300 EXTENSION SERVICE OFFICE MONDAY ro FRIDAY mo m0 CALL Ill FOR MORE INFORMATION