Cclr Rally Teaches Youth Gas Economy molar In ll Mlne every drcp II mud pump mm Ime Ioner he lawman mm II pm mom and IllIIJ us Ian at lhc pan ol Inn anxier tr hard XNI Imam It Nail Thel 11 mam nllr drillna cm Fwd Illa con mhfclcd mod mun rhecml Inn err1 lL mm Ineczrlcnud dn ms AI mmpcdlor lrom Io Huh 112 01 in km nnt 3km ln Sn Dizga the re ntal Ilallon In Sm in II IIH Company cnomy Ila Th Imem Iltnil nnll Inch Mr read Ilb II Word To Their Elders IIIIIII slhool sLIIl nci paling In Inn un we rally no Iaclllily lln Ill an ill Illa III II hum III economical More Ill stall Ike Ital You can be he luv on llrdy lhry li nu lo lilo ull Ite given LIcm Thal IdILL and In llzl mu nlly II enlrll he hill or Ihe btnolil llleIr eldm In nhom no em nsmy Ir Hln mo lmmmnl lhan II la lhc mm Inlk rcnl amu Llrln graizics and mly llrnscl la om In mun lnry radium In In cpuml nulcnzc muill do mm In upermnml urhm rdl slmlnm llaIIZ Imnrr nlmncr course at min 71 elly mus Ix malll The IIIIIC In ronrlrrc In unc In so In More hr Inlill lch nqnillmmr NIIru IIIly dermal Illry an JLIIII in make sure lbtir wore In lap mm dillol IIIII II IIIan III Iveran and mm IhlBI IIIunnICnI IllaIr milngo not nor ll mm mp Winnan car um 71 lmplll nun averm mileage ol 27L mplr Cnn ranged In LIKE mm mull Impon lo lull rlzn American rmdc Armnlinz loan on llolly They Were slnllrnu II In hlmplol Eronnm nnuylnmo lnue lllrl nun Ilvl KEEP SPL D0N Tull mndlrzlell Vllih Ivlr Amer Icon car hole Inllulol Nr No lmprolcmo In lucl WW um LpecJI are rt run mic 50 miles per hour wind mlllnntc Inmam In our spud IMrnlrs and mire rnrr Ly LI liu requlrrd lo male Ih cor II IIth rpmll Anna JACK IIMlllll STAIN Gradual nmcrn II In clly dr run we Ilucll lwo mlcs gallon comnnrl Irrylim II lrn IIIIeI IINEIIHIIM role ml v1 IDwItJ In IIK NRA Ilor lots more III in INCH Mot In InlJichn an acre polII ulrn lllcll or ilnllnn lhnn lire gn pc Ill Ill Jamel KEEP SI CONSTANT urlvm swell hzlpl lo nave soil Unnocrssary nchrnlinn no ales Ina arcti nnlor pump pcnrr uh Ian lnllcimg rn and llI fuel Ino lb Iysltm IlNIlClllI smls II be lo lion allan or Ill 0st hlc Ironic conJJILm TM all low lo rruiuul rnlllnr Illun Ibmpl Ilopll and IN smooth dlIVInL conlribulu In MIN economy In alllilon Ilndw nl brakinl mum In life all ollo Imlngl AVUII UNIJ IDLING All lull mm wolfcs oncrg II IIOu no uslllll work MIIIII cm mqu lurl Exrcllllo Idilng may also shorten rnzlnc llIo ll lhe prnlllre Ix repealed or long mm prrlod wide dzlm Ihoud not Io Engines or more than lllrco Irinum II polrhle ENGINE nv Dnlv DllIrIirlverI wlll oblnln helltr emnoln by llrlllng Illo our 10 warm engine rLlhcr llmn vnllwwlnz ll Io Idle excessively nu locals the nnnnlng om and Ihlu lam taxo ne TM drlvrr must mneubcr boil llul magnum um od so Ian trauma In all lrollc Iililollonl nhere esclne rexpo II ullnl MINIHIZE HIE 53 OF AIR CONDITIONERS llonlng pus III atllnl Inn on lullormbile tnglnu and would Incrtlnre Incl only on Io holeil days lelo drIv no ml pfr mm In cx Inxolc use ol Iho alr mnnillorl rr con mull In uti me loss ol Inc are yer gallon rule We DI III nir nonll lloner cu more milercc by In per rrn Mum IN LVIIIIECI TIIIE IIIWJRE Urthr Inqu lire reduce galolno ago SoII lInLI Ibo we um um qucll and may lullerre 1y um hJDJJIlIE um rrcniln lLnlni ram nu lord Imomohlle It mmnd Increauzz lho Ilro nlr sure by amu Imnitl lour pun helme high SNNI Ilrlving lex tho Ll ml however be Innlrll nhole lhu XImIIm Imommendel pru THE ENGINE TUNED Ul palk nu mlslirln may lclul In slynlllcnnl Incrcnso In Iucl comm lonln labora lory In nl GJI al10an mile pn nu LI exam Ilek plug mlslirlr 10 per cell Ilmlnr dulniln lmm lhe Inm prr Intran In IllI con wnp ln nMIIInn lzniilon Ilnllnzlclmllny rem Illa man uloclurcrr III resulro In rlunlllmnl ll euro ln luvl our many For cxnmnlc In degm NIfd In hallc spark Ilmn my In an morale IDS ll mlch por gallon nl spatdd am no and mile yer hour Driv ers rhoud he remlndcd lhIl lhue and other obllocc Io II Iclenl mina parlarmnnce can be elmlnalcd nlIlI comzxrlo luneup Service Air lm dlny olr llllcr cnn mm de crease In Iuol economy ond dwells In power onionl by Na Illlctlra Ibo now olr Io Iho enolne Drlvm IIIDIIIII Inerrlu he Idviml lo rhnnao he nlr it rprclllrd Inlcrvnlsn cording lo the maniacImam momendnllnnn In nqullon Irlquen air ller urvldaz II mulnll ll conrderobln drlvlny ir done In randy ar dllsly cor dIIlonlr DONT RIDE TIIE IlllAKIE Evcn ullth loot pressure on the brute MAI tIn IIva IIII Nollu cspecln power broku ma lulle rue energy Nd nrllbc um in more Illa DURING SPARK plug kgnn Ind ended the 30 omvn ny economy rIlly llno wmpa when or me conilurld In San Dluo ind before MA ME he Ind lho San Francisco area run Gmlne was rapidly Comlinalor Frrll Agnblllllnnchtol lulled llzeyro do Thtsc youngsius my be hill In not ob ol luchiny all an menund In mollll In Ink rnlo ruling mammal on non lomr hum IoIdYr II no how lo Illile ller Ind mmdcully Briefed For Gas Economy CHECKING OUI II Elt lull he BII urn SIWWNI Ihnl bcIoN embullna on air Gm htglrJnu lire capable rolncaxnom Jury are gelling unrxpmally good sllldtnll and an observer Mm gu mlienga by hoping en II Sn Frlncwllay Ire huh Ines In lune Ind ollnlllnu WI Rollie In San Dlogn Ionsibo divill prouIurch ll nso near Ihe brnIcI oul me your brskrs more Ian lollor Inan normal llnullng Irnller Ml more may In In ol um m1 new TM 1155on IN Illun GlIllll Krcn non nulo mirrhcgdl mnllcund nlnnunllronxmls My mi In lhn hlglmlk pml wan manual mummlor mm ibf ma Iain lllgh gear as loan or you 33 NV Im can run antennae Iran mlssioo up rm an inn ffm MT chi nmckrulor lo camum In lrnnlmulon lo snll Illa Mull gear qllldly men ncilon or 11le gmllne HINIMIZE VHHCLE wADS Transplanting umcmsau wrlgm In your car will couc ll lo use more Inn The dlfcrenne not arm on lcwl round but our Show up when cImrIn hill onrl you hll prthzbly have lo Crossword Solulion In maximum lmlkr on lynchl vIcalIm lrip SERVICE THE MANIFOLD WNTTIOL VALV lha manl IIIId hell conlmi Inl mid b0 I115le ml min rlollr xllv This irt local In to xl Iyskm ol rum vchllt clu nikws hand 35 lo Ille lnlrJle nlnh mrln will Inzlno oplrulon Those mica hm the urn nodu lhn lnrbunlor In all In VIPWI tailor Mine nle Ibo iae will II the engine mum up Irmperolumsrlr silli win came one valve lo rm on ol Lbc coma glue in In Iqu lml may rem the hilt nwlllvld valve sluck In In open posh lloa rouse slow lulu worm up Ind poor mll mine lvrmunct II IIlle rtult In III dam posIlIDn all more Ian paw mu hard Ilmlnq with nol angina Ilm ALIGN TW In or IM IM the MINI drawn your Irmt 6m Ilds My and couser premium Ilrv wear It lolch power lo carry Inn ulm loud and lbal um gar 1mm your InnlI VTI IIIIa me mmvp mVi mum wm All PHONE mom BROWN ELLISON PARTNERSHIP IN SERVICE Iol Dunbar St 7266521