BARRY EXAMIKER murmur II In lulu LANDEIlS Doctor Will Know If You Qualify Deu Au Ludrrt You run movrd the Ildnlnl remind Wilma lo Ironen uho noted no nl goal quilt no rm had hunt moved luu can be and rmlly anarcde b1 hose the hm sou trough tln brew cmlour and LOOSE ol envenm Mn limb Buyhr numtry nllh lho mull Idler Nd buried your IIIlenscnu cam bum lulmtl was hemlllui nhot the nth ll the be In In Inn My Dunk to loo mound uurlng the operntlao UL lnnd lb uh uh nned In mm qutm My lm cnsa the IIIva rand kw you umI mun ll lonixsh be WM had mural in In Sane summon do not ap 5LIcc IhatJJrnel Ie been pm ti thrill Ill nmlanl WW hrh out lumun war nn opcnllon lat ranger IIrtul and It loob ery nah In Inch um whale n1 No on would susmd Il hum loud Mn ll ud nnant ml Bur Ihav heard lsed MaudI ol women Why pay An manmugmsabg gunkmeklsmmkcgasm um nho LIIde or mmpkldy ullIlmry The re wanl to be larger Would ouch mnnnxlim mention on be In omnllon he unable lor ptrfolmodby mung lulu Ihooeolusuholuleloslalrwnlhelhmnmwlolhe Iron to may mu brunl bul number oi unce chock Ilh In amhorlly nodalI remix and the result me know Thnnlu and very pranks hluu omqu Grnl um 511m youurn gums 25 Denv Ixdad Illh me in com mnl lln ol he mm um dis now have you It II mum mm Wm uur phylltl and leg II WIuBOllUSI In lb IIddbu mmmxrlulouuzlyugr maritale 621 gt Mrlrry Ho Dr John Im nary mum use oue Cornrnc In tho Nra unhawy mm at menus York Unitcnly mun mm ullnl mman mm lcr IIIInplylxulollour Imaste huIItInlo er bru in Ban My litres and mu In Illltlnnrlrhnhle mm In ml lhlng llllillillillinll um mummy but of lnxnrnnm 07mm 159 pr now um illulnlmlnlll llama ywyemg mlmlmslnlllo mam an gygml S97 on MI US mo umm3 rum mwmmmdlw 09 DIWAIILE Hm IIuIml drculorl m1 mm vurrnu We nwvrd ln willl dllrkcn lurmm in New Janey 0m tun our 10 and In Nearly mu mIIIlon Ilmzrl more than can unle mm no overlap Ii lpr Dy Jllmdlllll hall fnlhcl drilling today nnd Ipuulln he 71 III lllre hung In IIcrlnlrlc lmn sac and too million on ll Wm rwry hospital Ily the end ol lhc dwudc more Th3 WC ml lhnn mllllun We in he orlvacy Our bedroom tr lhe wearing and comm and In vnlyolm can relax markrt nlll be between mo Imldcannmldlwuhow and ma mllllon mum Ille mam 31ng hm PM If mm mm 1M mood to about mlng on Ym wk Io iDIINTIFIE mummy he Inys on am who lo mm Mort IIIAl more nomrxmlrs nowlncedolllellonaulllllh Clothing Revolution Hits rmznlnng that tuner no man love Im rIrII Ina tlrod PLASTIC nmnnons Amerlcan Busmess Women pimi In Iglme maxim wily kmvaII ms 3L 50130 mgr Born NEW common vem ntI hi mgulzlllhlzhn Shillth mhamgomkomgonm rm ot lhur nrznnlmllnn to the Ilrlen My Time 79 MM AM mg In mum puhllc nnld Howrd Wolln bur IL my donl you WV mus ham The mu mowed Elma hand exmnlv mrctnry ol Ihe ln lust nlml mm For heaven It manual dumm or car Ilall an mum on m9 Ml Wme WW wmHm Imam fl Mme Inn rm um 11mm movede um 11 ammunmlamnuunar ml m1 the arm can In no In our mum how on you Im an Lnllang mar romoany mnulm cspodnliy lhIok Ii mnu lull my mm can Mm lief WIN 041 mu Mrmnn mtrrln tho Imi My In to clem oultl mm Ed Int mtdun Ho and nut null for the rst lime illcr mlh Mr Wondulul or HI moral hrm aim ll moanI um my wllhml rum Two mu l3 lon llolcal lmwlt calm arm Camr Ipmrrl used prI cnn will the molar expense or enough or Iilnl mum to out HI mllt lncludh nldn pull manly lo ollll uhlluollnl world lardmbo Walla Il1l wltll mark lot tlll UM YMORIZER um GUEST Hosuass JLLII Ll5nlIO daulll tr nl lorrncl prrsllknl Rlohud fi Nixon lalb Ill newsman lursdzy Ill NBC elule In rm York prior la the lalell of In Alma ol Women Only ulInh ill mu hoeluslng ms ml The writs mil be alrcd Scpl on mum on In Now York and lltlrd lubll People MP Mm nxrIrnnsmnur naooorolur Regular Unnamed or when tin51 biogagguumm III mm In win mm ol lhelr noscs wholl WlMIWNlL II mm mum In la 99 VITAMIN TABLET mu soo table 15 CilEWMiLE VITAMIN TABLE 100 mg non tnhlets ANTIBACIEMAL GERMICIDAL moth lonmln rkln mer llmr you VIII Int CrnIIIry you nu monry Each person uho wthrI load of clolllcl ls enllllrll to lree use rII nur drym IuIlll lhclr clothes or dry Why mllnuo lo ponl money 53 drool It or L69 nIlntsPllAY ll o2 ulna uell do It ml Drop In today Ind Iny eloanln the II mm on we HAVE THE ansr onv CLEANING nATEs IN BARRIE PAN will the WATERS It 756 DRESS 29 limits 60 lb From lil lmn MILK lr Lil 1113 FOX yE Um all OPEN lionle Frlly Im 10 pan nuume Im van Fund 10 mm Ill pm IN MI rmumlm mqu 99 oonumc punrs Ba ol 00 owneran woman It on 99 mnvn cnmI II on naymerthQwMMImmmvzuWwNLQAWmnnwAmnzow 19 nlourIIwAnll on 1l SHAMPOO Dnrdnlll IlnrhII Lemon or Proteln or Your Choir 79 IIIIAlIroo CREME nmsu on uunnu IIATII 01 Juli Your Cholol IIIIBY SHAMPOO on IIAIIY OIL It on Your Cholu E9 lillllY POWDER it on Mr MONEV BACK GUARANTEE It you on nol completon ullellod wlltI any WOOLCO BRAND quellry oductmlensunlumlunoyouron In purchm prlco wlll be mummy nlundnd wumnn rhImIIrv um In lull MIN mun Llnllm um lIlM It omlnlu cum on ll LII