Elite thaw immater WSW Published by CInedIIn Mappers Compeny lelied l6 Myileld Street Ernie Ontario Robb valieheneneal Marlow Wells lrlllor Interline HOW MIMl Editor gt my mm 11 Ill FAG Continue In Afrtco sun some Jim Dandys Strolling Around Town popescavityononuideoltbevntlnd Imtchiobintheotber The was when every weltode male time lndegcbammlm no mendc Llo on ahlgihtzoldonoink with nmheimodltsownerbgchnln targetmhge will its modem omnterpnzt And the endwwldbeanormtefob mm mm lagIliadle perfectth to dudesthm MW la watch chain looked rl ontbenrtorialiypcsieadupod yltimmisnmnototherwiaeoil Ibeveaarrdile pocketnremlndedus MIdnrxiyoiapastgenmtirmnlbohnlre emonec when Melina or py cardalle IIwayehadonI v1lsoeoetil In Ilia carry lsnin pocketin wlddr he could eyeglass when It wasnt lucked tldtly under his eyebrow Ovren Sound Sunlimes DOWN MEMORY LANE 65 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Berrio Northern Advance Sept 17 I209 Daniel Ordnlan and whale or Barrie Pair Foam book udo Hessime celeb nihd Arabian Acrobat and Solon do pm ulnuum Ktpodr eight 1le and me in court heart Amazon oiBlantrorde no Barrles 02mm ool Darling mod 0n the lake eioamnr Inlay towed pieces ironl Big noymd when mil or od Scotch wh Iiaimllarrle direct irvornlsllBy rim oils store Rev William Hip Hn of congregational Olnrrch nuitered may bronhdown Supply cInie mm Toronto to preach on Sunday from Cralghulnt mm llIDUSTRlALRELATIONSHAVElMFROXEDlI VIC FARMING BtVANWUlZR CPI Bbril We creamerI em Ind Inlms rotated Item the New Democratic Put povunrnent unveiled labor pods rut ruL veI unions too mueh in wince where per cent oI the wnrk three Is QEazed It doemt no tar numb union leaders 1AM nine months under the MD the helm of both rides were caxdlmldy positive Itttnurll Innkeeper care which in oowpaed case of locolyhoiehmn ed with eellng intoxlea Inladianbvtthbothhandsa unsrltoilmstblto ting bever Ontario all bile 5c En study one mon WM4 Barr 55 rune 537 on ree insgow riot minister mem the Imount oi time lost lit to strike Ind locker In the Ilnl le lmill oi rm was runn ulbstenliIliy irvrn the record toui In 72 Dupils lhI IoIrInIemt pl living Ind union dtmaildl im interunwue increases time lost to the End oi June total lrd WM mendeys Dunn the lint tall 11 WnJw lhlt heavy bargainlnn rear In tho4390300 mondayr were tort in work War This years ileum include nineweek maturation strike Ind WIIknut eIrlIlr Ihlr summer In the Important himbcr lectureyd The new code plated three mostholnbor no Iaiions Act the nlrdlntion eelvices Act nd the Trude agree that the climate oi new new in uc Improved EA indicator at this Is that 15 Blyileid street VI llllTlU Oniuiu Telephone mm Second Curr Msil hidsusz Ilulber Wild In It Nannie DIlIyt bindersId Slalom llnlldayl excepted Suheaiptton mes driiy by will we gunser yerr es hy rue goniWIg yearl glazes perry nce 5333 Montaigne All ei eouu es yeu re throw ell mm yuny buttonl aws 19m Queen own l110 Cuban St uontreII Member at the CnnIdlIn Preu Ind Audit nurelu oi circuit tidal IhI Candim Press is mine Inly entitled to the use tor row prlbliutlcn cl Ill ne dispatch es In this spot credited to It or Au need Prm or lieuier Ind also the heel news publish alrlgurlhnu Exemlner clIlmI in in Ill criIInIl Idven ill and editorIII animal at eted by its employee Ind pmdueed in thly newsprper blylllltl IirllsirItlnn Nun ber ihldlhrrtirier It etrilm Ind Union ActMillet had In llred labor under the tanner Social Credit government key charm nave re vised labor reunions board breeder an to deal with disputes indudloe echuIIvI tinisdiction over regulItinnI concerning 1strikes lockth nnd picket Ill Tint chlnu ionic my the oourir power to order ex harte Injume against picketlnrI move learned which or years we combined About out truncation In new In prohlhllI Mtobreakin otterI em DlhyecI recur ly IlIlnrl tech nolorlcal chem live to Wonders lo invoceJIrIt and in theory nukes certification and or xnnldng eIsler ior minus Envployers worried that the law would Ive unions the up per hand labou corrrpleined lint many at their proposal Iar tatrange were Ignored turnsrim unurmrc Labor btlntxter lllll KIM member at two rIllway un lNVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Euniner invlth con iribuilnns to In men to the Editor oi ktters Ihould he mirlcted to to on words Ind they must be lined or they will not be publlrhrrl lVrltril should III elude their Iddrems Ind telln Phonl numbers nu he used It rerouted harm in that lorsguhzgtior iirst too years of his thormghhred horses to City or next race meet Barrie lawn YOUR BUSINESS bowlers George Hagg Dick Powell III Stewart Ind St father trimmed once aircvtlcnge mm blaullllyvmmmh Id unlled Born in County Dare Iroan in 1847 he had been In Barrio since 1893 thlan$lmmonslshomehornsouth om tour playing band Barrie Aquatic Club held nuc cquI dame infllown Hull Third rudin givento bylaw re tired Issosss mom Barrio Council Post Ofce summed non stage conch route ironi hereto via Crown lilll Delilah lildhursi hind kindled In some IN the choice lI Wale ringo cut all will be served ior mail by new Germaine ream mil lino berry nrd red rlnry on mine emmcnt announced that children atoll learn and be taught emiron out hhl six 01 mm ow York Roses llcv Dean trumpet In concert Carriage Do by Town new Some Positiv Reactions To New BC Labor Code lone belore entering polities said the labor code enerelly ll workinl out well It Is dIIIIouI tor people have so long been or poled in the government to react In any wa but nere tiwih he Iald Some MoiIr iodine bad llllou litrnteo Ilt Important Iddms Wobdlll tom the milk it if ems cr My Ions In Industrinlvrelallcns The rovemment hes brunt ennd ttI none of warm in the settlemelt of industrial dispuios Doih labor and Mlle neu rpokwnen etd they iIlt vorod policy chem ihrt pros es teriIl intervention The old rnvenunere luet stayed out until the int mun tit 82 Iory one un an epolremm said in one case however the government lru bed to do some bsehrneklnr The lIbor rode pave the right to strike nromgu policeman boeph res provided aruvmnrly binding MI fl WI WVD thou workers LEGISLATUIIE INTER VENED nun High InterestRates Obstacle To Growth ll VINCENT EGAN Duelneu Ind tknlurner AllIirI Arniyst Thomson News Service liousebuyera locking lor morthre loans this tell will true to look harder than ever either to ply unprecedented In emt rIieI or to do without Some privalelulduu en el Ierlox moriraxe 1qu5 It inieru ert me Is much as eeven per cenlIge points higher than he rth buta prime lean nie oi lid per cent In yIrd stick IinIi which other inter eri are uruIlly Insu need And while some reIIertIoe developcrl me herltsie to pay 15 per cat Interest they Ire not rnlllit rllel in I1 per rentwhen the loans Ire Ivnllnhle Such delelopen iind them selves equeezed between their girdll Ignatiulimlntln old umo property espectelly true In Dntsrtc where the Iovemrrmlt recently him in thIt vrIs de IlInrd to dimurepe reIlestIts Ipecullilurl thIt has tended lnIteId to dlxcourIrre Ill buy tnr Ind Ielilny eetlvlty CANADAS STOR the prevalent ieellnl II thIt nhlle In improvement in in ilItIen perhizrnuoco mny r1be probebla rupee re decllnu Is unligely II loon Ire Rosenbergoi PIrior In vestmqu Lid Toronto Builder theretorI preler to on in Islets even It there rIteI rIther lhIn dirpen or then It In IhIn ms repute nlen Individuals hoping to borrow trom chartered bub tor mi estate or other mayor in vutnscnt Ire renumin belnl turned Iwaybecruse the henh aint cope with heavy demand ior loam Merry oInlrIJre Idvlriny po tential borrowers to to to their the lite Insurmee compInIeI Ind exercIII their loan privileges there The lumen under the pres Iure oi the realest demand In hutory or policy losnr IrI generally unvrilllnr or unable to mete new loan limb to devel plennln melor prvpe pro It ilnnncIII institution llII Ilrerdf commlted IlseIt in ltllll to developer the devel oper had boiler Secret Ballots non nowmn sir John AI leodensld wII prime rnlnluer oi the Dominion at CanadI mm the until he died In Wt with the exception at his ten to we when be First Used lei1378 Muted In recent election allowing the OPlt cImleyn mods scandal liIodonIld was why tortu nIlI Is was hisdrenxle King when he qu deiuted In mo Alcxsudcr lilackenrie Recycling Industry Is Laborlng To Get Government Recognition WRONIO OF to yellrr Industry is routine pu uilidh Mount it an Itl mated It bihbn in btlsmu we as IM pander 311 example oi die to rnclnbc oom IederII timed We Dui um section backfired by it ms in reconcot loot not up in early Aunmt vhen itremen in tour Vsnoouver suburb went on Itrihe An ernorreney scarier or the lepclnture their lobe by providing or Zlduy matinee 0d It Ilse loroed remen late council oi unionr Iitclr Includes the VIncmnvr local inr luture bu Ilnln Air Klnl mill that tile dispute thawed wouldten In the new code but said netlen bed to be Men to protect the My hi the public ltle ILrilrs brought crltlclm em both enemies Ind lrlends the Iovemmcnt NEW LIIAIICK BANGKOK tAP Color like rolden wwy pink may soon India from Thai women lips beceuu women scientist hII come ilprwlih the humble numr Mill ASHCI eundl Iur Applied Scientlilc Iirrenrdl Coroarnlion ll zcvernmeni mvrud research nrrantzallnn Hire lbrsni was What ABROI lipoiick is made oi says Eliot motor president cl the Conle Antonella at Iloeyellox rebirth lie raid in In Widow that not up rent or are roeandni by mannerI all imhta tdusuies Coverrunner zhoud more nlu the reeyeilnr senor inc le time the extent ltr nperIiIonI liI Im noe lo the ammo and or the dam value material revokes not to man the ma Harland at people it euro he said lhe Iuocinhme no member rxmptnlor one pumped in live diviItpns Form metals imu AM steel mill nunmu copper brush Iluninum iced Ind ullor rcrpp moteil mon dary meihi papcr Iiocir Ind textile fires MAKE DOME IIEADWAY lir Krovor sold the unspoi ntlzngnr madame heIdw wt norm opeon in the that bill will about rnaitm Ilium its mrmbm bid Iht there me Ill mar uiurh nrrd reliszoru ply to Wilhelm um am Mr xmvor ead oil Irp that mention mailer bullpench nro nt howl Womailyemnumtteuml procesoeu smut Apply tar an exemption com the in every Datum equiv rnrni ior mum annexes Somodm they ct In ex emption militias they dont he IN The secondary metals react Ilw bellows II benz din admide uralnrt in roll noel raos which are lawn or virgin motul than lot here rial rumlered Imm wrap er wandery nieth mom hulk lir Krover odd the recycling lnduurtu Iro lmportnnt no cause we We nd extend the period ot time for the use at vhn mu mime Recycled nlumhnlm mums iornnruthan imrmaioll alurrimm proted he told Mr Krevrr Idried that tween and prr errt all mittth l1 Czrrrlc the loan on the heated dale despite L3 unioreeoen on uruclloe yr he may encoun ter otherwise the commitment II likely to be cancelled Ind would Iv to be reneroihled It hlzher rule Tlltlhlll 8le on or the mine maths mucus that Interest rates will rennin hlgh and ion iunds mm Construction Ictlvlly Ind thI male oi propertiu Ieem likely to continue Il lower leveL DI Iplll the nduud demand In teens or there purposes inten est ntu will probably rennin hirh because ol denund rum other pntenllsl bonvms Ind Emmi CInIdII current pulley or restriction the Smith oi the countrys money supply For the broader economy the not II more bad news Itowdown in the pee oi eenlt similar ectlvliy lend its ripple eliect over wide renre oi indtutrles and eontrlbutee to the riring uounploynlent me All at which mean that the lush ed Morin mill in the titer re 58 mm Almdy liters ll rumblinlr at new Gunman Mon policys PARK in rats It rig in ct E2 bolder Byeleciion Jitters Focus On Siormonl lly DON WHEARN Queens PIrh hufelu Theerun Newherein ronorrro The Sthnnont byeleeuon lln or 01 11 should be interesting More in teresitnl then must byclectlons or it Itwld teem in be Iride oprn three ways all rlrlinl mired on Igor domlmnlly Uberal But provincieily three the wallet131mm very cruel min with the the liberals Mr The rldlnrs Ilu not show that It mu oi cmdldaus mt than party CInIdlIn economyor oi Ivoid Iar lnl decline into neyItlve wouthiI more dtliicult then ever before CInIdII first Libeul prime minister encoimtered tour years or mnemic depression nod llecdonsld at but Ind watched him IlrquI Is Alcoh enzle Kin watched it ll Bro nott lrhrn mums The next elation me on Sept 17 ms Ind thIl WII the end eI Aleunder lilotentle Ind the liberals until bincdonIId was prime minister Irlln Ind rumIlned so until his death Alihoulrl the election was decisive hlsedcneld hsd doubts until the votes were counted Ontario Is in ml was the key but it iumed in tnvor nI blcho prw naid Iilheuzh be we delrntod in his own constituency oi Kinn Iion IIe wu given the tent or VietcrII uhlch he rrprelcnied tour years Ilthou he didnt see ViciorlI untli lbhd The actual margin oi victory wns ColservIllm up to Liber eIr ihsim tmernl election ms the tint in which the secret bnh lot war used lilncdontld was opposed the Iocrei ballot Ind said that men mould nolbI ashamed to Ilnnd Ind be counted OllIEll RIZll lI EVENT tellQuebec Council tired prlccr illsMnqu pl Vsudreuli became Governor at CInIdI tinFirrt irrhtaiure cl Up per CInIds opened It Newer tNIsrercnihethe intv9 inrre VIII deleIted II Fort Erie IauSuspcmlnn llrldre mer huudlere Ialls Ollnws we opined mlllnt electinn nu held or tic riled imwn Ind hotel cornea tmn muted ML In Nerihwut Territories in me Peter muley Wet It by MM votes lot the ubemtr While In the next elec BIBLE THOUGHT II III nun subject to like pullcnr II we Ire Ind he prIyrd eIrnuin thl it mIIhI noireliillrld Iitrnednd III the with by this seen It three years and six lncnduAnd be word In end the hem VII brought rth her truth rum llll ll It you IN Inclined to dollbt the power pr reed tbil ill ell Wit use lhe privilege prayer to brill on minimal things Go her talk to the lord about Inyrbin Ind believe Him or everyih nr PUNCli THE PICK run Ihdihe rth tlon lo 1m Fern when out Hurley by 1821 votes nun wt to Main rldlni Then is me utlieLsrn Ind mumurtnl Illlmt the DIle povamnnnt than It uy ms in the so years the Consemtives have been In power Then last year the Davis me ehlne on two hyelecilpne to the they thI hId in eonlrst Alihounh byelrctlons rent 31 twilomollen rellneiowardse PCIuinnlnxltiivetirlzIIudmddMde on Issuu Ind eendldeies they do thI In lrwortance In the public mind Ind public re lations lmpeet Aieo they Ire taken very in wmntly nuchlnee end poll nhlp Ind so it can be emote Ill Itopr Will be out in the PCI Allergic health would Appear Itih the frilly at their candl dIiI who Isnt beep timed II ter L1 written The UherIlrrInllllrd In the ridlnl tor the tint time In hir tcry in 1971 and the lot ei to Kill Ilui they say ey the couple oi good men In the wings es eendldriee Ind with the character qt thI ridlnz this could mean they could win Until the IIst election the NDIDCF we never very than In the riding hutthen their cIndldIle Georuo Stunts ran up more than 9000 votes And though he wasnt close to winning he was Iceond beating out the Liberals comlortabiy orer the rest or PUIICII Grlyvim 111mm Gely Im glad you MillId Thuse nI pcnr In lerlnp mm deputyIn Illme Inclm mommqu come In esteem 47 nu theonly