Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1974, p. 9

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liiliilfse Credit For Als Viola II Philadelphia New York itlootreal New York Texas Chicago set 25 it 25 is lt E5 RecorciBreoker Saves LA Win mammalian Pitcher hilh Marshall broke lib neord Smdry Ind MI Ans gain bearer tooI firm do on Hm ttonIl Ileaqu West Dtvlslou Marshall motto hlI record breaklu 93rd appsInner oi the lemon urns on in the eIIhth taalal to mutt out clarionIEI rIliy then struck out the the ninth to preserve it bod 11 victory over nods Thu Victory rm tae Dadxm so out or item In their week end series against the nod Ind fut them am IheId ha secondplace Redr Marshall pitched in all time lint of the series to hmk his mark at on Ippemnm in one IeIson net with Montreal in Int yeIr ilu also let rmrd for In nings pitched in one lesson by reliever Ila now In Ito lurpllllll III lorrnrr rnrrk bl Where In In Miami hlcuo uidly New York Mel beat SI taut CIrdinIlI turbuth PlrIlrI deIeIied Ilioplroal Houston Astra 141ch Sn Dleeu lIdru lI Ihllldophll mum omrcarad Chlcllo Cube liln and Mllnll Ierves beat in handset OI BllSEBllLl STANDINGS Nelluau hem EIII Pelllll 7d 529 Iii 69 11 73 161 ll OI 76 Pillsbugdt ELJMIII mcaga Cincinnati Millilill Houston 11 63 l0 San Francisco 51 7a 651 Elli San Diego Ill 90 seo lluniII Sufiu to Angola Gmlnmtl Pittlburzh Montreal mental San irancilco New York st bottle llourlo San Die Phladrtphla II limo to Result SIlurdIy Sen Deco lioustont Chem Phlladaphil Cncinxoti to An tier St louil New Yo Pittsbum Montreal SIn irInslseo Atlanta lrohlhla Pllchrll Tully Pittzhlum Deniery Hi It Gdcrga Stone not 230 pin in Amie lathi 14 It It lInII Capra II1 135 pm San Diego tirtmlbcn Hot II Ctnclrmaii Norman lorll 001 Iitiontreal iiilIlr at New York Sadeelrl 11 no pun Phlladeiphla tLonber Itltlll It St Unit Milli am pm SII Francisco thiooialtsco lit at Houston ilobertI Nit In Mn qmel eshy Pillsbuth It urlcaao loa Angela It Atlanta San Diego It clncinerall lienlrul It New York lhllIdetphlI It St Laull San Ernnclsoo It Hooson America Leone llll PILOBL 61 531 182 74 71 66 63 79 tm Bil d7 14 03 73 461 96 Well In at 75 61 93 W1 70 63 no 70 71 456 10 llinaeroII 687I tall Calllornln In 590 25 ilrailltI Sundl dewand llaltlmora Boston lillwaukea Detroit II New Yorlt hilnnuotn Kansas City Texas OaklIrd Chlcm Galliomie Gilearo CILiomII Results dIturdIy Blltlmora tluellnd Norton Milwaukee Tom Oakland Boston Bali more Clavolnd Milwaukee Detroit Oakland KInrar City Kfnsu City Minneth 53 Is in barebIlla NI elnaIlII PL KIN cw Busby 1913 and is gr sell gs gt9 all in Saturdays Iarw arcin nItl dawned MI Annie St lmII Idnd New York Pillthrth nudred Montreal 04 San Dion topped HouIton mu olmlrod PMtIdtlpblI San nineteen dropped MilnlI Dodgen Notary More Iellout crowd 1115106 It Ctr Riverboat Stratum in erles Hill In is medics with the Ruth The Dodan chased Udell IIII Ice JIclr Ellllnxhrrn In in tha sixth tIlrlnI leId at Lopoi hamloaded Mulder Bill luckier that ruled reliever Pedro Barber with domle oil the right litId wall tor threw lend thIII was Ier with the loss SaturdIy when the Dodgers IquInderod Iemdlnnlal low In the record lune ot the eerie Ind lost 18 on Joe Man Ians twonth homer la the elrhlh lnnlnI Burrito two Ilolenblm by lltI CIrdI Lou Erect who dnw within Inn oi equalliax lIIIury Wllh Ilnrlneuun rrcord oi lot st LoulI wu Denim by tho Meta Ind ol Iii ImeI behind XII Ih lIthI IIIqu undo But Clitomln New Detroit to New York SI PrubIIlI Nielsen TodIy Texas Blown llII Ind and Hi It CIIiIcrIlI Ind Incluvmd pm Detroit lioldrworth or Mich ldl1t It Cleveland tiles mm as 130 pm New York liliedloh mat It Bolton Iiiloret Ht 130 pm ma OUTSTANDING nai tlodinx mi Allstm in ry HoodsIt memo to the QMARY t0 TeIm CInIdI 1t tool the first urns at It elrhidIy history SuodIy but dub otiiclIls was more concerned about Bobby liuilr lnlurcd lure Turn CanIda made up 01 pinm born the World Hockey Amdatlon lost 31 lo Iunlorl from the Western OInIdI Hoary Ironic llttll Ipsrblu ol the club since It opened pmtiu Sept WM the ice IIEI In Ilse Iecood period Ind returned law moment later llowrver rtltooddld not pin In the third pe Dr Gerry wuion raid iluiI MI ranted an old Injury to till Rm liull Iald he is rtrla Io pIy Sept I1 in the at hm oi Tum CInIdIs elIhtIImI min with Mull The series berm lo Quebec city Ind end Much In Moscow iiuli wu hurt when he col llded with junior drirnerman Ind the pair Iell It one end ol To Six Rowing LUCEENE SWIIIctlmd East German mored it way to re quallIn Iix medals at the world row nr dumploorhlps Sunday Canadian emu lllltlc atrd In the email llnIll Ilnlrhe out oi the naming with the or ptlon oi nrtan mm It the St CIthIrIner Rowing Club who ilnlshcd llrst lo the ImIli Inst ct the lightweight single Na Johnson to It hltn IcutlI nesoiI iiIltIrnorI hillwuatra Ht 33 pm Cuellll mm It Nobel 012 am Illbtll 15 at Oakland or mo Ind moo IN put aunu nldldly Detroit It ClevelInd York It Baton menu It Minnesota Baltimore It liltwaultea 0w that did not make the mod nah top III itnlshcrs competed In the link itnalt 1hr lighlmrlit coxleu tour crew from the st GatherLuci Mlu Cluh lkaMthIrd In the little Ina ninth overIlll Ill seconds hohlrd ninaln Britain The crew II made Phil Jones Nlck Ilolmrs Iul Bed Ylnx Ind stroke iteh Lari er Kansas City It CalliomlI rvr ersmurrarevro WITH 1145 am 0er YOUMATE in the coxcd tour Imsli tin EREWDU AT MY AGE M556 THATlL learna Ll victory over Tum Cum Sundu lien llerrd rick mam am on Teen Experimenting StOps After Team 74 Loses the rink whllI Don Amy scored the tint junior Iorl II the oiher end this iivHIrm erhlhlllon series conch ltlily Harris IIld bl will dllconllrua much ol the ex perimenllny that united the tint three units cut uy enoueh II pulse 01 the Nolan raid in lIIh Ihrtr relniommentl theyre met hockey eiuta iot prominent Iraln wera rookie Dennis Sobchut and PI Price who lened Ilh WHA clubs alter Illustrious Iunlar ca CH Harri uld there ll no prol Ion to ten Iny Iunlm Into the Russia Ierlu unleu there ll in iury or illncu or uhleu we raauu our policy Ila would not Ilabontr but munreer hill Hunter raid the nd mIXNrp oi the team will In olden Icrlu ends Throunholll the rum period at East Germany PowersWay Gold Medals tho CInIdlaa crow ilclsbed In Iourlh spot tioh WON be hind winning Romania The crew II then the st CIlharIan owing Guts PLACED SECOND in Ilia coxlass 1m tho OI nIdIIII crew from St Cath arlnu pieced second in the lztllo iInIl or eighth evened in the qua neuB the Canadian loam om the Quo bcc towing Federation In More Ircal nished In Ilst In the lille elrhellarili ett icin little final and In the elem the lldley Gradual Boat Gib crew ilslshrd In rout root over all or tourth in the limo final In the lithlwalght elzhis the new rpm the St Catharines flowing Club timed lotuth Ind Inst or 10h oremll ihs unadla mm tailed to pick up Iny medalI in the com petition NEVER MIND THAT END ANOTitLERI JOB NIRTEN THIvaI uvAaurysI mjATkIsHHEDIBSE New list User bites enornuoks trims residential 72648553 aortic scnvlcs LEASING Repeating diet the int Irv unimpurlant1hun CIIIdI pr Iy GLENN 01 Wu PruI WEII lmnl Album would to Irma II IainJ Tomato Mont on the Rudd to Emilys In Eastern roam Center can III Iboold In thI do km llama Meander llrnlted lheArrulnIpetoUenNollll and lined tam Intthll Itmmen which the citem Imvertedlnxtchodmiyin in mood quarter us our dateacII bed aid Rod RM lion treat deteruive much In EEC action SW 0t imam rmCIts 1b the tn Iliad to Iron WWI Ind In matured oc mater in the hat tour Kernel AAIMNDIDIISIKN rot Wallets It mrn CIardI wuaot tho Junior mt Photo By Till CANADMN PR5 Sullicharnn Mghrlden Ind Educator mm moved lain tintplan do In the POOTBlIll STANDINGS By Tim CANADIAN PMS llulern Contarem the hardiouxht contest cmwd Ivitmlted at 1000 in the annual Suside Corral cheered every move by the lun iors and booed same or the Edmonton Sort or Prim targets wen GordII owe it received routing ovation when Introduced before the same Ind llm Harrison who restrained himseil trom ilr II rixli hand while machine with John iadilpa near the end llnnlpex Calm iiexuit BIIurdIy Saskatoan 38 British LT 10 ll 30 to 00 tall Nouzh Rider lost 1610 to Should Go To Defend aimed mm In mu Thus the datem wear to tart Dickie Hurt in Elle Rn pus rambled do rst to th rm That let in BM In to tilt rod Peter DIDI RIrI quarterback Junxu Jone tor Naomi lit TD It 1023 Just email later 5le rm of Ibrard pus lrun Just or the second lion lreeJ touchdm which Iu art when Glen Weir reamend mom Irwin Mold back Dd Emit PICK PM Baton th tamed warm nu rnlom oid loan hooked up nth Johny Eaten tor MM TD drill in lilo Marv Wee had Id at Ran post It the MI Joan tor IWIrd TD in tho third it use combined Illh mixing run the beds It the men 5m onva Iii treat lDs 2cm Joell roads hilawhx Min Ranch Ifirr last ms were by the aimin Iced out emu men deer cato IIId his nitrva C411 Izd IddM be null tor Alter Weekend Victories4 WrItIra main Couerence and III be the noted durlo the weekend alter took over British Calmsibis ucnI Ind Winsin Blue Bomb Ron LIIcIsler threw ta march ltd yards Whrldm to we win ore mush Gettml ns Lions no ho drirncI gava us pod Ilon am Nd Smda Edrmnton Ind SIshtchenn cw ban in point net but Iecnnd tiIli LaneIxtrr No oil have elrht points Winnipel III end can SIImpeden two commenting on the SI Ialchrwm win MM GeorrI nrd itan Douzlu Reed the olieocI dnrdo am pm Ind tin eon tidal tn held ma mm lvr Toronto with Ar lnttdil Iia ion In IImrrol amid dnnxe Its In 33 mm We look tort Soturay Intmt lb Iharevrrimllodw vIt their points In lust In the tint halt II bl mum tint hIIl helm crowd at It in but the nouxhndera rm touchdown mum hm pIed mlth at lhlm pa gmuhcn lcm Camps mdnlai Eftglgmvdngihg wn eIurht by Steve Marunl nulld return or In llllh pm ticked held Ml diteusred leln Iiter tho exhl oi the rune liIrxlson made thI Icon close Ior kIm Canada when in tipped to shot with no re mIlnlu in Ihe third perlod AXIde barrel looted the open Inx on tor Team Clnada which had Ind 65 stories in the first two law CANNES BIG LOAD Ho Iarlcst Vessel In the world prahia oi carrying dry oarxv II the JIpInm Us ltaru ol mm deadwetlht IumlilI Id lteenll lundxv Edmonton tmnipex Gull rdnrldly Colpry It lismilto Enter Coniefenen lioner llll 119 ll million limit Mnto Si 101 Ottnwl arms ltuuli Soadty llontreal 35 Toronto Retail sltarday llpmlkll l0 01th It GIm Idol Camry liIrnliIon Got In Imported Ill In in nxlu your can my III II II in E8 MOTORS mile west oi 00 on Dunlop nua to nines 111th an you knew not III II 726 5441 since menu In much time on thoiloorIamlheilulloknowlt thahouu ntpropertyhealod tlItIlledIngeItoocoidlgal IIorothroat IillI draughty lInaezo It then are cold Ipote cough Too bad there IanI In oaltorwaylo toll Iomehody Dont wall for your baby oramati lld to tell you whats wrong with your heating Act now bolero wlntura here It you noticed draughts cold spots upanddown tempora luros last winteror It your ohlidren seemed to have con stant coldsthen call the Gas Companyrlght now One ol our axpartswillglvoyouairaahoma heating Iurvoyadvlslnqyou on what you need Ior sneezeproof grotoctlon new Natural Gas furnace may but answer Besides providing olilcleni heating throughout your home It an economical price Natural Gaa makes unla In other ways too Its clean Cu to Natural Gas report that their dupes and Wells Itay much clamor is gas urnIco so pro Irnr vido you wlln extra space In the Since there are no tuel tanks you can use the apaca tor atorego or recreation Energy conservation II grout concern today and most homeownare are doing Ive Ihlnn pos Iloleto cooperate with government onrdcommunk thorough Inspection oi your hoatlnp system combined with In uptodaio Naturul Goa tun naco Is cod way to do this For more stalls call your use tomcrawhohavochangodIhulriorced alrturnIoeI basement or recreation room Iy ottorta Io save We tool that Company today anomersGaow

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