Liberal Offered Io Pro oundlYDaI Students ll ELLEN DIXDN than qu ol Bantu sitter than loan you Itttnllatl on ark moat hnd It bIIIAI limoMum new 1m the eornnnmtv emun1 ol 5mm llrI 0me Gunner nun In maul the Belrte duh Inlanan rennin Iuty Irom both manl and In Ixrmes lhnt provide hee renter It trad then in luh nuliy Irma tor the on Ind luld Main person but Inn em the urvlm ubidt Imann In untmn to those who need Ihem uyI Bnrv lie Odell Cub President lrl Ithrm mum For example went at Jul dtIId nut knot Ihout the orsmutmnp that could Ilene lbem Heonn loss one at the Inuit mnmon balm vrvblerm Ihleh not In Canzdx ttlleeu Imm nnlrxy moon CInIdlnnI nutty per cent 01 III who reach Ize 60 lute Eminent awe In hearing LV SUIWE COUNTY In Same emu ts chillnn no ILtmdlhe Illlloo School the Deal and the slmcoo canny IlrIILhUnit lest 31h hearing an tend It the let possilfe Ichool Inn The prtblern oldenlneu de pend upon Inrttm the lndlvtd ml htld or InIdult Ihoi Iher his heartnz lose pentI or IntIl Ihether he III born mm hendup or developed II later In llIe Dealnesr an be heredttnm II no be the resultnl In eident Ihnlbnr Iuto lndlulrIIl or WWI than he mud by omexpown to loud noise In cello moltlm tnlr pine mvehInIaIre III Vlcllms la Ire rock mnIIclInI nr It can be thevzrnduxl tampon Ian at old Ige SEPTEMBER wnnmnc DATES MR ANDJIIW IIHII Mr melt DITUIIIM leIlI In nounoe theklhomnl mur rIIxI oI thntr nquhIer tlnr mot hilltut to am mum on non alllr Ind III llt AND Mill Grlu lot ltldlnnd navn INHOIXKCII plan tor Lhn mmlnge nI thetr dlugller llne tn nr dnn lIcIuoa Ion ol ltlr Ind HAN CInIdIIn Ptoduclt Boot Baby Bcof Also custom kiIIInq end quIck Irnozinq We specialize In frcnzor ordnvs who shed to attend Gollzud punt mama Inward mambo II Im Wile um lb new tea urn Hn Mdluzh It in lilo nttltnde hand nuiIy Inmate that moIII In yer Ily Inadequate InzyprewIItI IndMum nooemteol lob ahaminim Ind My mum intellenj Irmth Iota IchlldllI dlnovnrod to becknl boeInIe nu parcels do not In ml to do Ind Wm lends than to lake tweetntlnns Ind loamttete atom to help un numb and un ILnv Into boas Ien unnn Qt del mth unearth the sun Ill10 It mtrnllm ol Quota Intern tIunIl II st Inuu Ilumt Im unaccounted on com monkiloo thin the convrntlon one el presented televtmn Pro nm to vIeIen entlJed they Grow lrt Silent In inning on balm nun NRA word In tnItWltd In luxungn to deal mum amtum munch on been HELP HTUDLII One ol the mt Important de elsiooI mule by deeule In In establish loundatltn Innd tor lttrklllk Irnm my country ot College Wuhlnztnn the only tollne where prolound ly dell etudeIII can earn III efIl drlu deuce The mllort ol the Colleer II to nerve the den Ihrounh our lItIm ot IwroprIIlety desturd ndueotlonnl opportunltlu bun Include the trnlnlng nl In her Ind other protuuonah Ind throw Iu poIIIIon on leader In cduentlon ol the out the bum Mu In vmvlde rnndmum ot Ienderrbl Ind ur the to other Innltu one IodlvlduILt unto the dent llte Dollezo bellever that Iht Il Mctnhbon nI Snnlv Buy The weddin will he pIIce at St Muyl ClthulI Chunlt BIrrII on Sept ll IStunurd Studio AI It Iukwn nI Dante uodtlln wtll Im pLtCI on Sold 21 at St hlnrzlml munch hlldlaml IN voun Veal Pork Hom undererwlor Itaed bomexmker ILohu lhlnp In hemVIII In ChiIIon Densertl puma It medium Inlo mtnl Mu does not on inmnre at It pettoo all us the Colleen ob ltntm II to perm the IIdIr ldnal Itth beer lone Ionqu to his lull poteothl thmrh the newline at In ad Kitten letllnt W1 do to Indie him to tour route or hlI handle POLLYS POINTERS ly roLLv man My Polnter um than III that Medal mt In mart all mauled Irish think hone rlnp luv moon Inn on the loan at new In to The on Ellie Ire very tlxbt Ind In Inc on It neodbd Ind oIl Ina desiredMm NJ il5 gw IF you mot deal hemI Ibo breathe tome Itecer um 91d Inln mm or on Met dIy km Indlnendonouhowupnrmny Mme tune lnB or lhm boon me It bdp IIIIJI Eltu uhn Mum llr Eull Ind 50th1 Gardner dlxuss the We portI oI IItlh domdbtnlnessloeeelohm unnddolhernhouunelhehu enema WW Dru PRUMn II wmlnd to lawn III to let III at wIden Ind lhllr web llul Ir between her window and form wlndnvn We plm low moth ball Mum sud nIn down Ind hem bm Iny Ipl mm oplo with vIle nl moch Itto luuern descendlng lrom the Ilrnbdns cnrrIIw NMITHKWIK In Canada dont mm In Itelhll but perhan II II be 56 they Ire morn hIIreI bot trIvrIIIny bcuuse they luv the mom to do It evcr they wlsh Thny dont we IheIr money tor yearI unIII It Intl they thI mouxh In no lo nee thelr Inmlllu InIln They denl Irent the day at IrrlvnI II the htzb llghl oI your and year oI humexlcknnss Ind Iongln to Ice InmllIIr laces ll they want to go home lhry In and return tinnl or In nouplu Ind bceIunoI II Mr Iy oIdInIry hnppcnlnz the en ttrn lImIIy doesnt lroop dotn to the Ilrwrt to welcome them back ll they mm to brlltl thelr why our theydo and no Into It II nrdtnnry enough not In quulru mus lIIIdlDe en the clan It welcomln pIrly While Wu matchlnv llll neck now tImIIy Iller IImIly prodnntly wnlehlnz the Irrtv Ill doort Cltlldrcn clean It pln Ind In thrlr but elolhu perhapsmeotlng rclItlveI lor the tint lIme daughter Ind tom wIlchIng In plIonlI Ind nomntlmes Ior grandparentl SNEAK PEEK 111m lheIIII the Illr ex Dy WENDY lIICK Juli to pcotI mn Iron lhe III III latch no notlre of Dur PollyI quest thIt all Ionno Islam Ieen mother It all Ind hat conltnlt 33 Eh urd to as usual thInk good nm nmdhmblh However the Atrlun vlolct Iran II there hot mom Igolmelogg $115 and th larger place nrw declllod mum Ihnved Ind rk ell out nnIIl 1an at It me up mmpletely Ind net to be thrown out nuns It mo undu the hate my where Hutn hId IpIdm Ind II hm to choose hetnren vIoI ct and III In nlher teen the Ihn Ilrpovt II In Incredible plane lull ol InhnlII vnrleta II II umon exwesson In use Fresh Peaches lullol polrnIntxlImpIee nl ml We hId to well oulte Ihlle II quII Ind no were In Pooch Dillon mum IbII lee leverI plIneI monthe maneyuvtn dish For Iomn mum on doelnt mm lo Ieo mIny wrallbyloolt than nomIFI downwk mm Ind new gm ma member In Ennlnnd noIIcIn My Nll Irrtth IIthI rntlvaynty Idlv power nd In 51 llonI Ind Icelnl the elegant pg stretch three patches to nuke III mm Iuvlnu Buy fresh lmlt Ind teleulrv hm they on In lawn not only If they uruellv lower In In otnllty but ell to let delloonl Ireth nu mi km bow WII Indie Ind vantaqu unconv Io buy toy quIIIty pm end In Imounte lhII an be ued wlthln levv den PEACH ClIlFION DEMEM touncn butane ouch Jolly powder quu la butltnx water an Inn Duh salt war dIood Iresh lrom the plnno alert to on through the runloml denan mcnl Every tlmo door open nloryonn nook qulctly to catch IIIIInpso bolero It closu Ind hce and there nhout corn no Irom ono wnltlnn IcIIIIvI to In other morn Ibo III her look Grout them one In 1th III wave like mad and wall Impatlenlly unIII Iha romu Ihrouyl the door and then It bean all round us everybody gnllvhlllscd amt tinned Inn tomI In my cycl too It wal vhed and cry every Ilme Im more IInIIly our turn comes Ind the three II In one mm It huxnlng Ind klsslng our relutlto oarnbtnevlelly ponder rum Ind badllnz WIRE arr unIII als mlvod GIIJI unlll putlIlIy net But until Irvlhy Dent on whlto Ind IIIt urltl toll pent tom GrIduIIly odd WW Ind but until ll Ind stony Fold Into lelly mixture lot vtrtlIlly net Fold In as ohm In GRADUATES MI Anne Brcnl dnushlnr ltr Ind llrn llrenl Irnduatod In nunln Irom tho llosnltel tor SIc Cluldren Totado She hII orch mlillon mlh Ihu Wolmcnt Gallon Iloqitol Tor on urvlnur Gebrlgh callege 0f Appllod Arte Ind Technology 15 Dojllm RoId BInIo OntIrIo REALITY THERAPY Noxt room to IlIrl Soplomhar 16 I974 room dened to prnvldn norllnx knowledge Inn nlnll In ml ltntltty Thertny In mnlellnl Illutlonr OI ptrttotlnt Interest Inneopll ln IocIII work Hmr or nl Ilnleer eduellorlttyutum III will had the menu Ind Irobnlquu It velue TIME Nil10m wu null IInnIlIy Inr ten weelu FEE moo INSTANT MUSIC ON THE ELECTRIC ORGAN ThlI count to sun SepIImhor 18 1974 How to the melt Inloyntent nut nl your tIodrIe nrnn wold bu In IlternItIVI lltII Ior thlt nouru Demonstrntlon Ind anctln Minn on In eIuIrlc orlan wIII he taught by vlrtuoeo nl the Iledrtc IteyboIrlI ntlnmrnt the HI peopln TIMEI VIIIMJI um eh Wednurlny Io lrn weak FEEL For rertttrttmn or turthtr Intermtllon till the Gollm It must Ext Il Airports Stir Nosmlgic Feelings IkI meted Burbldne mul deol III dunn ot the hu Ineu Icahn Iben pun Ien dimmed retardant the mount the ltltdxw WIteetoo Won mound by the Inll TM or the not null uent on the Root on Nov Good It the pot luck Iuyper urn urn rem onn ol the WWW mm In the Klu IolI dub In III Gotham the Wm ut Aydille the Benrte mallow Ind Protestant Women can Ind 11 Rag lmaheed In ner Wheel at Mari cub MVGDIMLETING lunar loader tin Julio Plnder II Interval In development at the hunger ol kmI DIIIIM ot the GM Gul du 9t 0mm tbll Include glrls lrorn It In In run at In ltezletrIUIn tor the dtk trlet IllllIlte plIee on blon day Imlnx II oclock It It Aodmt lnnbyterlnn aaurch DIrrle gigEEK El 01 gig RETURN FROM VITAWA All Ind 1L1 Punk Wood ol tut Dante hnvn manned gt Iron mum In the ewllll dty when they led lhelr mothlaw Ind dIunhter Guam Ind Joyce Jone Ind IIrnlly VI IerIe Ind Gnome The llnrrle Itxllorl Inlayed rnnny Interm In moo trtpl lltd KMted twn ANNIVLBBAIW SERVICES Annlvemw Iervket wtll be unnerved It Down IIllI Unlled numb Soot Is It the II clock urvlce llev RonIan Illl conduct the rervtce wltn weaker Padre Fun BIIrte uusle nlll be mle by Tushlynh young peopleI group Pmldret oI IhI We all lIllI It once we hull and null Ind try to It It the ventI new out In the nut llve mlnulu It reIIIy II very IIrm me mothIt entitlnl oeculon In meet pIIne Ind rIrrylnl Inttd one to you It would be rudt vlty ll everyone old It the my the Itch pooplIoo RECEIVES BSc Jobs Perldm at Dr Indo It Alen Perkins lbw me Inn the Uolnnty ot Toronto wlth loumur IIIu Mar oI Selena degree Ilu VIII he Iltwdlt the Minn at EducIIlon It the UnIVIrtlty nuronsn Lump ot Toronto In BMW HUIL DndIrId CPI post olIIco to show Ilebenneo tho denser oI Inullnx cable wtth thlr trIviln netted II III dlcnee oI Ixer one The mavle entltrd Thu Catch No WInlI bu become the Mm nobody wIntI In ottldnl tormltlncdr WIHIIN EASY EACH OWNWWN IO utterho olwensnr Ior nerve lea ullolu rut been dottlopcdl tryJoe IrlnceEtwnrd Inland unnonmenb wolrnt WWW Ilun MIoploedlng metal will W111 on the purrol nIthn ennv rent at motoIIus Iryoulmn I0 walk to work Could you make It hennaJame It t4 rmummmm new IK SIAIIONEIIY lln new OWNERSHIP munDonn ram nreellnl cudlx Illa but Bontlu Wrath ttItIenery neceyttan Dgeenlleu nuwaw 41mm uTheleperDedIll ovorIookInII Kompenlnll Ely While listening to Marge Drever ron thejLowrey Organ eompllmonll of Ranting Between new of Izloo 200 pm not 1000 mp LIVINGBIBLES Written In overvdev Innguaqo One to Iumlly Compliments of The Upper Deck WM CIVICIOWERS 70Colllor5l 9th Floor BERTS MEAT MARKET at mIII wont ol 400 on MHZ Phone 7370212 Sunday Home 1200 noon until 1000 pm