ea WmiwqumLW The Barrie Examiner and The Shopping News ithatjcovers lithe You can talk to Barrie househol plus ALL of Simcoe County when your now YOUR MESSAGE GOES Into 27749 Houstttotns tn non nun 34 towns AND VILLAGES including ruralf routes In past Veltrs the Barrie businessmen had to spend small fortune to reach his tredlnq zone with his advertising mossaqe To reach the 127000 people tin his primary and secondary tredlnq area the merchant had to place ads In more than 12 area woekilosyln hit and miss effort that In menu oases was duplication coveraqe NO MORE Todav the merchant can cover his potential customers by plecinq an ad in The Barrie Exnmlner and it extend ed coveraqe newspaperThe Shopplnq News The cost lust vour renular rate plus 03c per line The results aakalmoatenv chain store or Independent in Barrie These melor retailers place their ads In the extended coverage week after week You cant fight Success but then who wants to Ask your Barrie Examiner represente tive for detailed circulation and cost breakdown to include these two pap ers in vour edverlislnq budget Phone 7266537 and oak for displayedven ad appears in The ti Barrie Examiner ABC audi1t1egocgrculation plus The ShopptnEQNews BITCUlatlon households XI Thamin ht More Examiner one sneeetne tajewe The Merchanla Choice to cover more market are at airattion oi the coat