lwupr PC Sharon utt utterly attacking the runner in which tbs task lane was easelrun pdblle haulage Mr Martial laid the task lune consultant did arrive laie tor mm to if an ad ehat and thee should hm been preseatatlm be said Mr lianlal nld ha has talk ed with blr tents and that up other public meetlo has been Iet up tor Nada the Blue Flame Room at Ea Consular ers as bullth Barrie bills mill ncEvvyrlzht the may iiewelu ahead Mn CK NBarrte points out same ol at to rrmuummmsgchri Rogers Poor Mack irons lba Iran hummermm Billiliit uonrrcatrannisocmry Iireauoaorsuealortbaab allow to Mrs Er Sparta olblu lie arrival up new livemaa dotaclmeot la meolIhoad Barrie ll stationed It the View mountainous smart owner at the Breetdaio lna welcome ltChlP Corporal Bob rie Mel prenuptial the RCMP that his detachment ls concaralt uslnx the seller drool 150 gt marl Penile to liarrII lllc ltcblPa RCMP Detachment Here Because Narcotics The Internal at narcotics now when more arrIa are brought lie said however that it would be acccuary tor the United circulating in the liarrio INI bot empire the to It Camd iaa tainted Police open titration detachment in tho Corpoial Bob Fanatic aho will be in chsrza oi the newly lorraet diacbruenttold tbs lie my club Tbunday tbat olne erI irorn the Toronto and capo clally Orillla detachments were Inidll too much ime lavey Itlau drux cIIrI the Earl to open drlnchmcnt hcrc llr leualre has been more her oi the RCMP lor over ll ears spending the last to years strap lavsstlyalloa Prior to comiaa to Barrio he worked with the loadon datacbraent The oliiocr described base so one oi the area problems in Iociely not eat destroy the made at users Ibo eoaiaCnaadiIa Iaxpayers billionIol dollars tiI said llll liarrlo area does not have hard core drug prob lem that widespread use MI heroin opium as counsel but ed over the number at people it and haaltlsh All ouplr the corporal Iatd rlrtla use is not on drastic la ercasg nllarrio there is lair amount at are Iad the number at uaara tends to lnoreare throth the warmer months it was itta one male trip dowa rncrpery laae rhurlday alien nooa when people you and aid gathered at CKllll iation on Ferris Lane to celeb the stations tiller anniversary at Isrvieo and witness the oliiclol opening al ihe new building Guelts in attendance ranged tram those who were lhrrs at the nut oplnllt to civic ol liclals and younmoplo not old erroth to ram that rst broadcast the actual corcmany was brlel wilh members at the Snclorova lamliy owners oi the station loudly recalling the tint lrw can and reistlnl law oi the urnoroua anecdote ol the no lions ilIIt days you urineelv AlllllUll EVANS mem be lexailsed Mon at new mauled pglulnubu pcouac an paua nursery um Munw iallt Iot Sim llold rd Ltd Indthe Coventry Group which owns ill acres in the Stand am The pith lacith all that Bromide unit the dotudr unlaer Pbotoi la lram the 1orelrto rmlcrrm lie said his detachment will be more concerned with the trai iielera than the rum ol the drum He did not wish to iodi cIta whether he thought the use at haxbllh and marijuana should states to lens as alcohol lie para several arguments or and axalrut lriluiloa min the linIl deciIloa ll up to leis mum detachment eIIl Iiatulu CIrYerawS HELEN nxnnlmalt mpnv nuousr sarm mean rerun Ii mil in strvua development ttad to ianislil Tswa Tir wna presented by once anal corlIIl ultimo tajtttraud alsiila oiitdal plan rented with citation llnm Pro ruler lllll Davis and than Lyn annlmva Lreolmaa who elite lolly opened cttilll 25 yearn are declared the new station optn Guests were then invited to tour the IiallonI new incilillrr Cltllll lIrIi went on the air Aulust 31 mo in studios were located at on Elisabeth 6L new ill Duaiopst West and had total floor area oi moo Iiiusle loci with lta 2aqu trontmlt tor located on little meat the station covered radial at in miles with market population at about 15000 it then employ ed ItIii oi nine have ten rloI rte llrasdcnrtioo Company limited with plaque item ieiuiliad marijuana era an out be iloodtd with drul urcrlrllle also added that lsIsllxIer rould lead to lt bolap ll rest prob Aioaa aim lir Fraska two other oillcers in tbs detachment are trained Ia dru investigation iirskiudru abuse the RCMP ealorce Ill ted Develoyrer Plojeets 27500 as Stroudiirea Population trial aliensarmthinx med tioned in another developera Ichsmo mode Dubila Aux to Thai Ichlln re litre Carlatnlcilea pc It which esrna taro IcreI arena Btrourl called or population lloib Mail are like to be talus tato comidoratlod Is township planners rItIIhloa nu CKBB so Anniversary Marked With New Building ltIlph Bnelarovsucbelrman oi one new Forril Leno Itatloa Dorris liresdcasinl was pro has total oor area oi 3300 square loci and makes use at all the latest bedalical equip ment it operates an Wyn at 10060 watts daytime and 1300 walla st nlIht it has rtsll oi 28 The CKllll hall at lame ilk ciudos luldll ahaouncera who no on to proaier lame inciu no spartrcaater lllllllow ltt and acwuaItrra llarvoy Kill Norm Perry and Bill llarrlaz The hit coding to the stations call letters were actually Iur coated by iormer Barrie mayor Grant Mayor and stand lor the citya IiopIn Beautiful liar ur canine as cclrl at senior to too common ty Ex seaco oi any members oi the Annual Show Dru landlord Town Cornell at Iaeelloy la Aillaiaa Iut steel to which lamentlives oi the vsrlouI Iaanic ura in that area had been allied lilr Martial expreusd mt over both iaaiaacea up loan chambers oi commerce ol this study We aoed tber expertise sad dont not to alienate theat Earl horror ila charge ol the public pIrtlclpatiaa procrsalt rele to tba Eradiordlacl dcat dr it LI tbs rerpoasi bllity oi slatted prenataliv to ensure their comtltueala are adequately Ieprelcatrd at these election The real crunch is what the task iorce deer be laid it bu made some very dellhlts eonunltmeau towarddoial learnt planala siudy la warnadllhat manic ityaoutdbeveryioollsbto mard the stud and comment in atttbsahpt at some Iona said Never mind rytaa wsteh hla hands PROVltictill count BRIEFS hubris anualmt in prllllofll were 6in lied lie was two line or dIyI in jail Ilatan was Involved in qualied Court Wu told he had similar avlotss conviction ill VII allan in months Canada tar bl N0 BilOW GeorIs mortrand It at and bury was lined in prrr vlodai court at llarrie Thursday altar plsadlna witty to lawn to Ippeor in court on Aux Court vIu told llartraad we erde in Sudbury on war rant on tiny mood appeared in ptovlnclll court here May to At that time be apparaatiy Ircad to ppear in court ta harl rle Itu libilliilldlold rout he we are be an to appear All at lud tobo Auto told Bertrand be be more lrra used by court proceedings as is liberty and party are at state He told it mutton trial date is set it is not tune tloa or proposal but cant mand lliilli fillNK Kenneth Allen Itstrldzr oi la Napier at was warmed to seven day in jail tlhuraday Il ter he appeared in llarrla prta inelai court He had beeniouad Illllt Ital ol unlitle lbtiltiil lice either and causing ly harm Etaleae in had been remanded Iwalt in preacatsuco report liarrla police constable ll Bradlerd wa Itnichyocroas the head with crutch Alllldle about me anl June la the emerpeacy department at ltayal Victoria liospltol Police were called to the hospital to quell diIturh ance Iialridzo awaiting treat ed by polch to lure Judge John linetold Altridpe he was givl elven doyl in tail to ill nk shout the incident lie wot Illa lvea two years pro bation dur which time he is not to consume alcohol to enroll IUBPENDID SENTENCE ltrlalr Alien SrlIloy ol tea oi am narebosetes so in illl Thursday ter eadlnx Witty te orlvlal wblie driv vlea the option el June John Attic 00nd ml or callialou in partial lot about 1110 mm on March while his drivtal prlrtlezes were dis lblisd from drith meat ler cut one was order Paoolatumedoutlntbelm Madly Iilcrlloon to View the hi ultlbiu altered in this years Iaaual newer abow seated by the Barrie llorticul tuIEESocsollml evml at the Sunni dale Oxnmunliy Centre was oi llcially opened It but by Aald Ed Thormoon lilting in be tb Clad llcidaby Mid at it Design lloricsaiitylaei 0a all as visit It did canteed oi vldtorl mm gym llill llortktsltunl Owen idea that Mi at the email with rocltacl dour till the straw llse iudpiax was done by lira llebson oi lilidilml than were at sealer beihllorn with eutrica and three illn lar exhibitors with It Intrlu memoirs it Shield Meis time mm lcwWdlhlill Jansen doaaon Barrie Law Association Ottain maugruna in la Immune moment coiled tiny treason Wondyarnmcsard Kiwaail Club Jar bed dlwley in out In Jena Sanderson anion new to meat pdrlta in alloy dd Till llama lurilcmturu be dd blue or boa mm in be aaer classyu not preamp ed II no novice exhibitor reulr ed saoash pointa Ton ma served loiiovriu the the axdmpav was ad Grace oner Till wrnrlun 9mm mtIht play havoc with the annual invitauonat lastball Ieurasrneatontho weekend The weather olilre is calitnn ibr Iolno rain overnight and cloudy weather with periods at rain on Soiunley low expected ovsrnicbt will be about with high tomnrc row at 73 ounce iiyaeprlsl Forecasts call tar in Northern Ontario iodst the ow Italn can be expcotod Saturday to mihom regions ihm chum oi rain tattay amt solut do lander Fetorberouah liarniitrvn Lake Erie Latte lluron Nllllll Lalo Ontario llallblrton southern Groraiaa llsy Sunny with cloudy rlods today and chance at owcr sum cloudy with periods at rain it cits today to to re low that new remlaiiom on house insulation will cause construction liowmhip cotawil rota uPPNV itrip the mutations Coauthor Ml tackle man but clouds are expected later in St Coils imttna alone owns Ind in lciotborough lciawowa North My Stalin Earlton Tlrrsmlns Kamilltnlira lilnrlo droplrnu While ltiror tiaralriion Moolaneo Doria Scott and hitI Madeline land imam in most it generounwws Fastball Tournament May to Between BaindrppsOnWeelrend oteminbt on to telltale or dry 70 it 75 lacs May Overalsht SIL ttctlsor 73 Struts London ll Kitchener Ie Vlllsllem Ohm Saurni hiusleoka lamllian tort Houseinsulation Regulations Sent Back By innisiil Council SlilOUD Stall Ii ioor Insulation wirtir the new stun dard would lumhnil Council was ma ridrrtru tno alumina has stopped lrmislil law which wuud lmooe Oya Hydro insulation clcttrlcali hosted roman ou wll pot hardship on 832822323323223232 am Hundreds motthhyoarlyewdooh knew Iarmamar common debt Lilli alter is en ll ary Dam to the car has In eatilnsltxed at 01000 wasansrmar iiiOilNiON Silt tem mry water pinupohruro has Iot up tor Thornton Village mum subdivision in nNtl nrwrehlp sprawl loomed Wednesday mm rmancht What Itsstern new is clrlp ces Ii mortalstort SNlOllD Stall Matti llnlthtLMItltll has memories reeouilon satiny the attorney acorai to irrposo arbitration when solary negotiations breatt down wlh police and refitti ers the resolution is bani rip culaicd to namicipslitler th population at more than 10000 FALL FliOLlC The lrrnlxlil somber cl Cone meroas lall mile art tar Saturday nitht at Joes llanouct lakrshorr llcrirtcs mttslr and Hall on the Eiphilr lJno near the dsprlrla there will be draw ior New Ilelctlsllt Header and watch Doors open at pm ror harem arm alum iSlalii ssszssaagszszgaazssszs 58258283883333333333333 Iiundords on toenailer BMWMW cl luWei limo St is in Iltlslutow mum in ltoyallli otll ler pital iattowiaa aggror accl nlsbl nilI nation was per sensor in Lear operated by ti lea Sta which atmk hydro lIrno olil3at Roebuck II Ieit llIad Corinne its the name in leiillll nourn The Barrie Optimist Clubs arsonma Sept will cover tomb route mania and lla lahlup at the Barrie the clrwlt will intro the must with late lnalsiii iownsbhr and back axoln Pledges lor cyclitta may be mode at PauiI lock ltr Transnusrlorr karma bowl in Centre liltlcland and Ball rtI Sports ASSISTANT LiSlEClolt SlltOlill Stnill llolm lioisoy has been banned unlit ant to tho huidu amt parting inspector in inn till ibwrship iho Itartlrul InarKnis $9200 your councillor Jo tackle op posed the trlrlnu Wednesday night but he ltd did not live any notoa RESERVE CHAMPION Skyline rlrlricn by Pat For Irnro ol till ltarrla wasro tango champion in tho sortpr iurrpcr clrus at tho srnltr hone show at the lllitu lnir raihrr listen lltt hllitbtlllliltl Ildilll Who Know Styilnr ridden by Jim MacDonald was champion lum pre lslt year rav axarrtnnn wires has It llarrle was lveo sul ponded sentence two yeIra It llarrle ihurIdIy alter pleadt lnI tutti to sorrrmlttln In to rieccnt not In when auto mobile wilh the intent to laluit or embarrass Court waI told pub on June am lnnLIiiI Township 11 line Court all told be had been drinllnl at the time Judge pra halo said he coud not consider condition It discharpe lie laid it SrlIls has medical problem it about be treated but in this type at clients criminal record lI eri llrtlrlno our oi Altandae umber in llorrle told count probation in provincial ceurt9liere do not stock Thomlon Tykes illa incident occurred about Win League Title thllllpelllnraiaiion retard it rot avail mu sum mm ltoovo icorpo tturton told Mr tort Tykcs dciostorl lanlsiii tummy MM have Wm ihurods nlttht at Knock lalk to win he championsth in the lunlsiilEsu nasrblli league TM iud 53 Db lint Iuitllill rciml on lit Lot llellrlno also pitched Thorn propo buldtrg harm roan cllor Luche said Some at the abe Counclilr Grant Andradsv warned Mr Lucille that he seemed to be considerqu the matter more as supplier than councillor Mr Lack had nlrl tlm lnxutallon material waI too built ytu stool tlrbtcauxu it ailcmthls brai nm klul advice The bylaw has been are bark to cirrartlioo and the rev SCHUEiT Cluttered Accountant is pleased to aanourm the admission to partnerthank BRIANxMTHOMPSONBACA the prottlro will continue titter tho ntlme ell nov scuum co clustered Amountants Itl llS NEW OFFICE lDCAllON to cottlan smear aAnnIE Durante LiM rm her at the legislature los sinr Telephone 126l5l00 We prosIatI llalph Premier lull Daub only mauve charm as lion lowmhlp buildin inspector is lmperlnniln casein appears in tona lint victory at innlliil to be aIltcd tor opinion lulu Photo the tutors on similar charge Park in the bestollltrco sorter