Lhwmolm minimrite 1oItWMInrauu momma dl Cai Neededkon not ijo AvOidxMorejTrchedy aria PM who hm been driva for our without overlaying Men involved In Incident mo amends to key Motorists rightl mmde vainnumericaan 19 poor mildew IreI heard Emmi ma renewing too cioeely Ind detain people time more My or mm DOWN MEMORYLIINE rem Ioo IN TOWN gt Ilrrle Examiner No29 194s RII Ihip Ind aircralt Mllguraiiol This means more emphulr the Inqu IIegto plannln In the rune kind et air power Irctlon oi oeleomiId put whkhthuunneeioowhuto Ior opernllonrotemoaiteoal tieltddedhomnunm and the So delroo department and other vIIeI prIIon rdm an summer um um Iarentu on Soviet III powrr the more III II the America thII one will probIhly be chord Ioihepreunhlletbeulieente amour lth upertI warn eleh other let when this corner rornI ilrne udndmtthethreeiolswioi In the mo mutt Soviet weaponry IIIII SpeeIallIII Mediterranean Fleet Ii the device ddenee IIIIh rrndy III oooeentrat on Init liIhmonIrthe been hIrridden aileeqobped ItliIoe will the nine twig hm Ilro mater IhIo oh the manor unrelru the on than and with on to mother Intermuted tentIII ior councillor the IhII iI IIIdIIrIIIn Ind KW ediierrIneIn not Iporienced pld How an the public tth In put erpreaent mt hlrIory enroll for IIcI of IIIth Inaierrdeyurnslorconlm the Soviet oaral threri helm ence will meet In IIIIIIIxnep termed II the heshinlonnrd mrmmmmmm Inc In the iield keep the ports in North Muriel on the hoorhta eemlt QUEENS rm TheTIC Strike Now FOCUS or IIIE ovru orrrcr mmmmrom BUSIIIESS Investment Counsel Blue Chips Bend iquttouwonldhetoBIrrtnJen nyvmczxrdom LEWIstOVO ltd III gram the ofcial coming oi radio III mgmfwd 39mm mum III Counrner mm Inuit am in beasde 3min Ihe Ilog Ndd mmummu out not nonuol rim Invite thIIttrIBIrrIoHumtnuiiernb gramme elected the Tmblororureouodoorceremoyptamd mmudnma LEAMMWUWM normalizationde IIIIAIoootIIIonandvnyrtever rm durum prom Moiobroedcaetmloldodhll nmnu euoewlIlIdeoinIMIIrtdn am New pmlml 000 hunt on urnroot conuent Ior Genadon tam ItihoPontomeISqueoMnulnx or downpour mmmmrmz monotonic iii hir III 59 rodio Ihriion ho ind Icirloved Mmwmu 82 mo Diodandwiththroedriidronlndhieown 311942 theeegotolia oithndtlzensoi 5oelgrmIrIdCICBBto IAII IIII or moor rnmoamu MINA In the Zn month between July rm II Sat hiehmnl II drop CI timid Inlpht be prim new but Ior dem It represenlr Mini improvements In the provinoII lortunrl Byemrlmwoeiorool tho yrovineel In reridents wmovedaway durlol the rub Mt Ive gemmoo uperrooe luring province decliolnl tirth rIia Ind migration into the province wdid not hIiInce the drIIrr by rnorrthI ending July loco Wmfzmm III 33ml ixth It BI Ileld Street Oratorio Telephone 7mm Second Qua IIIII ReglIIrIiion Ilu Iher om Morn perope uarInleed Dnliyr Soul Ind stoiuiory Ilo idnyr excepted luhreriptloo rIIeI dIIIy by tumor we weekly IIIM yeIr ly single cg 15c By mnii wm tII yearly Elmore moo yeIriy Itolnrice oi Canada moo yearly All Tbihor oouIIIrteI moo yearly Itoior threw oil $1000 yearly IIiionsI Advertlrinu nliirerr Queen St Wort Toronto MI Hill MO Cllhtlr El uontreai Iiembcr oi the CIoIdiarr Pres Ind Audit IlureIu oi mun IIUIII lho CIrrIdIIn Prerl iI exelun Ivelr entitled to the tile Ior re jubilation oi all new diipItoh II In this paper rredlteri to It or Jilin Arm nted Press or neuter Jud IIIo the iocIl news puhlialr ed therein iIho IlIrria Examiner elelmo rripht In III orlrInIl Idren 31 Ill and editorial mIterIII era led by In employeu Ind xv prnduced lrr thlI nowrplper oACduvrlrht Iierlrtrrtlnn Num Lher ooorrr rorIrIer II oicomed IIr Nor orsrsrrrwnr Smallf Population Drop Radical Improvement room in more INN In mm mm III 714 Ind mm In 197M The enoduI involved limit quarter oI the mm new no more tltth oi the in um between me antiwar nrbtxhe Ioundr uture myth Perlttuiariy meepilble to eoowmie protoner to uni rIt were unlverrlty llldih our and mo potrnIlII more with them went Inn ointloemlhitlneln comm Ir rorn Inuit town Ullt hit oil III III goon oi contolldIIlorI Into tilieI Proi II dcltIrt lo Itudy Ior the duhtehewrn School Tnnteet AIIocIItlIo reported thIt Irom reel to the province tort 1060 mixturesll per rent oi the total is other InIIyIII have door he concluded that our renIly hint Imn Income me Ilhw the decline hut there II no mood to believe thIt it will reverse lhn trend to M0 Slltixilu CInIdI IIIutd irnlrlerrn popuiItloo torrqu IhIt put Suhtohu wmo population in door It mono not much more IIIIII hit the current IoIII Premier Allln Blekeoey Ila incited the uncut it our bored on the urrthlon that ornlmtiorr will continue II the hery volume Im II whrn ruin Iurplurar pro dured drIIIIo drop In Irri culturIl Income and till court try as whole went Ihrourh economlc problem it war hIIed on the worn polrlhll combination oi tqurI clrcumatancer Includiol Io Iliumption that preterit Me It policies towards WeIIern CInIdo will conIlnue PM BEVEIIMI The remler contended IhIl prov neiIl pollqu tha Iliwed thrpopulIlioo drIIn end by the year mo SI IItcbeerI might III pop ulIIion more like In ro lion provided prerent poileler are vevnrnth both oi BIIIOI Mr Mayor on lethal amounted in oldally on the men Clarke president manner roro mammoth ngymm can run tom Aug cigirtryoarold dou Ind Mm Show rot undermined lurther by Di m4 ItieInerhIle Justice IIIniItor Otto Ian IIid durlnp the ralt cent Ii election palm thII Sultlchl wrote lovemroerto hm unlble to raven the trend hut enlightened new tederaipolletes willdo Io Dun Imld the arrreot prorperily IrnIiI limit are ei ther IIIII declininx or remain in hlIIDIvv In ere Ire ewar the rural are that make up um proportion oi the email townl rulrketl Prol 5cth reported tht the euro Inn Iiu met In mt Iod on error In 1m pro turn IIIIIIAI 95 In m1 cm pIrod with the mom ol ml in mi there were em IIrrrI operItorI under 15 No deoIdeI IIIor there won only 1715 not rIIIlnr any mierr around hm IIId In aim to yom IlmIIill with the prorpect min hII larm go out oi the IImliy we altered II to our in but he would We had to bl IoIn Ind he wunt lrt teirleried In it Iddod MI Discoveries In Family Tree EDMONTON 0P Funds ction It Edmonton IrII trIcod tImilleI both to the United Buy v1 IAIItlIta nod iound BudeeIt Symphony violinist in hit IImtly in tho procur Ilr EIIton reridcnt the Alboria Sumo cIl Social in one at row number eI Albertans ininrelted In trIe Iru Iholr lImily men The arroeirllon trod elm members when It waI ornulzed ilraolm Ind now her more than ProterrionIl leneeloilris them mm to $7 an hour on IIICIJII Interior youraell provideI IIICIIIIIIIII eludy oI ychoiogy and hiotorle IIIIllI Iool htr Eldon raid IiorrovIreI rnIrI reilr We oltonpeoolelnvelt with mshndmemlaodnmm IIIe Inveoimeot obireilm In war roihorthn modeDilb R0142 or PENSION 11 Du man had IMO you tor It yearI iolo II current penrlon plan and don IIILSI wrblnlllm Ind trod live per can your ho prohnhilltiee would have mutilated moot II hot the many were ConIIInIly reopprIlIe your III hie RESP he could puchue 151W locoroent bond Ind that the pool aounrerlete about $3000 Illeriax orn Por the petition pIIn portion today we ei with Ilium lnvesimorrt live eumu Ite 1000 ll hr condo nee to Invest 15 per cert oi III In Inoomeld rotirernert It per cent he would Iodine lininng lentrem Investment oivee loiir insole1 ransom mn tht mutt Ito moot the 803 that pluwlliwort ve Ind Ittl pIIn airtime will be to replete rioymwi Imam at ov Income ot axe to with provision Ior lrillllloo moldy oi 0mm euem ten tax mm CANADAS STORY VWdIfe Furious With The Order Ily IIOII IIOWIIIAN General lIrrIea Wolfe II not re moot II hm by most Me In amber whldr II un MINING lilI rrttmory ia also held In low eotcorn by who 1le aim the lb oi the Gull 52 Low rodeo However what ho thorn we not hlI unit Wu Iorved to lot urinal lilo wishes and thrententd to ruin Irom the arm III Ml not Brit lIII mliitaryeiava Iorce It iaoliod harboring Cope Bruno Ind captured it Alter turd light IhIt lasted Ior mirth Gonoret Arnhem wnI the com mander oi the Irrriy Ind Wqu war one oI hi brigedirrl Mitt AulIbonrg urnmed Wolln wed Armrlt to nitedt but Arnhem weI onutlour arid iruIIIed In wailing mill the following ear in Iieodr he ordered vbI to loin rmall Iorce Iridvdextroy II many villnzeo ll be coutl Lion Ihe Ittoros oi the lul oi st Inwrortco This wit to protect the llrilIIIr lloot lhnt would be entering the gut tho Iollowtrd mount to attack Quebec Waite war lurious but hId to obey orderI ml uliod Irom Mulrhurg on Aug 2t rm III IpentIhout rmrIlII doiop htr deulstttui 50b Itd their wroia report width rend In part hm done deIl ol mil oo Ird the tenor at inlet AIIAINIIDlE 21A roteot wotddwpdtinnm Gull but tha Idded nolhlnl to the Imitation ot than It won steal comm ho tIuIe the poo la who lived there could not met but their home nod pile oi Iood were heoroyed but II lhey new preparing lor the IWW olvdrtttr Volleihmretuned tomlulu wtiie MW went to NW mod Yorktopinntlrowphdad thin cumin rectum 0w tlnhrltleh YITIEII AUG II EVENT Imrrh Ind Indians Ill dor llertuelwm who row mod II IllsU3 Worm arrnlrtieo In War oi 1m nutToronto lake liuroo IIIIIWIy retrlved nimoi Enroll We charter Ill onrwnrd WIIMJALOI Kind Edword till we Iahen on canoe Iri wont Incline IIIpIdJ IIuCenndlan Quebec to Iltond hedotteiolrm maltrenoo Ilvm Salvation Imv Icrviee In Gouda win he imdon OrIr VIrIouI Iletlrodtlt dormimilom mIIetl laptod klllrrp 73 workmen ItleIrincou PIlI were tired It to IIli loom part In the nut It TM ioompulrory mug oerv donmir Irrrn throudmln oom peopte In hibnirul dolmiu lelt CnruullIn re CIrIndI to World WIr IbrhlIIUISPvre IunIdI reiouhldtrmhibe pliIIfovl allle pig but Ior pen we we miyltvoporeeotoisithnuyhe little low on In motor bode 1n Addition Ito hon Stud norm IundI thIt can he lied toIuppiornrnt the promo mired All in Ill It wotdd learn to he most re Ind IiiIlrtIIrlI policy to Mow IIrn ed tor the $20 would oclude tom MT WI mmmumym traps amtoi Interest been In addltionr thou hm ear not Iluree Alberta Gel And Responsibility QueeII PIrI Bureau IIIoinIroI Non darviee TORONTO The little by Tormio Innnt emotional when hen preemtod one at the moot compelllox momentI yet for aerne iorm at Irtrlitrlion oi diiwtee nuptial Invited dim thrt not only In tied up or IeriouIiy In nonvonleoced some three mil IIOn people and name merdionio In the Iloiro Toronto em but through tha ohmdown od Gm We old Vern roommates II tor Iway Grille Guelph Ind oohIwI The but lots money Ind time could not ponith be cII mlt It 1117 tdlvldend In riddled widthwsiooltlowlw Muhammannddeo IdI It Do tinoemo tilt and in run an worn lack oi re wo Montooontlnlou Bork It WI AIroep IndItIinio mention areub hm IhIntehIouIIII noth that mommhm WW otwepertodot 15 year some titnoes will cerieintybereqilrod Ipmrihiilty on both Ildoe Both the TM Ind the unlnn ham to work on nti neither really got down In memlgl men were It And evrn thenthw were no enu pour upturn THOUGHT Producer Keeps Iuasrre Schedule IIINNAY Obi CPI Dem rill Sweetlm oi oi ple moron the Kmart Simmer Thule hm otilrrx up It revert in the morolnI and ram Will to bed It III pretty In Your Idreuolin and propose trout the tint dry to the end my low dont come within me Inchol ol the ilr Sweeiiny or In expendi ure am 051000 last It tendrnoe llrure or IoIIon war lull Ind Iince the atlerrd once yum have nmoet hlod In lotu rem even more people thlI you The oholce or plays one at the zest thinlr he IItd urt ploy comedies end they have to he in zood taste mm he laid no Ihet IparId not hi on Ion but dIIIvIred him up Ior up ell MJDIII he not IIII hint aloe freely Ire III III Ihioul ltornans III Doemt It make note III II III Ive no the Saviour any thing III would not he too much Ior line to tin Ark hi1 lies Ilevo only IIII thinu are With God Ill thinn Ire hie II yo IhIll ark edit in my name will to pump do iI Id They Iooit their time ult In what Amountd to IIII houn In negotiation unite pubic hdpleu mm Twwmlt in em but it med noel valor pooltlen oI III Ixoept low Item over the your Ono too no it Ihould hm loomed inuon loo up And It yummy Ihodd hm loaned one III this new Bu hopes it may hm In than elm the simple loci in that ally the government hut parties are too atrlld oi Ind manI emtn Ind lnrir ii Item memes UQUOII MIXUP Then run We ItIIe mud lrom demos Marley denim oi the um licence iIoIrd oi OnIIrlo In em Iro Ilr Inuit wrote letter the omen at wnI pelnttddn the Toronto press In which came come It the moat Ionohlevot men Ftrotoiallhenldthaheen thety tIvored more harm oi tron dootdons oi Then he rot Into the peanut issue In which we Ioun eI prennrtobly were allow to um tree penoule vrhilo others werent 1111 Wu oil Iriundt motor he laid One hotel rrdsrud an HBO bidlotlrrlnd null out his eyo write III letter montdl ego when thir matter very much in tho no THE PICK or ruucu CM Some oi these comedloe Ire IerrtlelIrIleI We dont do my Ihlo experimentI Id love to do In the wioterhutnot now Mr Eweollnp IIid he oil piloetlono lrom III over Cool and the United state tor pm In his ployi Were titled in theme and urine periodlcnia in both mum triel our rwutnilon hIs Irlrnd In the point mi in thI been hero Ior rummer II hell at good recommendation or ponto one Normally plIy Ielu two or Ihreo weeks to produce In aomo pIIceI Iueh II TorontoI lit hurenee Centre it taken up to live be laid Will mm II VII Mature WHO rmrwuuumuuyumuu nu