uWWMWMMM4 Jemima it rianx sightyear Ind Bunting lnipm on Olilkiih Irl In and or Richard unis ylook over Maoday nlrtit altar Itu Ias TRANSIT Slants 11011 on ENDED sum Ontario PNHIEILI resin at truism In Bonn lurch tam and German Shepherd Goa to nour tho area IDHI an dds yraroldmlgirllaurimlolnd rand and nearly mood stan JIU lib raped and nearly mulde day QUAIL at the loin ff LegiSlature Recalled blll anstho companion on In or li on wet tm la Wbelmhand Premier William Davis IIII ro ull tho OlitIrIa lulllalim Iriw dry to brill Ill end to the iron IIl Itrlkl which bull Alix Canadian Prua learnrd odnasday fl he wants pub ruan an vino xhooli uniu muna an cuss gum tor MilliIll Ibo Miriam lalllhrur ro OHM turn learned that liar paper him already been WIN Mo 533533 rot oulcl lluod shuaila arias1y train in lla Daiisii yaida IlitI Il pru Mediator VSen AI Nerfrslep 1in No Pctct Bi Friday martin to end lilo rite it calls ior Ian purity Irth our workers in other major lastslisp dilu an improved ostobllvia claiur elimination or it on weekends and management comilleo to deal will other WIN is lid was no cit properi Iiro ssh Ilia prom to mum Ilsa or in ash oi Inch ultiemrnl and ms the salon to withdraw In Iddliliill lha Ontliq Sdioc lior Canerits om mitrslay authorised soon rrnrd tar Inlnrmntion lending to thl II and mammvtdionotlhoma whim or persona responaiolo ior the abduction raps sod attempted murder at tho child Polo an lookiax tor Iliita mu le as to an loot Indira tall and no pom no In dart penny trimod nod 12ml hair coming bolts em Scide MONTREAL OP Tho rmed theldu that coast Robert Samson try Ilium in an Inquiry into the July 8d bomb twat out inpemsml Imiiloa am has been detained at lttllllI headquarters tor the do ration at its Inquiry All npposil in parHim mploy Sun Butler Wand ludqs oi gt lilo Iirlllalr Illhl 12 crease soil aiunpiion oi nua ilziiunl with omit ways president or pvtinborn Lid rm us talien into mind shaer nitrrtcrii at manor at Ila monolith In Montreal Irqnoii Talks Li mm 19 nsa iho provincial RIW of subway system mined maid use mantalocum in domi today torlira 23rd poo eoilbsitlrnalrtrilro mun day amid indication mlelIm has roluacd lo the momi my am oboy Mimi in modinior in tho diswto Ixtwocn Junction Ila rain and the law the in Itd 1093 0W Halitosismist maintenance rich mgr no mid on it mo Mimi Pooh deal tho enumeration oi Naiienal my miloutlined Montreal an Unlmitnallwul Wad W3 rl riml no wlilliWPremirr Robot Boom sunning its stand $3 will in government auto do my itisaziiulil taintequ oi eds syooappc nanrou lam sunw minion Stoutlar lourr Lohor lilinlairr Jenn Como yer has ruled out too possibility CAPSULE NEWS More laud Will lie Needed For Parks Ema3W Dill it on lard reserves for provincial parks will be mad to medium population and recreation de nnnir in southern Ontario ho Denier prnvlodal natural mrcts minister myl Road To Be Built Under Metric System To CPIm oi York has aunrded contract lur gimminxiion Irot which it son is in Iiirt 01 III lint to Canada to be using the IMIllc system No Comment From lalonde 0n Game ilto union rant Wrdoradr with oiaar unions in its city is VllIiWA tailileum liiinlstrr Mm blonds lull no mm till Wit lode on plans by the World millet League to play amu la myom Mooday Kitchener Could Be Without Buses KNIENEII tallUnits the city and its in transit workers Md so acmment Kilobmrr rud WIIHIW will be without bus ing Saturdays Ioumal Will Cost 35 Cents WAIVA ico oi Saturday Milled oi Tho Jourv MI Mil riao tog enmeth 25 nu elimiis Ann at tho lions NM trimmed Reilimeiitri Trip To Scotland Cancelled 51 to PlA suited trip to swim by menornnolIIAfln oltopinwnt not look tun years at planning Illil lintraisan to omnu has been annulled the drpartrnrat oi rational drimee 303112 Cormonauls Back In Good Health MOW lAPlno two Son in renown art book on Im sold today thoy are in good health altar toilet itll misilon However some chosenera bollml stian up boom the 11W lasted in II 003s and new is In an uiizun not India r3 salti in In luteniew Wedom day all soloRie lo murmur idem Startlinan M1 liioanniails city bum rootin uod to operala Mu llolk Nb vollianoo 1doat lb The transit mien bod his drlms would minimum when pummel Maui to drool Malay inrclun muslin at it m1 uu centroid Yr wssmlltinrt busI sonic alntoz that in it sits tandoori toml Unions troutaim nu rations are toward deam their mil iiie aanement and the law in ammo em llaapaliiotrapv on anumor prim About noon porter are on 61411 is illegal Mlim Min another will one too lob in ti 1931 atritra Quebec labor Minister John Cotime anboo natltwts In addition to strikes thou snails ol construction workers are Wilma unrir rimMoi om gloom and non om Nutrient men and Wills loa norm merit toienenlloii omnlxed lohorr moan hm is illustrated by Forum Dnouil mmamnnmi of tha Quebec Mullen or Labor QFLlutro has umd lmoitlo twwrea walkout ll sun wait unit We Ioral you min Na in be runsIs Idplddn Wyn we v0 mn now mmiliai in till halo woollen alter soon at tho it 111 Race Immaan coward Shoils Interference Resenled Alim lan to Ottawa that thinall ins Mumford said i7 is tiledof rrumrnt interference in quloyoonlmt inspires ilssta the word born Ira mastoid enrnt monster oi too Soshatc1m1n tho honest or the live molars disputo with no handlers mm been or oolv murmur interim labordlm in la duotrslnla duatry and not to break ens III lllnnlmi Isld odan inian talk on murmspideillnuminr bars Defy Contracts Against murioatlooal nutthlliiooiin es lesion TIM Widqu mm to out lliluailon nu new Ila ml 0W Of mm mile Win nm ms bu Mr Mayor has to M1 mined in like wen dl steps against labor do mmded by Milieu orm Wham Mr amatth into our dlli matthe I3 Una unloads Ilia no rum IMbroIoorotaet belldirty illsurqu IItonodel modiimairzd two at doc with nd or hell bot tom and dirk brown or black lop It has Illwhile Interior with vinyl bends type trout seat Ht still on in storriun Polloo on also lentan tor th KtrIs rlnlhlny IBM in durioa also la blue attentions with in mm Rd paints we tell sin 10 Rd Whirl Iiih llhtnhoildonnalhrtroni and tho Innis mm at box and palr at llxo two Italic qulry Monday tinder tho Act oi loos tho polic rsri mat and hold up turn inoinuen tor up to so day mdh trial by In Paula polaiodlIitnml Altar inst period ma num ber would bu rslssted trons nulndyunlau wotmy orders nrln ivn by tho Iolkltornnf Ira Coast 5am testified at tho Inqiiry that no not tunic Icon the explosionth the Marin otatsivyn Donna stir mgilia on anonymous lion GrainHandlers timautr were allovmd nun Ielvrs to ho pressured by Ina numeral linen the train to be moved lir Wav pmioiuiy rim to to masoanhls rimlands but may were Whig gin imitation mini llhsnikm Mord harp dlrn In paid or or More or was most labor momma my in olllator egunning to lthrnnii ltpo Manitoul in crman our Io sun In oddilt tinn hisd Mid11m men Mr Rid 151mm Prices wort Iiowdom on was lion Iilra an chides hp ll violations oi Ifrlllnuilil law merino the in on grain oo lshly lilo Montreal Construction motion MM Ila trill lllri Elinor oi Nomi Mr binno iur mid 131m mpivtilem Is ning WW nd Mi tho labor mlnlsttr No not up no wanird timsiona to Wampum Ito Clam II MW cm 1110 Menus moi What tho hell can pol Isa asked list mien and WWMMK canvas running boon trimmed with Lna It the soles pm stormy She was rrturrJisy from rtrilinx Irirudl house ll witnessed 11y Ibo childs younxer Isisr no no and told tier moiher Police rm notiul and Ir nlnd at the some in minutes Ipprnalmsirly 30 lilai night the victim tarind by police layinr nude In dated and matured rendition sppro msirly in miles my on the nasty shoulder or eaualy Ild son had beaanpcdsnd car at her hm histasindtiap had Ml lied andhioiird lixhiiy Wdrh neck Cnnstnhi Jim 151an of the OPRMHOM ll sent IDIM suns busy area on County Road IIitn Osprey and Cole lunatip imilne by pasta malath Mm LIFE lAn talmohllnmder andlrsia norm was near tuna and Gamma lrnklua said ink somehow Lin bury rslsi loosened tho and that saved tho ytrls llir us New know lit first mm child lpoh to tho commie who salt Wednesday My Ilrst trellnit was lhlt aha was dud and taint youhlha limo n1 relirt Moo spa comm moire Maa idliu in OntarioPrnriMIaI alive err on re IIauntI rutprrpsmtotskz victimi staining Examiner tlvod medics nitration from Gunianysaephird dna Photo Dr 711mm Polio yes to bum 0i tardaiv nid tier condition is If Itead Immortal aad miiinmoa rmru searclliax or articlesol hx bar asotlier pallu ms up to iii to the rial llio lamiizalioo is beta ran dnrlcd by mi Map Willlrm Jami gst inch OPP Del In Birlssrd content also attire criminal tavsuiza lion launch was in tho ares st lilo time and was caliod to WASHINGWN AW1 Iml ths KIM immtdi 1y dentl Fodmhas tiznstltd Pia re nrss roams Possum contusion Insp nnlry who has been addcmmmwh hgnl lnvesitrallag tho milan nt titan lqua Vallct said there may be Lt lame mnnoclion boiwcra ltils so gum disclan and toohdesihol torhn Fm and yuMl Emir tau oro mm sirsnxlrd body was found July or dmliny with Irritation so in tho Township buss Vsl Mi rim lets lmpsaca was lound luiy mm Mr ch cry new In Gauler Harbor ministration nidtonld that Police an requestina the as or um warm sisllnre oi the pub in proilI the president tll not top lotormnlion that may assist mm mm man in this loinatlgsilaa like imjw an All iniomiallon rocrllrd ltlll ihiio ltoitso rriilelsm neighbors mid load to re beheld iatoaiidem and should it his rim msldmilnl nors evaluation oi ll poiitl be given to Lilo local polka do MIEMN Font mgrrutusired below us marinara charm to partmeot or detachment or 00 lbs drive to economln as his nould Miami adhm ed dimt to the lilrsio da rnst loftattootirliiirw weapon nliti tho othor memom oilIla tarbaneat mum ares coda Ind Imitde his appeal Orpsnuiloa to grand prim Mimi 0aothterasMnhit mmm mouth adrism Mm mutant kit It tho mom sums tho no mascot until in pmids mom public amine loos will most tn randy data in 1961 called Mn 11 unit liocksloilcr nod turn but at course tho tins Monument In iris liti Idli ta at the do alts truths in tlorial contention wt new ottliudo 1mm Alba ionnut the Us snddla hill Illdlhun mutation JoblIIUMCh oilamino rmwareI PITCIIS Mnonsriojyicrolni