IIIme nunn mm AUG $3332 magmatic mnnaiarmmhh Nmmum mu nulan mimic mI Innyearmxd Kellen umkmmm neemummian Deuelldlcll DI lhe thin hm Ily In settle In Innhrll Torn lhip he Whmicu cl Plimllck 11 Day Paint held Incl IianxnloammUy Inalslll Central111 IArk with 160 pru enl The WLnica inmlly has long Ind mlndul me lint tit In heir in Gnome Irrduid Iilh local Mia The inmlly goes back I0 George Frederick ilnnnirlz Vinnch uha was born to until parents In Iinlrlrln Drnmik III I7 Ind has over 7m Amenmu Al the In ell ll be lell home JarAmide gird ndyanture In all group ntherweailhy gentlemen aboard accent with Ihips oi the Mg killed In min Syrm use New Yark where he mu rlad widow Catherine lllym lneVWoUel lllm Ihen Catherine Ill art her wily Inn alluded by shut Indian Ind Illa Ind iwq liner escaped but her grandmother var lule and left or dead The grand old My nved Ind lived nrliruiy or many yem SONS Mr eons were born in this mlgjm In ills George Wnn nichhe Dane In he was in booms known movrd this Inn at Mnrkhnm in Upper Cm Wm airy mam Inin nnrlh ii Township and WM on Moh lull lat In Concer lira Ii where they built la how nppmxlmdy bet he hind the Ulrichmill Shop In 13$an In the he inn hell ummlun wildemeu gm Smile and the lion cm Big Day Polnl Di liq lmIr Ions John Chris Illmcm cowswznn MONHIEAL ICP Quebec trillle on tho thiretiut in North America when It comes lama drinks Ind rum WAI lm president oi Seventh mileat ud Ho raid they Edam more pop than mn Iumern erryuhcrn also an the carulnrjnt on pcrcapiin basis WILL DUMP GARBAGE cl to Ihrcily hnr voted to end he burning lie garbage In open incinerator For the nmcar It will be mm In my landll rite as on perineum measure CHURCH SERVICES HELD PENTICNN ILCI CPI Sunday evening church smim mug111mth mum to Im llctonl outdoor plaza this mm They urn conduclcd by mn Jae Jr were in cilil Wnr um Warnlen ml to mm Inablil the mad brlek In um Joe Gotleid Wnrniu hours bull In the township married Bell Eur llrl In The Simeon County iilrtnrlni 1w Ind 1m Wm Iv 50de Ind In InmsILl Ilium igan ral Society are very emeerned InmceorreIRderkk War um uh WWI Imam in him nurrini Phoebe Lyons oi the centre cl women housing Marinm daurhtcr dmlopmeni out be preserved grin miii milder Ind operalnri in lth now Central Ontario 1h Wlillam Dnnlel Wlmlu unr The In hvme olJM seam Dmbecemrill bad In mm dolbk duly In inn Ior luv rind Sirlh prchzrd Ind moved tum Ibo Mud John in BI Bl Point where chli borne lunmnr dren were born to them lime and wd Bum mm In more amendnil tram Ihlr branch honing olb en The Inn at hi homo also it Is unusual to not mu 34 Ill Joe Ghllleb Warniu Ind ll Ice In the urea George the Dane when rur name In Werned tVarmirl gusxzn 15 but chum to Wmld by hi Item Cnvrlry and went la 511 WM WM Prince lie was returning home about In when upon reaching Gim ind he tell rick Ind rent NI tnmiu home in ndvlnco Intend ln Iaiinn wen he re covered Iii earpenterc box was to Darrin but out yly run run pceted Ind be never hem lrnrrI nxnln In in rpm lumen Rom Ind John Ii the me of xipcr mil lucked route through the bush and built whet In ills known as the Penellnl and now Your Slrrelnr lust uy No II lrnrn Burln to Churchill And the next year an lo Endlnnl Alto in my they helped John Franklin aerou the limo Mlle PartRn lrr mklnr III Arr II Explatianl George slumped tlenr the yrerenl rile of downtown blrrio HIRE WARDENB In 1m Gram became one oI Ihree urdrnl eluted In rrpre uni Simmo County From to he represented innlrl Township Innisrllr lint com rillan when Ii Wu member oi III Home Dlslrict which will all meeting us hold in Tmnln This meant that ho had to plek III carnelan nnd travel by horromk In Toronla rlryin at his rmtherlnlnwr harm Imxrr turning iwme week later it mu George who huilt the Warnch iioum Just mil nl Palnlwlck In 1552 ll ll ha oldlt est brick house Ilill Ilnndln in SEPTIC TANKS rumrro $2500 DON CONACHER 72MB virilinz pantan and mddarn Reoi Rotate Inter ta Wnnlcz by hi ran died In the In 11 Ind In buried IJI lhc old Elite cole cemetery in Barrie Ime Iiiending the re main tune Irnm widely Icrllen ed puea well mm In rum Binla and rurmundlnr rvmmunlller Prom ouixide cl Ontarin lbey rune Irvm ilanl rell Quebec Manitoba Diwnrd Wlmlrl rum Detroit Mn Frlnk thlta in Ind dang ter Ind wniulau Glorin and Bob edge Teuncuu bunch out oi cantd lor lit yuu 0mm DESCEXDANTS Other Wlnliu descendluu are retarded in no Calllvmll Tex lllinols lllchlun lomnyl vnnll Ind Imm Kansas In Mhlch um they are wheat Irrmrn and rent heat while In those Ale erdin tho lnnlxlil rrlmlon Forv lylnine anlcx lrmiliex ro unded In the USA The very ruccrxslui reunion Inns nrrlnzrd by Burt cud iielen limit 01 Iaimuiek Dr John Wamlca oi Barrio and the ilev William Warnlcn oi anonto lovely birthday at pmln ed by the llurton Wamlu Iam lly nl Hi Bay Point Inlerexlinxly rtI Mil gunman llay Goodloliow himud has the Krahdllthrr clock hmzht up horn New York in leis by Gram limit the Dane ll tilll Iii Wily The Ilrv Willllm Wltlu DI Toronto has pine cupboard made by Joe Goiltld 5r Boyfand hm WEDNESDAY almursolli DINNER SPECIAL For You Each Week 3Picesoideliclous Kentucky Fried Chicken Golden Brown French Fries Creamy cole slaw Grecian Bread nlwvz ua numrom rum ll IAYFIELD Irr ll Lnn MIDNIGHT gleogfgsiable pinwale oorduroy jeano from His cinosc His plrllilale cards are lad 633 ioiilpgisim Hal 58 Gyracn MMmwla Ina glues In sizes 28 lo 36 uaisl ommr We ore interested ln recruiting represenh atlvestoworkfromour Clearance of long Barrie arma sleevoknlt shirts bOut from lino quality Eolyosloreoilon blond nII Assorted pallems plains and colours SMLXL SPECIAL 299 Long sleeve turtle nook knlt ahlrt oParmanantty pressed Madlan wash and dryabio blond at 85 polyester Red White Yellow Tan 35 collon tor comm Powdor or Navy SMLXL and Ewouooo Rascrvo place now for youraolfi Contact Bill McCreary 7262611 or Dun $owerman collect 2971270 for further information Coma along for two evenings Septh 811 withourobligntionWo will explain rho oppor tunlties and challenges of tho rpnl estate business Also at no expanse we wiiiprovlrio you with an analysis of your sales aptitude Plainpatterned long alcove dress shirts Slore hours Tiumlliio Palk Dixio Fioad and OEW 10 am to 960 pm HM and Bayly Ajax Westmount Place Waterloo Monday livough Eglinlon and Brimloy Saturday Yongo and Stacks Hwy4ol 24CambrktgeMall Bayiield Mall Barrio Gr Tecumseh Lauzon Windsor Wellington Road London Weslwood Mall Malian