Knits Important For Poll Great FoshionInvestment mu Mn mm Ind In Iudmett that They In no later tum In they In yuunt ts ml sIrItIrI pednlty In and met rolems tum CartnI de IIttIe Luneup mt It hmn otter Ittt pIMIttII rtttx txtg nut am to thy heavy not InItIt rtttt IllIrt Luru undtnl IttLh the plum mutt tun by Gina PIOLL new bathed In her VIII matrix II III tub me It the Amertm be mm Shoutah noted tr In utmna tor tItt mt em rlluy Ihtn rat In Imr unrr IIrIru Ind th butty rudtrm Am Ictn vrtt used rth nu mum nttdcr IINNII rutat osmium ThI bulky unitert uh be ANN LANDERS rater hit hart Ind cmbennuIttIyttmu outta tuhL Tut Intu muted this vetnutty IttI rm th rum II to he Item Itth nutch dirt Ind New or arm or any tau Inuit Inn Ind Intt button In IItII namestttrh pater beue Klmbtrty an CI tbl tidal tItInId mt Ind bestmutt XIII Mutts hu tht to Itnut III tutu 1hm urrrIt rtrttel Mtnd btu ncthty the pttuh mlltd TING mead It lament Dew Ida III out Irma Itth thtn Ian look but Itttt It um bath Suatzrlnsptnd mt hit Itcst tttt NUQEUMA In cluttd Badly number OI Int IIu Ind certs Adele Can Learn II Lot Being Magic Lint but an tor tenIII boy the and NI letter IId In 1h MI We called our mt cult IM EM Uni AM but mteted hll IIImentIry Ind tbt Md to work harder than the othtnt Ml mtdtto chttd Imdw Ited Itth Mrher rde Iver III an htdcr brvthcr lnhe III Nadau hlcrtt WM Ftnettm mi WXK Itttcr Iho IrIdtnted ntth Bphu with all ltd In the tttldttte Wald thlnk cl Lhumttvu III TIMI warm one PM VIIIIIII Dur WII 0n beInIl UI We who WON belttx tnth ttt t2vmlddlelcunetdunkyw thth IIIJII cartttL Den Ann Intern mndtryw Uni telrtttttz trout In ddte Ilbtlttr Ind tract IttI tbs wuttrtr one rather IhIn 111mg tmrrt can when on Itdrs The Ittddta It can be In Ii WWII VINE In V3 CM In those who think III am by pttnttnI thtI teamA IItt trmtlttl you ntnkd tttter er date your ItttncI II Immanl Strictly tutpIttrrn tttdpnttcm among those who dtd mt EEEE Ibex to yun l0 Matty ot mu nun It long but IMJI the 1m IIth III that mum of Immune mm the water dreu and Laden tett Inspect Irmctklnz II relax an Inn our Itttm tIhtImcunt to IwrotItt Dhtutuncd Mou bur Mather um Itth Imbmdt Ilsa bdlote want IttutIHA stuttan vur mntpn In welt Inn WlIMItn Ind they While we that mum your Isnt III Imma be II old march to know how he mm to tlvo Itto untrue that and your twtxtnd Im not tttr dmtrtttnI lttIItytt yw tut tor the record who Itud loztthet Ire IIIIII tta Ire twin III the diva rnte Inter thIt tour Illrhtly htthet turn but Ant Llndzn IIy hus bmdvtntt melorohoItttwt tat fur the mentally ttt thtttx he II the Ilek one We hm been mauled tor III years and have two CNIIINIL For tha tut thug yun no hntI ought ttte out Ind docs 11 ttntu what ILLIJ could return but Im Itmld II do hoLI put mu ltdy tea hate trtod to ICON ttI debut in term 67 toIddItIItttmlrwbquI untu ud It It drut Bat mu didnt rutly utch on tutttmhta Item tutu the arty rm Ithm tut be IIn exporttnx tum Imt hilt mtll drum Ind MIL only IAI any could II Imi them Turn new pm mm on the mute Io tht It could be ttxhter Ind mm mm In doubl mu rm Introduced thzy um boon to tho ktttt hunts Duhll lnIt CM much to IlImInIt Ill Ind bu AL Int nnty II nut um Iyttthetlrs Irtd cotton Ind IIIhIMtlty By use Ktmberty III IIytttI 60 may be rnInI but trtetsd but the Inlt costum hIs tn be the but Iuhtun trtrttd my taunt III Itrr Md ND NE TEXTURE tty ttndttu new Item Ind Harm tpttrt Ittten damn Mltnen thlnned ImI by Idnnturu tn Intpttu htLI whtdt hlI ntIdI thI Inlt tutu retk or the Mk Izu Ind by mIttnI new trrtum by tdtttcttt ttttbl cotI Ind bltstmd EM et Irdltl IEImberI tell the Md made ltttt thhu OI tIItttott II It venlzm In tut Inttt land Irrtted They could hm the look or thrtc Ind could be NI Ind utter tlh Ilbrk Thur In 1061 mm Inothrr major bruktttrourta 11 III YOU DONT and tm putt to tell 00 Int tits It In ot the utmt you cut matte Ind thayn 1m what not ttr tttt Pilot Lost Out On Job Because Of Discrimination mstNthII ptttx Ind had Tlth mm IIIttttInd sun hum tn Itttt eIn expedm dirmd Ibo Ins db her In when IhI Ivytled tor tab wtth ut Al cm WW Mmmlnu ISIOLI III htI to Itentrnl rttI drmtdttyIIyI In In IdIIotIII In the NW Istue OI Mullen Fm that the or mutton htndtopttottm Wm lIKtIIt the MRI II to poaczt An Ian mm It Alb bendltu Al on drsutttr utd Uttttt thtt Iran Inltl often and morn at tel mm to thett wurm lhIn ta Ihrtr deIIIMrI Texttl Ir lenm roduud bundInx the IIIIIIII LIIIInl IIhrIe Intl Itty IMAIO or nylon to the ban time or htt It We httt compla III III operIttotu who nIquotNI tt mantra II there Ibmttttety no Mantle but tor htttttt Ind that tIrIIItquy ntI ht not have dutttttcd News dtd not meet tho Ivetool IEVEI Ind ttt ptnnot Inch bdth requtretttrnt trInItt tIII Wet trite utmost III LII txtrrttttt VIIDIL SAYS PIXAs IUTILS rrtcttt urnrtrs 0mm corwrtttlatts She also In underphat DJICCIch dmt IltIII It linked on the but ttmtmetu hmplrcrd pantwlt rttttt GUIan In vosttltrnegnttte why The Itttdwpmedcclrd The requtrtment was no menttottrd In hrr rrlecttort tot tcr mt Ittt dummy uh ttnadt IIN ted Inttttt IDI mtrldldn would clintt Cult 1an mm htcamtng Appeals to Jtlotl rawnt Includtttg the tub 5mm Otmttttstlntts equat apportttrttty out have been utrtcu the dddt The cl IIN had tdItI her It had no IIIIIS dtrttott um lltl prIrtIttt ot ttn delIIIquy mt tht Itvrn 52m hturI Instructott ttt Itnrtwttnttte planet In hdttttttm In chllklttl up 200 hattu II pt totttttomntnttd at ttttt twins She has had unattth 130 hour ImnIt cratt txpcrlcnrr Itt Ilcttt he IIIIIIL ttttty Itrchaml truth the belted try thy Milt Arthc Mr quttlttutlent tIttIttI hy them It other Ipptt nut Nth 100 It 3000 hour at tnlotInommand OI Ivvhlst Ilcatctl ntrcratt Iort communal krttre top rttrntt way do atrr the mutter meted tutu rhrd MI and rap steeth ttrt dhttttqhy salt the tcttt In letter rt Mutton that It OI them ttpptlrttntt Irv Cananlan IVttu pllou Inytltn uttlttr Idrtntuttt hat XIVIII try them our pilot nlth Imallctnlt rxwrknco In ILANS IIIIIU VISIT WASHINGTON lAPI Ttm Im Iutlkilt mtrtttn lyuct Wm MAI do In Ikr Ialtt my Uhltvd State Sentry my tthstnm rm tuttth mm It Itt ttm mt um InIEtt Americtn mules n1 KM mt cl mt or In warty 1m ERMA BOMBECK mad It It Iced the Itmnl ct BI mtbtnAJnutmtbetcld Le LI ID IGIXII been mm at help but mt rtth mun the nmkmkm omvytng It rst bola 11 them on by oat so march In your thdr dmsu Ind hum ton mums I3 won mt pant Ind ad that ntn than Ittn htne In than SIIOIB ITII Dull AM ON THEN me Your rttttprml 1a my bur but le the tret yvur run be In the gym than can run Lhmit but III Iet the WI mum Ind mum hr htm to bead Lt Int Ind Itult them trader LII rtnir It Ir tth mid Ia III Inth In mluud Ind LII Ina Mm Lt text toahnz tor the world LXI be trttxtttr It In time It rune mat to nu my rye at the urn mm but they were nurnrttclhe that In the thwart mod M8 tIkI bottl drrt ant the nu wratnt IN the role rtdtt helm my eyes utterly man ol tht may hId put L150 thou tu tIut III The valttc httl made tot ht lousy Iret Form let dtdttt Intrd ttttnr my um In monwtattt the IttmItm looked back It the thou They toottrd dttmnt somehow ttrl Itth thy the sun had ILIIrrN through the wlndowt Ind Iwkt you bellow watt rIln Itrthet rtttu bow over the am about rm God It In became RED AD RIIITE GW the home mutant tIItIIl hatt our taranre take rant and Itxplnz uprtaht II thatr rer Itt thn mutton needed It only hurt Ithrn watked tlood laughed er brunet Turret the ttrvt sllmwrs never lot In more In the uttlre tIvtnl room would tn decanted It had III been wrth It My mu had pslr DI thou In II that tar mry mutona Ihtrh dusted Itrry Week VIII turd nty Iyra Ind vrIyed know thy you It putttthtns Wore Hts Sneakers To The Funeral ml rrt home Dabber tentEAT m1 Inn In doc to ten yum mic so our 532 Id MIN taunt be rym thou Cod Hm but burnt pours rottnrtts POLLY mutmt DnII retryLIAM n1 ntttn kamty dart tar true mm Al mm size In Ittgher bu WM Inn at not or thtt sum In Irrin Illa Tlv ht Iutn It urn they Mmhnrn ItaIIIrly for that In over Int my mutt thinum Dru Pallyt Im manta 5L1 IIT VIII rum to In II It liII hm In 51 nwhlm It sew Illsvttbm VI ante It match kt dunking mt lmrlttttte rut2 on my Whit When In Itbat Vnmn tIw mum well nth the rd use not mobtt rldh In deal It rrm mthy men Ibo It tly tIrI DAI JK STATIONERY under Int OWNERSHIP FREDDORIS mtrr Gmtttt CIrdI cut 8th Suntlu than Stlttottrry Itmpttdtt DecorHm DUNLOI 125413 TWTIMIIIII ghltmtth too are me In In am MIMI WW Pt go was tmmm thanIt IIII mental Iex That letter add cant turn mud mm It ht hm hm mm our Mia It tutAlmxmltgg WATER Sui mm tr ItIyvtIttt him wttt In yr Mmhwmcdm on my Aunt um Hem WW Nam Hme Mam vmn mm trr to ItvI together tlrtt Ind mt Md In other IttI dad Ind In tht wtth marry or Mn NI tile tou thttu norm uyto Iocra Item It Islet runner tlut and your WASIIINGmN AP ML or ammdnr htrtt to thrrttt hntband uttzttd muttttz ot dent FIN remted New Ngttttrr cltdtce It Rood one ttornvcry the It he wtt Wrm and potmoht Iona hurt ttytmbmdtmtsttthotcs Iald gu nlonc Help It It clue 01m Pmtdcr 1m amt mm am gtttt yotlt phone book White Hm Ipctmmn Iatd Ibtlll Sn Ont todIy httt tho Iehltved tItttmutttre ItItuI Ineldettrtttly number at tutuan II twatm nIIIImI trtrnmtdI meme II the tututeem or mun ol yIm In one at the at It IrtI Ind dtteI but to nthmt AnhtI Matty ot thI Ive tI mm Ime vIttrrnI were tIter do DrIr Frtwd cant wtw V910 by Hon tum ItXycamtd problem In one lut ItIrted Intttlnl It or two Inches DI ntwthd Ir You nerd mntt YOUR SAVINGS won FOR YOU OE PENING TVBARRIE DISTRICT SECONDARY SCHOOLS SEPTEMBER I974 Registration CENTRAL COLLEGIATE mt GrItIII to II II I3 In Audltorlvm NORTH COLLEGIATE Im OrIdI In Gymnaterlunt ItGrltIDI It II 11 II In Clutteome MD EASTVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL Int Utah In CIIIIIrtI 9mm and It It II3 tn Glllt Gymtutlum BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS CAMULAIED ON YOUR MINIMUM ItIONIIIIX BALANCE PAID SKIDANNUAL this ts your asst RATE AROUNDV STATEMENT Accounts FREE CHEOUINO YOU RECEIVE IIEIIIZEI MONTHLY STATEMENT CANCELLED CIIEOUB mew 326 7th mm cnroua SAVE ACCOUNTS Amy FREE CHEOUING INTEREST PAIDSmtI ANNUAILY 0N MINTIIUII li YEARLY BALANCE Ia Intanth or rattled thtqtu CW 132 COUNSELLING SERVICES StudIntI wlthlng to thI InIIrvthI wItIt qudIneo countlllm lnvttld to vltlt tho trltoolgttldann otttm on TuIIdIy WIdtdey ThurIdIy Ind Frtday August 27 28 29 Ind 30 durtnu Icheol houn ttrtttrttsitngs savings loan corporatton RANGEMENTS ZONINGSMEMI ontltlng Oth rem Dlttrtrt EIImInII Schoett Ind Itudtmtt who It been In attendance It the CoIIglIIII ItIVI bun Informed whtrh hoot they If to Ittcnd All new glut Item IrI enrouugndlto Imngo nuldtnro Intervlwl dutlngtlti wukut Auntnt HEAD OFFICE ll DIINTDI TIBET rm DAIIIIIII TIMI BRANCHES tm ttttttroxlt nth hormm mmhottn 51 ntttvmtuust omen twmta DISTRICT EASTVIEW CENTRAL COLLEGIATE NORTH COLLEGIATE SECONDARY SCHOOL 7164846 72665 mmt tttttttut 3W CAFEEEIITIEIWIINWII1m 5371614 yttmmrtt 0mm DEPOSIT munitth CORPORATION SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DARRIE DISTRICT mm 5mm MIDLAND WI GEORGIAN MALI ttttIh rm In atI quddr wmz