Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1974, p. 1

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7v7$w4 amulet gram mummy 7mm Anme non infNo1 urn elul led run It an M1 In em mm am Ormrle Crude Salady war it mnmnmmrcmmul Omens COURT FALLISTAIT LIKELY Maniaalther M70 World Service mid Inn and rberlabdlduut Wrnlq Aux ls doubled Mlmmh mm lromllelImnWllJM Omsk Prwindal mm mrt Id ninllruloaetmneIt 6x Venpn Sqbhe the and lee amok III me recently mounted rpm It Ill Wonk 5L by Au threeduty waded to uted In ber wlll rm up much oI rIly block bordered by Why mmch and Mn unam her manly shunt Inrlrln tb Ontarlo 0mm mat rvlm en the my Id wlll Include eoat hunter and dlmelulonl at IhI bulldlnll The purpose the man hI add II to prwl add III We 33 lmln llwa my Ike Milan It SI with be lamlly dIuIrlma the prurlnelrlcoun at NI Payne St When nlshed he Iald ll wlll look III on bl trading DEMOLITION the bled bull In Ill and the old II try brildlnr la the reel Ill be IMMIMM bull dlnx wtll NLIQIIIIIIO meel lbe mum ball an old mun ham wlll be ured lur abort lrIrmrIIQIIII 19m mm um noun Oodrtnn LIILm 31 131 my en erul ulllcu Ind muvbne Il may been Ibullllat Ireland In we PRETTIEST bum Pumas aa Pureek Pretllu had secret weapon to use In loft ball match ualnst the llmlr Polea Department Indamba lance arlrerI may blaht AI GranllpmvedlnelleetlIeboI Ior thr arena the MN may everhrl lllhih lxrrlhlu IKora hm btgen lugIIImJ 1nl true wt rrIpr ow even enemy or new luluxmd rrIrI mlred downyan lulu Inlnrt Muscular Dnlra expected to be completed In two the rlml end ol mm phy For another phnluraph to three year Mac Merrlwn Full The Ice ll bola and her trends had and Ilnry Pu 1t Ik ret weapon was leveable plw bald mach Illenllnn to rolll Imer Pbeloby Pat Keboal Imoklnu Lela Even lnlI IIIll ball My told In Whamrtm mnrnwenmunam or the bulldln Io be alerted II In be completed In lh BIXI In November ll expected to In In her yen hamle be made public din the Ir antel Currila 5W0 gill COUNTY WW II Ll Malay Slrnt bullt In II expected to be ambushed to make way In new wine lrInNn banner on lnlrlclA lt at It Irnrt louflnlermt our gbm In we Hath LHI lba unlnn re lamp wech hum work malned tlthtll on the torn wetk nl mum new lanta ol lbemcotlallnnr blcscllnr and balllmztralllc In mm mm maldmt hat mum Mum mem at but Lu repealed ht lommo hamlt Dermal00 mm wllbln low dual 1323 mum Drulrlmlal murm MN Dlvlrlon Arnalcamnud JD WI If 01 mm Unlon mania$1 thodmrest ln ay wnm Wm mg and pen the Mood lIonoplIlENl pmlkt an and um Dump lo the WI out In um mm nut lhn berm stretch may he the longest and hardest as the In an end to the mlllebllt re union remalns medal on It Iern whleh mmullmel mum llumnnd or Wm mum lhnlr elghlhour Ihlllr Inmareom qu yearn owr luren pcrlod TN has ellmd lb per cent llv Llewanm and Imam mm III Immm me the run they ld Mlle ttmr wan ra um lumber pl IrrunIuhkb Illll dl blm partllmo drIVNI la lIIblt charm thl lradorl back and ride llwm llhldl hamtbey Vlata the alienate ol Ionh hlrlderlna uprkmnnlko were and how rlpnlllcnrl was drlvarI the tartan any ls oriy nlnmphm tomnhm than dermmtrrtors were Ilnl have plum new black out onlhe negotiatlons to mold Bruin cursed by poor wortlng blousnllller mrp ul down term Inulmsmcrr Int Mn urfrmlrlolnlhereekktov ht an mu WIN mun an Wllbmlcgrrmnda at comm son on ou In our one W0 Mk0 one my and red the other mnnxtrylnu to Ilrae bl own lnrlo nurture mlnisler dam was lurlber hampered by um at labor llldlgIIIIeplam thmfmgdmt ol mlner ureldenle but no Irr keep mollulorl wrung mm mm and VM Ieus mlrhapr were repurlrdl Gordan Poll Inld he wanted to numb nn thn hotel whm nelt Increase the mien II dmrand ollutlem are bchq heldlo lea maul 2m Fire DestroYs ve ul Imow wllll we wau grunt Ind Mr sma Bullde were knocked nut by powerlrll ml lollre aald Ilphlaal llurtbb Avenue and Esra Re and lnnlslll Ilmlr Ind lllln Ind Anuu rtreels Ire out at Llahlr at John Ind Bradlord rlrrula became rluer It eranre Trolllu new throughout the elt Pulleo rnld lrullle nt llurlnn TOWN OF Fin de Itroyvd the 65mm later natlonal mum and It con tents tho Spanlrb exhlblt It the Cnnadlan Nbumnl hblbl tlnrr CNE enrly today Davld curler CNE normal mnugor uld tho brlek Geller stylo bulkllnu war bullt It an orlrlnal tort ol 0100000 but wallld ml many tlrmr men to Altb tree lumber were mun ml tau dI duplow MI by llrrrla Inltl ulu usual replace at eurreht prime ll wm Irrxllrcd Ior betwcur MO and Il mIIllOII he bald xnrtomt Ont cm nltlrmr group was Iormld Prl dny nlu remaent the people cl Keuoralrr ellnrll to end the menlhlonx mupatlan by lndlnm el Ilnlclnabe Park More than 700 mldents Il tended threehour meetlnp In the lawn recreation cenlre and named whlta man and mum to eemrnlltee that In tends tn have wlee In lulura talks llembarr of tho ojtbwny Wm IIIIIIIY PRINCESS II ol IIIJIIEIIIIWWIIIII KIWI Loon 33me ml Cummltlop plnr the DIlry ablllly milk NW qualtllenllbn tar ha anert II that eruruntr llvo drlry nnylbrlIyearI prlncerrr wlll be compellng lol thu Onturlb Dalry lrlnzerr crown nl the Canndlnn Natlonel Hrhlhllon Jermry Ihls yearI winner madly Examlncr lholpl rlm Society have bun army In the Macro park In the lawn um JulJ 22 elalrnlnu the llnd helm by title tn the InlIIIM Alurlny lrucu wllh the lndlanr In tho purlr Ir due to explre next Wednesday IIIII releelrd varlour preporalr lar tnlrlnz over the park by lam that rema Nnnrelr plrn pl nation expected today but run any deadllnu or ever Arm hall runncrup Ill am In the my new Glb mum at the park John lleld burlLabor mllrunbour Andrmn llarrle hlr Muller Iald be was werrled whether the show would on emu Ind my rituallen and wllb many art pl narrle lnchullru Allrndae and st Slnrl area the III muudr were IIllum blr Anderm rald the power urn ell ler about two hourI llr ruld they were worrIed about lhr Ivenlnr Ietlvltles Ineludlu cheeslnx the Dairy Princes and bameu rudnp Onllrlo MVIMIIININ tha rlnrm conga ed mm lIJI IIIIIIIU Irallle llehla on Hayeld street we re not Illneled Toronto lalrnd Alrpert all tnehu pl ralu all are randy Ind much at th In er has been nbrerbe mom Van uolumun member at the clllxem eon mllleo told the meellnr whlti UM mulln form member aJ Inld lha eommlllna wlll not In nerallalny Kenorcr Wants In Occupation Imnd hrv cIrIIrI Irllrrnent tor Ke ver who Iltrnded Ihe clllzrru mllnz rald be ruworted the cnmmlllua enn crpl but any clllLeur group bent Ibo clty no rer war dune alter the brunt el Item IItb wlndr rneuured In Toronto Inlanllnv Burrle llre annulment repart ed they were no more buryrbrn Ilrl Anderson III the lalr rounds mm In lrlrly reed can dlllen today muldrrlnl the ount el raln lle rrld the rounds plug to leave In longterm prchlzm and BUCllAllESjl tllrulerl 35mg IQ Im pr or pr ol Mn heday tbmlen hey rrllb rurrrllla war Ilrrat llI Invulan troop ILI ullen to lhr Mm crlrl LL not Ierlb wmlnr my wrrntxl that such eImpalxn would create dart Tun penan we IeIltll to junk ln Orlllla alter an buntruek rolllden about Frkla and her paulirr Surrn Chm ol New lork lwrre mm to Seldler lllpmon Li IMMIaIIn OrIIILr mld om Ille lrvvlndzu Pollm at rl Damaae to the Mlllrr eur wruralmlednlubout mt Douzlu Mlplr nl rtllla rullercd mlner lrtjurlex Darn no to Ibo bur he war drl rt war estlnmlni at Mr Is 000 There were no nmcrr In the bus at thelmeolllho mldm kn Inks Ihould work an eonllnuln baxlrwto repa wlll Iulure prob lemr lllrr lleld rald bu barked the ellertr nl llaycrJlmDavldLon that led to the anylrucar and that he dlrupproml ul rpma museums or endlnu lhe ln dlrn mpnllon WIer we talk goln In and elenulng them out we In tnlklnp nl blood rhed lllr llnld rnltl any drrlrlon made by lho rlllrcru ol Kenera wlll nllcel rulnllonr between ln IIMU amluhllu for year to We cant tllleree there pmpIe lrem around here be nun they are nolnlueln leave the and uera Ilnr unlm we can change what they llnd wrong Ind what we Ilnd wronz urnhavent been kcrplng are lhe ennvmlllce ol nclalw designated nmgber ol gorylnrtllnrand neither have Alter Greece releeled renawlnl lbe trlparlllr 01pm pace talk at Grnm Iurclxn Illnll lrr acorn llavm rnld Greece ulll Instead back Serlet pro ponl 101 an laeallun center enee CIIRTBUCKBUS CRIISH SENDS TWO T0 HOSPITAL Damaee to plekup truck drlvrn by Drlmrr Oopllhom ol Maple Iurellmatul at about $500 Ila war not Injured Tmllln lllghwny ll ms badlybnckul up due In the wlllEcn Inllbo rulnrlorm Bdndslvesligalion Ire wnllnmrl theIr lnvesllzrtlu Second world Mr wldlrre ml sulelth Wrallccrrnnn pollen ray Iardjlleuives Cost Ol IVASIIING Proposal Meels dl unrsr Itornanla rm rleurlnurr In Ibe worlde blrlh rat lIllorr Contr Ive rm Calls For Dis muddy Burma and the ML Inc have rolullonr were prepared or end qu the park occupation mm floods In recent lstory CAPSULEINEWSI Purl eru ungoeuMIIIoday to monlter It PM WIcl no unallmbry moradlo caulrblr pr llghtlp lItlnn InIIalionMaIring People 1011on to Some Toronto Paer Irenech lay lhulrnnawny lntlello proud and tmllmd to reek woleilIrgIIfIIIWIIb runnan Int alrou ppperlllnn at Lhe UMIeIIe ll cnmahon End ted mum populullorl onlrem tree baa ll 33 muer ed for world an Clean UplelllrwaMonsoons momma water bexlnle mode lnjlr ninuladelsx mm BvrlrnrilHd ruet In men Greek WW Cmtrnllnu Carramaalts lodlr the Me el mama Mums Ceramsnllu promlsed that Gmmlll rem the nude at the utlmattd mm GreekCr print who have been displmd mm lhelr berm by lba mm lnvrslrn Ind Ire mile return In the rwlhl AID PROMISE It and government lIte ment rald marethrn 1500 lane giloodllrlla haverlready benl Mi mentalnu anal er e50 re ecbeduled 101 was 1an the but comma mlnlrtry In nounccd that Greek Ihlpewnml have NDIIIMIINI WO than me mllllrn to the government lor theQpruI cause Conlinrles murmn cu Pollre lrxotlanrdr and the muted III tza milllun worth bl plume loot rm the Itolebabank Ln Derlln at mom SoldrerGoes OnShoolrng Rampag uprflllb IuTLAIIIkIhImIIII wounding lhrre other pgnomybelgmeqbfm llll IllI lying Council It ltd and but rcmllnaj lu in gym luvwer ton to end rex dlrcrtmlnnllon IIIrtbaelIanlrlp up fro the

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