0n Wednesday funny arm hill at is ll it as 5n low lonllltt tn the low narrow in the raid on Ugh II In gt Todd Tonlnt Wtd 65 90 if pouncedie 3W5 Girls dasssssssangggnggzaaaas assasamgegssgaasasssss dasasasaagasagssasaaaa mluvzv JOHNSTON 0n Aux tlzlmy lob slap the son ol In early plon ck orally at the ttlllsdalo ares died at Kernpcnlelt Manor llsrl rte lie was tn hls 7811 year hlr Jotmstnn wastlle eldest tilt of thy late James Ind Ahltce Jnllmton ol Flo Tm WE or roll he manlad Either hltllcr at Mount St Louis and they lsmled on land located Jun the Second Hue of ns lit helllll med MI Johnstons retirement In 1955 And in 1561 he moved to Barrie For many years he was an elder at St Andrews Pruslmerl tan lamb tn llillntale and was Alwayl lntnrestut tn the work ol the tbttrch yttr Johnston lr survived by hlr utle three sons lloreoe ol Blrnlt Donald at Midland lnd Lloyd ol hlrredlttl New llnnvshlrel two daughters tlellt an M11 Robert Johnson Balm Brad and Aldrlan lhl James Taylor at Toronto wen gmndchlldtul and one ais ler llln Ethel Clyde of Colllni wood also rurvlve rral rnrvlcer were Aux 10 bytastor Frank Wurst tn the tunnel nl Potluck Iunent Alamo nurlal followed at the tltllrdnte Proshylcrlsn Center l1n at tributes nd donations lo sllenrl Fund and Gideon ll Memorial Fund were rnsde tn memory at Mr John Ttle llbcnrcrs were Allsn lcha son Smart Jnmltrotl mory hlillcr Karl tllllLr Allan Jstkoon and Murray Fallts tllAVOlls AVAILABLE ORANGE GRAPE REAMSODA fGINGERAtE coru llooraalll THlS OFFER lqul AVAILABtt lo llAlllrll EXAMINER CARRIEltstttROUGH ullcoullllllllollol 5V5NUn cutter nllvdlttlnetICIlliet Boys amtGirls salonup onerid ltd for Now IN Errrcrl chanco to win am of Howldythrough lporlal subsorlpllonol KNOWANYONE wuo ISNTVA SUBSCRIBER HEtP launcullllllll WIN CASE QFLHOWDY sun DRINKS