Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1974, p. 4

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BOteOfWineFruitOfTheVVineeg mgemi mhenfi9LBeIGd IMWW wetrum KENVmumumpnmmmmm mu my 34 mm mm WKwmwhw MIMIWW bx MhmuwlMunwngrdm new VIIma own Mn3 mev mm an uuu nlnmhmehmdnuy ge 51 Mega Exl meWIFW dulymmcsmuhmhvmehu anyuIwemmmuummnnun mmummlahmdlmmyxmrmw IM 0m mm cum developed PM mnwlymu mwkmmlmummm mylmrychcwubc mpm been In be relativity mall Ind el VeVoneednlI VVrune manned lhl mu II mum byucgmmdglwmwd spam In mm mm Ind rIIInmI uny1uben Inu In IIM fmm mm um podVV Wmdug grinlg be dug um um my ol mm tea more mum many mm In mndel government Efmucmglg 32 hum mum We experlmenewkh 16mm who are WWII ml memukmnnn Inmmm dewuwmnmuhmhmuu meluvtlnwc Melon no In ml has been xe mmu mature genteel mum WM II line min wmgmml lbs pom then II momlm mung magnum buound Atoxmnmmhnveboenu WI IIneIIee No IInery II Ilul In In mm WW WWII WW bee mum cannormalan In In lunar Ienrenlnvmehlhnnmmm Some mmdmvhademw Eehmolmtdoormdemdmuln will nmuhkurhwmhuum wm Iu boom Midi In Iprovlnm Iormnl And he me In Innmd Wendel edhmhm been aIuorl mull Alon III II lent III mew In IM Amoun may Vmumwmmmm been avoided hr mm bulb cnowm mm nm lake In nu ma Ior declrlon Irena lhe mm um worm EWV gm Ibomlgmbonoted Uniom WEI Inn mum whoIher OnI Wham by much The dedlhu II not III my ripe ne In come In mummy m2 mm Wam on But III III MIDIIIM new plun WIM can mmmnuhm gun mQLhnmI Wm gt 80 he nae ma IIII perqu um neprutnt nonnun ID fng grilme lend qunllly ulna or vbeller WI Ibe human 91 III Ildmpl uxe cl enneenlnle ll yearned lame mIlIon In on ma mm an Ibo mum wellWed In look Irpculbly Ioch Ina pul nun It vdovmem My alive In M4 whlle nun reporu have been maInIy phi In the nanny um MMMVM Wm mm VM More Mung mm between Peter WWW quill ml gummy in WWII 34 be revenue for In mum II mnum moved In In mm mmm WV newrmwmmy IIIwmIIIvw IIIIIIIIImne Mann mm In no In um lnzhludginz Ine In warum HIM Mm Inm mm more dnbygoohg IieVVnVrVVmV mm mm VVVV 3mm VVV VVVVVVV nbumemmanVanVe aVVIVhaIbIVVIVnVnIVg 13an innV2 IIVVnVVyVVVIIh of mm mm mm Imme Inhoricnlly mIIrIn Imam Immenl III II he mum km 111996 Ika In mum Cwmhl WINmammal WWI And they produce 75 cenI mi mlrlcon douhl an rnvlhee when lmwrled new cm In Illlerlu nr Iornl Lb xrlpe product mm In Canuh mm In Ina Ihe NIIr on Ihl cum Inna Ihen pumIIIan no hm been conned by law In Kmar wmnt produdnr In mmmn nanny mum ranlmlnx In slur mmdl Haldane end hmInmneanHbeln In my OMIIII rmn wIIIcIcnI qmllly II new reprexenh clnlll In lIJnn um mum wlnee MI clInod Io Jud Inuuocess own expuI mm In Incl Inc InngluI In vurIcIlaoInIInu firm muuuon BanIo In nest In the onn mm thwmonIbnub Ir mw IIIII me Me Woman mm mm mm um agkmgmfnudggg of ale boob my yen In IlIh quIred mum on modern An Exammer 19 35351153 me NW modi mu mu noIled II Men MIoat mlhrwwlnzmnhnlawed bedonelndtlwremlunhoulbeol MIMIIII Ind cumming Ilse Mn In one yur 1m Ibtll Illm In the 1m Layout of Ion lnmmV mum Mame than new Bmw my wmum more central parking was lm we was Ind pug lddIIIomI parking mm on mndIIloru dedd Improvement Over IV ed Wm amenamnngml 93$ but umo mmmvmgemuumemdbsea be mbehcr eulled for Ihopplng Wmnnhmsm InmnlmnInIhh an Change Bylaw In IWI In am um We tklklgimwkglm Irgiinnmkwm THE CH DrII comgrnenmlam Elma MI GUAGE PR3 alllmltrml almrIImIIIIIlhw call In rm II Ihe wrv In Mr mnendlreelly my Inlr leIIer In dlhlll Inn mm wcmnmq MU In even Ihou no wugua mun relfdenu L$Ihfh odmllelw In II would be coutmzled Ir Ind um whlchll hm all VV AullnleI me In ddlnllk med 011 led respoclmll lppl lo CIIy VV II II mmva In In uul Come to loo um meme Innuld na nm Io ny nln nlIIIIIIan lnul and In mm am new lux at mu pmem 31 gun In IhluldewIlLmllde 00mm III man all mu de prawn $231555 mm 53 Rube omino Iud mod mm my hm we an oIII un byloul uldenll work nun Io help mp me mm WWWVM u01ch M11 mmlm mhgwmlbhng gIIInowrllyIunualggwllxlgo Wm mm mm NV mghouhwlmm mum dlmuy IIveaeu And ldunm In em Wllsuiugwm IV mm on jammy Hem MM pwmm guild WM WWII an mu mod 11 prool um 1mm mammm can lmmcdlIIernml 1w wlll mu In um Mud comm ternln he uleurnenI On An hm In Inlarm me ml III we Damned mum my mm In mam mm Idn lInenr loot In mm the mesm chnnllln Ihelvu 1mm Ilmu during III My Plan Ihow name concern In government Inmlved Irom the clI Vclerkl olnco Your Iruly mellmydh Mai rtaunly 4n VVlu VlergelevVernm nnwmbelnlag JV PAVIVIL lVVmglVVvVAN aw new no nun ve 23 Wyatt my am name eulrr Ina won null park The Royal Commmsron Proposed $Vuzm mu noneunilhgnmn In Wmmmvmamwm 1an mm In do To Research Indian Claims weed lulu Ir lulon laymen null end mo mguhmullgl Enema FOIIWIM IL IeII nIeoIInx jammed oenlm whose evo mumm III uhIneI elm Ibo 51 um mm WV MW Man In euenllnl Io Inc It mm enoIIvn cl Iha ubml In oe llere summon Inr InI Ibo WIIII born In land omen mu Prlnu MInIIEer Io mm nan WWI mull Idd the mean hll ll Iboywlme mm InIduu Ind III unw heavy Wele Ind exnreIIeI hIIlbII nlee Io Ihe de mm ml the nun elem an Bourun lb dumber mm mum hm been Ill In Inn Mill and mm Do at cnwboyr Ind 1nd WI dlmr In all then my velonmenlJdd Buchanln Ilnm reneellon IIII whlll gmpmghm an arm WheIIIILI nelIone cer mum The concepllon o1 lnl prom peoer dont me 1nd on march Into muleu WM mmWWIhhhu II II Ihe null or nrlel onun yroposa llnyal comm MM am My ex um he Xenon IIIIIIIInII nun composed ol Indlln lend Invenmen II Illa rec Ihc Iedernl government wood and In mmlm In In VV whleh looked nu the Insumc II In hlIInnAl pmvlncld Whaling ol mull Ind bum IA DnIIr lludly Innrent ddula helm how llon mm by Ioull lIleL Ind Incl level comhlned Min 111511 Imineuee Ind Allah had lhe duller III can mm an Ind My Imnlnnllan wnrked overl lha expenlle III luvernmenl heme turn In mm be llama In mm IIIII eonwlIIIIan mun mm rronVVL Em mnmlbcr More III mm were We gm mm Nunjde mm mm WE WANT bIIlly In month 11 mm and mmlummm mum In mm gm gm on Second World WW II In Ihe mun lnvulonVoI Europe wmm Imps led me $13 nlhay Illm the ladle Vu Quebec redeem VVV linkedVVVM IIIonr $1aner hover Ind II thII III will tmyy Ed nlr For ng 1W Imoigg vmcigwtgyifg VVII lha hunky an word no gummy gummy mmVVPw mm lame 2mg Ew mm me mst vogue fele lg mu um pflnlpllllrnl In ouru hlmsell In It III1m from IIIIIIch rIvenIIa View an 3331ka EfnifavaInEIa In In WWW WWW Inn and mhIIIude Mdi mlh mm mm fpu Illlel ma wnnnden nrnl pH mgfig warehn nkali llle my 53 Silas kiwi ntlgkIIIV IVIIrely hlVla can nIInrd on nenu may mmnon In WWIW my IIWIIWWIII In In In man Well all It alarm em lml hll1n aim Illwgfddm VV 3V IVVImVi wVVokmiw 5mm View 95531 nl AVIVrVVV Im anlthVV $033215 mfg 321 Inawgfk umh vanut IVvVVhIclIIdrrhllInlwszT If Quebec WI mm mac Mn Ioo kpln wm Ihn $0th an 990th mm 1mm GernVIIn nun ampcum ynm numben pen mu Wend II 3mg Wm Illumllwfwl mm III nun2 ml no II III Ir In uld II to um um Ikamnl BIOmm the But onurln mum chancellerlu are Inlnly warm have been more mm mm Telephone 7mm edzy The Inunllnru 01 end desmble In mammal 6mm um too My The Gamma nrlllluy mm In Sauwh new lInmIlIon um mm cu mu not clearly dened and all VIo ull Ihe em mom VVV mwmm mm Desplle ObJectlons To It Van wondering how to mid In Quebec Wm mug Ava EVENTS MAIrnIIon Ilu mum 1th med mum Th QWC mam anm mm Malfgibd Cynml nIIIeh becamalnde mawnw Anyonllheopv THE pICK 0F PUNCH um an Inna mm mm IIII swam mlhlglelllmhm IIIII mum eh no lm 90 um th Paul Mllmm cm elllllly Ihlred between bodenedu lhoprIoIIl IuI bx we lost nI ms 0W mm Afmsgguyfgge Greek Iname and mm sun In Quebec orulho WMIIIVVWWMM warm FMme on Whoa by mum Irnlnees pot ml Inc 100000 rocnrloul new IIeIIlIIniuKe mHump mm wu poLJm were to armIII VIIw IIIIVer II vwallyn In 13 mum my 51mm 31 IM Wu Wmmb Jul In demend Adde RAM11 mlIuIy IIrnlI In imxe Ihe romuon or mun 03 am yeany 12mm mewmm Egg mmlwgnm gag Ina1m nmmrn was rI um II Inland In Imm mzinl Inmlly new or nl Canada 900 iwly All lppclnled GavewnnGerwul the lonwnlh mum Amher 23 per cent mm mm mm mm mm In lhe mum nIUnIIed Ne unlvenlllu hm tuned IIIllm Honorable military Wm Ior man over lo5V1 VwIth mllllnry urvlu Mr throw all Wm yearly amid alum my mm Home was male human Ibo III II but and as Id muse ml IIId Mu helm Medal or III pm In 4+ Delma MInIIIer Jacques TM Inllw he nnIIInIIIIuy VIIIW WW Under In 2mm and on Ion coma wllh the Quebec mm mime In mm mm In In an hidew lnzhrlon becnusa mum 65 Queen SI IPIeIIVvh 7mg don malice crelllhl the munlon Ilwlever In cum I111 Emma Me In Iazmu co Ieck amulet guixgglw wwa or emu 93mm Ihoynre mnldrulolmamhe WM nlli BIBLE THOUGHT whereumm IIIMWMI mu um Wnlul7mmm5 50mm am munml and penny II pub cnklon nIIIlnnWI dlennlch MWWW WNW IIIHpenilru people Lu om unannowIocelanpuhlnn 1th In In men IIIIII IIvIra mmllnnl for Ihn med army well on Camila wheIIIIr um Unlch NIIIoIIl Io mum In In 1mm menIIoIIhuan II InnoIIhn mm mm MM ldthml cm manna Illa lrch Ileld law 11 Gad hul Illa Iovoolaod mum Duowlnudy by Ihu 1cm Weldon Burrte Enmlner CIIIIII hhhop In In lImcIlone uni The French Inhale Irnnl Ihnl um III III Iullneal was um ho my you 3th ll um ydth In Ill arInInnl Advtl even the IlIedlIerrInenn be amnth II varlly In that low cnmo Inlo belng when mm mm um mu III lend wIIHIIMIIIIIIm mm booemlha bIIIIe law In mm Queben Tm Jew was ham Far an In new 1me mm mm nnnvcnn VIM by In emplnyeel Ind r6 gode wmm end no lmlmlent WNW for Invtd Illa world he ave NM 01 um WV WWW PW Once nraIII the linked Nn III III very demonIlla prln only bcgam Sn um who mu mm dmI WW lhll Mary CMIIIIII WWW Ilnnl menu Lo hevn mlued can be use In IIpIobenyIIandHorpImlnSomI Amman meIcr bellolelh In Illm Ihould her mum mum 01 occulhn lo make Ilrell mail 1001 Sun mm meal Icw 12 n1 um ml cynrru Then In our IImen VVVOIVYVVIIDIVIVVVIVIVLIVVIV3 Wlllhh my mum mm mm zlheeaml gum ovmhmlnk IIIhrIoI Ind mnny Francophone Enle Mb my um hm mdy WVV VVV Wed Vacler of In em ct In nler bee amazon cornm Em mam 31 on Whom my am illhzl Mm 5Illlzlllllllt mad In rlsh but have everlnsIlny when and mm 11 mln cl In gm GIN July WWan mug Tm WI 50 WI

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