meant kill more My Mala Walla earn ErrIritu Elite limb Traction Published by Canadian Nmpapen Company United Ineld 5M llrvil Ontlrlo Robb Pubildlemal Manager AI Hamlin mam waver it or PAGI Increased IntereSt Shown In MuseumArtd Archives zructnausetnnumberormlnvb lion to Simone Colnty mourn iblI aurnrner urn attention pxin pouring ulue oi this cm mo tural exhibits driving dim es mi timed out since Thc him new addition county council In June minted metal stardom to by too lee which Is ior more agriallturul displays ing the mat uob tutored also hubcen dorm In the loailogbouaostlherocroltho whid roiled criod The kitchen bu oo tor cooking 1min museum building the lite oi the the tuna over tlrepln le table is rot for lunch board has the early ironstone chinn end In theme then Indian main building also Inn received due at tention lndhn Wade and moon which attempt to dmt the period trorn 3000 BC up to the downhill ot Human in 4950 usually Ire found at particular Ina crest by nucleate ax well as others Dowlv MEMORY LANE get ten Saturday Barrie Country VAJBenKCandDrJl er oi Allirtorl ledt on monlha In Peace River district Alberta L11 in Tbmrm Daily 60 YEAR5 AGO Currie Northern AdvanraAug I4 Barrie Civic Holiday celebrulion I914 held at fair Minds and bond tattoo Edumtic ember dym mmwhin igllwazn near oorlormin it or Elmvalb now totals ill with alanine millamimr buildin list play at Toronto Exhibition group bnd Trust site grunts PARK By DON OHEANN Queen Park Home Thomaon New service mom Thla bu mo oi the quicieat rumnet Incnary around hm Qulle otter ll tact most ci indiilme lummrr period can hp quite bury itlauaily there an Inquiry ni Ionie tort under way Inch Int Autumn elect committee hearing on Iiydro bead ol tlre contract and alien lher rl will be some elctt committee be holding meeting on aubieet oi public Interest lint ibia ummer there bu been nothing at thIa nature ex mrmiea to In m2 at in pmenl site II the museum has been elm ai through the year with addl added to accommoth now exhi Amrg the largest mm the county zoom commuted an centennial ion in 1966 Housing to oneera ed for early demoaats wagons and carriag the rumored pioneer dumb building are mine at the other projects Fromm sports plus fmiIHmlrultc motortyclcriderairornlbmntoCon tractor Didr Garrett maxed Board oi he no right on cclwdulo re ootio building on Bloke St In limit by Copeland milleri and lame lllll merdlan Tierolc action by llanuol Helmet when be rescued two 134 liter and two children from bunting odnrrgertohimsel lswort oi drooognition eduoriail at rson getting aottllcd in lino new Allarv drug storeat oorlner than and Titiin Barrio Wells Band engaged to Sept timer recognition tor thin line local musical Editor llaeinral oi the humedou Examiner has opened ot iocs In buremcrrt of lies Block now Mrs Hugh Cald md and Tire Wlnrncr ham at lathe me this addittom cul preecrarnueeum no In tile edtothomnetruotlonoitba hruldtngandliavarious More than 35006 tom Origimly startedby tbeWomenaln etituteg or the my In rareon ITII moibilaatonotimomebormdkf the Barrie library Aa more pioneerin phyewore mind the county ed nponioprovidenooded tor pcoplo year are now attracted to the rmrseurn and arch ives indudxng runrleroue 10M and other vlntorx on by chartered braces they ircquenlly tour the shopping plans otme inthoarco and downtown notes thus contributing ed aim gr mo tion It merita tor considerable contri and the mo Flos item oi the Orillia enl institute to the modlt oi those families ii nhlpaon poore that orthem to make such Parry Sound found wmm mnuurv oi om iood mmalrfd luxuries Tim prices urmecesearlly and so Curl Dornn oi Venue and Move com oi Siaynor also have been very active aboog with Barrie and veo and three lrrnnv menhero Tho Inueeaeln attendance and erer ed drown It the museum In itself rotted of thean Club New denounced in great quantities other nocer wrll increase impose hord people who cannot afford provision tor future in reruns also noemhu been evident pinco war began In two ermnent Iolutiontc the agoWentth I36 Mt Cyprua la poulbie while Arch op ill compromise Dar week at go minds When aloner tor lublilma icario remolrn In island llo appeara lncapable oi reason or power on that troubled oditcrlnll World War One which hogan in 1014 draggod on for more than our years millions of men were slaughtered or the battleiielda there was tremendous harm to bodies and victory on won at awiul cost politicioru moved In and imposed such conditions on the deioalod that unlt other 3warilbooamo inevitable editorial tonne tndustrlal commis urio ldeled In auto crush ncnr Stlotiord Arthur Harris of Bar rie president Uniled Florists at Canada named Jack Calvert ot Brampton oiilclal representative to Canadian National Ex Tempo To Increase gAsr Summer Watnes upt tor the brlai inquiry Into the Landmark Iiotor Hotel in cident abFort Eric And with number at mian Ierl away an vocation at any given time Ignlilcallt dcchlan have tended to be portpnntd The routine or mum ha canted on There hu heel Ibo uauIl batch cl annmmcement and appoinLmAL But there ha been little spice rrALv nourln The tempo will pick up troln re In Thin week the Canadian rec tlan oi the Commonwealth Pur Ilamcnlavy Aarociailrn with repreaentatlve at all province CANADAIS STORY Tea In Swamps by non nowrlAN alArd Selkirk mad twn ab ielrlptltn eatabllah eclonlel ll Canada belora ho Monttin be rettlement at Red ivutlded Illvcr Man The tint war Prince Edwurd lnndin 1M where he nrrlled an Aug it There were tlrrea ldpx carrying aetilera and they allcd into Orwell Ba around which they built their cmel It was la ri ucrerliul venture gnddeacen ant oi the original antler still live there One at Seikirir agent In llrltalnyra little too enthu alulle when he advertlred tth lea could use grown illTill wamp with ruin thetmr ky Selkirk then vllted Nova Scoilo llostcn and Alburly be iora going to Upper Canada where his next moment wna establirhed at Baldwin near prererllday Chathnm In toot For anmr lrarlgc reason lllll war not ucoeariul The Milk lander mo moved IIIII into sgsll and the ioderal governmenl Ix meeting here Then in September plavlrv clll policy meeting bl the NW big alialv being held in Sudbury Around tho ulna time the Contorvatlvea are boldill thready unitottown csucuaral Honey Harbour Sept irrii lb Innual pre mIarI eoniefenco ebeduled tor Toronto And then iew day later Premier Davll take oil Ior Italy on Iwoweeka tour or unmarried by large repreun tation iron the Ontario Italian community The tall Iculcn expeeled to aiart abortly ailcr he returnl Whisky In Trees claiming that the land war not rullahle or agriculture Today the area rich agricultural producer especially corn Selkirk wal not diaeouraged in loot he wrote trenllre on big experience and urged that greater eltortr be made to en Seikirir obtnlncd grant Illere oi llama Iquan mile In Hill by buying controlling Intarvu In the iludaona llny Company Eventually be we auccemul but the eitort cost must oI llll grim and led to bi death In or mothnaitint pa lothoeconomyoillrlnpoplarlourlst The role ot the rnueemn and archives board hasnt lwnya received the ailene blilm Deputy ltocva Howard Grier oi Tiny township la the einirman ot tho current busy board which bar been cor rylng or most worthwhile expansion proelurn Threeotbermanbereoicotmtyooun cilWolxlenklrIE11tottwlsotaIeoveoi Both Men Untricl In Foreign Affairs mu nnuul lwrv IMIII Allll Analyrl normal New Service Monitoring the new American Pruident Gerald Fnrd and our our Ieaetary Itata Ice ex tonal nilIIrl Allan Macia then In one breclh volmda tar etched In in It Ilnl Both IN totally untried In irrelgn ai laira hm no experience what never in the rangoing ratelngua oi CanadaIlnited State nuntie and tinaotiai problem which will Iiill be there In they learn how to rope Ilr IiaoEacbena appoint ment to the external ailIr porttollo tlll leave meet ob aervn oi the Ottawa cenl Ionmm Mend and prob ably good number oi iolelru rerl oltlcer equally con la limo mu run you you which enntel bola orally and oomplexily tor political payoli the rigor oi the new portlclio can till bring him down to earth it he cannot IVW The new American president war brougbi up in Grand my lot Mich mere loo miter rem tho Canadian harder but how IIttlI tout Canada lie Macadam deer aboutiorh elgn policy emulation And thail very little indeed MORE THAN ONE DEPART Oi coum Wadin foreign yollq rcatlva in it Nixon America will not conducted voler trees the external attain department Ibo very large platter oi glib radian agreement clean up continental pollu tion One at iir Nixnn my ill am VII MIMIIv In elk thobudget oi the Environmen tavaoteeticnAgency rul cut will threaten per bap derlroy the on com mitmenu in the agreement om Great Lake antipollution mcuum lla signed with Prime lllnlrtcr Tnldeau about two year ago And that prdrlemior Canada will largely be In the band at ALLAN MIEEAlEN comparable Your BUSINESS ltlrnc Jeanna Snuva as the new rnlnlrler oi the environment she competent rib and quick learner all at the tlllnx we hope from lincilachen in external 0n the corulnulog energy crlrla touglrmllldcd and el iicient Bren litnlrter Dongld lltacdcnaid wii curry on II in the put And an will the quiet but eiIeeIlva Alutnlr Cilierple II mlnirtrr oi Industry lad and commerce in the work irom bladepart ment loader trrlda with to booming Brazil In late October Stocks Recovery To Follow Ford Dy VINCENT EGAN lurlrm and conrnrnrr Altair Analyat Tbnmxorl New servlra mm iiorrlr Emmott Ilayileld Giroci llrle Ontario Telephone 1mm Second Clara hiall lleglrtrutimr ilu lber out ltclurn pmtag guaranteed Daily Sunday and Statutory Ilblldnvl excepted Euburlrltlon vale daily In rnrrler 30c weekly HIM yenr Iy Single copies lie mall Barrie tune yearly mcca Oxxlty ill00 yearly Balance at Cantrell moo yearly All other counIrIcI trace yearly Iiotor throw oil $1000 yearly Natinrlni Advertlxmg mum to Queen st Welt Toronto lot mill are Cathrort EL ilantrcai Member ct the Canadian Pres and Audit llurenu oi Greulea lianv Thr Canndlrn Pres Ir excluw lvel entitled to the uu tor ro pub lcailorl oi all new dirpalriv In this apcr credited to It or The Assoc riled Pms or ileum and aim lllit local link publlib therein lilo ilarrta Examiner claim Coryrlght In all origlnai advcr ill or and idltortal matertll cro ated by it employee Ind re produced In thtr newspaper Copyright ltrgtrtraucn Nun ber mall reglrtertit The earl day oi the Ford admllliltrat on In Wuhington may woll Miller the beginning recoverytn North Ameri can stock marketl Jurt beioro liicllard Nixon resignation stock price ad vanced ilarply In anticipation when the rexlguallon became certainly price declinedav they ulually do once the new at any Tonganoiled devch ment out not alter the dull at the pre ldcntiul upheaval baa ettled wrrle nnlyrt expect gradual relum or buying untimenl among lnvcrtora They contend that President Gelold Ford to likely tempura ago buxlneu erramou by our menu porrible unludirlg the rec vrraal oi Iba unpopular tight moruly policy oi the Federal no ram hoard omn anxlyrta Icra optimistic about the economic outlook any that any rln in atnck prim re rulllrue iron the Nixon resigna tiun abould be treated as an op parlunlly to roll rtoclu The middle position taken by Jan Scltrleli Cnrlndinn rc rearrlr dimini ot liclrtll Lynch Pierce lellrler and Slrll We eel that market condi tion are improved by tho realg nation at Mr Nixon it will remove Watergate iron the Investment climate and possibly we houd have little better mnrket III the near iulvrc lieuever the economic Ind iloarldnl background atlli It not VGoVernmenisfSeeik CABIHVISION Larger Slici OTTAWA CF Politicl mainarm and New deem are neglected Ihia tell that will govern develop mu oi the mutt our tuna television CA in main or year to come Omani called neii nice the We at lei daieo pro by we in own new on monthly or neural baaia bar rapidly become malor moneymama enterprise Carermenu leek an tnrreu ing ace oi the action licence and Idem trIIIva control Dim oldal Illustlu ahow tbal Ll million gib eerbera paid one million to cable TV unite in tha year ended It in mi wan an Inmate per cent in Iubseribm and per cent in urban irorn the previous year me while the Ioduiry tong Iinuer to Indxbelda prvmlre oi new electronic marvel in the hour II II betel by mourn It ied ml and provincial level at government and in the mm Al lb Iaderal Mel the Ca nadian RadioTelrviuan Corn mlallon IGRIW mum mlrol over licensing at com poplar determining their unite area and deciding what TV Modem ebamclo carry ii also looks at iinaneial ltaternenta and controlr the ratultbey may charge ubacribern Pom DISPUTE to Brazilian kill mmww yibilliolr an nual trade between Canada and Brazilbytbaendottbladeb Ida And on nance where so may oi the moat com can adaUS problem writ John Turner will continue con pclent operator the senior mlnirier in thla lnterdlulpllnary structure at prerent IlsCan Ida relatl hlpl iir Mach min good alum el expc the rt than Raider Ford Ford one known tower oi cabl net urength In there ilrnl day nl Illa new preotdency will be Ilia intuition et Henry Niauingel Ia eaetary ot mil Tbeolhere Ia anothar vpecula tlcn relative both kineanben Ind Fordthat they Ira lam Maryann Ii but in Cm yet another eabtnet II expected wlth Tnoer moving perhaps Into extarrlal and hiatEchen then going good neu know where WILL FORD IUIIVIVET And lo ill U3 there al ready waltandree mood about Ford which will probkhly be rerolved In the man be pick tor vlcepruldent tandpat candidate would mean Ford will no It on be rm with the poul blllty or bi candidacy in the nu Ior prelldent lbol year but In anlbliioul vicepreai dent ior Ford alto with it eye on tho presidency mean Ihorl hrllt tor the lurkncwrl cor rervallve Middle American now rexldent Soc uncertainty about men in key position is unsettling Tint uncertainty williocrem it either one neltller hill to cope with our many mutual problem close neighborI ready to bull market Tull may tak lama time Another invutment home Moos lamb and Co Ltd uya that the Nixon mlrnatloo by removing ill uncertaintie modeled with Watergate could rend Lll DWI Jone men age oi New York industrial ock to th range at to tootroll Tar at the time at the resignation Sublequcni rerolutlerl oi the erivting econolnlc yrcu would then permit ongertenn bull market to develop according to Mon Lwoll PSYGIOWOICAL LII1 lletolvlng led economic woel however dim cult tank Mite Marmot IbeWaIergata blo do not og directly to alleviate ior Irutance the com llnutllg energy crilll the major drought In Iowa U5 arm areal high Intereri role and Inilrtlonh or ever more direct ccrwem to the investment community la wtha government attitude to ward buslntutwhleh tn wuh lnlian ax in Ottawa hu been lilcreallngly hostile and mid VE At the moment It Ia poailbla only in module about Pml dent Pordr licwIbut there la little renter to expect that he will call oil the wild buntera The dock market In the int anal iA moved human payc olegyAilo emot an and thought ol lhoulandl upon tllotuanda 01 Individual buying and veiling tocka The MC headed by azalrman Pierre Juneau ex eretcea tbL power under the Broadcdnl Act on Ibo Iumptioo that eablerislon is an extension at the broad mill Iyateummozblieb la eonr re IlbIlIIy mm but some provincer notably Quebec Ontario Manitoba and Saskatchewan question thll aarumption Quebec and Ontario want lay tn the LIA cursing while Manitoba and Sukatcbewab reek control at tha actual cables ibernnlves Ibmxgh well pmlibeialiy owned telephone mirror The armlect bu been d6 baled at Odlllldll conferences oi commu nicaiion mlnlrlm but ll Earn the dlrpute will it rennivad In couuhuloual dlecuariona between Prime MluiatIrThldaau and the pro Wmmunum akwbu on July ledoral general election we called it one oi Illa rublli the led erai government has to sort out trulri competing issue or further disouulonl possibly thin all Manitoba pmpoaltl Ialt apring that the Manitoba Telephone System IlllS lake over cable in that turn current contract ween Ibo prilalelyowned erblavi ion companies and the iris expire in the no live yum NUCIII BY OOAIPANM The Canadian Cable Tole tiller Auoclation OCIW raglmehtlng the malcrtiy oi ea ovlrlon owner Ind were on me the itinnitob pro pcral urounding the death knell or private onlcmrlso in the ileld and opening the way to provlnclai censorahlp oi cablcvixion programming The Canadian Arsociatlcn bi ilroadcuten our rcpre renting the Industry that pro duce the program carried by cablcvlriorl yaterru up port The ocril mairrteet ears in the Federal Court oi Canada being pre need and may 701 up or trial Iaio this it arise from the Cliica proposal that whencablevl alol mmpanle pick up United State program to dlrtrlbuto them ill Cuada they would dcleta American advertixlng trlelaagea and aubrlllute Canadian material Tb CIVIC detendr this pro petal on ground that too many Canadian adverlillng dollar ge heron the border to be mm on American TV which then led bnekvin C5 radian Iulocrlberl v5 AMlIONG SUE ilogere Cnblc TV bid one oi the ilrlna eervinf the big Toronto market niroducccl comerclal deletion and rub rtitution with approval oi the Conth rm ram Iyauta mom prollll and awn Iunrlul mm but tam petiole NY TV balm outlrta New lull violation at accident trod mark Ian baa applied maeooruo Imam in the auiL mmmrzdntmbasnulyei ruled lirme ootbo rom merdal tetherme tin prevail narrowly nlii not until tbecourtletioo ha been resolved There another dedxina lnbamadebynnaocailinia ter Join Tuner and Revenue Minister blarboryon which the commercial policy of cabinum wartime nay blle The Meetira oi the cm to enmurlge advertlren spend their money In Canada rather than on UL telelirien proposal being atudied the llnaoce and RM pIrtmelrta to mallow to purpoeee In an expense doing business any pcndilum on American vertising WON DELAYED decirtcn on thin point not likely Itleart lntll Tuner prueni hla budget gautint remorse or meal Cableririon cobbler Icrlberl to obtain belief remoe In area Ibera direct broaden signal are weak and to receive program horn atatlona beyond range or mai recite antenna It la anteding raoiay arm tar Team from US borderund the heavy population areas at earthen Ontario and EC uant the iartbegvcabllhevitlnn em mead ama tel broadcast mildl more complicated the wee Ion oi microwave relay urth The CIVIC In working on network grid planning um the more remote area Indrrlinimba mode dltilv plan pull can note lb cahlemTlzrepgoratnr er reg ea maka lt puulbla to uvrk more quickly to rave more the country Meanwhile way are being worked out by which theeIr levialon companies wlll Irizarta in the out gramming now borne leiavtuan broadcut at rAvvor liar NATE vlrlon chla comp Pl blew up rv the air and led them to the ubeerlbcra lately cable meklller hale receg nixed they owe vomethlpg the produer oi the mom Two voluntary plan have been approved the Cam in liailiax Ind Kamloopc DC there come etlcdlvo thin tall CRTC will watch how cculul they are The preces dcnla might be icilowed other plan at the country The Canadian Broadcarting League In aosocialion viewer and llrttner with lung hirlcry oi dedication public broadcaslior be calm plain that the CRTC allow the levlslcn companlev ccuivc prolltl Tba CIITC denies this Tltls iv regulated duslry Mr Juneau baa laid You cant make exeesxiva with However oi risk taken cablaviston companies In to pioneering yeara be any the CIVIC luppcrt people who things and not penalize them As tor the Jurisdictional puta between iederai and vlnclal governmentl Juneau ayr It matter tween governmentv MITC merely calmer Broadcasting Act as written by the iederal Parliament when eablavirlou will trounce new eledrotllc to vet to the home well PMIIbtaltm rhocrlnl PIYW youwatch apcclal cnlertxllr men or wiredIr new papersremains to be Ieeu Technically the ilald pears tr be wide open Many oi than development Iraaibla but they Ire costly The lm Illlnlu ll may be or no yerra beiora cost be mum down uulrtenuy to make them popular THE Plclr or PUNCH lm and you also apperr to have undone tho lan YW WEN l0 IMVI done peymengr