Learning To swim in Ill helm my dIy Illem Ire anu ren ram lb Shanty Bay mu ll 0N HemiIl Put The Ire raiders nurt ussiaasln dmnimol lbImaty II L111 theymeld um um tintis playing lathermimelunthaatal tax manning lawns Any ray that ullspceing scat ed tanker in ism has to swim MILD Seq an strumming eeeantobethendiicc hdaz luaur rim by imrlxtnr rllnh Ann Bucy to one at the dstldrcn lamina to lwlm Itarldbn bunch at kids raabe rent challch Ruth Ann Dallry lindepuLJtuIbisancoIIp mxlmutdy students hired by the county to give chlklrea any NLWS fl Til luillllk EXAMINER IIIZDNLSLIM AUGUST It lb iod so my LAWYER innuenncsnrs wnnr Insurance Prep at DrctwsMixed Reaction While but local insane encies are reluctant to talk abwt the mailer Bard lawyer is strernely pleased bby the rec ommcahttlon that rurtain drlv modellers that certain drtr 3lag silences all no anger void infill Milgin uperiat 10 pm end it eats oi insurance vae Inked tor the dilrtlcn pi tut oi nowore hibetcd olieoces Irvlh the li nb iy section the standard utomohllo 1mm policy Iho It includes driving with out belnl licenced whlio the mice is suspended while the right in min licence is ms peudei while prohibitediron Wanner hycourt ordtn balloon der to yezlrl old wtdle en od In Illegal trod or transport Inch Is baldial mittbad nod without any rquregzedluL mmmmcndnllm Intllid to speed clnimn mm innocent vlcum involves an cleannub driverswhahnve lost their insurance avenue be cause oi violations at lholt pui lclcs sututory trillions 000 MOVE Bruce men the lawyer said such legislation has been scunht Iornmunbrroiycars and is dclinllcly move in the rlzbt direction it is wrong he salllpthut In nocent people should ruiier in the hands at on then driver or an Insurance company in may cases llr Owen said the in nocerlt party is lust this uorlcinu rim who does not have the time or money to contest his caso In won and usually semis loss than he do rcnes loanInca companies lllce All at society air Owen stated have duty to protect the general pub Ltc It the monies clout nuke nn ctiort on their own be raid the government will have to do It or them but in would ro or to Ice them do it on cir own Several local insurance tutti clcs were use asked to cum mcnt on the rciommcndaiims but spdtrsxrcn tor tllocom panics declined saying they ellh cr dd not know rid not wish to ctmnrnt or were not available in spokesman how dun Oliver of tho Casualty at Canada gave quick syperw Ils oi bII Initial reaction to the recommendation Tao plowing Ills an extension theories which took place Inchp leaner 1971 At that Ilium the prohibition against driving while drunk or impaired by Ilmhd or drugs was Named re breach oi the liability uectktl llr Oliver said it seems some what tragic an Innocent victim timid suikr mm to the posit gloat Icl at one lll brunch at coquact The broadening at the contract he said will remit to quicker settlement to via lirns but will mean added ex pense or the companies imvlv ed in writing nutcmobllo instm once in Canada lbu spokesman added that nldiouzb most concludes cad et up paying such claim upon judgment or rrernent In the past rccoveric lrom insured or the responsible parties were slow and tedious The proposed limit will be sawing to the compan ies in legal invcstlgetlw Imus tilr Oliver believes loweta that the overIll died at the roc orumcndation will be loosening 01 driver caution At present most In know that certain oi titer sets will void the conLract hence this tact acts as retardant oi rash salon on their part However shardd tho propos ed changes tulle place the la luranco contntt will not pro duce the some solely tacttr out in any case with no tnult hlsurnnco lust around the comet or so we am told we teal such changes will not nulto that rryudl diilcrence or In tho proposed rio Inuit system or plan IMUI will not be ml at tensor The spokennan said he expects that tho rm ton ii ed will result in higher ore mums as tho companies will boitnrced to pay more The muscled change is part of the report oi the rupertntow dcnts standing currurlittea on also insurance legislation whith is headed by Gordon Grundy Superintendrnl oi insurance or Ontario The superintendent recommendations tor chanch in Protection For indians is Over Police Promise Siege On Park KENORA Out The next awe ls Wish icky at the tinned occwcflm oi Ant clnabe Park enters its lourth nle ladiani saythcy will de tcn tithe pm with the snort meat at weapons they have but lcral authorities say the amnesty protecting the occupy ing lathms trem prosecuttm it our ml polite will veal all the putt ltmd biocits halo bent sit up ll Lao police Tutyd in their mrlncd Iclge oi hark but the 150 or so trillions comma to patroi tho lrnltcr with riiics in burvl The Indians led by the Ojib wa Warrior Society have sat they will dellrid what they say is tr mi poiiiitl covmmm however has trsucd en ultimo cd on tho helium out authority 1cm that unless they tell the park by the denim criminal drum unlit be bruecllt owls um iour persons were arrested Tuesduy es the deadline csyurol out they attempted to leave the dll But liquid that the co have rwriotmd ti ground mmctnny Ital blocks and patrols but itsykrg away lrom any direct coh irvnlallon Hilat is left in the park MW is the hard core norm touts Corporal icadcr oi the oestru Tilly dsnt haw Minn to lief1pm We have chosen to tile here lid ll our blcoi and out ilcsl Title in the path has been at the centre oi negotiations to or lno lndtnru sy the putt land was published wlll Initun tunll ol void iililtl will let lnsumnco lcguiatloa must he Assad by each provincial legis allnn lo become law in his rcpm Mr Grundy not od it is lamina to have de ioted impaired ability train the list at prohibited uses in 1V3 while retaining the suspension prohibition which was recons nuentltd in NW Thorctorcuwa feel that con sideration should be glvcn to do Iotlnl tacstclluory Mum on vehicle use in its entirety The nnbeent victims dllcrra an crises when he is lavolnd in an uccillllnt with driver who has voidrd his iabllity In science that is coverage in pay the medical and related aspen eer at people be tahlrcr throusb his negligence Under parent tour the victim must Inn but he ltdle drtver Ind the mm to be repWm oldnan result long delays bosom at itin usually occur helm the victim rewtvcs an tnsuxoncI settlement gtRcmavnl at the vehicle uso prohibition means that en insur nace ccrrlpauy could no longer calm to pay claims at innocent parties ialuml by it tnsurui driver on the grounds he had violated tho terms at hie policy Sudl deicnee would no lo or apply and the cum any would no liable tor claim in noccnt driven passengers and pedestrians liuwov lilo pmillhllh galnst vlau abuses would still apply against the claims oi gull ly drivers or repairs to their con cars or property llama ed in the accotcpt Tito tents on is intended only to prom In noccnt victims it would also prohibit collision or damage claims in cases bhcra tho lnsurtvl driver permits rui iers allows or connivcs the use ol the vehicle by prohibited drnrr The uuilly drivers medical expmscs are covered updcr the medical paymtnts and notnult accident bcncilts sections at tho manlnslnnco policy LOCAL GENERAL MST CONTROL About 11000 tiarmgo was done to car driven by Jose Jun elre to at Seortxmugii when be lost control on lllghway 21 south oi Elmvhle about szao pm Tues day raid Eimvalo Ontario Prov Vinciul Police Politic said lllrl tire was driving southbva when he lost lllNl oi the cur And It roiled Ill was lukvh to lioyal Vittorio Ilorpital with ml For Marks and released said police FlltST MEETING Thc Lions Club at ilarrien iirst medias alter the surnmcr recess wtllkbo their annual com my and drum to be held at Sunntzlulo Park llutlc tor dune bin will be provided by llmsdd Kclscr The evening starts at 010 on Thursday September Otto FEST Tho lirst annual Old Time Piano Contest will be held at the Guthrie Arena this suturdly In mmmctlon with the Ore an idol Lions Clubs second oro lcsl lInhn liaying Contest Chairmun tlill hudnur oi liar hevtono and his committee aro working to establish an onuunl Went similar to all time orches lanil Idilltrii tunttcstu llorli thruyhauttha province Cutillhl times are irom pm The or Fci will little until am with two danca bands vldblu music SAILING STORIES liruco Brock munbcr at the llutaly Club at illlrrio willrc into some at his railing expert rrircl to tho club at their week lv luncheon insulin Thursday at the liirumar Gardens allon motion Union Amalga mation Amalgamation oi the live len chcn tedcratlans in mttrio may bcmrne mayor loplc at the annual meeting oi the Onion lo leoebtn Fedemtlon which is being held at the Nottownsuyl 133 ME to 21 The tle to smith this topic becomes an issue may also dc pcrul the recoil at two other mcetilm ai ltadicr alteration this wccir in Duroato Iho motto Puth School hitn Twehers Federation OPSll Tli Incl the Federation ul Wo nicrl lcncllcrs Associations al Ontario tiWTAD are Ml holds ing their annual mcctlnps this week George Allen president oi the Simooo County brunch at UPS TI and one oi three doing lroin the county to the in Toronto said hiday Is strung movement towards amalgamation within the calm yn gt The provincollrnolo ltuch rrsnru divided lull live tunla or in oration known as niiiiA totes division in basal on sex school grade rclttion and increase chcrutian is an omlrrtiu IL rration but the rclll power it with each oi the Allllldl Slim County it llnque in that it is tho only clnlsrty in tho rovluec which has Ill ilvo toils fates represented within its ct lltr Alien suld that although no war not Iworo at the auction at the Ontario Tcuchcm lcdcr hawoulthlt be so rised ll nmai umultoo oi the hill latcs it the st The idea ot amal tinillllll Is also being puvhud lay llowunl lloscae loath in Toronto who is president at the North York IElementaly lcachers Ftdcrut cn llr trmtoo ollcmpttd to Jilin tila hideration at Walnut Tts ehcrs Association at Ontario but was unable to do no lie unfami cd in the Ontario lhlluan it this CMlnmLolorl which ruled hi the Provincial llunian itiuhts Dude does not apply to the $3009 member womens icdcrotilm in ictter to llr Dilth Ihb commission vioililcd out that the women tcucllrrl federation Isnt rugiutcrcd tulle union and Iheroiuru the section pre vrming sex dtufimllwiitm by unlom does not Mr hltscoos mvo is nipple tcarhcre icdcrntimr tor nit ihu traction in illc province The women leuchcrr trrivrt ton ill nillliniiy opposed to sm eipamatlon but study corrupti tre on the subject will resent moirt on the mm on cans ollralpuriaiilnr at It meeting the women traitor Ialcrulion hoiicvcs it provides leadership training tar womcauml that womens nroup canlbool dcicnd till riuhfl at women other teacher Illlliatcs Ontario Secondary School Tca ehels lcdcrnLloa Ontario Di ilsll Catholic Icnchels Fedora ion and tiltssoclattun ties Dr Migrants FrancoOntarians Another reason iur sirloinam auon given by Air Allen is that the division by mdcs was mndu at time to elementary LOCAL AND GENERAL SPECIAL MEETING special city council meeting is scheduled or Ann is at pm in council chambers it is being held to give third reading to bylaw authorizing tho closing oi the public lane at tho renr oi All to on the south side at Vurrlcy street IllllCALll 0F litOllAlIDN Gary Egbert at All 1harrie was sentenced tu so syn In Iull In barrio provincia court nlcsday Stntcnoiri had been remanded ironl Aug nttcr Eu bcrt had pieudcll guilty to breath at probation Egbert way tounll nullly Di ll ma oi potty tron ticltnl its lJunll lnlll uid Egbert that by brouclilnlt pro hullon order no Icunuriizcv all persons ulliinn demonstrate to tho court they are trustwor thy SUSPENDED RENTENCE Gary ltohcrt Lyrich to at All Iuiu Township was given uno yeur suspended sentence In Bur rie provincial court nlcsday ni iur pleading guilty to tolling to appear In court Crown prone uulor tth court that when pui ions all to uppcur lntuurt they break dulin tho urlmlniettadoll ot Mike Judge Donald lilllil told Lynch hc nlthl litop lilo truth iur one year or he would be bbach In tullrt to tuto tho charge units LV JAIL tlun Kay 20 at it barrio was statehood to seveu days in Jail nitsr rentanclnn had been remanded irom Aug Key had pleaded utility to thuslrrii disturbance by uric Uhtccno languanc Alter hcinr round null ty Au ho requested and was granted oneweek remand tar sentencing as his business part ner iound guiltyot similar charge wouldbo spending to in nuptial Annual Tennis Tournament Draws Fiity Competitors The annual department at realiua tennis lalnnumcnt has held lucsduy with 50 junior players moulding in tour ulvlb lot the Junior Girls championship was won by Michelle sullen ullo detected Sandy Scllull in lnal by it score oi Robbie Duwcr ciaimal the Ju nior Boys championship dcirat lair Gnrrz Huey by 0n the way to ilnai Garry dawned last years Junior chomp Girnn rbomplmt and Robbie boun Ocidalnl Gllj CalLN in tho scmililnal in tho Senior Girls division Nancy lurvis won the Bamboo dlcr trophy tor the top girl by rising Kelly Draw by some pi 97 Namy licintrll itslin Waiter in the scmlllml by it Run For the stwud your In NW Grrir Dylan clulrnttl lllc llam bardlcr trophy lur the Senior Buys champion Ilr tlctealnl Dennis nunasse in the that by 52 utter downing llleilacl Doha and lily previous upponcns by scam Illurlnssn ltd urian Stephens In the ma nul round by utter dciculinr pm nous opponents by so and bl Icorcr This Is titt sclclltll your Ulll touruanlmt has bcrn hvitl Hill the number ot entries has in cruascu awry your lnilcnllln til this growing norm in ten illil in the Barrio alcn Dog Show At Ease Borden in whnbnltltaunlnta lll llllsw included In the program taLlf planned er the liars harden ital and ion Cluh rounds on Saturday Aug 17 blottan pt pm The Canadian lied Banc Au satiation will spcnwr the event sultan cntrim lllln utli be some tluliu Irvin South bl the liunlur liuru llllm thus an ulrvlllly uvvuml iur Ill addition to school Irwints bro poorly mummy outline to concurth with Spectators nrc litltDllle to morally nlml touchin TTM Icilll on or clam ltotl an no raid no lent it Gun Club will provide mom WWW itiim modotlvn or low and ruinlb scluxd Icuctlcrs hale beenup mulled ureutiy since that dun mm with Mr Alton as delegates are llallcy teacher at Buy viuw ll Midland unli Georg Ouopar teacher at it est lliil School in iiitlliurst Jack Canilell ui Illlmil Twmhlp will Ilso Iticnd as mellow Tories Applaud UlTAlVA Cil Italicll Sinnilcld was applauded Ally by Progressive tunsorvaitiu MP and sonnmrs as he IlllCNtl the ilrst xmrul patty counts lime in ourtys virtual in the July It lttlclttl eluciiun Smilinu and creating oilt lands lllll Can rxililtil amun his collcuuu chatting tor about in minutes below the matan was called to ultim He told irtoru he would lltJitt illitlntlll later In the do business would it in tiny were both in tall ll the some time SEX AND FIIIENDSIIII ttie illlriir Circuit of iur cilty Without lurtllcn will lliiltl dlwu on group for numbers lotlit It llOulll Street Thu pubic will lie Sci does still is Friendship and tho discussion will lllll ill ll pull SENIUIIK PICNIC Till Silttuin County sciliol till my plinlc got underway this morning pl lit at Sirrlnllwatur lltrk oil illnhwuy 21 north cl liarrto ulniroxitilnlciy moo people are minute to Mltnti the event which is srvnisortl by the bounty recreation drnurtmcn and tile my citircnn ildvkiory committee LDtl unit It was done all it um luuilth Allllt DAY 53 of bill car driven by Shirley ac ill at Grove and look SlrthS mid llairic lxiluc There were no Injuries 0Ull INJUltEll Iuul persons relrival minor Inlllrics in twocur collision ntnut mil pm Tuesday at its so lloei null Alma Strtul tco loy yvtllouuhhy on of till liar rte driyln northbound ml Iiiu toilet was involved In cullib llm with it car driven by James lllltilaclllltlllti it of linltcil lct who was driving onst on Anna Sirlct Struh Alru lnlurcd were ilritcry liaciicrn ll ct itll Harrie the willouctlby car and Marie Er vlno l6 oi United Staten has vulgar in llltl car driven by James trvinc llumlpc tallio mumch Dill Brffltl $zl$0fidm troy at am who won Iqu oi liawtiy cup In tind Nonc the inlured ucru taken ix manner in tho lint day ot the current sunl ll Enterprise paid all or Tallinnn show will at Monsoon wickmill new at all put tollewvxl by in at an MRDM ha consul hunt traitor iti Kennel Club llKS limo Bank has been the cen tro oi raccoon hunting trtult ion mine than years and is as one oi til Dtsl tur cooper idntlrn nut tan er ml bulle blun lil coon bound and the idle llliil ucru ui tin taunts hum ivuini lovers in try so not llnrbt dogs liittlilille lit til will have it til of North lmeriln Staneld ilulult tllu clwtiolt dclcat was lira llllnl or Air Stuhiitlll since llt becuml leader in liltll lie in under strong mussuns rum it true mollrtly oi comes to rolnuin in oiilro Inr about two yum while all onlcriy lcullurshlp convrllllrm it lliltrl lid exported to itll illllli mum tn he has no intention oi ltIMlllll the party into another cimllorl but um he would be ullllnu to stay on until the party is ltiatly to tlilltld nny ltulltT BRIANS THE lSl WINNER mte content this receives Ills pvto horn Clmdulorl ml apcr mo Glamor ctrru Lotion contest is pert to all Exnnincr carriers to boom