it udurul ahmand IV and ltered Wrdaey day alumna ha Dvm llnll In ltxtrn to Ihr Ninth Mm Tnmta rock mup IVIUNCH moms PERFORM perlarn The mu nude tnur appearances Wedneaday atlrrnoon and tour In Thum day The zrcuaa twoday Lttnt Speaker Of ammons Tm put OI pmmollnn It the mall llemhm al thu group truth It IcIl an lImnv Xrlth Slaw Munch vhlll W011th CommOn Sense UIIAWA Jm Jo lllr ermt bull III or 7W data 1963 thltm ha tun do Canada 23th Speaker at the Home at Com It Ml1 mm uw In nutmm to 1year pa by Prlrnu ILhLIlhf Ill Tttxlow Bela Gum Speaker mledrcd one at the mellh poth 06 In the Wrynqulrtu plush callv hula mutation at pa rm anthlmm dtplnmm In llrt Ilr lemma la blllar rotmt Weak Utlmla vmnmxnlndldnotmw Incllon July RM trvqumtly ting hlmsd lrwn tha Gotham timber ml Imam out on the mid In In mtn uloclmtllm than will oxhamtlou Imn Mmeme our unruly qmlllau perlnd htr Jump Ihlrt he can tunIII tho mm at Ihr new by mm to alums reasonable nuymmammu DMLY ood hull at Etvumhomdlnaahanlow Ila lmrn hhhamo Ml Wmmlklbolbttombl wth Mr Jemmol nomlmtlon all at has Ill moltlclat Itomnm at tha anmeIIm nan Ila Followingmum pub ttee tlrnMau mall am bbcrnl bnchdxr Ir Jemma mm the mdztnn re lwd OI opmeLw IIIT Iur hh had as palunmtaw scab tuy Ia ammqu How dander Alan Ilaclxhcn and tor headlnl thatcmwns hu tlw mmmlttm Ind therpxtnl Nmmlltto that Wmtxrndwl him In durum mending hm dellghltd with the clone sohl Mun lulh weather Promxalm 0n nervatlw Justice ultlc Ila In Mdnl mnpera that Null llltd to Lhn Illr Jerome said he nu no plans to shed Ntlurh Ultra Praty lAlentI nur hk Smaller Iltiynld be wild Svenkvr wtth pl ht nun bomuaa 105m rlmlubenholo any that he In there on Mt awn mils and not breathe cl Iha WEI OI Ill other men hem llq ha lo been lullIlcdgtd Illon Ills own Mr lmmc doc lnemt In lollow Lntmunux rumplr lmtl team the utmu to II on an Ind rmlcnt Ml The Inntwr km mud Act eltlnl In the hula Eastrm Marlo rlttlm Stu amtDunn NEJILHNA at the Lint he chm Ittr Jmn an Inklcantlocoodbh tar my mum ny mm to thy liberal label htr lemma Ilka other arm wants to Commun IM change Ilmcd at up house Mn mill not ad on hl own to lntmdmv any meal Any pnmInat mama nttl ham to be bad Ila gleam III and on the mm at the lumber be Mk1 Ilr Jervmo clalnn nlld In the Mach nun to pmtnro hlu tor thanow lob htr an5 ubaru pnrltumary M1 by helped xtrer mm mm lhmuzh the own Imtoc mun1m hatnmn In the last mtmm Portland ho mmtlatcd wlth tho mutton lunmantmborolkey Inst Aprtl lllr Jemm was the tourth rpcdul MinI manly romrdttm uhzoh wall at and cluttth mglhmnucd rl vtokm Iyt Mil thatm Prnllmtlhry Mar Kma slut Ila martini Wllh Mr cm dun mu his all llnrry Karen 11 rxpeetlnx another duh ta vanber lIIl will Nay Lw Jemnm move In permanent matttmm In Ottawa mut mm tlma net wt Speaker Ilr Jerome rmlw hLy mmlnr MPI Inlay uI um LymrJzkl In taxlrvc mme plus 901 We salary and N000 nllmtItm llo Ktll urlw own carbut hat Ihn Ina ot Illnumexr 5mm numtowmt mmnrr NIth lattw GMJIKM lllls north cl Otlm PallInd Dick For Years But Not Her Ideql Life IIMINN wu lIII lad Dlek la Amerl ran polllltl armory than yen Ilul Pat levn uld It nmr Illa Iho wauld hm hmrn Vulcrttlc was no at lfll at crlm that lttrI VNtxon rn IlnIIMIlly delrndlnzhcr and emuulna her runwlele Inltb that cvcry hlnax satay la be All rluht It leon Did haped tor Im rctlrement In Calllarnln ller her husband llnlshrIl Ill Ila0nd trrm 1th purcbmd thclr sun Clemente homa wllh that In mlml hm leon pro rml ll uver other prenldcntlnl mu ean when leon was Mules Ilvlnu In Culllar nln Ind New York my warn the on Mrn lean ll nld to have rnluwd meal 30m In the Whlta Ilouu when ruled II In wanted har dlolhlcr men to marry pull tlIlau Mn ana Itartlcd rc pyttm by rrptylm Id teal IDTTY tar her It the murlrd anyone In WII TRISH rtparlnr nunwtrd Mw nu mu llln uu IMHUIIW her eyebrva nIIIl Itul dont lull all Ir ara hm hm aa talk at ItIenI poIIIIu III ma when mrlbd Dhk lean ayaung timer rum Whltller callt the wan Icachlnu hlth MNMEII ntvmnn whra hlIIon returnrd na alllrar durtul lh Swami hyoyrld WI human asked ta run lur Can Pal mm hInI SM husband mmle up II to mm Hr Dolltlel tm Iy thlIIIt imamnun do Wu In Pu It would not halllllm Illa that would hm rhamt mm Thelma Calhtrlno Itynn 81 Palm SI luIrlrlII lAPt ll lthllAllD NIXON har lrIIhhmrrlaan lather Itll llam ltyna The name rluch And Mrs leonulwuyn rrltr brutal her lllrthday on St lal rlrltl Day thrrmltrr llnvlnn roma lront humble brulnnlnxn It leun llllllA oxyrcueu hcr hallrl In In AnIcrIrun IITNIIII lmla lmm humbln elmInIstanccn can thrhuzh sheer hIIIIl work an up thn lnIlIlrv aha Iald And It wm Inhnl alto dld lIar Iathrr Nevndn nllllll umvrd hL ItlIlllly It mall Iann In Arlula Calll wher Int grew up II GermanIm mlurant nIothcr Kat Ilalbrrn lndl lltndrr IIIM lAIllll WM 15 Pat Iltak oIur huusektepln or her lIIIhrr urn two hrulhm Iler lather dlml whrn Elle was It lat Ilmnprd out at school or two yrIIrI alter hlgh wheel and worked to earn enough money to up Ihruuth Nlletr Shh that John Xray ttehnlclna Ile nnIInIInl tlore rlrrk re unrcher nnIl Inuvle uxlln plny Inn blt mm In SIDIIlllUWlI Ilrl and Dtxky Sharp two terms at Inl planned to be huytr But an utter In learh mm nIrItlnl unmet ll lhtltlar Illnh 3rth cama along and Iha look It IIIHICTII NIXON tryout Iltr mununtty then play Ind were marrlrd Inn yrurl lIIiIr on June 11 um III Quaker mrrnwny at Itlv mltle Calil Allen the war saw her hmbnml chum countessmun alloy and lrrptcsltltnl She rampa nnrd by hln tldn every stop at the way Nn Inattrr nhat happened In thulr palltlcnl Ilvcs Pat lenn alrntllultly bucked hut husband tn ht datrnco agnlnst the Inn pact oI WIIIrrrate leon pnblh rnlly Neallrd lhht Iat Ind aharnd many great moments and ram dllltmlt mammals Ill Iald hlt wlle was at her my bent when the ulna wu laughul It was Pata le old lle uhllvhn clath coal that leon all used In ha drlmen mlnsl H000 pollllul luml durlnx thn Isl eloctlon tnmpxlzn Alter thnt electlon rrlsll cluse nuartnlu rrpotIrn that It leon lost her Instr tar pallllev She mat Man In lhllller aII In the 15m ptenldrntlnl rhea ugnlnst Ithl Kennrdy Ieartully The am rcpIIrlt thr IIIml lenn not In rntrr IM unsun rmlul Hm Chlllurnln aubcrna Iorlal mo and hoped ho would rrllrn mm pollllc allrrwardn Ilu lenn wat when lean started ht mud term ane Ill Ina nattnnt Idut First hauler 5th lean llnt EIN IIon In tha nmltlrneyln tun tth daughters were marrled The yuunmt Julle was man Hm December ml to Davld HIKE owtr XTIITHIJOII at tho Into lmlIhnt Dnlkht Uten huhlr wlth nhom Ntxnn arrvcd She Krnlunlml with hnnom from thn tlnlvtrllty Ill SIII WW Ial by Calllarnth whrra IDI mnhmli la nIercIIaIqulnII AVOID IIMITUNTEII llalilumukm wlll not atthck Latrr tho tank leanr Ilrleat an HMIUIINI and Dlttn wIIl ulthcr way rather than IIIIIIM human encounlcr TE 53 EsJi In burl are Danny Bell drum and Danny Canaan on plane Imnmlnrr Phoial Il ElllOIITII DINING ROOM SUITE Oak DIEM htttdt Inblr chalm Ila Prlra moa HALE lltICE 54837 IOTII CENTURY COIINEII CABINET FIAT CABINET Glam doorn shelve1 Tlrl Prlco IISM HALF IIIICK 17487 rIutma 5qu Blnln ll sown PORTABLE TV ltamoln MTWIMY naranteed ltel Ill 19000 HALE PRICE 4448 FLEETIVOUII COLOR consou TV ltlrdtterranenn nahlnet only It Prlea um HALF PRICE Ellis ml by Indy me my Intrztlrntm In El ah HOOVER WASHER SPIN DRYER ANI PORTABLE IIIIYETI hilt er MAM pr BALI llllClC 38787 pr 12 Ilnvrrlrl ElderIII BICYCLE Ilrl Irlre ll AALEV PRICE 19 ILL lllONHTONE DINNERWARE Annlmmry has or down my pattern Itrl ltlco IL DALE PRICE I287 lltt ROOM MASTER TENT Sum In tloor Outalda trame It lrlrn SALE PRICE ruer mad he wart hnared th nhn at LEI rm shamrnnmhm Nuoa HINDIRd hr mm mam hm Idlmnt borne on th bench at Key Brann mm the In In Mind nation Hunt They mm In Illh three ethn tmsa In and I7 Whom Ind In In aldtxl an In cum mm In mm Aw Nuon made wanna Ilmn mural on the XL nil lIm wmlmra 52 Canada tXJt mm In Mr tannin by The mnumtansl rom Dunn4e mimea MRI GI ILl II mud avrr Tour mu Ior bl vtmmmt an at maxIIka Men to tame at the blunt mm HAMPERS Vrnllulrd thin Ia mum mm It Irlre IIIICH 887 FAB DETERGENT Lb Ilnx AILE IIIICH 127 INSTMIATIC Ill CAMERA KIT Evenle lel nrod to me eturu net Prlrl DIIENTWOOD AMPLIFIER Rtvetburalor rala and Mn mud an nnlt my net tutu um was much