Examiner 51 Nuclear like mmfliiitl MomWe Robb PubiithenOomrIi Mung YI WIIII Editor Emeritus Hamlin Merran Erlliu EMMA MIR it PAGE its The Kind or Food Buy That Costs Us fihnoel Looe but tuml am aimed all the Ibdl limiter mm Whehn the Station henna ofng mm color lorda rapid5y rising cost ot menu or tamy exterior Idormnente 56 nln etbehu cku ihetab punt low people take the time to ex mammogram lb paw 1053 C506 ml lb W3 on us rivettum moguls mm ywhen they bring the weeke munng nyil PW tiaser exbnimon notice that fl mW UM 31F st ol the lDallbd toad you buy hon AEmlw elmoa beyond rge proportionoi it up not miy mime mpg beahrdloothoondstnolmnhpmd ett the tanner fields end in acts tato mokionsolt randy break wreak and wide mg yim range or other commodities that contain but oompwite ol Idditlroshnd prescr lltoie ii any nutritional value tor the the seasoned with host 01 Iranian hum Wr smelt 1M and colors to catch the buyerr pro in numbers Ind Ire eetlap am more everyml hood dollar with mg ue the food balm is so hi etitlve Wm have genome passing year Even it these Mg nods were cum ous and dangerous extreme to lmlad from the Dimming list their productmore appealing than ctr rivals even at the we of nut mbstaniiai eating could be made which content This comta experiment could be used to ptlmtnse those foods more beneficial to our bodies ms and tho buyer usual The Ipparlrzg ysionl condition of link up mm Babornte and ov artistic prolonging cod wt Ill buy the average Cam In pm that most people consumo toormny of time sugar aspect width Idde to than at the nal pro miden toads which rm nullify swoet hub else hint but which we oitcn hire or grant biggies Camder the pain gone to by tho bod monitor to wrap his product in pout It Mild it ill It it ig slit big 13 it it it it Eli Vii AIgg it 35 55 it girl gr glitz the only yea ml the of food DOWN MEMORY LANE lfiitfyliilil mt impelon Motown rim mnmrmwmarcmn artist estrode count 5000100 99m Dunlop Barrio Citizens Bond directed Puff Addison cod mound to at Mimstcr sitcote on night 01 Aug More war broke out in Europe This onto Royal Greno crs Emu timed PM Of BM competition at Undsay Harry Coi zinliramlner Frcnuto screams litre lire night clerk at Queens Hotel ion to Thomas her children And moldy day or home in England to answer all heard Iron apartment over Mc for army 5mm 6mm umy corp and Harte garage whom are stort 100000 strongt Cir amiss Strange Dr vlctor Hart thrley and two town pelicanigneo two ladders which oy placodto lanuei ileum naturallywa and ourrind down two womenInd tn who esca od ordniurodgdrmod early the mhtliutloh Oouni in night leeFlrcmm tritdw ownby ilannlontollire mm pincerre Mendonoll Kim to Exemlnor oilice and merit colore addressed message to all British oo Immmtortumt itwan nmtmupted that non tuggime emglng Wm W1 Playing with her dnu ter and Mr McNeil one out or town hammer mail protedvios destroyed not no so ra Townohi list which wcaimoit Sneoth announced Simone Foresth wort spontaneous asnmnce of support Dymcm Emokdnte Stahioe Tl won Do mane minion Handicap It hog Branch At Grand Opera House in ckford ohamrlng young nadml actress from Toronto in our 321 movie titled The BIihpw Car powwow in mica ENE Eagwhugl gig og on Mayisi hospital workers in tha Toronto area reached ammgmpzmmgcg rm mgj mwnn one notion in ascitlemeniwilh hospital administrators andiho provincial Wm MM Wm mm 10 115 rm government The selliemenicalied toran Immediate Increase to mum $332 amino Gamma In My $14640 aweekforhospltal cleaners This will rise lo$18000 Whmm gran mwrormm mm may week by September oi nextyeor All other Toronto CUPE hospital mm wronr in mm to workers were to receive comparable increases dim tor wee um on is At that time Ontario Health MinisterFrInk Miller promised that this Sallieamt would serve as pallernJorail 0niari War era wage settlemen in addition to clause was to benegoilated ioryhospilai wbrkers lhrotrghcut Ontario Itll it in The settlement wouldnt make anyone rich but it did go along way towards providing some Justice tor hospital workers 0n he town at two net mi mm an mm mm really leader or now im 51$me moietygeneral Kurt 59 Uni tho Smutwally nilu mun memo mumn 0mm lock it it tlrst and lomnmt The liromrnI role DI the Wet Mole with oi great help in Mr to Norman UN running W2 ilmilnz mlnnr coan that lwwm clan H50 is In titre 13ml amnion mm Lb UN inux the existence ot In on it III lieid Street OntIrto Emma can L5 malted wllilo to live Mutton Huther wt UN together end to develop in Return posters zuIrIoteed Itntod di roctton DIily5uulIyI Ind hi lhie me there II no llolldeyl doubt that limo exist In the MW in wow wow mu the inter EDI $m$wecuf up Mr two new it atom the rum oi one slot min ire it met W9 W7 hallo Cannot but rema Barrlt 160 yeIriy gimme Emit other at IIIrte cl whirnognyobdikhn that lilr Staneld um in mm mom he WMWW vearir PM War the no elec that the Conservative could mm mm oll trim my 5W3 la In 73 lgnz Nation Advertirinl Olllceei my on Mam Hum 33 QIan stwm Toronto Wll mo Cetherrt rt the Wm the lock of ricer Ind deni tive Conservative ItItement INVITE LETTERS 13 duiii2 lhldltfl ld honmlenl to help Ill Inlrut the enemy in the ST 5WANT TO CHISEL Mints AltonIE vmcrIt GOVERNMENT VIM Mum um WIN in my lm that Courcrvntlve hope to ol lt should be slmple mailer Implementing the Toronto settlement nl ti mug some mull mm obitmmT it elsewhere But this hasnt happened Hospital administrators are blocking it And whlloiheyre chisolilng lhelr employees the provincial government Ia tumIng no book This is unfair to the hospital workers and to the taxpayer inevitably health care will suffer because hospital workers will feel betrayed Morale will be low Stall turnoverle be high it just doesnt make sense not having provinceWide wage parity for hospital workers Alter all doctors and civil servants whether in Toronto Sudbury Hamilton or Straliord are all paid in the someway Its time the provincial government recognized that hospital workers deserve the same rights uontrul Member at tho CInIdiIn PreII no Audit 11qu oi Urchin tlons mmrnrnrrm Ixqu mi entitled to the use tor rer WblIuon of till now dllleclr BIIIUIII nredltodioitor Arming Purl or Renter mlknmthe iocIi new publttlu are glhu llIrrle Examiner cinirnr ceryrlglit in Ill orllintimrlvon try Ind editorial material cre oasd by it employee and re women in thin nmpeper Copyrltbt ilerirtrntion rNum Der mill reenter It TO THE EDITOR Tbe ExImlner lnviteI rhu Irlhnllol to ill Writer In the Editor alumni lettm Ihould be rertrlrted to too to no word Ind they mud he Ilned or the wlil not be pnblirhrd Writer Illllilln elude their Idrlrerm Ind tele ohm numberI rare of Inn be mod it reoriented wa hotlure wI hId Ipolrn unto the tile IIylnr at our God is upon Iii him no cod ihlt mi him but hlI power Ind bl truth in IIIlnIt III them that Innate lllmt Em The pond thinrtl oi GodIre waiting or Ill who will receive them by leilh while acknow ledrlnr they angular Canadian Union of Public Employees ll