Its no secret that mlvcrtlerIg comes infor II good donljot criticism Is It justltlml To nd out Lnlrrl OBrien Interviewed ProlmorW Poole from tho School of Business Queens University Professor Poole answered questions hbout Iulvcr tlslng and how it nliccts prices competition economic wnsto your buying habits Hls objective comnIcnts aroworth rcndlng Proelm Pool know MI buylnell milllam Ith the omdemlo and prorle Ildu PM norm of year At Iva on Kill III Unlrrnlry oAtbmn Me Unhmlry aMonlroba and DuunI Untrmlry HIV0M Canada ourIIIer perm15mm mouth mom and low VlrIlmIIluIr MA Mm If lam Idmlbw arm now Mama010mm Quenl UIIIMIIIy Khwlun Questlom What Ire Ilia ntnlor rxltlclnna nt Idrertlslngon economlc mounds PROF POOLE Well llnl olllll lhlnk your r1qu Hon lI too breed Mon ooonmoiru Ind people who IeIdtrIIaIdIlIo working all free entrrpriso nIaIlet orlentod mlem do moot the value of Idvrnlalnl Although the CanadiIn economy II mixtlm ol lovemmml Iodprlvnte enterprlso Ind both IrcIIoIII qu Idverrhlnpl thlnk we ran best mluolo Inher tlIIIu by looking Ipecllically II it rolu In compelllt tin mnrketorleotrd manly Queatlom What do tho rrltlrr say about rul mtlsinu PROF POOLE Frona In IrmaIII palm of View lhrre In mural ultlcixm Adrrrtlsior II ulltllll or ono ThII II IIIer prion 11III It mnIrs emu IIIo prohII for IornI monk and who It dim cult for new oompnulu to truer tho murket QorstlonI Your first polnt IIIII econumlo mm Idmllainz Inutefull PROF POOLE ll Io IcoepI Um no In lIvlnp in bulmllyhoemterpolxo economy then II lnwltably Iomodupllmllonandoutoofmoum1thqu lo Iuvrnlalnn lI also happcnI when you hm our ll IIItIorII It Interloctlon 0r thm deplrtlt mmt Itoru In tho Iuno Ihopplnu plm 0r too many Icra devoIed to wheIl Any lorm olhro economy doc how in auto llut there is mother Ildo to II III mnprilllon Dr mun eume Inroumu on product dIIolrp Imnl Improved quallry brim WIN free enterprise muketorlenled rconnmy i1 chlclhId by growth In othrr words II II nSnomle economy lt II mulled by bmovollorl par IlcuIIIly In new product developmonll Admtlxlul used to lulorm eoommen Ibout there new prod ucta Ind their benefits The lnlroductlon Indempb Into of new product II mania or upandlnu markeu Ind romtnurd economlo progress Quuuam no but II IIrmm the other me What would happen ll Ill Idmrlsing wen rllmlmtedl lRol POOLE the edilon of lhe HImrd Burl ncu Revley ulrrd tho rune MIMI They found lhIl 337 buIioumxn IIId ml blot IbIt ellml Mllngldlnlllllx would chum the cool or prod um llerrI the crux ol the problem roost people loolr I1 IdIrrILIln In lIolIlioII Ind blow out or pro ponlon lhIII numb AIIIorILIio one factor Ind frequently nlher ImIil factor1h detro mines how product sold In ulllnx tool lih airmen non dhplIyI pIchxea the type ntuom III mid to Ind IO forth Now or Iomo produrulllo mu detrrgenu IndcoxmrrirIIdmtlrlnl my be bl pm olIho ltlllllx cost For otbenued rodx other furniture Ipr bulldinsuuenlllnx II ImIll part JV Illmlnaml amuquth om Irlllru furIon nonII plop lam Nil 3141va probably MW rm rham III rwl murqu Ianimam Qunllou Sumo pcoplo any that if no stop Ill IIIlIrrIIIlng prlrrI will go dorm lion Ibout ltl lROl POOLE People can look ll lrlevlaion or listen to Iho India and uy 0h Vanly Ihrydmp all comm lmuld Iua But it doernt nork thIt IIIy Al laid before Idmu thin lI my om factor in what culled tho mllklw in mil ll you rllrnioItI ldIrrtlIlng lxnt It IoslrII thetImInulIcturerullltho Io Idd Inoro lemon or bulldblozentorodinlIonr dndlomrorhermyntoeonu pItel ProbIbly IbI new mIthodI wouldnt be II ellme and they could be mm oostly You know when you bmk down the MI lor each Item Iold IrlIrrIIIlnI really very buxpmm my to roll produm Qucstlou VhII do you tlIlnlr of the Mr that IdvrrIlIInp ahoulrl be controlled or mlrleted In acme way lROF POOLE Remember lhIt were tallrlnl about baIchlly hoe oompeIIIIvo mom III dont trust business people touee Iholr Iellln look In tho my they ehoouewlthln the 11qu ottholIw then no dont hav Im oompetitlvo ooonomy Iny lonrer And why Iloglo out Idvmhloll Why not eoolt lrol the number olulrsmeo oompeny no 1an Or the rim of the III conditlonln unlqu Icon These Iro Iclllnu ooIII too In no 1m noun In the nu IIIamount 1I thonext Itcptotell oompenylzowmuchruwrh it ran do Or that it mun roplloo workman IIIIII bulldozenl Th Run of thoupr om loud to lot of problrnu lloMIrr not even the moat udeot Iupponen ol admiring Ind hoe markruwlllrly that Ihuv lIIIo IIIqu Ind that nothing oen be Improved Althauxh no rely mainly on oompcIltloo to lezulete IdvertII lnp IonII publlo pulley my be nooeunry to control Ihomoorbmaubumhrtuhdonhou More allhe Iconorny The pun food III ere mmple Ourstlon hat Ibout the uxmt that ul Irrthlng nukes people buy no they doll need PROF POOLE How would you dado the Ind mdnwanuyrhIIIllpooplomnyMh bIIlo diet dothlux Ind Ihelter Adwrttxlnl than who people buy It Mormon IuIdeI Ind broldm the moleboulr people lo mil And It oounnlMIIIomJ if Iyou look It the human Iovenhlu upendltom flywwmonemnvum Ionru VII In bah promoted thth unmo lug good trample II the mama to and SIvluxI hondr And Rmankr IUIIKllIlul mlM Ibo Ethel Mb llmu moment on ldwlsln butpeoplelllcboee nor Io buy it The MmIInx on tho Olhrhlnd VII IrrIt room beau lrlllird thoneodollhoday AdIerthln rInI mob Into Iomebodyl pork Ind Ike the money it on only opal up VIM me olcholoo And Lmt um what who orIuIMeoooomylullIbootllnmmm youbmtorelyonmxumtonhthrubr derIIIon you dontmutlhemtotopndthlrm money you dont thoIod luau dont III he mum mom Queellon What do you expect hum liven rising in tho you IhrIIl PROP POOLE hope lhlt the Innityth unlocdoutaoymvuthlutbelhmor rnlIlredlop Theyn wotlrlnj on Ink Ind llrxe III prolly goodbut then In Itlll Iona moon And hope thII Idveielnl on be Ind to all Hm 11 producu Thou no doubt lbIt Idvextlslol mum woo comb tlco And In emdcnt one In man my unt worn IdvmhlngIII upshot IM peoplo Io promote concept lhII In IodIl Itnpolull rmlblnlrlnxollblwllhuhdrlvhg Orto uultment polloernur norm Ind loch Ivorian Ewe undmtaadlnl homer IIItleoI Won loom IllIIlaoltblsnowI lhopemnonooddalm ollt NOTE Prolaon Poole hIIIpxoed to tho Imm lnlorhboommu by therIdIuI Advhory Bond In the lnlaut olau bottor nodemnodln ol IdmIIIiop an You the consumer can do Iomellrlnp about III II lb Awlhwsmify lgdum Md The Iudrou II Advertialul BtIudIrdI council 159 Bay Street Toronto 116 Omaha heed the booklrt Keep It burly in Idmmemmr IIIII you think broth manly bendI tho rulu In In Ind InIlt Lhmmplelnluotloe uIeIoIed with the Code booklot Canadian Advortlsing Advlsorv Board we work for better advertising tutk 19Qr