VIEWS Sohpols Out r0 Children But Not For TeaChers ob antennasm We Mllwhmxh wsh 0W mn Mmmmlmr MI it it it 515 it sir iii Elli 39 92 1935 55 ii let iii ti SHE ESE ii in rag is 25 53 2E1 is it st iii re 25 53 it E339 EEEEE GARRY WY prud lhne lb sweats Mhmuubol lhedthllundtodnllnn Kmteitnaylldttwm mumwwmmm In Dr Ralph Ozzy cenml Rois Dolley umber o1 drredordtbomluoock 10 ill ti ii ii El iii 45 56 When Leacock Poked in Its mounts ml or ten rrslcbovkdkltadttn Oil egos and Universities than they turned Ks aha teaching tee hniqnu hm bobbing Ibout at 33 5n iii Ontario Training Sodiety Starts Membership Drive no Ontario society lor Thins Society measured whoops In past tr sun III was anoioylt in Ind Delemu bu sIIrt mIaIrs dismirn mops men Id tub The Elton Canaan Id an organisation drlvu In the titty uertherl and tho tour helm inland Club Tinted Ls Strmoe Ownly regaa under the III oi tntruttioaal lmniquu tn Mon John Brwn titled Onnldirn lhlnllu hieth my to the Smitty It be opentoallpersmseuxuoyedor ISodoty IM Interested in personnel Irnlnlnx demo borne tor talonnattnn lcacbln or monthly deveiop and norint tor numb as Int resume sen in lawmanIna vce or mzmal hnnm blwnfm If length 0i Members 0i Parliament ii hmmiiiii omittedm branch ol the Toronto unmet WNW eduith ptrsonatlmlrrtha Jelnlnxtbisnely it 5d 39 S$sssss$sssaazuuuazuzaagaa asesaeaacazzaaataadsaaaad sEBl82882332333333233323333 in Wbtio Partitment IppeIrs all aw partials um to be hl The 9mm Com molar murmur II willIumltntIhIOntaunhtn rte3 mi rw heft mm was Hortlcultural Society Seeks over pen Iddltlonni norm or the Ilia in Home Beaullllcatlon Entries Ina 30th Plrhmdl tor ex Thu Society established In aide will have 57 mmben 1M1 dodcatad in modal the The BIrrlI HaikuRUN Sod IUD III In tontetlistotalrucrm Inerenednesdlor essboIl etylsrtiltookiullor mustn treuIndtInnrnenhlkthl lo nu not oil In the lsm la the new ad tmr lerested In emetic etr yudl lmdtroas th meet Shanty nay Festival Starts onAuguSt 9th olinwemem 5f2 monitoring manomznmi restoring canoe race go Ide bum squats no limbo dancers shanty Bayl third annuli Simmer FasttvII nill be held Nday Saturday and Stud AUR to ii The testisn1 heng with pn rIdt toedub childrenbe Inolng at Friday The parade starts at Sarieantr barn south or glanty Bay omit chool Itvurdn will be presented Ittor the parade at the village green Faith Baptist Church Wins where bonre marshmallow roast and anyway will rod the evcnlnnr activities On Saturday ShInty Bay how mnkcrs will be contributing bread rolls mullins ales Ind plea or the one sale beginning at In ant it will beheld at the home at Mrs 0ch Sutton on the shanty Bay lined The annual Ionxdlstnnca canoe ratv begins at the dock on and will he lollownd by regat II barbecue borlns at 530 Trophy For Best Attendance The bible school of the Faith Baptist Clutch Bell mart was recently awarded the Dr Shlolds hiermrlsl iropltyr The trophyropresents the price for the trinitest percentage ln crease In bible school Illendanca durinz lbe pcdod at April It In Attendance at the school was more than tripled In eight weeks through the efforts 0t PIstor Paul Bowman and Jim Shall student train the Toronto Bap IIst Seminary who spent many hours visiting the peopll oi innlr ttl Township encoman thorn to attend pint on the roundsat bl Tho rnas couch lee cream and roll wars will also be Ivatlable MIrlene Raymond holder world record or Ilnbo dancinx under tire Ls part oltbelta under tire is at the Rol mond lely ll member alert band which will perform It 150 No Saturday Recently the Iamtly performed in the Carib bean and at OshIWIe centennial ectcbnllons They have stoned to perform It the Canadian NIA tienei Exhibition Squaw dancing will also be part at Saturday nlxhta enter tIinlnnnt The yachtsmenr service planned tor It am Sunday ll the shanty Bay dodtEev Jo sele Abbott chaplsln to the Mis sion of SeImerI Toronto and Archdeanon basil Tontn will con duct the service with the aid at the Raymond Family band Cepplnl tho tedlv will be the communlty picnic on tho vii taro men It pm Sunday Everyunais yestad to bring limit Al NIL the oude lame bczln sack races three lcued rum wheelbarrow trees ntth prlaea tor the children The chairmen at this years shme Bay Summer Plestivnt It Aner welsrrun Coals Importance IncreasesEvans Li the HS Devlrlmcsll oi the interior his its way old King Coal will be assuming hls trtronr over the nest rm years The department has revealed abolition research program Valrned II shillinx the nations enerzy base from oil and natur Il cas toward coal lay Itrthlt ur Evtns hlPP tor Simone Cen Ind director at Ontario IIy The munch nun represents about hall President Nixons SID billion enuny March pro gram whose other mayor ca ture would be the development at the nuclear Last Moder rue tor by the Atomic Energy Conll misiiou Althotlimzbtirltulor Secret my rays energy researc could cost anywhere horn $1 to billion between ms and 1m mussels detailing the promam batman the hlll Ian ilzure The bulk ot the mom ey unlud b9 spent on research on the ruin oi real and Its tenall Dunn oi or ntcmbt been eluded the rst time Ialmar me la the post rem years to per cent our murders owe bcen elected to the Howe at cannons lor the lust time They hate anv er served under tinder other than in Wield ll Ls that Parliament revilIiiacs Itsel out such eon stnnt change In its on lave 35 now mench sub have never served In presam Parliament No one quarter oi betr Cam nhottld have lresh new ideas 1h NDP mm 11h to menbtnotuolslhnsbcenlelt In the most unlorumno pautica of all parliamentary mom They have lost their leader Ind many at their most premium W9 Fails lloznn trust on Breton utll be their onus new member Tbn will Parliament my be lran late Portiamcn than the 25th Put lures will be me dollnite Is oucsllrm that the ubernis are the immanent have mtortty In the Horse The rpm Ier norm will be less Influent lioeulyun sure if will be wt In mmm alternative to 15W nominal1st Parliament come oi tulure decilons coma diodlve hero is no doth thorn Imam will WWW it still trrlwwn er lo aoro will now he col VIM election expenses In each lsiotion had been enc it the tearll oi Um call dtdala campalrn vhdod mm be certain l3 edvertlylni and that other Idlt vortislnz be made Ivslhabio It prelcrentlal cost to the clrl didales These advmlanca timid ham magneto tomoolto oooon in pas curmazn tuition In comparable ceilings In More elwlaua tor can our size betnl $530000 to 36000 on 1n the him candidates relt over 15 cent ol the plnnrnlt be relmheurred tor their rmbcrshun The Liberal collars ol Iti wt leasinuonprmodtnuss 2917 electioneerta Wttu election dimes also lim SINCLUIT STEVENS MP sonata amount Cal only to deduct from their tedernl tur othenuso pebele 15 per cent at tho Imouat do hated it it did not exceed sloooo Ind to lesser extent on annuals contributed up to mudmurn at $50000 per Inx foyer Thesa deductions Ira rpm the In payable to WI us no just lnmme is the rare with charitable deduction Atrium contributed over $1000 nm In the mun be dis closed to the Girl Elodoni titer whose records will be open lo the Mk Tltl Vrovluon almidhnurothntttmwilbo less oration in the tuturo Is to who oontrlbota to each MS cumin one that WI purported the leslallat during its pussy tluoturh the Home and belittle it will place retrieved by Inmiru the ed urItlan nmetorrnentarld Imoe Mmm um cronies lrdluo Mortication with m4 nnruneot and stall at their raw pectin emphyers retsttnx lo promms or mutual new Mr Brown aid This is mmplisbed throuxh Water Bombers Save Downtown KLVORA On water bombers were mend Monday nlydl with ktcplu downtown rim from destroying an court busineu block The tire oi Indetemrined ori dn destroyed lIrge appliance store and besvy dumped lumber yard beiore It was hottth under moi more no injuries Lho linaatlnl oi federal election onamotouttslamrybasistn Man Charged In Woundings mom to ow Breton hirilrie 73 was ohImd with two mum at muslin Hominy taming shooting ln ddent uhidt let man and moon with bud nourish Police said 101 Harrison and Gouge Fernanda 31 were shot alter tortilla with allother Iran The man adv tered Mire Itnrr nI apart ment Ind tired two shot It lift hen hit Fernanda tried to slap the man his pun went alt htltin both the woman and ltr Fuonodes in the head none bra Ilsa been element with doom use oi tim Inn and possession of re Mod weapon PIPE test this year lr mus r553 Folrulllqlt moors Doug structnessy It Harold Walter at media or R0 beN Yule It mom The judging will be completed by Auxust so Ind thr wtnen will be WM by The principles ol nod horticul ture must be avian to Ill dLl plIys warrant the Inrding ol prises First prize sinners la Ill clnls es are not ettxlbia to compete artist or lhrea yearn Dairies may be submitted by either the homeowner or some who reels that home could quill The tour dusts open to corn petition this year Include thI home with the best hor IitulturIi dsplay as viewed trout the street Ihe home with the best hor llcullurai display not viIiblI lrom stmet tun mun not muttIgnored third place winner ot the up our categories Include nude and wall plwm The category entitled home with tha best horticultull display It the MT residence not seen horn the street Is new this year rue our SHOP smvrniro Hn GillI Canadlal linadlcnlt Wlnemnhm mollea Ilelill MI Dnnlnp Iarrla LIFETIMER PRESENTED BY ENTERPRISES THE POOL OF THE FUTURE For there in Slmedo County who wml more an lost pool Llfollmnr FIBREGLASS POOL olONEPIECE CONSTRUCTION It will no this melt fade or dalerioralo To prove It we give 20year warranty SOB POOL T0 FUNCTlON YOU NEED THE PROPER EQUIPMENT LIFETIMER COMES WITH THE FOLLOWING Heater Pump rum Skimmer hillndrain Boltoot rm It Directional Intel rum iledla Vacuum Owlll Brush Dual Slimmer Kit ON merinalor OSlIrirr Cbnnltats Ptc Plots Ind Cilmyn THE SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ON THE ABOVE 5501900 BECAUSE LIFETIMER lS BEING OFFERED FOR THE FIRST TIMEJN THIS AREA WE HAVE 25 POOLS AND ONLY WHICH WE ARE GOING TO SELL AT THE LOW LOW PRICE OF conversion into oil or as upenrcr out ot the Oonsolldaled turnout oltlvrav Coal contusion wwld not mind in court Again had to use OUANTIIILI mean the development new Irnendmenu been to Elect tint Itmmurt FROM LE Rev OaterWiilla presents Pastor Paul nowInna Irtd Jim Shants student Irom the Toronto Bonttrt seminary with ptaqttotortheblgllest pen centers increase In bible school attenan between April It and June IIhe presentation was roads It Faith Baptist Outlet In Bell Ewart energy resources but would mean the coal in converted Into liquid and AI form that would be cleaner and easier to use and could be unturned tor nItIIIl gas and oil Thus it would not be new em or In sensa but rather would shit the snowy balance away from petroleum Ind toruni cont US coal Wes are hurt to serves oornperlson to oil and gas rolt year each candidate in York strnoos mould vae been en tilled It be reimbursed to II extent oi approximately $10 moo ms would hm tell appmxi lmalely kW00 to be raised II the eandtdatn had spent to his ceiling The rolling ot this local money should be Mslel In the future II the Intno Tax Act hrs been Intended to allow thou who contrllatta to polillo ILAEKIOALVANIXID Attonnotl nun sensuous PLAIN tubsIKIIADIO Acotvtln STAIMAN STEEL LTD In onto Iota Irratu alum Ml MIN 3650 rncn WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE CAREFREE SUMMER OF RELAXATION AND FUN AND NOT WORRY ABOUT TRAVELLING LONGDISTANCES ONOVERCROWDED HIGHWAYS lF THISAPPEALS TO YOU THEN PHONE EITHER OF THESE NUMBERSX 7267445 OR 7286229 Ianokarll would