Orono Weekly TImps, Wediiesday, December 4, 1985.3 To wn presen ts Citizen of the Year A wards ORONO CAMPUS l'n Noivember 25, Mrs Hill came and showed1 the junior grades some slidem on Chfina. M ýrp. IHili had been telchifipfor a whule mad thetn decided to visijt Cin lhe stides had photogtaphs of Chinee ýpeoýple. she showved and eyplainied sornme irg about the Chinese. Ms. 1111 showed the students wAt the land was Die and about the May the people drems. I& udents really enjyed the sides and informaton about China On! Novepmber28s threeý pepefrcoI tpe Toronito Oper Comany ame nd The above were the reci, (Froni left ta iht) An-. prcsenting the awards, John Thle awards %ver, Presenited pienits of the Towni of drew Thompson, Hierb Tink, M. James, Jo)y Brooks and at a ceremuony held ini Newcastle Citizenis of the Mayor Qarnct Rickard Shar-yn Barkey. Bownanville lastm week, Year Awards. ----------------- --- - -- - -- -- -- - - - - - - ------------- --- - a - Ci*tize,,u- n the Year Orono - Lockha-rts Awards pres'ented Last week in a ceremlonly at the Lions Centre in Bowman- ville the Town of Newvcastle paid tribute to five oiires of the municipality for their commitment and efrsin individual achievemnenits and as weil i serving theli com munity in one form or another. Those receivinig Citizen of the Year Awards were Sharyn Barkev, Joy Brooks, John MI. James, Heorb Tink and An- dtrew Thompson. They. were presented with a Towni coin, a copy of Prof. Squair's, boo)k of the bistory of Darlinigton% and latrkp Township as weli as an individual plaque. The five werec hose rnI fi istor twelve nomlinees who were, oitheir than the reci pients, Wan,ýida Bal, Wailey, Bouýtglie, Ann JLIbcher, l.qo ecrn Owery J e-,Ssi Cae Mnstrrt,CaisTtbnad Mayor ickard and rowvn Managevr David Jhso were assisted by Councillor, lamire, Cowrrn-i and Taylor. Sharyn Barke, 1 9, is stu- dying nursing a t Ryçrsoni Polytclinic:al las.titute, While attending Cr-ourtice Secandary School s'he was ac- tive in 411 activities anld president of thecOuter'Cs Cilub. Barkey was Dairy Princess for Durham RQgion ilu 1984 andc advanced to the sei- fjinls in the poinilconi- ptto.Shie haaways been actiive ;n work Iat the familv diri-y fai. ~~&' ~ oi W nnofthe- Ycar Awrd1w ie WCAand ;is a otuden fBwnnil il Father Time is closing in on Chris Tomklns,, Audrey Veày Barb Swan and Charlene Wed., December 4 at 7:00 The Blrthday Support Group with the help of Avon and Aloetté wiII endeavour to smooth the transition through the veil of time for our December born frlends. You're Not Getting Older. You're Getting Better News Report LocKHAmRT CAMP-US -Fhbe Lu s to0dianIlM r s. L-angford is leavinig L ockhart school after two years of liard work. hlas been to aiany plïaies and yet it's time to niove on. Shie has been ton a lot OÏ schools, ainong wh1içh are t he Pilles, Dowmaniville Seniofý, Wavrle'y Public, On- tarlo SItreet and (1Vincent Massey, flot to miention LoUrd Elgin Pulblic. Some ot [Il(, things she does is cean floors, wash dcsks, and ciean Shie will bc going to West thI owavlle Aquatil. Clbamd au intruicto)r in tl Esso Sw,,imi Caniada prograli. Sehsbe-n1otaciei buinessnce Ilyers rPag Captuliyin ttearr mNed forc~ diuiciWd qWar Two serv te(lloigeocle orps. Couty i taa sM o Hrbf Tinik of thle solinla are' ia arebrof thet Solinia Park Bo mdad was most instrurmental il) Ihe develoimlent of the inewtpa r k crlmplex at Solinla. Tinik is ac in u lcal spr)nts as a par ticipant and as a coiach, Anid re w Thol0 n pso0n, Bownavilewas a teachr andsuprvlingprinicipal ;in Bowmanvýille for a period (if thirty years,. He lias worked for the local Board of Edluca~ tion and was elected a trustiee In 1975 and shortly after was5 elctied chlairmanii of the board. He is a founding memnber of the Bowmanville Museum Followin)gfthe ceremonly refreshmients were served at the Lionl Centre, durinig a social hour. Courtice Sho l1'ri flot anything"' said NMrs, Langford, but She canfeýssed that sht, liked the hours at West Courtice betcause there is more of' them. We hope that 'shc'11 corne back and visit us, but we would like w0 wlcomei Mrs. Pat Mercer to ourshol G3ood luck at yourne sçlcol. Reporters: Michiael Smith & Jennifter EastotI. Put oti a eorac for Orofto anid Lckhart School, Tepeople sang iii Frenicl, Gcrrinnand Italiein, They sang lots of ns to us. They put on akit-MWbi they were scnç ing.Thjunior grdesi icolly Pnjoyed the perfor- Mrepens teahe grde 6 iii Orono Puiblic schvol. joys teahing nA li e Says eve-ry day is er differenit. He hm lbeen eahig for 10 ymar, a"d h san 0edMnt teadher. RepoiIrter: Latte MWard COMING SOON TO N oT J usr, FASHIONS" MAIN ST,, ORONO Harvey Woods $ocks Ladies1 Cottoni Bikini Hipsters and Fuil Briefs ài -- --a - - - -ar - -- 1 Corne in & Ses Our growlnq collection ofailadies' vw#ar I MEN'S NIGHT -Thurs., Dec. 12 -6-9 Thurs. 9- 5; Fir! 9 - 8; Sat.9 - 6 Compllmrentary Glift Wvrap 98,11,466 RED & WHITE BRINGING YOU HUNDREDS 0F LOW VAiLLEY FARMS FRENCH kgpg n49 FRIESU S»pecial K 47.5qr 2i pkg.ý 1882 Wholo Wheat 1 Weston's Bread 9 WHOLE UTU FRESH Chiokens kg r l PRICES E VER VDA Y Fmsh ikg CHEËFMAST'ER SOFT IMargarine tub .6 1OCEAN SPRAY COCKTAIL ISA VE ROYAL Amaryllis îWatoh This Beeuty Grow 14,99 ec 1 Pink and Fied CHRISTMAS NAVEL Oranges IMPORTED DANISH 400 g pkg. 1 Product of Canada, COOKING bag S9 1NO NAMET Dry Roasted Peanuts 't n 2.19 a 1Compare wlth 325, Ridfor