DA FOR RENT BABYSITTER WANTED 2 bedroomn basement apartment, fireplace, storage, To corne into our home for 14 month old boy. Leskard concerns about your kitchen and dining area, no pets, references. Evenings Ra ra a!9391 fe ie a to cail me at either cal! 983-5164. ~mre Conc.Ward3, ,apLIVESTOCK FOR SALE amre Conc.Ward3, ,apOntario Poled HEREFORD Club Sale, 1 p.m. Saturday Dec. 14/85. WANTED TO RENT A responsible, well-behaved family of four desire to rent home in Orono with possible future consideration to purchase. Phone 1-728-8533. 13,20,27,4,ap FOR RENT One bedroom bachelor apartment for rent. Available Januiary 1, 1986. First and Last mionÉh's rent. Heat & hydro included. $350-00 per month. Caîl after 5:30 only 983-1'293. HWY 115 TRUCK & AUTO REPAIRS TD. To AIl Cars and Trucks TOWING 983-9151 or 98-3-9152 Job Printing. LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARIDS ALL BIUSINESS FORMS FLYERS Etc. Cali the Orono Timies 983-5301 Inspection Station Ail Vehicles lncluding Dump Trucksi School Buses PROPANE Propane -Conversions and Service MANGAR'S GARAGE Orono - 983-5130 Elçctrical Contracting Pole Line Construction PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario WANTED Badminton Players Tuesdays from 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Orono Public Sehool -TeL: 983-5667 4,1 1,18ap COME ONE, COME ALL TO YOUR ORONO TOWN HALL HOCUS POCUS PRODUCTIONS presenits (Especially For Christmas) "I1T'S MAGIC!"5 ILLUSIONS, TICKETS AT THE CHILOREN $400 ADULTS $600 MAGIO, PUPPETS, COMEDY ORONO TOWN HALL, 7:30 p.m. Sharp FRIDAY DECEMBER 13 FOR SALE One pair girl's figure skates (C.C.M.) size 6, worn on- ly a few limes, like new condition. Caîl 983-5654 afîer 3 P. M. 4.ap CARD 0F THANKS Mary andi Carlos Tlamblyn would like to express their heartfelt thanks to their family, relatives and m-any friends for ail the le\ely gifts, beautiful flowers, cards and plaq ues that went to make a very memorable and special day that we shahl neyer forget. A special thanks to U.C.W. units 1 and 4 for their contribution for a suc- cessful day. God Bless you ail and a Merry Christmas Carl and Mary 4,ap PUBICNOTICE Regulations for Winter Season Area Residents are hereby advised of the rovin- cial and Municipal Regulations applicable to the winter season, as follows: TheHighway Traffic Act (RS.O. 1980): Section 147 (10) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway in such a manner as ta interfere with the movemnent of traffic or the clearing of snow f rom the highway. Section 147 (13) provides the authority for the remnoval of any vehicle, at the owner's expense, found to be causing an obstruction on a highway. Section 157 prohibits the depo siting of snow 'or ice on a public l roadway. By-Law 79-1, Town of Newcastle: Section 5(i) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway for a period ýof longer than three (3) hours, and is also applicable to overnight parking on any road under the jurisdliction of the Town of Newcast le. R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle g HAMPTON, Ontario -LOB o Date of Publication: December 4, 1985 December 11, 1985 PO. No. A 0085 Markha.,i Fairgrouncls. Note new location. Contact Craig Lymburner, R.R. l,Caistor Centre, Ont. LOR IEO (416) 957-3695. (Continueci page 9) McCRIMRàMON'S ANTIQUES "THE HOLLOWS" HWY. 2, NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO - 987-5204 We Buy and Seil Antique and OId Furniture Old Hanging Light Fixtures Also buy Estates PUBDLIC NOTICE Commencing December 6th, 1985, the following telephone numbers will be in effect for use during the 1985/86 Winter Season: NORMAL HOURS: 7:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Division 1: Darlington Arena....... 263-2292 Division 2: Bowmanville........... 623-3391 Division 3: Clarke' Township, lncluding Orono and Newcastle Village ...983-9178 If NO ANSWER at Divisions.2 or 3, caîl Division 1 at...............2329 AFTER HOURS AND WEEKENDS: ALL AREAS Answering/Relay Service.... .623-3391 In case of concern or emergency relative to road maintenance or conditions, please call the ap- plicable telephone number. R.G. Dupuis, P. En g., Directar of Public Works Town of Newcastle Hampton, Ontario Date of Publication: December 4, 1985 P.O. No. 0089 FRUIT MARKET "SPR'ÏUCE" Up your home for the Holidays (or Pine) r------------------------- IWe have wholesome Gifts for your friends: i Honey, Maple Syrup, Apple Packs & Cider, at jis beStI .-------------------------------------- IFr'oed 'S Fruit Market Highway 115 - South of Orono 98 3*562 ..... ..... P.O. No. A 0085