Agricluture lab officially opens An expanded Veterinarv Services Laboratory was of- ficially opened by the pro- jvince in Brighton recently wbich it was stated made the lab a "state of the art" facili- ty. The $2.2 million facility provides a full modern pathology research facility for veterinarians, breeders, farmers and pet owners. it is now triple the size of the former lab at Brighton. Stili no settiement rwith Durham Police The Durham Regional Police association is asking for the resignation of the t police commission due ta the fact that the commission has refused ta grant an interim pay increase ta uniformed police officers. A new one-year cantract has been under negatiatians since January 1985. The Police turned down an offer in July by the commission who again made the saine of- fer when the Association ask- ed for an interim increase. An arbitrator hias been ap- pointed and will hear each side in the disputed on Novemnber 4th when he~ wiil consider the five outstanding issues. A first class constable nôw receives $32,850 with the Association wanting this in- creased ta $35, 100. The Com- mission has offered $34.950. Other issues include pen- sions, two court matters and survivar's pensions. Seven of eleven support Grossman Seven of eleven candidates chosen ta attend the PC leadership convention on November l6th from Nor- thumberland riding are thought ta be fully in support of Larry Grossman. Northumberland M.P.P. Howard Sheppard states he lias yet ta, make hîs final deci- skrn. Terry Black killed Terrance Samuel Black, 41, of Bowmanville was kil- ed 9 p.m. Friday when he was struck by a car on Highway 401 at Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto." Mm. Black had gotten out of his car ta inspect damage after striking a guardrail. He was struck by another car.' Food bank a possibility It is estimnated. more than 2200 requests have been made ta Oshawa-Whitby ggencies for food over the past eîght month period. With sa many peole needing help, the social plan- ning council noted that resaurce agencies are strained and agreed that poverty is a crisis situation. The council is supporting a mnove ta develop a local food bankl on which the several agencies could depend for assistance. Home operator jailed two years Judge John Hoolihan has sentenced Stuart Taylor, 53, director of the Pony Tail Farm ta two years less a day in jail on two charges of sexually assaulting two female residents. The judge said Chldren's Aid societies should have ac- cess ta check backgrounds of people who operate group homes. Cover water fountains at Courtice Hligh Water fountains at Courtice Secondary School have been covered while tests are mnade of drinking water for bacteria. Tests found unsafe levels of total coliform bacteria and as well law levels of fecal con- tamination. Best Bal Park in Ontario The dlaim is made by the board of the Garden Hill Bal SAMno Weekiv Mfmes. Wednesday, October 239,1985 From Around the Region and area Park that il is the "best in Ontario". The park had its start some 35 years ago and over the years mnany improvement 's have been made ta substan- tiate the dlaim. The complex has, two regulation hardball andsoft- bai diamonds, with one lighted. It also has a comn- bination foothail-soccer field surrounded by a 400 metre track and as well boasts dressing rooms and washrooms. Recently the board again paid honour to those who help keep this facility in top shape, year after year and at littie cost ta the municipality. Durham Board and teachers settie The Durham Board ofý Educationi and its secondary teachers have reached a set- tiement after only twelve meetings. Teachers,1 principals ana~ vice-principals have agreed to a settiement with an increase of 4.32 percent. Seeks hydro land for Toyota plant Mayor Bill Wyatt of Port Hope was ta head a.small delegation ta meet with On- tario Hydro ini an effort ta gain support fromt hydro ta rnake available at least 600 acres from the Wesleyville site for a proposed new Toyota plant which Port Hope hopes ta entice to the area. Up ta this point hydro has said they need aIl of the 2200 acre sight for stotage pur- poses for the Darlington plant. Toyota expects ta begin production of 50,000 cars an- nually in 1988 and to hire 500 employees for the plant. Gas explosion ilis worker A massive explosion killed one and injured three other workers on Thursday north of Oshawa. The explosion which resulted in a 300 foot fireball happe 'ned when machinery being used ripped into a TransCanada natural gas pipeline. The explosion was heard as far away as Bowmanville. Dead is Donald Douglas Wright, 33, of Bethany. Seriously injured was Graham Duff, 33, of Blackstock and Kevin Brazer, 24, of Lindsay. Loud protest over dump site Organizers of an Open House ta discuss-three possi- ble sites for a dumpsite for the western part of Nor- thumberland County heard loud protest ta a possible site mnidway between Port Hope and Cobourg. Consideration is being given ta locating a 200 dump site in the western area which includes the Port Hope- Cobourg area, a site north of Cobourg and a site further east. Oshawa to extend park boardwalk The Oshawa 'community services committee has ap- proved an expenditure of $60,000 ta extend the Lakcvicw Park boardwalk. The ýworks would include additional landscaping, in- stallation of plant-ers, ben- ches and other fixtures. The City walkway at the lakefront is a popular facility for many residents. ELEOT LORRAINE LOVER as your LOCAL COU NCI LIOR wiII be a regular and consistent voice, at Council addressing the concerns of the TAXPAYERS in WARD 3'