Oro-no Weekly Times, Wednesay, May 8,-i985-11 Classified Ads WHO[ ESALEF STEL BUIL1DI NGS. Factory direct puices. No mid- dienman. Quonset anid Straight wail buildigs. Woni't be undersol1d. Guaranîeedl best valuie on miarket todlay. Cali 416-221-7353. WATERZ PROPLEýMS, Nw Teholg to Canada -C. S.A. A ppro, - el] - E liin ate c h emicaLt c'ontai nat ion, nu Lisance and coliform bactera, iron barseriîa, stainingL, smieil, iton, bad taste and more - no mesýsy stallaions. Eiinaites the ned or hiquid chiorinators and water distillers - Frerý 30 Day tral offer Try It Out - Sc the results for yourseilf. Absolutely no obiainand no c ost you. Baçked by a 20-y" ear w i men warran, y - 1If y ou wntat BE-TTER WýýATER for BETTER COUN- TFRY LI VING C ai] rol free 1 -800X-268-2656 or (416) 624-4344 or write Water PuiiainSysteýins, 20-00Kamato Rd., Mississauge L4W, 4B6. n/c VIIEP WANTED C-OOK, WAITRESSFS, WA1ý\TE-RS, staff required from May to Oc- lober. G;ood wages and working condiItons. Limiîted accommodation. Resumie 10: Deeri Lod£gr R.R. 2', Haliburton-i. Ontario KOM ISO, (70" 45-7-2281. n/c 1 A aM S E RVIC(ES BRýOAD SPECRU SiNE PROTEC.TION. uise the Mecadox and roBn tnth tra in yorstarter/grower fred and obtain broad sperrm cntol t cousroundwormis and asýcaris prumnonia. n/c LIVESTO)Ci RABF INFORMAT' iION, Equipmnî, Parti Blurp rints. Everything you need, incîuding advicue for inall and large Rabtbitrirs. Borak Equip- muent, R. R. 1, Osgoode, Ont. VOA 2W0O (613) 821-3658. LIMOUSIN BREEDING AGE R.O.P. lndexed Buils, guaranteed breeders, free listed herd. Also fuililîod and purebred females available. If you are interested in beinig involyrd in the LIMOUSIN business contact: Mainiline Limousin Ltd. R.R. 3, Lambeth, NOL ISO Tim Dunlop (519) 652-6299 LIMOUSIN IS OUR BUSINESS. n/c WANTED TO BUY We buy laie model TRACTORS for wrecking burned, diumage or just tired. Fawcett Tractor Supply Ltd. R.R. 2, St. Marys, Ontario NOM 2V0 (519) 284-2379. n/c COMING EVENTS STRONGMAN COMPETITION. Saturday, May Ilth and Sunday, May 121h Hobby Orr Arena, Parry Sound. Wristwrestling, sandbag carry, Barbel Jerk, loaded Wheelbarrow - Cash Prizes. Competitiors. Phone toil free 1-800-461-4261. Spectators $1 Admission. VACATIONS R.ED IJMBRELLA INN, a resorî for ail ages waterskiing, boat cruises, heated pool, shuffleboard, two surrptsuous meals a day. Cail or write for frec brochure. Phone 1-800-461-0316. R.R. 2, Minden, Ontario KOm 2K0. n/c HART LODGE, Haliburton Highlands, varird accommodation two meala dlaily, Iicensed, heated pool, tennis, shuffleboard, Adult/Chiîdren's activites. Summiet fromt $250 pet person. June and September discounts. For brochure caIl 1-800-461-7699 Hart Lodge, Minden, Ontario KOM 2K0. n/c HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Boshkung Lake. Half price 'off- season. Families and seniors weicomne. Sandy beach. Ideal recreational area. THE HOMIESTEAD COTTAGE RESORT. Hwy. 35, R.R. 2, Minden, Ontario KOM 2K0 (705) 489-2550. n/'c HELP WýANTED UPHOLSTERERS WANTrED. Y ear-round 10,000 square foot shop. Earnl top wages 10 years experience. Stones Upholstering. i4 Hiigh Street, Barrie, Oniario L4M ]WI 1-800-461-1717 (Ontario). 1-705-725-5721 (Outside Ontario.) ni/c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ONTARIO "REGIONAL DISTRIBUTORS" wauited foreour "Vehi- cie Record Books". Terrifie potential. Minimium stock -secured requied invesîmnent: $1.070. Contact -Holiday Promotions", Box 426, Lockleport, Nova Scotia, BOT 1ILO. Phone (902) 656-2600 afler 4:00 p.m, n/c PERSONAL, LOSE WEIGHT EASILY! Have you tried every diet and faild because of wiUlpower? Thien Cybemnetics is the answer. For free Cybernetic cassette cail 1-800-263-0512. n/c FOR SALE Final Spring notification. Super sîrong ripstop woven GREENHOUSE POLYETHYLENE. 9.5 mils. Minimum îwo years Iogevity. Resists hailstonea, windstorms, snowstorms, punctures, yellow- ing, cracking. Waterproof. Ten feet wide. Any leih Free Canadian postai delivery if prepaid. 18' square fout. 16' square foot over 200 square feet. 14c square foot over 500 square feet. (Greater widths addi- tional cosIs.> Sample, brochure: sendi two stamps or dollar. Greenhouse Sales. Box I4SON, Altona. Manitoba, ROGi OBO 204-127-54da "PENNY-ROLLER". Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickîy and easily! One wraps ail. Uses free banik wrappers. $8.95 poslpaid. Please add .63 tax. Send cheque, M.O. 10 Penny-Roller Pro- duels, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ontario L2N 5N2. n/c WOOD AND METAL WORKING MACHINES. Quality Tools, Iowest prices, Bandsaws, table saws, jointers, placiers, metal/wood lathes, many more. Free Catalogue: Busy Bec Machine Tools, 18 Basaltic Road, Concord, Ontarios L4K IG6. n/c $LOWEST PRICES EVER $ Quonse' Manufacturer clearing out suarplus inventory at sacrif'ice prices. Won't be undersold. No gimmieks, fantastic distress sale prices. Serions only rail (416) 440I-6030. N/c TUTORING/PERSONAL STUDENTS (High Sehool, Mature) Prepare Now for courses aI university or coîlege. Mature, experienced tutor ofTers private sessions i Howý to Write ESSAYS i Englishi Literalure, History, Phiiosophy, Socioîogy, PoliLical Science, etc. Learn how to research and organize C ARLII RA I CAREE 1R IN TRUC1(KING- Tranpoirt drives iccddNow iselime l10 irain for yor Cî0assA' cns.torpe crnîgad job lcmn infrmtin onac Mrv re ItospriDrîvri Trainiuig. Bramiplon (416) 791 1292 St. C athaFi- rins (41) 85 4453-. ne HALIBURTON HIGHAU NDS ýAND )BREAKFAST'. On l-ke, fishngboaing sady eac, gl earby Bilinigual, $45 nsighly dou- bic Cli 05457186.Drîl Hav1ýI esBd sud Betas .2, Hailiburi- toni, Ontario KOMI ISO. FOR SALE WFESTEEL BARN ROOFEING AND SIDING. 30 gauge giaiaizeJd and gaîvalam&e-40 square. 30 gaugr prcpaliuted $7 iimmodr30 squïare. Customs Farin Materiai Sales. Laird MIcKern 46 779-3322, LIVESTOCE FOR SALE SIMMENTAL PRODUCTION SALE. (Purrbred isud PerceutaZýge> Double M Farms sud cousiguors, ai the farm, Siane, une Sth ati p.m1. For catalogues cail (705) 466-3048. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AGENTS sud Distribusors wanted. Working ouiof oriwu ome. Projecîrd profit $50.000 iu first year. Write Galaxy Crstali China Ilue. '11 Latonia Drive, Rexdale, M9W 2J11. (416) 741-1758". CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now iv te imen to train for your Class "A" licence. For prr screeuiug and j,îobplcmn informatton contact Mers Orr's iTransport Driver Traîuiug.Otaw 61)523-3489. AUCTIONS SATURDAY, May Il, 10 a.m. ai Orval McLesu Auciion Cevntre, Lindsay. Alice Haud Esiate, Feneloît Falls, Dont miss tis large antriiq1ue sale. Flatbacks, rockers, old furnîture, antique china, îîniware, iîamp, magazines, books, war souvenirs. Miss Haud was 105. Al ýims very old, colleetors dream. (705) 324-2783. ALL CANADA CLASSIC SHEEP AUCTION, Markhani Fairgrounds, May 18, 12 Noon. 175 head. Suftfolk, Dorset, Columbia, Hampshire, N.C. Cheviot. top quality ewes and rafis Details (416) 623-5817. n/c OTTAWA VALLEY HACKNEY FUTURITY Aninual consigniment Auction. Saturday May 11, 10 ami. Mecalfe Fair grounds, ail types of horses and tack acceped. Joynt Auction Service (613) 283-4730. 1COMING EVENTS ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE. Trenton Annuai. 57 Stella Cresent, Trenton, Ontario May 9, Noon - 10 p.m. May 10 Noon - 9 p.m. Adisý- sion $1. Refreshments. (Continued page 9) Ten years ago this month 1 was in Saigon. On the streets life appeared to be normai. The news was cen- sored for one thing, so the average citizen couidn't be sure how bad lt was. Construction continueci, the black market thrived, and an Indien tailor on TudoStreet said he!d be inaking safari jackets; there long after I had' gone. I hoped he was rlght, on both cbunts. Senior government anid military officiais kriew ît was time to get out, and some of them did, wvith ail the h4tct currency and jeweiry they could cram into flight bags. Those who were street smart knew it was tirne to leévE, and the airport was jammed with painted ladies and ,Gucci accessories. Others knew the jig was up. but stayed to fight. We did a story in Zuan toc, which by then was the most distant outpost of Saigon. i met a Colonel there, a province chief,, who had a daughter in Canada. H-e asked me to take a latter to her because he knew that where he was going there would be no post off ice. The commander of the garrison was a littie bantam rooster, spit and polish and full of bluster. Ha fought, but he didn't Iast long. Zuan toc was cut off two days later, and when we tried to return, the North Vtet- namese mortared us for our troubla. i knew Saigon was'going to fail. 1loniy hoped lt wouid b. after we'd gone. It was obvious even to us that the situation was hopeless, and we-d'idn't know the haif of it. Wears later, in Don Milis, reading a CIA agents mc- counit of the fast days of Saigon, and consulting my own notes, i realized that in oufr daily quests for fire fights, we had fianked major <egments of the North Vietnamese Army more than once. At night, in the old Majestic Hotel, i iay sleepless in the bot, damp dark, with the ceiiing fan swishing slowly overhead, listen- ing to the drone of aircraft angines and walting for the bomli As lt happenad, the Majestic got its top stories blown off a couple of days aftar l'd gone. When l came home, I sent the letter to the Colonel's daughter in Montreai. I met her, aventually, in Toronto. The colonel had surviveci the fall of Zuan toc and was in a re-education camp, We tried to get him out, with no iuck. i bought a piece of land in the country; and w. buli a house on lt that we couldn't afford, because after Vetnam I knew what was important, and wlWt wasn't. Oddýs'n' ends spring to mmiïd (Contînuied fromn page 110) -he informiai suppor t sysýtem that bias been. supplanted by mnore institutional aid pro- gramns.[His musings may 'be worth a second think. The quarre is flot wvith charities and social aid agencies whlich performi vital functions.* The real question is more personal1: How often does our generosit-y flot have a tax write-off attached? The poor World Bank bas jumnbo-sized heaidaches tryling t, protect its înv'estmnent in ag-ricultural and forestry pro- jects in Afrîca and Asia. Why? Elephants. They were blamed for one-third of a $45-million cost overrun at a land settlement pro ject in Malaysia. l! seems the pachy- derms simply refused to leave thieir traditional stamping grounds. Electric fences didn't work because tusks don't con- duct electricity; buffer zones wlelereio more effective. In the end, they say, it was >easier to relocate the settiemnent. WiId Kingdom 1; Civilization 0. CFIS Feature Service KINSMEN BINGO Orono Arena & Communfity Centre $500-0OOJackpot Every Second Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Itiîs Customary to wear a Flower on Moiher's Day to honourý your mother If your are fortfunate to have your mother with you choose a coloured bloom. If you have lost your mother remem ber her fondly with a white bloom. A vaîllable ai the AppleBlossom Shop 983-5291 After hours 983-9656 TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for the contract specifîed below, submitted in the enveiope provided, to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and wili be receiveci by the Cierk until the specified ciosing time and date. TENDER NO. T85-9 - CONSTRUCTION 0F BASE LUNE COMMUNJTY CENTRE Closing Time & Date: 1500 hours Wednesday, May 29, 1985 Plans, specifications and Tender documents can be obtainedpy Gene rai Contractors Only fIriAti Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, at the above address for a $50.00 refundable deposit. Bld and Performance bonds are required. Documents may be viewed at the Durham Construction Association. Architect: Mr. Grant Robertson 3 Acadia Drive, Cobourg, Ontario. The Iowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birketi, Purchasing & Suppiy Agent Telephone: (416> 623-3379, Ext. 67. Date of Publication: May 8, 1985 P.O. No. A1271