time for awareness Tuesdtay evening Kirby performance the animais ar- the beat af the Animai band, Public Schaal presented the rived, in rabbits, lions, etc, ta part of wýhich is sonabove. Frog Princess and during the by JoeI Bagg, Farm NManagemnent, Specialist FARM CREDIT LOAN RATES DROP: Effective April 9th, the Farmn Credit' Corporation of' Canada Iowered its five year loan rate fromi 13V2 per cent ta 13 per cent. F.C.C. boans wth a ten year term naw carry an in- terest rate of 13!/2 per cent compared ta the prior rate ai 131/4 per cent. A rate ai 13/ per cent appiies ta boans with afixed tre term aif 20 years - onfrmthe previous rate aif 14pert. Farm' Credit Act bn under thleCrpatos Shared Risk Martgage naw carry ant interest rate ai 121/2 per cent. This is down fromi the 131,' per cent that lias been in effect since the incep- tio n ai the program on April Ist. The interest rate on Shared Risk Martgage is ad- justed annually, buit the in- creases or decreases are shiared equaliy between F -..andI the borrower, and there is -aceiIing i _ f21/ per cent on aniy interest rate,, increaises aver thec six-year termni the martgage. FRUIT K,& 'VEGETABLE IN- FORMATION ON CODE- A-PHIONE For the pas[ number ai years, farmrers have mnade use ai the code-a-phone messages provýided through the Agricultural office in Bowmanville. The three minute messages are updated eachi week day by 9:30,a.m., andI at other timies whefi con- ditions change significantiy. The taped messages include weather forecasts for the area, and related production informiation on the crops grown in the area. Snmai fruit and vegetabie code-a-phane messages wili be available every Tuesday and Thursday thraughout the growing seasan. Tree fruit in- formation can be heard an Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and will include up- dates on insect populations, disease buildup and contrai measuires that growers need ta undertak.e. The Cade-a-phane service is availabie ta anyone wishing ta uise it. The number ta cal is 623-4944, twenty-faur hours a day. SP RIN G CL EA"NI1NG SHOULD INCLUDE THE FREEZEIR: by Barbara1 Weese, R.O.S. Specialist ...li's that ime ai year again, ime for 5sprîng hautsecceaing. Make Sure your cleaning binge includes the freezer. You may be sur- prised ta find food yau didn't, know you had. It wan't be long before al those iuscious fruits and ber- ries antI fresh garden t rea ted a s anr-,in f ii t e r-esource-. Impartecd insects and diseases such as thie European elmr- bark beetie and chestniut biight have, destrayed certain species ai trees and threaten others. Acid ramn is an; aminaous claud on the horizon that miay be respansible for l. the widespread decline af forests thiroughotut Europe and the northeastern part ai North America. If yau require any informa- tion or assistance regarding forests or forest maniage- ment, contact your nearest David Pridhamn - Senior Farests Technician What is National Forest Week? From May 5-11, 1985, it is a rime, an opportunity, for each ai us tau ecm mare aware ai the rnany foi-est values that are enjayed by every Canadian. It is a time ta recagnize the nanry benefits \we receive from aur forests in terms of Wood, water, wildiife, recreatian, jobs and revenue. Forests are aMvtal part of aur ireritage, aur enviranmrent and our ecanomy. Forest products from Canada represent aur single largest export and the in- dustry empioys directly or in- directiy one in every 10 Cana- dlians. Forests are vital ta aur standard ai living and our material comfart. Look around yau; haw many forest praducts are visible in your living room? The paper this article is written on is a forest product. Such diverse items as photo films, sausage cas- ings, paint, furniture, musical instruments, sparting goads, maple syrup, con- struction materials, chewing gum and matches are, ar con- tain, forest products. The lîst is pracically endless. Just as we need forests for aur material andI econamic beniefits, mnost Canadians need aur forests for rest, relaxation andI recreation. Mlost ai us like, picnic, cross- country ski, take pictures, bird-watch, fish, hiunt, canaeswimgo îta cottage country, revel in, the fait cal- ours or take comfort aro-und a camire Could you im- agine doing any of these if there were nao forests? But now aour farests need us. Farests have been ex- plaited, damiaged, and vegetabies are ready for tasting and preserving. Take an inventary ai your present freezer stocks white you are cleaning. This way, yau can use up the produce from last year's harvest before the new batch is ready for freezing. A yearly turnover of fruits and vegetabies is recommended, anyway, for best eating quali- ty. Organize the freezer space sa that foods are easy ta frnd and wili Iess likely be forgot- ten. Put the frazen fruits and vegerabies in one section, meat in anather andI baked foods in another. It is a good idea ta keep an inventary beside the freezer. Remember ta recard food as they are put in and taken out. Labels are alsa important. Label packages with the date and content so that the oldest stock can be used f'irst. Now is the rime ta look for same newN ways ai serving frazen fruits and vegetabies. Strawberry season wilI soon be here sa use the frazen ber- ries; in mneal planning naw, Pureedl bernies make great mnilk drinks or shakes far children. Bernes covered with yagurt, vanilla pudding or fruit jelly can be a special treat. Strawberry sauce is a goad campanian ta ice creami or cake. Take stock ai your freezer andI get it ready for this year's supipl1y oai fruit and vegetabies. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Greetings AIma's Verdict Is; Her friends, relatives, legal and finan- cial associates and advisors shail corne to "ALMA'S OPEN HOUSE"y to be held at the OddfeIlow's Hail, Orono MAY 5th, 1985 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. TO CELEBRATE AN OFFICIAL RETIREMENT (Ater 50 years of service) Those requiring transportation cail 983-5007 or 983-9475 PLEA SE! BEST WISHES ONLY Her staff and help, 6-Oropo Weekly Times, Wednesday, MaY 1, 1985 Djurham East Agri-News Mom 's Are Special Let her know how much you care on Mother's Day, May l2th S'he is sure to enjaoy a Fre sh or SiIk Floral Arrangý-ement Let us design one just for her Choose from aur assoürtmnent of F 1IN'E GI1F TS' We wiligf t wrap at nc- extra charge Cali 983-5291 WVe deliver fram Oshawa ta Part Hope Apple BIlossom Shop Kirby Burger and Ki*rby Stor'e Now Open 7 DAYS A WEEK The UgIy Duckllngs Bail Club preserits The Juno Award Winner As Canada's Top Country Band The Good Brothers i Saturday, May 25th 8:130 p.rw tili 1:00 a.m. Orono Arena Community Centre Ail proceeds to Memnorial Hospitat Expansion Fund, Bowmanvffle Tickets: $10.00 Advance; $1 2.00 at door (If Available> Bar Privileges - Dance Cards - Prizes ADVANCE TICKETS Available from ail teamn memnbers, Mom's Kitchen, Orono; Cowan Pontiac- Buick, Bowmaný,i1le, Hooper's Jewellers Ltd, Bowman- ville; Buster's Road House and Tavern, Newcastle; Alto Il Music, 445 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. imJJ' a Cutteli's Day