'-2Oth annual Bob Besi Memorial tournament, The face-off for the 2th Midget tournament which washeld in the Orono arena on Wednesday of lasi week. annual Bob Best Memorial Orono's MVP Dennis Mumford, presi- dent of the Orono Amnateur Athletic Association presents Allan Hall goalie for the Orono Midgets playing in the Bob Best Memorial Midget tournament last Wednesday with the MVP award for the Orono team. Allan played an excep- tional game for Orono in the Radiations scare haits reactor work Ontario Hydro has stopped a $700 million retubing of two reactors at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station until it can assure workers the facility is a safe place to work. Employees became con- cerned as to their health following tlhe discovery last week that workers on the retuibing project were expos- ed to radio)active Carbon-14 du.st. The Ato,-mic Energy Com- nets keeping his team in the final gaine with Peter- borough. Peterborough ,won the tournament in a second over- time period with the goalies removed. The Orono Midgets who advanced to the finals in the four-team tournament held a mission is supplying the sta- tion with new equipment for detecting contamination. Work on the tubes will flot proceed until it can be shown the operation is safe. Cobourg Tannery likely (o close A Co bourg1Lt1,111ry21 Robson-Lang, alorr thirivinig operatio)n s likely to close its doors peimîaniently within the nexý t couple of week.s. The 80 workcrs ýat t lie plant one goal lead with only seven- teen seconds left to play in the final period of the cham- pionship round. At this point the Orono boys were. playing short- handed when Peterborough tied the score for the regulaz play forcing the game intc overtime. have been given lay-off notices and ihie plaiit is to be mothballed. Oshawa woman awarded $1.25 million An Oshawa area woman who suffered severe brain damage and was left physical- ly handicapped in the course of a routine ear operation has been awarded more than $1.25 million by the Ontario Supreme Court. The 51 year old Janet Kraft was, awarded the nmoney for fu11ture care, pain and suffer- ingý to comperisate her hus- band and four othier mnembersý ofher famIily. Hc award is tlie largLest ever mnade againsi, a doctor in Ontario. Rabies case on declinie Brian Devitt, ithe regional director ofeviomna health services stites rabies in the Durham Region are now on a down-cycle and that an increasC- in the flumber of cases is flot ex- pected this year. Fate in Minister's Hands Environment Minister Morley Kelîs is being called upon to decide if TV On- tario's request to construct a 500 foot tower near Gore's Landing must faîl under On- lario's Env ironmiental Assessment Act. The Ontario Environmnent Assessment Advisory Coin- mittee heard evidence and reports for ine hours lajst week and will be making recommendations to the Minister who will then decide as to, the necessity of an En- vironmental Assessment hearing. If the minister should rule against such a hearing, TV Ontario is ready to proceed with the tower almost îmi- mediately. The towýer is necessary to direct TVO signais to thle Nor- humberland County area. Residents have grouped together opposing the tower stating there could be heail-h hazards fromi siunis. 250 Day Care SPaces for Durham Frank Miller, Premier of Ontario, in announcing addi- tional monies for day care space alloted to Durham Region funding for an addi- tional 250 day care spaces., Both Doug Johns, social services comrmissioners and Diane Hamnre, chairman of social services doubft il will help the Region in 1985 due to thie fact the Region has already set its 1985 budget and expendituires. It has been stated that the Region would have to pro- vide $135,000 Io cover their share of the total cosi. Johns also ha,, somne douibis that Durhami requircs. the additionai 250 whien the present waiting list ranges from 50 to 100. 7th anniversary for Goodyear Goodyear has asked the Town of' Newcastle to pro- dlaim the week of September 80h -Goodyear Week" in Ne\w'astle. Goodyear is, cclbrating its 75th anniver- Sary this year around the world where over 100 plants operate. Goodyear will also assist the.Newcastle Library in ac- quiring a large collection of dolîs from around the world which will be on display at the Library. Also included is the ap- pearance of the Goodyear blimip which will fly, low, over Bowmanville on June 9th and then proceed to Mosport for the annual Can- Arn race. Goodyear hires somte 275 at ils plant in Bowmanville. Break Off Talks with Eldorado Hope Township's Eldorado Liasion committee v'oted 7 to 1 last week to brea ko ff t alks with Eldorado Resour-ces Ltd. as 'to discus- sions over the location of a, lowv-lev'el nutclear waste site. The Hope Township group has, nowý takeni the action followed b\ the Port Granby group and refuse to meet with the Port Hope company. Both groups and the two muniLipalities are requesting that the search for a waste site be extended to a nation- wîde search. Eldorado is continuing with studies related to the possibility of, waste sites in either Hope Township or the Town of Newcastle. Wants churcb to protest waste site Rev. Gordon 'Rutherford, minister at Welcome United Church plans -to ask tfte Cobourg Presbytery of the United Church- w support the position of the Hope Township and Town of Newcastle groups who are mounting opposition to the establishment of a low-level nuclear waste site in either of the two municiplaities. Rutherford said, "we should be on the side of cau-' tjon". He said -the basis he will bring before Presbytery is that a nation-wide search, be undertaken for the most suitable site. Stevens speaks at Cobourg Sinclair Stevens, Minîster of Regional Industrial expan- sion spoke Iast week in Cobourg at which time he said Canada can expect more free trade with the U.S., 1ess goverfiment intervention in the business world and caît expect more foreign invest- ment. He said no two nations in current history has come dloser to free trading relation-,~ ships that the United States; and Canada. He said restric- tions that exist now will be gone by 1988. Stevens, although when questioned on the U.S. ban of Canadian food produets containing sugar said he had flot been fully briefed on the ban and thus could l ot com- ment. The ban is estimated to affect Canadian food processors and producers to, the turre of $100 million and one of the heaviest hit industries is ex- pected to be General Foods in Cobourg. Joan Fawcett liberal candidate Joan Fawcett, 47 year old Coîbournecouncillor and part-time elementary teacher has been nominated as liberal candidate for the upcoming provincial election called for May 2nd. Fawcett will represent the liberals in the Nor- thumberland riding. Clr -T epe, (emp er The Treasury Department requires a Clerk-Typist for a period of approximately seventeen (17) weeks commencing April 9, 1985. Duties include but are flot imited to assistance in the preparation of the bi-weekly payroll and associated remittances; processing employee benefit dlaims; assistance in inputtin g accounts payable entries; general f iling; typing and word processing. QLalifications: Minimum Grade 113 and completion of accounting and computer course at a Com-, munity Col lege and/or equivalent. Minimum of one year general office experience. Salary: $13188 - $14566 per annum (1984 rate> Applications may be submitted in confidence until 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 2nd, 1985. Applications wNilI not be acknowledged. Date of Publication: March 27, 1985 David S. Johnston, M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 P.O. No. A 1167 Please quote File No. From around the Region ....... ........... . ... .. . ..