Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1985, p. 8

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Mâreh Orono H( wer he draft noise by-law. of Section 208 of the 0, provides that by-laws he Councils of afl ohibitîng, or eultng within any defirted area ng of belîs, the blowing wusual noises, or noise tants: il of the Corporat ion of leems it appropriate to nd control sucht noises: the Couricil of the Corporation Nfewastle hereby enacts as -the Town of Newcastle ring any rn, shout or make any unusual ,y to disfurb the inhabîlants of the ýty of paragraph 1 of this are hereby deorned to be habitants of thie Town of a> the ringing of belîs, blowing of horns or soun- cling of sirens on any motor velicle exçept to the extent that sucli ringing, bowing or sounding is required by aw or by the requirement of safety; b) the sound or noise from or created by a radio or ptionograph, or any musical or sound-producing instrument of whatsoever kind when such radio or phonograph or instrument is played or operated in such manner or with such volume as 10 anrioy or disturb the peace, quiet, comfort or repose of any individual in any dweifing house, apartment house, hotel or other type of residence outside the promises where the instru- nunt is being played; c) th~e grating, grinding or rattllng noise or sound caused by a condition of disrepair or maladjust- ment of any motor vehicle, motorcycle, or other vehicle whatsoever or part or accessory thereof; d) the blowing of any steam or air whistle attached 10, or used in connection with any stationary boier or other machine or mechanism, except f'or the purpose of giving notice 10 workmen of the ime fo commence or cease work or as a war- ning of danger; e) the noise made by power lawnmowers, outboard motors or similar power motors; f) the noise made by the. discharge mbt the open air of the exhaust of any steam engine, sta- tionary internai combustion engine, motor vehi- cie or motorcycle excepf through a muffler or other device which effectiveiy prevents loud or explosive noise; g> any noise which may be heard beyond the lot upon which it is made at sufficient volume bo disturb persons beyond such lot; h) the persistent barking, calling or whining, or other similar persistent noise made by any domestic pet, or any other animal kept, or used for any purpose other than agriculture; 3. Notwthstanding the other provisions of this by-iaw, 1his by-law stiall ot apply 10, prevent: a) the use in a reasonable manner of any ap- paratus or mechanîsm for the amplification of the human voice or of music in a public place wthin the limits of the Corporation; b> Any military or other band or any parade operating with written permission first obtained f rom the Town of Newcastle; c) any vehicle of the police or fire department or any ambulance or any public service or emergency vehicle while answering a cali; d) any sound arising tram the operation of any raiiway which operafes under The Railway Act of Canada or from any plant or work in connection with any such railway; e) the sounding of church belis or carillons; f) the making by any person upon his own property of noise which is reasonable and necessary for his enjoymnent and use 0f such property provided tING NOW! of this week, îs the official first ig and we in On- iculture societies iplanning and The following agenda for Marci is a suggested list of pardening duties: 1. Plant flower and vegetable seeds. 2. Prune your fruit trees (and grape vin~es). 3. St art tuberons begonias in flower pots. 4. Check garden perennials and press back into place, if tliey have heaved. 5. Prune back overgrown shade trees, liedges, shrubs.. 6. Check for rodent damage. 7. Prune summer flowering shrubs. Orono societ y members are busy prcparing for our district convention, this year in Brock Higli Scliool, Catin- ingon, Saturday, April 13. Onec of outr feature speakers is a well-known native, Mr. Edgar James. We ail know Edgar as a gifted photographer, lover of nature, and with an exciting hobby of heekeeping! The latter will be the topic at our convention 4'Bees in Our En- viroament". There will be flower show dcmonstt'ations, panels, etc.and guests galore! Our first Orono spring meeting will bc Thursday, March 28tli and guest wil 1 bc MIrs. Marjorie Mason, Pine Ridge Nurseries, on "Geraniums". Mrs. Mason is commencing lier new radio show ibis Saturday, Mardi 23rd from Oshawa C.K.U.T. 94.9 F.M. on your dial at 9 a.m. She wiil be bringing a great many new varieties to our meeting so plan to at- tend! At the recent executive meeting plans are undlerway to assist our local D.B.I.A. in ianidscaping our town haJl and grounds. to pay tmx on a motion by Councs. Cowman and Hamre the Town Treasurer, Kathryn Campbell is to bring in a report as payment of taxes at bank~s other than the Cana- dian Imperial Bank of Com- merce. Both members of council said people had been asking why taxes could flot e paid ai other banks within the Town rather than just at the Cana- dian Imperial Bank of Com- merce. Campbiell pointed out that the Town did have an ar- rangement with the CIBC and did pay the batik 30 cents per chequ~e issued for taxes. Council write-off $89185i taxes The Town of Newcastle General Purpose commrittee ont Mvonday approved the writing off of taxes with most write-offs resulting fromn businesses going out of In total the committee ap- proved flie write-off of $89,1 85 of which amount $82,407 represenfed funds owing by the former owncr of Nesting Furniture, Curvply and Bob Rae, leader of flic On- tario NDP, was the guest speaker at flic Durhamn East Riding association meeting lield on Monday evening at the Flying Dutchman Hotel, Bowmanville. Rac said, -We are already in the middlç of an election campaign". He was critical of flie Tory party under Frank Miller sfatiig flic Torys made a historic decision to choose flic pasf. He sald tic Torys looked ahcad and were afr.aid. He also said if was rather symnbolic tiat flic pro- vincial float in flic recent San- ta parade was entitled "San- ta's prehistoric friends" and showed dinosaursand otÎher- prehistoric animiaIs. Rae said the people of On- tario ,vant a goverrnment f0 deal wvith the problemns of the future and hie said in looking to flic future we miust refurni to fairness. Here lie spoke- of pensions of whici, lie said, only hall the workers wýere convered. Many workfor years and end up wif h only fthc money t hey themselves ýhave put into a co'mpany fund. 'He said the remnainder stays with flic company. Rae spoke of an Order-In- Councit during flic latter days of Premier Davis when legislat ion passed provided Deputy Ministers witli a doubling of pensions and couid retire at age 55 years of age. He said if this is tire case for Depufy rinisters it should be the case for everyone, secretaries, in- dustrial workers etc. Rae said people talk of job creation but it is time to talk about job fairness. He dlaim- ed those earnring $1 5,000 in Ontario annually pay more taxes than anyone else in ail of Canada. The speaker said big business had failed. He said instead of creafing jobs they have been eating each other up. He said nine famnilies con- trot 50 percent of ail shares traded oni the Toronto Stock Exchange. He called for a stop to this waste. "Where is the risk when you are buying so- meone else ouf"'? he asked. Their ethic is the big quick buck, stated Rae. Rae called upon his au- dience to flot forget flic part y for the working people and jobs are an issue, lie said. Bob Rae said lie was look- ing forward to the campaign wich lie said was tailored made for the ND)P. Again lie was critical of that such noise is not audible at a distance of twenty-five feet from the limit of Such property and provided in addition thaf such noise does flot interfere with the enjoyment of any adjoining property owner. Alil persons are requested to, forward their comments in writing to the Office of the Town Clerk, at the address noted below by April 301h, 1985. Dated aI the Town,0f Newcastle this 20th day of March David WV. Oakes, BA., A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 File: 10.13.3. Date of Publication: March 20, 1985 PO. No. A03571 Federal cabinet minister Sinclair Stevens addressed close to 100 residents and municipal polit icians from flic Port Hope area including t hose from flic Town of Frank Miller, a represen- fat ive, lic said, who had made hospital cuts, was muci less tiani a populous, placed fax on hot dogs and hygiene needs and gouged flic public in gasoline fax. During flic campaign, Rae said tliey would be talking about people, fairness and Newcastle àt a sp'ecial meeting held last week in Port Hope. Tiose in attendance held a concern over flic possible (CiÊuomfl 9 flic future. He said fliere was an enormous goodwill out there among flic people and fliey do have concerns, lie said. We are going fo do well in this upcomning elect ion stated Rac and could win to take this province into flic late 1980s and 1990s. busmcess or reducing fie size Plydesigns, C Bob Rae cails for government fairness Sinclair Stevens at Port Hope 0 ', MW càS li '10wik, She also statea mnat flie CIBC did have batiks in ail centres wvhich was flot the case of other banks. It was asked why the Town couki not have a similar ar- rangement witb other batiks. Counc. Hamre said fax- payers do not want to wait in lille for fifteen minutes and then find out they cannof pay their taxes at the particular bank. Counc. Taylor said if ii was a matter of waifling the taxes could be paid by using the mail. The report is fo corne forth to flic General Purpose com- mittee meeting.

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