8-Orono Weekly Tirnes,,.Wednesday, March 13, 1985 Mven's1 2 - Reg. 1 -Reg. 1 Brown Corduroy SPORI Regular 89M95 Il Jackets 95 for 20.00 95 for 28.00 TaliI JACKET NOW 60.00 'D" Geld media erecent Courtce ýournarpent"re'e m froin the Pitn'es SéniorPublic Schùol. Pictured above are: (back row) Cindy Tamblyn, Marcia- Blaschke, H. Schatter, Kim Lycett and Pat Meta, (front row) Denise Bug-den, Can- dace Vey, Kathryn Vander- male, Chiristy Flintoff and Warner. Goid Medal Wïnners The basketball teaýn at the in Courtice.1 Kepac and Treffor Davies, picture were: Greg Leach, Pines Senior Public Sehool Pictureàl above -is the (back row) Mike Tait, Mike John Toon, Scott Alldred were recent "D" GoId Medal championship team: (front Tennant, Mike Peel and Wil- and Dwayne Martin. wýinners at a tournament held row) Ken Davies, Robert ly McGarvey. Absent for the IFact Fmnder suggests upmng teacher' s salary The fact finder's report submitted by E.S. Lavender and associated with negotia- tiens between the Nor- thumberland and Newcastle Beard of Education and the branch affiliates of its e lementary scheol teachers has been made public. In speaking of the local system the fact finder peints eut that enrolment hias declined by 9.4 percent in elementary schools from 1980 te 1984 and it has been estimated that the decline will continue being 12.04 percent in 1984-85. The board provides educa- tien fer 11,388 students in 46 schools with a teaching staff of 574. The report aise points eut that 364 of the 574 teachers are at the maximum of their respective salary category while only eleven teachers -were in their first year with the board. Lavender states the issues in dispute faîl into three categeries; salaries and benefits, other cost itemns and non-cost working conditions. He said the settiement must iniclude provision for noon heur supervision and for principals' administrative relief time. In neen heur supervision he states the techers point eut that the Ministry does allew for a forty minute neon heur. It was stated t hat a sign ificant number of teachers go the full day with only 15 te 20 minutes for neon heur due to the number of small schools and the number of students brought te school by bus. The fact finder supports the techers and notes that this has been under review for a periodof six years with ne ac- tion being taken. A number of issues were aise addressed by the fact finder- including class- sizes which he appears, te have qualified as net a serieus mnatter with the local board. He neither made any recem- mendation as te the need for additional planning time as requested by the teachers. This request, it was peinted eut, would require six addi- tional teachers te allow 100 minutes a week, for planning time. In his summary Lavender suggested the Board could reach a -settlemnent which weuld result in a total cost in- crease of fromn 6 te 6.5 per- cent. Hle said he was aware this did net allow the board te limit its increased expent- diture te 5 percent. The fact finder was unaware, accerding te his report, just what amount the teachers were seeking in their negotiatiens-. If YOU have any news items please feel f ree to phone the Orono WVeekly Times we would be only to happy to receive them 983-5301 Children's Jean Overails Pr. 5.00 Ladies' Winter JACKETS and COATS REDUCED WVINTER SKIRTS and SWEATERS 30%/ OFF Regutar Price Asst. Colours and Sizes - Reg. 4.99 Men's T-Shirts 2.75 Men's Small Sizes Dress Shirts 5.00 4 Men's Winter Jackets 2 Tweed - 2 Corduroy - Size 36 Regular 75.00 NOWV ONLY 40.00 2 MEN'S SWEATERS Lge. Size - Reg. 34.95 NOW 20.00 1 BLUE WOOL Medium Size, Reçq. 34.95 20.00 J'Me Fashion Main Street, Orono Wednesday to Saturday, March 13 - 16 Quotation Request FOR 1985 EQUIPMENT RENTALS_ SEALED QLIOTATIONS, from contractorslsuppliers in- terested in being registered on the Town's Registry of Equipment Rentai Services for such equipment specified below, wili be received by the undersigned un- tii the specified ciosing timne and date. Bids,must be returned in the envelopes and on the forms providied. Requirements for rentai equipment are listed as fol Iows: Tandem Dump Trucks Track Mounted Backhoes Gradails Bulldozers (flot Iess than 200 hp) Small Bulldozers (flot less than 40 hp) Scrapers (flot less than 20 cu. yards> Push Scrapers (flot less than 20 cu. yards.) Front End Loaders - Rubber Tired (11'/2 - 3 ou. yards.) Shoulder Grader (75 to 90 hp with window eliminator.) Snow Blowers Tractor Driven (flot less than 50 hp).1 1 Self Propelled Roller (2 tonne to 5 tonnel Dragline (3/4 yd. min.) Garbage Packers (20 to 25 cu. yards) Quotation documents can be obtained from the Pur- chasing Office at 152 Church St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Quotation No. Q85-4.- 1985 Equipment Rentais Closing Time and Date:' 4:00 P.M. (Local Time), Wednes- day, March 27, 1985. Ail bids wiil be subject to the terms and conditions set- forthn in the quotation. Mrs. Lou Afin BirIkett Purchasing and Supply Agent M. Jý (416) 623-3379 Ext. 67 Date et Publication, March 13, 1985 P-0. No. A 1194