Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Feb 1985, p. 8

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8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 27, 1985 Band Music Festival THE FEDERATION 0F ONTARIO NATIJRALISTS Spring Is On The Way Eight Junior bands from Music Festival at Clarke High, with young musicians from mnusicianis. tbroughout the, Nor- Schooi on Thursday of iast throughout the district. Their The programn continued thumberland and Newcastle week. offerings were adjudicated fromn 9:30 a.mi. unitil 2:00 in Board of Education jurisdic- The gymnasium was filed wth comments to the younig the afternoon. tion took part in a Band Orono Brownviies f/y-up (o Guides Jaime Luke, Lisa Sailer Mother and Daughter ban- take part in the Guiding ac- and Lisa Jackson flew uP tW que! in the basement of the tivities heid on Tuesday even- the Orono Gjuides on Saitur- Orono United Church on Fni- ing a! the Orono Public day evening during a cer- day evening. School monly heid at the annuai These young girls wili now Sam Cureatz (Continued from page 7) on 30 minutes after sunaset until 30 minutes before sunrise. Evidence shows that accidents caa be decreased if motonists keep their lighnts on longer. The Ministry of Transpor- tation and Communications has also announced that the amount of property damnage in reported motor vehicle ac- cidents has been increased, from $400 to $700. Ali motor vehincles, in- cluding motorcycles, mopeds and off-road vehicles will be affected by the change. The new property damage level was raised to reflect "the continually increasing costs for parts and labour to repair motor véehîies which have been involvwed in ac- cidents." I amn pleased te see the miomerxtum rwigfo North' Oshawa community cen.,tre, and time permitting, t wýil be looking forward to the ann-.iual meeting of the p roject which Laura Collins, the pre- sent President, iniformed me will be taking place Thurs- day, March 7th at 8 p.m. at thle North Oshawa Park Club house. FOLLOW YOUR HEARI HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION 0F ONTARIO GIVE 'ATH YOUR -EAD Give -,o the research that saives more Ive-s Fire Losses Decrease (Continued from page 5) Orono topped the loss in residential dwellhngs with a fire on December 21st and with a loss of $65,000. A va- cant dwelling on R.R. 1 Orono received $40,000 in damages on February 28th., Two separate houses in Newtonville suffered $25,000 each in damages during May and June. The four departments in the Town answered a total number of 491 calis during the year of which ten percent were false cails. In October the department instituted new emergency numbers being 623-9111l and 983-9111. A toil free number Zenith 9111 was also made available to those residents in the municipality who previously had te phone long distance te get the fire depart- ment. From Around Home LIMPING BACK BRUISED AND BATTERED Yes we are lîmping back Io our regular corn-er somiewhat bruised, battered and torr but stili resisting to hoist the white flag of surrender. No doubt the events eoflWs week did take its to Il te somne degree but none more devastating that from a lonig- time friend and compatriot from the hinterland of thie Kirby area. Las! Wednecsday afternýoon was just budding \whenIi was called te the cphone te f'ind Rutherfoerd just killing himself laughing; "'ve jus! read your paper and at last som"ene hasgeL- ten te yeu." "You're geinYg some ef your own mnedicine back. " "What are you ta1lking about?," 1 bad. te ask. "Yen damn well know and you might just as well _give up right now on this one . . . or better yet seli the paper te the movement." 1 ceuldn't help thinking this guy was supposed to be my friend but, here he was getting the biggest charge out ef 'pot shots'spear-headed in my direction. Doesn't he know 1 mighit be looking for sympathy or encouragement. With no fear of being scar- red by a 'flaming bra' 1 wil get this off my chest. "I would have to be one of the first to agree that the women in our downtown area do add a great vitality and vigor that would be sadly missed if their -presence was not a fac!". In that they are ready to fight back is a credit te them. No 'm not going te debate the merits of dishwasher Alil versus Cascade as they both more than likely come frorrn the same bin originally, pro- mbted by the same advertise- ing company and having many ef the s amine shareholders in the comn- panies. Weil ii is back to the birds and the fine-tuing of the viewing scope. lt's less hazar- dous. Nature is - FINALLY - beginning its march toward spring. The samne events that pro- duce those beautifully war-m, late-winter days are triggeninig bothfi phtysical and behavioutral chages in a host of mammnals and birds. For somie, it's miating season. For others, its birthing timre or nesting seasonl. For others stili, its timne to begin for- thward migration. Len)gthiening d(,aylen.gth- biologists cailili photoperied - is a .m'uch mnore important cue thïan temperature in trig- geing these changes. The significance of daylength is no accident, because it's net subject to the same vagueries as weather. It would be dangerous, inideed, for mnany animiais te react te a premnature, warmi mid-winter speli, only to be jolted or kili- ed by a late-winter storm. Daylenigth, by contrast, is as regular as clockwork in heralding sprîng's arrivai. Bird and mammal species - each with their own defini- tion of "spring"' - respond differently to various daylengths. Our wild cats are ail active now. Bobcat are païing off and mating. Lynx are nowv seeking -out mates, often, shrieking and cater- wauling in the north woods. Many cougar give birth a! this trime, taking advantage of late-winter's easy prey. Coyote and red fox are both at the peaks of their breeding seasons. Surprising- ly. common through out cleared and marginal areas of southern Ontario, they often wander some distance fromn their dens, in search of mates. Theli distinctive, 'yappy' howls of courting coyotes are efren heiard about dusk. Timrber wolves, animais of extenisive northern forests, are Just starting their, very vocal, courting. Rac2cons and skunks are niow emerging fromn their dens te breed. Beaver, red anld grey squirreis, min k and a host of mouse-like animais are ail mating. Black Bear are now giving birth in hiberna- tion. Their now-iny, heless young wili deveiop fan- tast icaliy by nmaytime emergence frm the dens. Th.ere's flttie that happens by accident in nature, and the events nowý occuring are no exception. The mnammais thlat are mating now have a 60-100 day gestation period. By breeodingL now, the young wiii be arrïving early in the warm season, when they'ii have abundant food and a long growth period before next winter's onset. If mating didn't occur uintil spring, the developmnent period for youing, would be chopped by 23. ï, is interesting that a numiber of miammals with 5 or 6 month gestation period have special adaptations. By rights, that period would have themu seeking out mates in the very depths of winter, with ail of the attendant vigors and risks. Instead, they mated last fail, but the implantation and develop- ment of the fertilized eggs was somehow delayed until mîd-winter. The young, developing right now. will be ready for birth when spring's warmth and food arrive. In addition to -the grea t Hornied owl, Canadla Jays (or "Whiskey Jacks"'), Crossbills and seme ravens are now nesting. Ail have special adaptations to cope with the cold and to take ad- vantage of food supply, or other advanitageuïs quirks. For thosev who look closely, miuch is, happening now. Even ini your backyard, watch for- the last Cf the squïirrels, playing tag-teamn as they chase mates about on warm lette winter days. Listen for cardinals beginning their early territorial singing. And for racoons, emerging skunks. - Orono Showcase * Co-operative Invites you to order your hand-made Chocolate and Carob Personalized Easter Eggs, Rabbits, etc. at the Showcase March 5, 6, 7,from 10 Until 2 More informnation b y contacting EDaine Haines 983-9218 The Regional Municipality of Durham Wei ght Restriction Regulations "Weight Restriction Regulations wili be in force on roads under the jurisdliction of the Regional Municipality of Durham effective March 4. Vehicle Ioads are restricted t0 5 TONNES per axie in ac- cordance with Durham Region By-Law Number 99-8' Signs wili be erected on ail Regionial Roads t0 which these Weight Restrictions apply." W.A. Twelvetrees, P. En-g. Commissioner of Works Regional Municipality o)f Durham

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