Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1985, p. 3

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2I round ýýHome SOOTHING RUFFLED ed, and put a lemon fresh FEATHERS shine on the furniture? And if (Not another bird story) oi we feminists could wile by away our weekend fine- Ann Dresiinski tuning our telescopes inI an- It seemns the usuai occupant ticipation of spotting an of this coiumnII is experiencing Aibino duck. A littie afflir- a littie dismnay, and hias that miative ation around home ieft out felting. He lhas miost by the burden-laden maie cie- kindIv alotted his space to muent wouid certainiy con- mie, probabiy with the expec- tribute to the de-escalation of tation of receiving an thie battde of the sexes. apology. Yes, the movement is alive WeilINMr. Forrester, you'il and well in Orono, but it has get no apoiogy fromn this a long way to go. You and 1 femninist, but perhaps 1 do can sit together and discuss owe you an explanation, and the D.B.I.A., the recent l'il even throw in a lesson school board meeting, and on equaiity. The sizabie even Mr. Hatfieid's dilemma, advertisemrent which is caus- but until you can voice your ing you so uch distress was opinion on the merits of piaced by "working wvomnen" D)ishwasher Ail versus wishing good iuck to two Cascade, we will neyer be more who are joining the equai! ranks. And you can bet your There are a few more bird feeder thai they wýil1 need things l'd like to get off my good luck, and a lot more. chest (withouit burning my As you se aptly put it last lbra). As to your comment week, "where is that co- concerning our sef destruc- operative spirit that one tion by forgetting the men, would have thought would suffice it to say that it was the exist as wve appreach flhe only part of yo ur coiumn that twenty first century". You're contained humour. I'm stili right, where is it? As one who laugh ing over t hat one! Final- "does flot conden thie ly, (yes I'm finished) 1 don't femninist mnovemnent" (big of know what stuck in your you) when wýas the last timne craw m nost ... that you didnl't that you rushed home fromi get equailiig or the fact downltowni, made dinner, that you had to admit that 68 threw in a tond of iaundry, women can keep a secret .... checked homnework, vacuumn- Letter to the E"ýditor Dear Sir: The Wýomieni's Liberation, Movemient hias probably neyer had so miuch attention, within a smnall sector, as it hras i the past three weeks i this growing village. In fact, the "70" activists (as they are considered at the presenit time) have probnbly never had so miuch attention, in such a short tinie, as they h)ive in rte afore-mientionied lime span. "Ain't it great, girls?" What better time, than the celebration of' St. Valentine's has ever arisen. The Orono businessmren feel negiected and are, therefore, very fortunate to have a leader wýith ant editorini career. The "70" have to operate secretly in order to overc:omie this obstacle. Il is quite a surprise, to the -70", that the men consider the commerce of' this Village a bur-den. We apologize for any discomnfort this miay have cauised to the maie elemnent of thle downt owni area. The "70" would be extremely thiankful to uinioad this heavy burden for even a short timie. After ail, a majority- of the "70" have carried a different kind of burdeni arounid for quite somne time during their domesticity as "housewives" (a very imuch uLnder-r ated and uniderpnid form of employ- ment in most cases). The "70" have not forgot- ten the men entirely. Thnnk goodniess,; after ail, we do not want to self destruct - nôt at the present time nniyway. We, in fact, understand more (in somie cases more thian eniough,) abýout the daily tr-aum1as/stresses whichi have cauised havoc in your daily business. lThe "70"- mutst ad- mit that wve enjoy bieing on the samie level (in somne cases above) as the businessmen. The "70" appreciate the fre- quent "cuiddles" and in- telligence which thley are able to share ith thle Im-en now'. The -7V" do not dlaimtIo believe in "the modern inter- pretation of feminism", but wýe do have our own inter- pretation of this particular subject. ]n smmiary, 1 wouild like t o ex press mny per sonal gratitude to thiose who have added their own touch of humour in these past three weeks. Most of us (male/femnale) have taken the jobs and rolled with them. Nevertheless, enough, is enough. "You've come a Sincerel y, Bar-bara A. Swan Successful Teen Dance in Orono ces endanceý at the Orono Town Hall on 1iday, Febr uar\ 81th. Ti is the se- conId (one te be put on by thle teens of Orono and there are more te comen. The niet is go Firsi for Onitlrl'o Sp-onsors Lamb Awareness Day The Durham Sheep Pro- dcr'Association are holding a Lamb Awareness Day, which is the firtsiisch event to be heid in the Pro- ince of Ontario. The local event is being held on March 2nd and being held in the Lions Centre, Bowmatnville, Io which the general public are invîted. The' Awnreness Day runs from i1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The unique event will feature live sheep and lnmbs, sheep shearing dernon.stra- tions, lamb butchering and carving by an expert, raw wooi spinning-, dyeing and weaving, arts and crafts, raf- fIes plus the sale of freezer lambs, pure woollen goods, and sheep skins. Russell Dow, of R.R. 4 Bowmnnville, one of the organrizers of the event states that2-ya-d Bob Worden of Bowmnanville and runinr- up in the '84 Canadian Sheep Shearing Comipetition wili demonstrate his shecaring skills. "He can sheer twýo sheep faster than 1I(can shave my chin in the moirning", states Dow. Master butcher, Giuseppe Bianco of, Oshawa, will be on hand to sýhow% people how to carve a ieg of iamb and as well willlibe availab)le te answer qetos WolIen fah ions and goods, wiil be offered for sale and dispiayed by miitember of the Canadian Cooperaive \Wool Growers Asýsocat ion and there will be demionsi raitions of wool spinning, dyeing and weaving. Russ Dow states the Lamib Awareness Day i.s a simple way to demonsýtr-ate and fur- ther educate the generai public in the area on thie pro- ducts area farmers produce in the Region of, Durhamn. The general public is in- vited free of any adission-. charge. The day is to be conciuded with a roast iamib dinner and a dance featuring the Acres Fnmily Orchestra fromi the Ottawa Valley area. The pr o- grnm niso includes entertain- ment at a cost of $1000X per- ticket. Phone 623-5069, Sami Turner. A new start with lean and delicious eating The holiday season is over! And, innocent indulgence in festive trents is beginning te show up as excess inches around-your wistline that you don't like te admit are there. Net te werry. With a con- scieus effort te exercise and return te basic good eating you can get back into shape in no time. .As the new year begins, it's a goodtime Io refleet on your eating patterns and ex- ercise habits. Becoming more nware of nutrition issues makes henlthy living sense. Counting calories, decrensing sait, sugar and cholestrol intake is recomn- mended by henith prefes- sionnîs. Anyone who has tried les- ing weight knows how dif- ficult it can be te plan meals filied with finvor but net calories. The following recipes have been seiected especinlly for you and your family. We've included calories per serving as a heipful guide. In additien, they make geed useef left- ever holiday turkey; or chicken can be easily substituted., After a day of skiing, tobegganing or hiking, wnrm up from the crisp winter air with delicieus Vegetabie Chowder, a ing te be held in'April and we hope te see you ail then. We'd like te take the time now te thank the foilowing mecrchants cf Orono for donating te the dance: The Apple Blossom Shop Stutt's Pharmacy Mom's Kitchen Hlair with Flare The Village Bmn Rolph's Hardware JR's, Country Store and Reffections. You aIl helped te make this a suiccess. W'd aise like te thank the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen for chnperoning the dance'. Christie L'omax hearty soup that's sure to satisfy hungry appetites. Spinnch Orange Turkey Salad is a colorful, light -meal in itself. Turkey Stir Fry is a refrgshing change to liven up a humdrum winter menu:* And it's so easy to cook ahl in one pan. So, if nutrition and your waistline concern you, add these dishes to your repertoire of tasty recipes. Ormno MWeckl3 1imes, Wêdne.sdJalý, lhruarv 21),1985-3 Health care system seek local Thle Durhlani Rgion se ing idividtîais wh1o are interested in (lhe oppoltuniiy to ie vimcton thelhealith eare sse wîitinthIle Region of, Durhlani \ wlithihe will- inlgnessnand i1iîeest te erve in a vluntCeer paiy The District H1ealthCon cil is; an ighiteen mnember ad- vioybody te the iist,,er ot Hleatth on ail nmaiters reiatingý to hleaith care programs h nd services in the Region. Counj cil advi,,sslthe Minister on helith care needs by respo(n- dinig Io requests f'or support of, programs ftrom th[le com- munity, .ix.. ealth care organizations, hospital.s, con- cerned idvdas and by undl(ertakinlg its own tuihes to plan floi thle Current andj future henith e needs of Durham Region residents. Sub-commnittees comprise of repriesenitatives wthexpertisec in seiifidsof' health care ass"ist Counicil in mlany volunteers aspcct s o0t il s101(> Paricip11ation on oncl whciwl1d requireapr- i mai el Y l0-15hours per monîhl, povdethe oppor- tunity for residenîsin ithe COmnity ILflte h) lave inputinto thle dveome i fa healthi came syte ltat lbest leets the needs of Ihle residentîs of the Reionl, and serves as a vailuate and rewardîng learn- ing exper ienice f'or ail memibers. Furthleiril inration cao be obIained by contacting Cilthy Bal, Executive Assistant, Durham Region District Healih Concil, (416) 433-4262. If you are inl- temeted in becoming involved withi the District Henith Couincil, please forward a let- ter cf" appreciation and curi- riculum vitae te: Chairman, Membership Search Commiit- tee, 40 King Street West, Suite 3(b), Oshlawa, Ontario LIUIAby nlo Inter thanl Marchi14111, 1985. V'egetabie Chowder tematoes, undrained, 2 tbsp 4('25 ML) Mazola chopped corno ou 1 cup (250 mrL) sliced 1 nMedium onion. sliced carrots 1/2 cup (125 mL) thiniy 1 tsp (5 mL) dried basil sliced celery 1/4 tsp (] mL) pepper 1 clove gariic, minced 1 can (19 oz/l540 mL) chick 2 cups (500 mL) turkey peas, undrained brot-h 1 cani (19 oz/1540 mL) (Continuedi page 8) KINSMEN BINGO Orono Arena & Commuriity Centre $à4500.OO Jackpot Every Second Tuesday 7:30 p.m. RED & WHITE Frozen Food & Fîsh Sale FROZEN 3.95 kg Whole Pacific Chum SalmonIbia.7 9 SALMON STEAKS lb. 1.w99ý kg 4.391 ALLEN'S PURE 48 oz. Tin only APPLE JUICE *99 1000/ PURE 1Minute Maid Frozen V-8 VEGETAB LE Orange Juice Lge. 48 oz. lin -UICE w9 125 oz. Tin .9 Wfth Coupon in our Flyer NOý NA ME - The Savings- are Vours No Name COOKIES Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip Ginger Snaps, Oatmeal Bag 2.29 Lge. 700 g pkg. NO NAME HIGH OUALITY INSTANT COFFEE iooz. jar4.99 NO NAME 10 Envelopes Instant Hot Chocolate 1.39 NO NAME Dark Red Kidney Beans 19 oz. tn .89 CORNISH'S Phone 983-5201 Orono, Ontario

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