Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1985, p. 11

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SOLEDRYIHýE1 NOTICES If' you have questions or concerns about your miunicipality, please feel free 10 caîl me at either 983-5505 or 987-5039, Diane H-amre, Counc. Ward 3, Town of Newcastle. Meals on Whecels Those inîieresîed in receiving a hot dinner Iwo days per week phone 983-5702 - Marlene Rsebrough. HELP WANTED Required immecdiately a college graduate to performn purchasing and production schiedules and clerical func- tions. Must be fastand accurate typisî. Must be authoriative in expediating suppliers orders. Salary com- mensurable with duties. Reply to: P.O. Box 300, Orono Weekly Times, Orono, Ontario. LOB IMO. 6,13,a.c Bevc HWY 115 O. CHATTERTON TRUCK & AUTO Elctrcal Cntrm,.snn REPAIRS LTD. To AIt Cars and Trucks TOWING 983-9151 or 9U-.91 52 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono cati 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service ,when buying or selting, and for the largest selectioin of properties iin the area. 234 KING ST. EAST Pole Line Construction PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario Job Printing. LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS ALL BUSINESS FOR MS FLYERS Etc. Cali the Orono Times 983-5301 Noone's Restauranr requires cbok and waitress. App- Iy in person. 983-9980. COMING EVENTS Worid Day of Prayer, 1: 30 p.mn. on March 1 si, 1985, Kirby UJnited Church. I 3,27,ac. Town of Newcastle Public Libraries proudly presenîs childrens performer Alex Laurier ai the Orono. Town Hall Sat. Feb. 16 2:00-3:00 p.m. Mr. Laurier is the star of such television shows as Kid's Corner, Polka Dot Door, Uncle Bobby and Cucumber. Recommended for children ail ages. Tickets are $3 each and may be picked up at thec Orono, Bowmianville or Newc2asîle Mlemorial Libraries. 6, 13,a. C. ~DLuiham East Progressive Conservative Asso)ciationi nomination meeting Thursday, February 28th, 8 p.m. Courtice Secondary School. To b eligible 10 vote you muLst be a paid up mnember 7 days in adv ance and also be an appoinîed dctegate to this noîninal ion mneeting. ~É. Presideni, NMary Anne Zakarow, phone 623-7538 and Secreîaryý, Stephanie Bal 576-7501 verbally and in wriingl 5 days in advanlce of nominai l onmeetinig. Tentl aivýe peker the Honourable Keiîh Norton, Minlister of Education, (Colleges andUnvries E\ elryone welcomel. 2 13,a.c. An Iitatio)n Monday, Februaýry 18lt, 7:30 pi.m. Centiennial Room Newcasîle Comnilyi1 Hall. Guosi speakers Mrs. Chap- pIe and Mrs. Scuhlihope. T'opic: "Rest(iraîlion o Streets, Bifldings and Homes in Pori 1-opie" - The Ne«ýcasîle Village and Ditrit Historical Socieîy are proud 10 sponisoris mileting on a day deignaîed as Heritage Day. Join Lus 1(1lear how to igethier ýe can] preserve our Ihistorical acsof, interest. McCRIMMON'S ANTIQUES "THE HOLLOVS' HWVY. 2, NEWCASTLE. ONTARIO 987-5204 WVe Buy and iSeil An-tîque ýand 0O(1 Fut nriluie. Ot -ainrq LîqltFîxtures Aiso buy Estates CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thanik ail fr-iends, neighibours and family iiiin ngandL of Samn Bentham Who passed away on Jan. 181h, 1985 . rTheir kindness to my family wAas grea(ly ap- preciaîed and a special thianks 10 Rev. Milnies ofO(ronio. Lovinig wife Margaret 13,a.1) I wish b îhilank relaitives, nighbouirs and friends l'or rihe beauîiiil flowers, isits, phone calîs, numerous, cards, and letters senit w me white in hiosptîals. Special thanks îo Bowmnanville Memorial and Oshawa Genieral Hospitals and 10 Dr. A. Clark. Theresa Martin 13 'a.p Zg2l41 \vna n Caîl for a no 9obligation evaluation Of your home, acreage or tarmn or for information on properties in the area. Chris Stapi-eton 623-4445Sales Rep;;senfative - BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT HERRINcI, Kathryn Patricia - Lovingly welcomed by parents Rîck and LauteI, sisters Jane, Nancy and Bar- bara and brother Robbie. Kathryn arrived Tuesday, February 5th, 1985 ai Bowmvranville Memorial Hospital, weighing 7 tbs. 12 oz. 1 3,a.. CAREER TRAINING FRLE (Career (laIde descrbes 200 cearii-ai-lhome correspondence t)ifloina Cres AccouLni ung, Art, Book keeping. Business Maniage- miii.(Clerk TypsSecretaryiJnral m elevision ServicuingTravel. <Granion <SA) 263 Adelaide Wesi Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. HELP WANTED) Canadian SUMMER RESORT1 EMPL-OYMNNET Opportuiiyý. Infor- mnation oflleidacross C(anada. Age nlt imit. Senid namec, address and phonie numnber b 1LES. Box 429, Lamrby, B.C . VOE 2GiO. ILPHOLSIERS WýANTED 10 15 year, experienice. Fuil Timte year- rouind work. Top wag1es,, ()S.fi. sho nmBarrie. We'il 1pay1lînders l'ce. Sione's UT(Jlsering, 14 Hlighi Streci, Barrie, Ontario 705)726-5721. FARM SERVICES FARMERS WANTED who are payîng 4oo mach îax or are flot ustng ail ihie tax\ breaks available. Phonie ius oday! Appoiniment limes availiilblo process 1984 tax reîurn ni v our hme. FýARM BUSINESS C ONSUL TANTS 2'109 Oxtord Su. E., London, N5V 2Z9. Callttol ree 1-800)-265-10)2- [in busiinyecar-routnd helpi.g farmners for oer 33t fl/c BROAD SPECTRUMI SWINE PROTECTION. Usýe the M'cado)x and Piro Banmntiiilt îam lntyouritrtrgrwrfeed and obtaîn broad spcîrumii control of cusroidom and ascaI1 ri peaionia. T EMPLOYMIENT OPPORTUNITIES AIJCTON SCHOOL - WIAestern C(aniada School of' AuLcîionreering. Ovýer 111100graduaies. Cusscomneisionayof AprlAgas, Decemr. ýFor plartîculars Wriite Box687, Lacombe, AB TOC is). EARN $400 ULS-DollJars per- wee kl akingsiap1shiois iiyoaTr area p'air/l I re. U)SA firm nelied aaerpoorp#s oexperience. iol,,flng equired.WieJerme Nelson box 70, FsioSask. SOE FOR SALE NORTHERN FOOD TREES: Old1-tashionied aFpples, pear, apricot, fLT(iaitees, sttrubs, ceegreens, seedlung, Uuaraniteed de1îvery. Reasomiable pri:es. Catalog $I. (Golden fiough Tree Farmi, Marklbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. n/c (Contiiw@d page 9) Electric-Arc and Acetylene WVetdîng KENNEDY'S CUSTOM FABRICATIONS Sînalt repairs - custovn farm equipment - ornamen- tai railings - spectatîzes in custom butit ornamen- tdi gaies Free Estimates Goverinment Certîfied PhOffle 983-9377 H RERE'S TO , VOUR HEALTH- 0 1000/oPure Wyler's Grape Juice * 1000/ Pure Fred's Apple Cider * Greaves Quality Jams 0 Unwaxed Juicy Apples a Farm Fresh Eggs FRUIT MARKET HWYl. 35 SOUTH 0F ORONO 9 8 3- 56D'""28 s ... . .. ..... à ........... 1 fFle trica

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