Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Dec 1984, p. 17

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Classifi'ed Ads (Continuled froml page 19) SEASON'S GREETINGS- Harold and (iie Deanuldlike b w\isil aliliheir relatlionis, friend(s aild r ne\ ighor er hi si mas and a Happy Ncw, Year. 19,a.p. Wc sinccî ly wslal our irclaî mcs and f ricnds a joyous Chrisimas and a happy and piosperous New Year. Theiresa & Gordoîn Martlin 19, a.. CARD 0F THANKS 1 would like to thiank one and aIl who inquired, sent cards, flowers and visits on myv two trips, Lü Oshawa Hospital. And to those who were so kind to drive Mary to visit me my heartfelt thanks. To Bill Brandt who pro- vided me peace of mind. Not forgeîting the-kind nurses on the 7th floor and Dahilia Campbell, Dr. Sashdeva, Rev. Fred Milnes, and the hospital Chaplain. And it sure i.s good 10 be home. Best wishes for the Season. Robert Chater 19, a.p. IN MEMORIAM MacDonald, Dorothy - ln lovinig memory of a dear sister who passed away December 21, 1980. There is a link That death cannot sever Love and remiembrance Last forever. Lov ingly remembered by Raymond, Elsie and family 19, a.p. Orono W*eekly Timnes, Wednesda, I)ecember 19, 1984-17 Town presents awards (Conîînuedilrom page ,C16) ()[)CIa[inIlg ini the Coin niiuii ly t'rom Meal-On -Wlîccls to the Newcastle Socýial Planning Council, Handi- Transil, Co)rni nirycatrc and w iri lic pasi iWj\O years ilic s bih îc thce Conînuniry Secc Ordcî program. She is ac- live îlu [lie aci ivilics ol T 'riiry United Ciuri anîd asixcll lias lotîrid iiiic lo pýar1icipac inIille Bowiiaiî'.i lic Dramja worksliop group. Rev'erend 1 h<>mas Smith Re\ . Smiiii h las lw lilcîl olw h woilk as aI pti oiiu\ bur as \cll lias 1)cii mi ai ctiini snIl as Newcast le Social laniî Cotîncil, CoIIIIIîuIII v Cal c anid loirI10 Ycai s lias bccîi -011 CaI ICliaplai ii' 'a the ()shmaa etili cali Hosphlal.Hcsiold wih r Ille oîiînryli g raini' anîd stili lin l ime Io joililii()Illi[ci d ics suc fias Ile c frv Fox 111iS., DEATH NOTICE At Fairview Lodge, Whi(by on Tuesday, December Il, 1984 Mary (Cooper) Quantrjl in her 76th year, beloved wife of the late Evan Quantrill, dear mother of Shirley (Mrs Wm. Moffatt), Iroquois, Marilyn (MIrs. Charles Peers), Alberta, Francis and Allan Quantrîll, both of Orono, loved grandmother of 7 grandchildren. Service was held in the Morri Funeral- Chapel, Bowmanvjlle on Friday, Dec. 14. Interment Orono Cemetery. WINTEIIIZE P>olyethcloene can be usod as a winid sucen for plant: but 'Should be set up sever-al feet awýay from plants, says Hlorti- culture, Crop Adviser, Burke MeN(eifl of the Ontario Mlinistry of Agriculture and Food's plant industry branch. If thu top of a plant needs protection. tryuin burlap or an openi weave plastic material. A mulch of S'traw, hay or manuire will protect the roots. A good se/ection of Wedding Stationlery avai/able ai the Orono Weekly Times Main Street, Orono Telephone 983-5301 TAKES THE G UESS OUT OFGr.IFTIîNG.,. THE REIGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM Holiday Closure of Sanitary Landfill Site The DARLINGTON LANDFILL SITE wiII be clOsed Tuesday, December 25, and Wenesd ay, December 26, 1984, for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Normal operations wiIl continue on December 27, 1984. This site wiIl also be closed on Tuesday, J'anuary 1, 1985, for New Years Day. W.A. TWVELVETREES, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS

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