Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1984, p. 9

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Classified Ads (Continued fromn page 11) BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT BOYD - Bob and Pat (niee Hooey) are very pieased 10 announce the birtb of tibeir firsî chiid, a daughler, Rebecca Leigb Elizabetb, on Oci. 10th, 1984, ai 11:25 p.m. weighing 8 lbs.2'/2ý oz.s. Proud grandparenîs are Mr. & Mrs. Ross Boyd of Newcastle and Mr. & Mrs. William Hooey of Orono. Great grandiparents are Mrs. Anne Sephenson of' Newcastle, Mrs. Kaîbleen Hooey of Oshawa, and Mr. Harold King of Bowmanviiie. Great great grandmorber is Mrs. Annie (Coivilie) Stephens of Ajax. Specia " 1tbanks to Drs. Rowe, VanHoof, MacGiliivray, Saryam, Keely-Dobenko', tbe nursing staff of the 4tb and Srb floor at Oshawa Generai HospitaI, and to Lmz insîructors Penny Henderson and Mary Dirîmnar. GILBIART- John & Pal are happy t0 annoi arrivaI oftIheir t chiid, a dauÉbîer born Sun( tober 2lst in Missîssauga General Hospital. Fir5 child for Mr. & Mrs. E. Hepner, Abboisford, 1 fourth for Mrs. Merle Gilbart, Orono. MARTIN ý- lin cherýished memory t my der i'feia who pasedawa OloberLi-26,i198'ý1. Thr't agîfr you caîmnor buy tht uster"rreanid [rue, lits the Gif fto nderful meoies ilke the ons ihave of youii Not dy diorgr ou Iiinmy hearr youi're awasnear As 1 i0 iovyOU, so 1 miss you Ajrdaw"tSns anoterye. Youri oving huisbanid(Clare and family. 24,a.c. MacDONLD Geridlne.Iov rin emory of a dear wife ,who passecd awayý October 25, 1983. Wec think of y\ou in! silence WVe offeet speak your naine Ail e have areimemnories and yo0ur picture in a fratre. Our hearrs stiili ache in sadniessý Our siienr rears srtil flow f'or what il mieant ro lose you No one wviII ever know. Forever loved and saciiy rissed by husband Raymond. 24, a. p. CAREER TRAINING 'FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how io train ai home ror 205 top paying fuit and partiimie jobs. Granton Insiîiue, 265 A Adelaîde Sreet West, Toronto. Cali (416) 977-3929 îoday. i/c EARN MONEY! Save Moncy! Learn Ïncome Tax preparalion ai home. F'or Free brochure. wrîîc U & R Tax Schools, 207-1345 Pemnbina Hwy., Wînniipcg,,Maii. BJT 2B6. i/c EARN EXTRA INCOME. Learn Io prepare Income Tax Rcîuîîus 64 correspondence. Local franchise available. For dcuails wrie, Tax lime Services Lrmîîd, 1304 Speers Rd., Oakvillc, Ornario t 6L 2X4. SAL.ES HEIP WANTEI) Alieiiouu: DIRECT MARKETERS, We are lookîng for expcrieiicd pepl ormoir esîablished Marketinug sysicin wliic i s des.igiierl specifial- 1y ror Yeu. Dn'i dcny yourslf ihe Opporîunîîy. Ibis alICariadiaii Co)rmoaýî,on i> ookinuu toi vour expertise, boih ithe field aid ('or- porlare ManlagýIemul level. Foi ajpi. caîl Bille Maple Producîs inT.,(1I6) 673-0747, 9 Io 5. LIVEýST'OCIO SALE KAWARIHA JERSEY l'roduction Sale- Saîîrday Oct. 27, I p.m. Wilson Sales Arena, U OrdgGntario. Approx. 35 Fresb Spriugiiig Jersey Cows, lisicd. Jobîî Joynî Auciioneer (6l3) 283-4730. 1l/c AUCTION SALE Ontario Largesi l-arm Machinery Consîgmueni Sale, Norwicbh,(Ou- tarin. Frîday, Noscînber 9, 1984 10 am. (Sales ToiducTied second Frîday cach monîh), Approx. 15b-175 iraciors plus ail types., ffari equîpiîîeni. Consîgnmenîs welome. For more information cail (519) 424-9998 or (519) 4249093. Propriciors R.S. Hamulecki & Sons. AUCIION SALE: I arge rclarance and coîîsîgîîmenî auciioii ai Waynie Ward Farm EFquîprmenî. Hwy. No. 6, Warîon, Ontion Frday, Ociober 26, 10 a.m. prx 65 raciors, Crawler, Combines, plus a largesaîîyo l a nd us'fcd !!11J,1 ar m equipment. Sales bld iourîh Fridav of rach uib. Fo111r moe îîoraîoncail (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980. tine oriar Lls,,sisi roii2g monîbly farm equiprnenu consggumeni auclpus.Wayn1 War 1Far Eqipmenî. Hwy. No. 6, Wiarion, Ou- Lario. ORSALE S SUPER PRICE s $ 3 Qoscluildfings available NOW, ai iieiien- dons s ajingsiriicd qunlîie. aniulaci urers uscvrruîîs. No reasnabe uffe reîîsd. uyes o l au(416) 486 5149. Esi.22 MARY MORE COO BOORlilpriniing, hardcover. Oser ,100 teiecrepe 10ppad lrom Marianne Moore Pis, R.R_ 1, touni hardy, Oiarîo ROC, IlO. (Papýrs Nie Cokbook O.K.) n/T, FOR SALE STEEL BUILDINGS. Direct Faciory Clea4rance, Up o 41)perreiii dis' conis. Wîdihs 30' 10 120' any leîîguh. t îiciid quiiiies. ACTI Nuw SAVE Calbtoiree 1-8()-461-7689. College workload (>rmio Weckl>1i mies, Weolnesday, (>Éober 241, 1984-9 Travel u-assistance for below prov. averagewoe'scfene Durham Coliege, in the in- rees of ils sUudenîsý, is c:arry- ing on operarions 10 oihe best of ifs abiiry. The Coliege is heiping studenîs tb rake advanrage of Coliege ilabs, facilities and ciassrooms for seif-srudy, and, for compietion of oursranding assignmenrs. Srudents services are expand- ed bo assist students in mak- ing the hest use of their lime. The Coliege-notes Ihar the 24, a. p. slriking t'acuiry bas expressed a concern in the sudenr's welfare, and the qualiiy of unce the education. We regret thatz in iday, Oc- the face of this dctaraion -st grand- many sîudents arceexperienc- E3.C. and ing long dela's in crossing the 24, . c. picker iiîe 10 rake advanrage 24,ac 0fColtge aciltiies. ,In regard b Ithe Union con- cern expressed on nui wok d, beCotee as released saiîc hc refuie Uion a;im For the 1983/84 school year, 330'oof'the Ieacing sraff of Durham C(-ollege compieed anonymouns, ran- dom surveysfibich we\ re sent in seaied envelopes 10 the Employee/Empoyer Rela rions Comiîrette, a Joint commiune of OPSEUJ members and Iheminisrry of Coileges and UJniver-siies. Forib tis, [ibe foliowing data wNere reporred for tcecing workloads ai Durbham Col- lege: the aver-age numbher of' teaching h1,ours per wýek ws 20.61; the a\,erage numnber of bours per week ini prepara- tion was 10.34; rhe av erage number of hours per wNeek in evaiual ion was 6.32; the average number of other assigned hours was 1.60. Thlis made for a weekiy workioad roral of 38.87 hours. The average assigned numiber of weeks raughr per year w\as 33.7. The averagle lar.gesr reported ciass size was 46.89 studenîs, and the average smaIiesr ciass size reporîed was 20.68 srudenrs. [rom rhe Coiiege's own sratistics, the foliowing data are reported for the i1984/85 year: the average 'ctass size was 23.3 (dlown from 240 lasi yýear); [rhe ý siudent leor.tlcr ratiio a54' 16.8 (down firon 1 17.3' ta, year); and theaerge innal reacbing hours wýere ,665-. {up from 658lar ea) The Colýllegempasie aeaeof 38.87 hours per weeck. This ix helow ih(2e cur renr average îeaching iload (of 40.9 lhours a week for alilCol- leges. IlilJ ould eored, ihiar the in rbis arbitration i"aardof 1975 wh c sel ie present workioad lform1ula was aimi- ing for a total workload of'40 husa vweek for rhie reachersý. Thie Counicil of Regenrts of'- f'er is w miainîtain-îthe current %workIoad. HOCKEY JAC KEtSSI$6 u.Jres$Io Up. Buy dirci irnithe laciorv and saxe! Peîer U pioiî lacel \Wmrks.otI lie 1-8r()-(,61-6461 fors unr ifree cal atogu (UN BAR(AiNS -Saxe tir, o 401percci bY qihsciribiiig,. iu -The (,Linirunii i"Flic ('ajadian imuni hîs iîewspapci loi bhuviig, selling anid i adi ne moderni and antique I ircarilîls aiid accessuries. Subscripi 01: $15 pIm- eau lo: (iiuiîi Box 5651. I Clibridgc. Alla. TIJ 374. Saiiiple .ip S $1.31. Ioi'i delas gel on oui subscripi jil lisi i oda:. PRI 1511O( I niisciiisliu seiti .uncois esilsi iSI UIC I BOX. Aluiiiiiiiiîii conlstruction . PrOvcii grotind lesi ingu nit. 99.8 percentl coniirolled recove crsisi31/rce[ or' stîiic, Comiplceweîghî 28 pouiîds Flie "YUKON PINCH" rom "-Slîicc Box ('uv" 180-13425 King George Hwv. Siîriey B.(. V3T 2T8, Canîada. [INDI N(, THE RIGH r [HERAPIST -hook ilIiai sosa PaîlII lu: bccom i g a happy, licai I y,.,successfu1 personr. Frccdorn 11rom lu1î1e11îuess1 ncrsousiicss. deprcssiouii.1w Fraîl.k L. Polils,i M.ST.,M.d.Seîîd lu: Seal Pubhlic.ationîs tid., PO., Bu\ 3330, Fi'rdericiuii, N.B. E3A SI.S,id $6 iiîcltiding P/H. Iîîdicaic Naine, address, eîîy anîd p-usal Toe NAMIEIESS C HUR( Hl IN HOMEtl(TruîTih, TI) v Issus). [he Secret Seoi , Es Douglas HIucicîîParker uns iNls ilsrieiti luisrîry. Asailablc: Boiiksllcrs.Bu\ 1612, Richland. WA. 99352 $895 ppd US$. PERSONAI Ml-El sT _uiiMa. lu. toiaIl[ ages anîd uîîaî iaclîcd. Tboîîsaîîds u niîiibers auIxiTs lu îîeeî tu.Presiige Acquîainiiaiîcs. CaîlTo1I-1 re 1 (W BI D) , 1 1I1IN( -Uîîîîed Fiirentc bas, -r!e, -d ose 21i1 ti lîouid cs' Bedu cliinuc i rusi raies, emnbarrassesý, aIIl iriue ucakinsis jiool abîlîr îe4s,1ci otiiideniial iîorîaîoi oin I1 S1 Bus 3311 , ('ambridge, N 3H 4-13 siatinig age and lisîjue îîuîîber. REAtI1,ESIAIL IN((IMF[PROPERTiY 128.000, 13 Unîe prîeiiBîîdîî SDuiiinaî, Nurt i 1, îi plih eseseod sieadu intuî ,cprilT ae $22,0(K)du, i. JohnL L oi1 id. Reaioi 1-8001265-%1-0 ur1g1) 369-2414. (ARE FR TRAINING C ARL1ZR IN 1 RUCKIINCu, Drivm eirieded. Non s he ui me utrain loi s unr C lass 'A'. Foi iiii i cw oiiaci Mci v('rr, (oi 41(1 151-9073, Oiana 16I13 523-3489. lWAýNTED TO BUY OLD POSi t ARDS pmsiup To 1($5caci. Will ira-seJI rlîecle tioîîîs. \Wrii e or cilJi[]iiiniii, R. R.7, Brightui.on, ari ROR1I1H, Pli 613-475-1t>71 101R SAIE i ARMI RS: Spiaycd Urcîilieiic unsila-iuuîi. Quialii% wrîrk i Wsir Oiîîaî o prices. ('ciilied applicaicir.s. Experieiiced iiiagriculi îîral reliol il siîTc 1975. ('ail Warib hIîsîlatioîî. (61-1 267-6711; Box 460, Perili, Onti R7H 3(il. HOME ECONOMICS FOOTNOTE by Barbara Weesýe, R.O.S. Specialis t (Home Econ.) Assistance with the costs of travel and registration wiil be avail.abie for some of the rural women wishing 10- par- icipate in the Turning Point conférence. The Conference wiii be-heid November 16, 17, 18, 1984 at the Geneva Park Centre near drillia. The Con- ference is inrended 10 provide women who are leaders or potential leaders in the rural communiry wirh the skills necessary to esrabtisb and! mananseIf-lelpgrus asssrig eope or whomn dîaceisa dererenr to atten- dingjL Ibe Conf'erence. Limnited fudsae aiavailable for ubdin te Conference reiîaifee and for proý, viding cild care. To discuss travel, registration and chiid care subsidies, participants sh ou Id c ontact Betty Steph'ens, Conference Coor- dinaror, R. R. 5, 0,wecn Sound, Ontario N4K 5N7; telephone 1-519-371-4350 Support for the subsidy program bas been provided by theMinistry of Nortbern Affairs and the Secretary of State. For further information, please contact: Betty Stephens, by phoning 1-591-371-4350. Phonie 416-623-3393 Oronro cýail983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient servicwhen buying or selLing and for the largesî selection of propertie sin the area. 234.KING ST. EAST BARN STORAGE CARS e VANS e BOATS KENDAL AREA 983-55213 1(leave 1 miessage) PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS CITIZEN 0F THE YEAR The Council of the Town of Newcastle an- flou nced the creation of a Citizen of the Year Award. Nominations for this award may be submitted by any resident, organization, or committee in the Municipality. Council has established this award to cetebrate the Province of Ointarios Bicenten- niai and the Tenth 'Anniversary of our Municipality. This year, there wiIl be eleven (11) recipients of the aad one for each of the last ten years and one for 1984. The names of ail nom inees will be kept confiden- tial untîl fthe selection has been made and proclaimred by Council. Current Memnbers of Council, Municipal Employ(ees, and members of their famniies Residents of the Town of Newcastle are re- quested to submit the namnes of nominees in wrîting and provide a short hiistory of the nominees' contributions to the fle of the comnmunity. Ail submissions are to be forwarded tç the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle, and should be clearly marked, "Citizen of the Year Award." Nominations wiII accepted until November 9th, 1984 David VW. Qakes. B.A.,A.M C.T. Town Cierk Town of Newcastle 40 Temnperance Street Bowmanville, On-tario LiC 3A6 Date of Publication: File1022 October 24th, 1984 PO. No. A0336 1%.e JK im AL nw AL JE, Ne ý%e 'In-e J& JUL AL que JK libor JIL JK Iveo nbe

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