Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1984, p. 5

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SPORTS' Orono EOO.B.A., Bantams Are Ail-Ontarjo Finaiists On iiSaturdav, Or on o uravelled o Flescberton to complete their Ontario Basebaîl Cbampionsbip tour niament. Game i Fesbro7- Orono 4 Scott McCu-tltougb pitchcd a trong game in a losing et- fort. Flesccerîon scored three runs in the top of the scventh îo break a 4-4 tie and defeat Orono 7-4. Hitters for Orono were Mike Lane (2), Dxigbt Collinson. Scott Me- Culoughi, Sbassn Bailey, Dav ey Baiîeyý and Randy Reid with one bit eacb. Gamne 2 - Orono Il Fleseberton 2 Orono batsý come alive tfor 12 bitsý, the big blow being.a îhree-run bomer by Sbawn Bailey. Raridy Rcid piîcbcd f'isc nnng xitb Mike t ancl coming in it0 preserve the sic- toryv. Hitters in Ibis gamne were Steve Lvcett, Sbassn Bailey, Scott McCultough and Dwigbt Collinson witlb two eacb. Mîke Lane, Brad Rober'ts,' Randy Reid and Willie McGarvey ssitb one cacb. Tbis s icboi yctminatcd Flescbcrîon from tbe tourna- ment and advanccd Orono n Ontario Basebaît Association Cbampionsbip gamne against Wyo ming. Game 3- Wyomning 9 - Orono 2 Wyoming came up witb a srong pitcbing and ielding efforito10 old Orono 10 only tbree bits. Tbe tbree bits were ,(cteîd hy Sbassn iBaitcv, Scolt McCutllotigtî and Ranidy Reid. Tbe Orono tcýam i s to be congIraftacd flor a fine cf- fort tbruoinuî tbe season and duing p Jlay-ot I's to beLomne Al Onîario finatists. At tbis imie, tbe teani would like 10 îbaîîk tbe parents and fans tor tbeir support dUring tbe year and tbe tolowing sponsors: Cor- nisb's Red & Wbite, Arm- strong,'s IGA, Russ Major Pitumlbingc, Mercer SeI Pisani Construction, Hamiltion Insurance, D.P. Cartage, Jensen Nurseries, Ktrby Store, Cbatterton Elec- tric, ýMackie & Reid and Waltace Auto Supply. (> N cvL4 e l imes. Spene 12, 1984-5 Orono Atom Soâ-ccer i drop final championship to Tyrone ihis ki,,a good news -bad ncws tovv. The good ncs [[,,ilOrono AtomI reace t11( final of their soccer chlami pionship by dfeating ar chrivl Ncwasîleina tililer on Wdnesay veninig. !The bad nCws Newe sha > sae lfor zlatet! Insî[Cad, lCt's sav\ourl th nmrv\cllus ictory\ overi Newcasîlec. At te .end of(q regulat ion time tire core was 1-1 with Scott McAlisteur rnet- ting the lone Orono goal. Craig Nem)is, Jimi Parîner, /Dan Walîers, Laubam s, and Scott Williams ,were outstanding in our end of the field and G"reg Hooper pulled off miracles in goal. lin the overtime each one of ouri players dug down decply îo figbt off the potent Nevcastle offence. Special mention should go to Tim HaIlow\elI, Grant Tompkinsý, Todd Graves,' Jodi Faulkner, Somt Hartwig, and Ryan Rock for their efforts at halfback and fullback positions. Despite their lack of size, Scoît Hen- tig, Stephcn Stad[eln, and Sllie N ow'\a k 1threw' theiseýIU lvesatNewýcastle defendersý. Our îieam w\as rewýarded in] the shootou wh1en thuhe ig boso C r a ig Nem 11i, Camerlon Eteand Scot W\jlihims ç'ombined \wîîh the goaltending ofj Greg "nerves of stCecI" Hooper, broughî us the bard Lcarnved victury. Noý, [ibe bad news! We did lose the final to Tyrone 4-1, but the news can neyer be conisidered terribly bad wheni a good effort is put out, and wýe did tose to a better teami in iIis case. Most ofour playýerýshsould be proud of their effort in tbis game and during the season. A team that plays tougb at al l imes can never be a loser and players sucb as James "Tiger" Partner Jr. are an exKampte for everyoLne of determi-ination and dedica- lion. Our îeam had players wiîb ibosýe qualities at al positionsý, so the coaches and parcnts are 'proud of aIl of them.ý 1The c LoaIches, Neit McLl,\Iister anid Dwigbt Esler, wotd clike tu0 îbank Lthe îeamn membnfers "for the memories" suich as L-aura's play against Orono 1l, Greg's goaltending rin overtime, Craig and Scott WV. af centre futlback, and ScottM.A' many goals. Also, Grant tackling an outsized oplponeont, Dan's> top) corner goal, and Ryan's two goal ef- forts come to mi. Obvious- ly,, the lisi woôld be endtess and' Roy Forrester woutd start charging for newspaper space if I continued. Suffice to saytIbat ail team members made an important contribu- tion. The coaches would also like to tbank tbe parents for their support tbroughout tbe year and for tbe wonderful gifts ai the finale. Mr. Graves is obviously a man of many talents. -M 'P' Kenlidal PeeWees wrin Opntomist it Kendlal Peeý Wee Kendali16, \Welcome 3 Hits: Brad M,(Cimmion Jaýon (CarroîA ,MarpiJnc Mark Stukel Troy Warren Brad lFoster Blain Soucb Kendal 20, Port Hope Police Brad \lcC(rimmnon 2 its Jarmie Swrdsfiger 2 bits Marty oe\ 2bt Kendail 4, Port Hope Wat- son's Drugs 3 Keîi 1 îailcd 3-() in tbe last iiîi h 2 oui and scorcd 3 rins on 4 sîraigbt bits 10 tic and scored in extra innings to j Win. Kendalwins ship going unefea-tCCdwinning toulrnie ,fial oserW isnsDrrîgs 12-t. Tcam Players: Brian Rodd Jamie Ssscîdst'iger Sbassn Sawss'r Rod Maber Blaiîi Sotubb Jasoni Caiioit Marty Joucs Brad MLCrînlmon Brad Lambcrt Mark Situkel Wade Puk Stee cnEasion Troy Warren Brad Foster Dssayne Souch Mike Pearce Tresor oci Cu)aChLes Jerry Tbompsonl Brian Foster Tbanks to Untipirc Kirk Woodward IF YOU DON'T REMEMBER YOU MY NEYERFORGE T. NHSF W-Inn"ers of 3-Pitch tournament N.H.F-.S. 22, Port Hope 1 Jim & Belti Siaccy N. H. F.S. 1l, Por tHope- 2 Bilf & Cathy Robinsonl N.H.F.S. 11I, kendal 8 Dontig & Dorothy Walkcr N.H.F-.S .- 3 ý,Llwdy - 2 Doug & Artene Mercer North Hope Farm Supplies B3uian & Shirley Foster wvin "A" Championship fhautks to Kendal tor ceccî Teami Memiibers: ing us in thl inal wit h thelie ho Bob & 1D isF Ister -rerc ssa Blrecak danc]îmî%%e and Air Band Fbic Brealk Dans.c and Air Band coîeioshold on1 Thursday ' Cv1nng aI [lie (r)o, 1ait a 1t1rac d teenagers front tbic arc largeL flMumbers and beld1 tbctr (il Ille fiw firitcc tîi li Rsus of tb1 bekdncn c( fntestIurdySptm 6, 1I984. winners $30.X)0 - 2nd .JK. Breakers Jef t Martin, Kcs n Munmford $]().(0 - 3rd Chris Vant Haseribeke .Judgcs -lite Body Rockcr, tron i by Air liand -'7 bands cntercd $50(.x) - tsi Salem -1)anns Colvin, Eric Drcshlinski, Briaîî (zool, Bob i clstcad, Joc NaLy. DcPck Muniford $30 (X) - 2nd Ratler- Scoir Mc:Nahbb. odd Pcerc:k, Audlcy beC osta, Rob Iry l'cel BiLlbU Judgcs - .ln XVic, îdge, Barb Swan, ('ontln i >nk Tlhere are soine very goî>d reasons t() stop for stationary school buses. Such as the penalties for îiot stopping, whicti could include six dernerit points, fines up to -$J,000 and even imprisonmient. -And this year, there's sornething new, to watch for. Chrome yell<)w schîtol buses tan t)e used for passengers under 18 to or from any even t-day or night. D)rivers will activate their flaslîing red lights and stol)armis when their J)assengers get on or off thle bus. But the ino<)t imp<)r-Ë tant reason of ail is simply this: Your mistake could cost a child's i e. And that kînd of mis- take is neyer orot èn. So remiember, drivers going in both directions nist stop for a school bus ývith its red lighits flashing aid stop arm extended. Driývers approaching from I .~.behind must stop at least 20 mtres(about six car Iengths) behind the bus. So be extra careful at ail times. Keep an eye out for flashing lightsand stop armns on school buses. Pllease, don't take a chance with the life of a child! CAN YOU AFFORD M0 FORGET?7 Ministry of Transportation and Communications ®ODntario James Snow, Minister William Davis, Premier JO ýi, , 1, 11111 ý 1 M M44h,

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