Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1984, p. 8

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8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 27, 1984 Individual, winners ai C/arke Track and Field Volunteer workers assist at Me morial Mrs. Joan Fruin, president of. the Memnorial Hospital Auxilia ry, in a closing state- ment in the Auxiliary report stated "Volunteering i s shar- ing - sharing ourselves and our lime - two of the mosi. precieus commodities 'in this world today.'- The president referred te a Statistics Canada survey, covering varions dimensions of regisîe red charities and volunteer activities in Canada which showed three million people spend several heurs ,a week in a variety of organ ized volunteer areas. "Your H-ospital Aux- iliary," she said, "has an) active membership of 59 whe gave 4,149 heurs of "in ser- vice" in continuing care, Wei iyeel cy, i actui e clinic, health records,IIý medcical and surgery, phar- mracy, X-Ray and lasi sum- mer kepi 20 teen volunteers bus.y te a total of 1,232 Mirs. Fruin aise reported t lai the Auxiliary had presented a cheque in the amounit of $20- '000 te the Memorial Hospital Founda- tion andi has pledged-a fur- thier $5,000 a year for the Foundiation for the period of Hospital rebuilding. The A uxiliary raised $16,391.37 during the past with the "New te You" thrift shop binging in the major portion of these funds. The Auxiliary meets thie first Friday of the month from September to June. The above are the ii and lield mci held ai Clarkc Grcg Leach, Tracy Conners, Kailîlek2n Minnis and L e dividual winners ,ai ihie High School r ecently. Krisieîî Hamel, (Froni row) Annî Karis. Clarke Public School irack (Back roý) Jimmy ]art ner, Tyler Adey, Shawn- Harý-ly, F1rom the Dim and Distant'Past JUNE 27,19-57 by Chris Hooper On Tuesday evening, the local Brownrie pack had an enroliment cceemony. Con- nie Flynn was enrolled while service stars were presented to Judy Vagg, Mary Lynn Bailey, Jean Tamblyn, Marie Hooey,,, Mary Ellen TIolmie, Linda Tyr rell, Carol Gilbank, Cheryl Cooper, Anne Gilbanlk, Faye Nicholson, Brenda Mitchell, Gaye Hinfon,,Catbryn Hooey, Troy Taggart, Carol Vagg and Barbara keast. The foltowing students from Orono fook part in a piano recital held in the Lion's Community Cent 're, Bowmnanville. Gamney Lycett, Margie Taggart, Janice Rutherford, Sharon Allun, Troy Taggart, Ian McKenzie, Julie Hawke, Malcolm McKenize, Jean Carscadden, Joan Allun and Marilyn Cob- bledick. The recital was given by pupils of Mrs. W.E.C. Workman. Results for the 1956-57 school year are announced by the Orono High School. Forty-four students passed without condition and 12 were promoted with honors. The twelve with honor stan- dings are: Paul Rutherford, Paul McMaiçkin, Kathleen Geach, Lisa Aalbers, Cor- nelis Maartense, Marlene Graham, Jean Alldread,' William Tamblyn, Connie Tyreil, Peter Maartense, Norman Rickaby and Grace Webb. Bursary plan pro vides assistance Durham College has been allocated $65,000 in Ontario Special Bursary Funds for the 1984/85 year. Eligible students may receive bursary assistance f0 cover tuition, transportation, books and supplies, and babysitting.ex- penses. The Ontario Bursary Plan (O.S.B.P.) was established to provide financial assistance for students who are eifher pursuing post-secondary studies on a part-time hasis or takîng approved upgradîng couirses on a fuli or part-time basis. The maximum assistance allowed is $1200 per academic year. Students would noirmal1y be eligible for bursary assistance if they are a Cana- dian citizen or permanent resident and have resided in Ontario for the twelve mon- ths prior to the month which~ clasres begin, and if they are receiving Social Assistance, or are unemployed with dependants or have a very low family income. Durham College has always given priority to pro- spective students receiving sorte government assistance with their cost of living, and will endeavor to continue this practice. OUTDOOR SWUMMING POOLS, OPEN JUNE 30, 1984 PLEASURE SWIM SCHEDULE ORONO PARK POOL (open June 30, 1984 - closing September 3, 1984) Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday and Friday 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 12 noon - 5 p.m. 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. NEWCASTLE LIONS POOL (open June 30, 1984 - September 3, 1984> 3, 1984) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Wednesday and Friday 2 p.m. - 5p.m. Saturday, Sunday and Holidays FEES for Orono and Newcastle Only 6 p.m. 8 p.m. 12 noon - 5 p.m. 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. - Public Swimming $ 1.25 -Season Pass (Single) $27.50 *Season Pass (Family) $55.00 NEWCASTLE FITNESS. CENTRE PUBLIC SWJMMING (effective July 3,1984 t o Septe.mber 2, 1984) Early Bird Swim Tue sday & Thursday 17:00 a. m. - 8:30 a. m. Adit Swim Monday f0 Friday (inclusive>) 11:45 a.m., 1: 15 p. m. Tues., Thurs., Sat., & Sun. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Public Swim Monday f0 Thursday (inclusive), 3:30 p. m. - 5:30 p. m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:,00 p. m. - 9:00 p. m. Saturday 1:00Op.m. - 3:00Op.m. Sunday 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Family Swim Saturday 4:00 p. m. - 5:30 p. m. Sunday 1:00 p.m..- 2:30 p.'M. Over 50's Fridays 3:30 p. m. - 4:30 p.m'. FEES: Aduit ...................... ......... $1.25 or 10 tickets for 10.00 Youth (3 - 18 years ). ............... »$1.00 or 10 tickets for 8.00 Infants ( 3 years and younger) ................................ NIL Senior Citizens........................ $ .75 or 10 tickets for 6.00 Family Swim ......... .................. $2.00 or 10 tickets for 16.00- Sauna & Whirlpoot Aduits OnIy .......... $1.25 or 10 tickets for 10.00 Senior Citizens........ $ .75 or 10 tickets for 6.00 Orono Weekly Times Printing Cali 983-5301 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education SALE 0F SCHOOL PROPERTY BY TENDER The following closed school property is being of- fered for sale by public tender: 1) Courtice Highway IPublic Sohool (Exclusive of Shed) Part Lot 30, Concession 2 Formner Township of Darlington Town of Newcastle Regional Municipality of Durhamr Conditions of Sale: i> Deposit of 100/o by certified cheque, payable to The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of E-ducation, to accompany tender. ii) Successful bidder must arrangeto pay balance in cash wvithin 60 days of tender closing. iii) For inspection appoitnment caîl Mr. Fred Pascoe, Maintenance Foremnan, between the heurs of 8:00 arn. to 9:30 a.m. or 300 p.m. te 4:30 p.mi. - (416) 623-2255. iv) General information regarding the property can be obtained by centacting IHie Business Adminîstrator and Treasuirer at (416) 372-6871: s y) The Board reserves tthe rîghlte reject any or ail tenders. vi) Sealed tend~ers, clearly rnarked as Io con- tents, will be received by th e Business Ad- ministrater and Treasurer, ai the Board Of- fice, 834 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, On- taýri,,. until 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 10 July 1984. Date (! t Pubication: June 27, 1984 Purchase Order No. 01907 ............

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