4- Orona Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 23, 1984 In recognition of Clarke Co-c Miss Susan Erkhiart with the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion outdoor education cen- tre Iocated west of Orono along the Wilmot Creek receives a diploma from her Clarke Co-op student, Teresa Rosamond, at the annual Awards and Appreciation Day held for employees assisting with the Clarke Co- op program. Miss Rosainond assist with the program at the outdoor centre. Junior Agriculturalist pro gram '84 The Junior Agriculturalist Program is, again offering youths with a non-farmn background the opportunity to live and learn in rural On- tario for the period of June 25 to August 24. The Programi is run by the Ontario Minist ry of Agriculture and Food and has been in operation since 1971. The basic aims of the Junior Agriculturalist Pro- gram are to offer youths 16 to 18 years of age practical farmi knowledge, and to develop within the youths an ap- preciation of agriculture and rural life. The programn also serves the Ontario farmner by providing a subsidized labour source. Students are paid a training allowance of eigh- teen dollars a day of which the host farmner pays eight dollars a day. Around 200 urban youths will be working and iv'ing on farms province-wide in con- junction with the Junior Agriculturalist Programi. For more information n the Programn, contact Bob Davis, your area Co- ordinator, at the .inidsay> Agricultural Office. DurhamEast Choose a Lawn-Boy Special with quality performance and standard Lawn-Boy built-to-last features: RiOLPH wemade ouruame ta har&ware Main St., Orono Phone 983-5207 IAWN-BGY Asti me goçS by you ,t1 know why. bJoel Baggr-N Farm Management Specialist Farm Women Conference: A conference for Farmi Womnen, sponisored by thie Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, will be hield Thursday, June 2lst, at the Constella- tion Hotel in Toronto. This conference, recently an- nounced by -Minister Dennis Timbreli, has the goal of stregtheingfamily farm partnerships and improving the status of women in agriculture. The conference was one of 30 recomnimen dations in a study recently released entitl- ed, "Women in Rural Life - The Changing Scene". The report documents how rural women are attempting to re- tain the values and advan- tages of traditional farmi life, while at the same time, trying to cope with unprecedented social, technological and economnic challenges and op- portunities. In marked con- trast to the idyllic, carefree existence many urbanites associate with farm life, the study shows many of the frustrations and stresses of rural life today. Copies of the study can be obtained from Communications Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food,- Legislative Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto, On- tario M7A IA5. Brooklin Spring Fair: The Brooklin Spring Fair will be hield June 1, 2 and 3rd. This agricultural fair has classes for dairy, beef, goats, sheep, horses, rabbits, hay and grain. Anyone interested in enteringý can contact Jack Woodward, Secretary at 655-4525. Area 4-H mnemrbers will be part icipating in the Dairy 4-H Interclub Show on Saturday, June 2nd and the Beef 4-H Interclub on Sunday, June 3rd. This is a good opportunity to get out early in the year and show your stuff?'? Hay and Haylage Analysis: It may be hard to believe with the cool weather we have had recently, but hay season is ap- proaching. Hay and haylage can be quite variable in pro- tein and minerai content, and, therefore, should be analyzed to ensure a properly balanced ration, which will resuit in greater growth and production and fewer health problems. Feed analysis results can also point out strength and weaknesses in hay- and haylage production and storage.. For a represen- tative sample, forages should be sampled as they are harvested. Information sheets and sample kits to do this are available at the On- tario Ministry of Agriculture and Food office. Dry mnatter, crude protein, Ca, P, Mg and K analysis of a forage sample costs $17. The dairy and beef ration formulation service costs $45 for the first ration and $20 for additional ration during the feed year (June 1 to May 31). Feed~ analysis and ration formulation has proven itself to be a good investmrent whichi pays for itself miany timies over. Plan to samiple and analyze your hiay and haylage this year and balance your ration accordingly. P.UBLIC NOTICE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW -1 Pursuant to Section 34(12> of the Planning Act and in accordance with Regulation 404/83, notice of a Public Meeting in respect of By-law 84-63 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is hereby given. By-law 84-63 is a Comprehensive Zoring By- law for the Town of Newcastle regu!atirîg the use of land and buildings within the To~wn. By-law 84-63 wiIl be published, in its entirety, as a supplement to, the Newcastle Independent and the Canadian Statesman on May 30, 1984. Copies of By-law 84-63 may also be obtained f romn the Office of the Clerk, Town Hall, 40 Temperancé Street, Bowmanville, or f rom the Planning Department, Scugog Street, Hampton, on or after the above mentioned date. Public Information sessions have been scheduled, as noted below, to afford members of the public an opportunity to ask questions or express con- cerns in respect of By-law 84-63. Tuesday, June 5, 1984 9-12 a.m. & 1-4 p.m Newcastle Village Community Hall King Street, Newcastle Vilage 'Wednesday, June 6, 1984 9-12 a.m. & 1-4 p.m. C-ourtroom #2, Bowmanville Courthouse, 132 Church Street Thursday, June 7, 1984 9-12 a.m. & 1-4 p.m. >Courtroom #2, Bowmanville Courthouse, 132 Church Street Friday, June 8, 1984 9-12 a.m. & 1-4 p.m. Hampton Community Hall Scugog Street, Hampton These information sessions will be informai and are intended to permit dialogue between Town staff and members of the public. The Public Meeting required pursuant f0 Section 34(12) of the Planning Act will be held as follows: TIME: 7:00 P. M. PLACE: Courtroom #1 Bowmanville Courthouse 132 Church Street, Bowmanville DATE: Monday, July 3, 1984 This meeting shahl be open f0 the public and any person who attends shal-l be afforded an oppor- tunity to make representation in respect of the proposed by-law. T.T. Edwards, M.C.l.P. Director of Planning Planning Department HAMPTON, Ontario. Date of Publication: May 23 & 30/84 Purchase Order No. A0660 Sale of BOX PLANTS to help you with your garden preparations The Apple Blossomi Shop Main Simet Orono Phone 983-5291 I 130Y