Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 29 Feb 1984, p. 5

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Celebrate Lord Baden Powell's birthday Oronu Weekly Times, Wednesday, Februaiy 29, 1984.5 Speedier long distance cali-Bei ORONO - Fast new equip- ment costing Bell Canada over 2 million, dollars wî ýll go into operat ion hiere in Juine of 1984 Io nmccl increcasing de- mand f'or operator--asýsistedi lotng distance calling. To celebrate Lord Baden P'oweli's birthday the lst Kir- by Cubs and Beavers held a Scouter's Birthday Party. [n- ciuded in tue evning's events was th'e investment of Cub Glenn Harris and Keeo Mark Walker. Keeo then had the honour of presenting a ban- ner which the Cubs had made to Km ýScott Lee of the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen as a sincere thank-you for their sponsorship for the past six years. Pictured above are left to right - Glenn Harris, Mark Walker and Scott Lee. Tyke Team 2 (From pagýe 4) some excellent moves when the occasi*on arose. 1ron beat St. Jamies 9-i mecaninig weý wouýtld lbe Loing-,for the ChampionshipRon if we couid def'eat our next op- ponents, Newýcastie Tykes,. Aaron Stapies got a hat trick and onec assisttin this gaine making hjimthe NMVP of thlegamne. Brian Good and Ben Deremno each scored sige.Paul Woods got too more assists and Jamie Os- mond and Jeff Hughes eachi got an assist. Chad "Thec Puck Stops Here" wýas our neliminder and only let in two, giving us our second \.in of the day. The boys hiad played wecll ukp to this point in the day but the superlative hockeyv of the What a day! 34-O over thiree gamecs! 'Thle boys Out did thcmselves. Thir fïis victims weýre Bewýdley vwho went down 17-O. its imposs- ble to report a!]ithe scoing plays 50 ow cmabout the scorers. Daryl Reid \%as votcd mnost valuable player on ac- couant of his sev en goals. Next wýas Michael Drsink ith five, Henry Kaldew\ay wUih twýo, Jamie Sh)2teir, Michaecl Landers and a Bewdley player Y Ailwh one cach. Each and ceeryplayer ,co red assists-and See Sargent on- ly had one sv shis defenice blocked Bewýdle's scoring ef- Next opponent was Havelock who proved to be stoge hani Bcxvdley but sifli lost out 5-O, It would ha-e been about 10-O except or excellent goaltending bsý Championship Game was on- ly out donie by the good sportsmanship demonstrated. When PeterboroAil-Saintis came out on the ice they resembled a football teamn in structure, but our Tykes were flot iintidated by there stance Or ability. The first period saw Ben] Deremio unassisted, score the only goal of the period with hlmi anid his teammrates domninating the play. The se- co nd period saw Ail-Saints take the lead 2-1. When the going gets tough, the toughi get going. Chad Maartense, assisted by Brian Good scored the eqlualiz.er by sipp- ing one in thie corner arouind the back of the net, leaving the opposing goalie ini a trance. Ben Deremno unassisted for Mike Buchanan. Brandon Meadows scored in the first minute but then young Mike stonewaled us, tili the last inutiie. Henry, Kaideway scored, assisted by Brandon and Mike Dreslinski. Mike theni opened up the second period with a quick goal, set up by Andrew' Burton and Drew, Hansen.cn Henry got his Second, assýisted by Gireg Knox and Mark Foster.- Daryl Reid got the last goal in the third period from a pass by Michael Landers who was sent in on a fine play by Jamie Shletler. Little Steven h-ad his second shutout of the day and again received strong support from the defenise. Henry was selected nmost valabe laer for- a good towyper formanlce. On to [the final! We were concerned about t Il c the second time, put Uronio ahead of Ail-Sainits once more. Ail-Saints ie Jickies" howver came back determined and(, scorcd two( in a row to close ouit thle gamle with a ictory over Or1ooof 4-3. Beni Dermeco woiln MVP of thle game. Bryan "Ralph"I Haines piayed a super g ame in net taking two hard knocks into the back of the net by the opposition. The boys demonstrated the highest calibre of team effort of their youing careers. They ail skated and played with the best and gave 110% of thiemselv'es. They have a lot to bc proud of. Congratulations once again to theý 3 MVP Trophy* winniers, Brian Good, Aaron Staplcs and Ben Deremo.c) Mîlbrook entry as t1here were a fewv players that weren't on, the teamn during the season, but 45 minutes after the gamne began the scoreboard record- ed Orono 12, Millbrook O! Our fecars were for naught as the boys were not to be stali- ed on this day. Jamnie Shetier openIed up the Scoring, assisted by Daryl Reid and Michael Landers. Daryl thlen screite first of four, hich was set lup by Greg nx Michael Dreslinski kept the fansgoig wen h scredthe firs't of his thiree, assisted hy, Henry Kaldewýay and Andrew Burton. Daryl closed out the first period wýi th ianr unassisted effort. Brandon Meadows was next, assisted by bis linemnates Michael Dresiinski and Henry. Daryl again Unassisted. Michael D. again, this timne helped along by Brandon and Drew% Hansen. Hienry scored to close out the second pieriod. Although thle boys were up by eighit they didn't Stop) skating and goals kept comn- ing-. Daryl scored in the lfirst minute of the third period, assisted by Michael Lanciers. Daryl returned Ilhe favour just twýo minutes later, also assisted by Mark Foster. Michael D. g-ot his third on,,a pass froin Henry and then the other Michael (Landers) clos- ed the gamne off when hie rushied fromi his owvn end to score unassisted. A tremendous day for the team. The boys played the best hockey that they have played ail season. Fromn littie Steven in goals, thiroughi the defence and through aIl for- wards, nio one put a foot wrong ail day\. Many thanks must go to coaches Meadows, Knox and] Sargýlent. As well, congLratuLila ti oniis10 the Baltimiore organizers for a well-run t ourncy and for pro- viding eachi player wýith a champ ioniship trophy. 'There was many a proud Tyke Car- rying his trophy ftoro the arena, too tired to carry is hag, but no way was hie mving up his trophy! Ormna Lytîle, Bel's setion mngrhere, ,aid the new, equipmnenl wîll allow phone users to diai their own persýon-to-person, collect, biliing catis wt reduced assistance fromn the operator. it wiii also enable Customners in mnost locations to dial thieir own overseas calîs to miany foreign countries. The newv systemi, designied by Bell- Nort herni Researchi in Ottawa,,, is in uise in Toronto, Ottawa, King!stonl, Newmnarket and inany othier locations. instead of havîng the operator place the cali, the niew system ailows the calier te, dial the numnber. While the calI, the operator wýilI ar- automnated equipmnent routes range the miilmg or person-to- person details. Detailed publicity plans are being developed to sinooth the transition to Customecr. dialing of overseas, and domnestic operator-assisted calls. Orono Junior Gardeners On February 8th the Orono Junior Gardeners mne! for the first mieeting of the year. T hey mnade mobiles and cards for Valentine's Day. The Junior Gardeners had two newcomners, Caria Werry and Tammyi Morrison. New miembers are wvelcomne to join the second Wedniesday of ever y month. The niext meeting is March l4th. <OFIL> CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE OPEN 4PM to 8PM February 29 for your RSP contributions Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ORONO BRANCH CONTRIBUTION DEA DLINE FEBRUA R Y29, 1984 L Annual Meeting Family and Children 's Services of Durham Region Thursday, March 8 1984 ai 8:00 p.m. Ajax Council Chambers 65 Harwoocl South AJAY, ONTARIO Panel Discussion on Adoption Disclosure: Whose Rights Come- First TOmNIGHT Orono Tyke 1 team champions of 'Baltimore tournament

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