Thse Orono Town Hall and a cast of extras from thse communitv will bit tise big times mid February Political rally to return to To The Orono Townm Hall dating back to 1898 bas often) been the scene of politîcal rallies of one nature or another. Tle hall whîch has been untouched tbrougbi the years has now been chosen as the locat ion for a political rally in the mnovie, "'The Dead Zone". On Tuesday of' this week Riokard recipient Order of Canada Mayor Garnet Rickard of the Town of Newcastle will be among 63 Canadians ap- pointed to the Order of Canada by Governor-Genieral Bd Sclreyer tiis coming spr- ing. Rickard, 67, has said be is both surprised and pleascd wth thse announcemnent to be naxned to thse Order of Canada for his conti-bution to bis community and to agriculture in general. Mayor Rickard bas been prominent i municipal af- fairs since 1940 bolding posi- tions witis the Darlington Scisool Board, Darlingtoa manicipal council, as Warden when Di*no Da Laurentiis Productions take three Hall M. Mote met witb members of the production staff ai the hall arranging final details in Preparation for fîlming in Fe-bruary. of the United Counties of Northumberlnnd and Durbamu, as a Mayor of the Town of Newcastle since its inception in 1974. Rickard bas also gained prominence in, agriculture days to film a political raI- ly for a movie cntitied "The Dead Zone." The contract has been signed between the Orono Hall Board and the pro- duction firut for tise use of thse Orono Town Hall for fllming February 14, 15 and l6th. A wecks lead- time has also been arrang- cd with thse filminîg coin- pany to make prepara- tdons for thse shooting. In speaking witb AI Mote, chairmnan of tise Oronio Town Hall Board he points out that tise isall's architecture lisas been choosen fromn a list of mnany and docs resem- ble an carly Ainerican The Town of'Newcastle Thursday morning at a special session of couincil gave approval to award a gar- bag e collection contract for Orono, Orono Estates and Newcastle, to Regi'ontal Reclaimers of Newtonville. The matter was on bold following the Decemiber 2Othi through bis local farm opera- tion as well as tbrougb Pro- vincial and Federal organiza- dions. Locally the faniily bas develoved froin 100 acres to (Continued page 2) Orono to hit the meeting of coundcil wben Coune. Diile Haire sai*d the Town could be prosecuted if? the Ontario Environmecnt Ministry ;inds Regional Reclaimiers violated their licence and provincial regua- tions due to accepting the contract. David Sims, Town solicitor in a letter rend at council said r-ejectinýg the tender submit- ted by Regional Recînixuers after the firm bhad surniitted the lowest bid, -would invite a lawsUit againist the Town-." Sucb a lawsuit, "based on investigations of puirported -controventions of the provin- cial dumping licence, w.ould be difficult to defend," Sims wrote. Councs. Hamr-e and 'Barr opposed the awarding of the contract witb Support from the conitract coming from the rest of counfcil. Couinciilibas decîded to hold a special me-eting i camera in the near future witb municipal staff, the En- iroiinment Minisýtry officiais, David Sims, M4,PP. Sair, Cureatz and Gary Herrema, chairmnan of the Region of Durbam to get a 1f1111report on landfill it icecig coulnc. Hobb's close-d the mee'ting as welOpposed br- inging in higb-paid staff' fcr the mý-eetiýng. Paul Kelcey, FeIIow ofI Institute of Banking Mr. Paul J. Kelcey, manager of tbe Port Hope brancb of tbe Caniadian im- peril Bank of commerce and a resident of Orono has, become Fellow of tbe l- stituite of Canadian Bankers, (Conitinued page 2) Clarke students support needy at Christmas Stuaents wt Clarke H14igb Captain Cuff in the am-ount then donating the food for School last wveek presented to of $275.WO. the parcels. the Salvation Army foods This is an annual venture at The food donations, are valued at, some $600).00 and the school with indîvidual above, loaded on a trailer to as well presented a cbeque to classes setting up menus and bc taken to *lhe Salvation Ar- m5yiheadquarters in Bowmanl- ville where it wil be distibuted to th-e needy in the ar-ea. îÎig Thn1e meeting hall evening. The film "The Dead The film will star Zone" is based on a book Christopher Walken, of the sarie naine written Martin Sheen and Brooke by Stephlen King. Much of Adlams. the story centres around Mote points out that the happenings in the New event will boost revenue England states and for the local hall and give especially the State of, the Village some exposure. Maine in which Orono, He also points out that thse Maine, is involved. The filming company wîlI story dates in thse 1970's. reclecorate tise interior of AI Mote also informs the hall and retumn the in- the Times that the filming terior to the choice of thse company wili bc placing hall board. One of tise ads in the local press for features determining the soute 100 extras who will use of the hall was the be used in the fihning in balcony and the stage. the Orono Town Hall. In Orono it May well be Fihning will start early in the case of "Sec You in the morning, 6:00 p.m. the Movies." and continue weIl into the Town signs contract f .r Village garbage collection Puhlished Every Wednesday __ Orono WeeklyTies, Wedeinsday, December- 29, 1982 0 1 lime ta wish il of aur loyal friends and patrons a happy, heaithy New f . ear! \Ne hope if's the best one yet. ... filied with p!enty of good tirnes and beautiful memnories! Lots of success toaail! Frorn everyone ai the Orono Times Don, Elaine, Donna, Julie and Roy 4~