6Orouto Weely limes, Wednesday, Deceniber 8. 1982 Clarke Committee discuss New Momentum for waste disposai problems The Committee of Clarke Constituents recently erganized te gain informa- tien on a proposed expansion of waste disposai at Regional Reclaimers was held in the Brownsdale Cemmunity Cen- the on Wednesday evening with somne fifty in attendance. The committee is headed up by Nemi Groot, R.R. 1 Oreno and have become con- cerned over annoucements of a proposai te expand landfill operations in the area north- west of Newtonville. Members of the committee outlined some findings over the past few months as te procedures and eperatiens of landfill sites. One speaker referred te the point that the expansion of the landflll operatien would use up additionai farm land. -When we loase farm land te landfili we louse our values", it was stated. It was aise pointed eut te the meeting that in the United States industry must register if it is producing harmful waste and provide records te where it is being put. This is net the case in Canada. t was aise, stated that. only one landfill site in al of Ontario has been recorded as a safe site. Mrs. Betty Stark offfthe Clarke Cominittee aise said there were a lot of unanswered questions. She said she did net know what volume was licenced fer the present landfil site net what went into the site. She asked how consideraien could be considered for expansion when it was se close te a stream and then, she said, there was talk of millions of dollars for the construction of a speciai ramp from Highway 401, White said the cemlnunity must be vigilant and asked her audience te keep their eyes and ears open for signs of pollution and te' contact the committee te let them know of any instances of such happenings. t was stated at the meeting that the best weapon against expansion of landfill site was knowledge of what was going on. A speaker fromn the Wind- sor area at the Clarke meeting said, "We assume the Ministry of the Environment is taking ceue>of us." This is not always the case, he said, and centinued te cite a case in the Windsor area where the Ministry stated there was ne waste being brought into On- tarie front the U.S. nor was there any particular danger from a Warwich Township site. The speaker said after con- siderable pressure the Ministry adritted that chemicai waste was being transported inte the landfill site from New York state. The Clarke group were urged te push hard fer ail in- formation and te seek the assistance of knowledgeable people te assess and interpret information that is given te the committee. t was sug- gested that senie University people with this knowledge are only toiglad te assist. The meeting was aise en- couraged te support the local cemamittee and that the issue would net be over quickly. "Chemicals do net show up quickly", it was said, "it may take ten years." Lt is now that you must take care of it, the speaker said. It was aise suggested that memnbers of the committee should go with the Ministry of Environment when samples for testîng are taken and they should ask for two samples with one being given te the Committee te have their independent tests ruade. local United Way Sparked by a media-blitz -- the Oshawa-Whiitby- Newcastle United Way Cam- paign has now achieved 85 percent of its objective of $1.5 million. To date, the total donations are $1 ,270,451. Hugh Holland,, Campaign Chairman, asked-his commit- Jim Hale, who was present at the meeting, as ked if it was the intention of the commit- t ee te close eut the present operation or were they op- posed only to the expansion. Although there was some debate as te whether the questions should be answered Haie was told that the cem- mittee was net endleavouring" te close the present Iandfill site but they were opposed te the expansion plans. A member of the audience said they did net know what te expect when truck traffic rose from 150 per day te near 900 a day. Mayor Rickard was present answering such questions as neo tax money is being used for the Regional Claimers operations. He aise said the Regional landfill site were operated financiaily on the basis of 'user pays'. The commîttee is te seek further information and will hold future meetings in erder te better educate the generai public ini landf'ill sites. One audience member questioned why the province continues to promete landfill site operations when it is well known both in Canada and ini the United States that such procedures te handie waste is now outdated. They were told that aitheugh the governments are aware of this fact they move slowly and have te be punch- ed by the general public te take action. tee chairmen and their can- vassing teams te take advan- tage of the publicity camn- paign and te concentrate on areas which have been lagg- ing behind i contribution. Three groups were singled out for meeting 100 percent or more of their objectives. They are Dental at 107 per- cent, Insurance/Life at 100 percent, and Public Employees at 102 percent. Agencies have reached 99 percent of their goal. The United Way Campaign will continue until December 15. Some special events are Planned, including a rouler skating evening and ail pro- ceeds te the United Way, at Wheelies Family Relier Cen- tre in Whitby. The roller skating event will take place on Sunday, December 12, fremn 7:00 te 10:00 p.m., and the address is 901 Burns Street-East in Whitby. NOTICE NEWCASTLEmHwY DRO 1983 RATE 'a DJUSTMENT On January 1, 1983, Ontario Hydre will be increasing its wholesale rate for power to the Newcastle Hydro by 8.2% which is within the statutes of the Provincial Restraints Program. This action has prompted the Newcastle Hydro to implement a similar such increase to the customers they serve. Also to become effective January 1, 1983 for those customers with a split billing at year end, the buils will be calculated on a pro-rate basis. In addition, we combined the first two blocks of energy in both the S resrdential and general service. This in no way wlll effect the customers bilbut wili regulate the system to coincide with athers in the area on computerized billing. RESIDENTIAL SERVICE for metered energy on a one month (net) basis. Regular Service 5.621v per kilowatt hour for the f irst 250 KWHFRs. 3.98ie per kilowatt hour for ail additional monthly consumption. $4.00 minimum monthly bill. Delayed payment - a late payment charge of 5.0% will be charged on aIl accounts not paid on or before the due date. Special consideration witl be given to seniors on a f ixed income. GENERAL SERVICE for metered energy on a one month (net) basis. Demand Charge Energy Charge f irst 50 kilowatts of demand in a month - ne charge. Balance at $2.56 per kilowatt of demand. 5.62eD per kilowatt hour for the f irst 250 kilowatt heurs. 4.23(D per kilowatt heur for the next 9,750 kilowatt heur. 2.95iz per kilowatt heur for ail additional monthly consumption. $4.00 minimum monthly bill under 50 kilowjatts. Over 50 Kilowatts - 30iz per kilowatt for ail kilowatts applicable te a maximum billing de- mand during the previeus eleven (11) months or the contracted amount whichever is greater. Transformer Alowance Distribution - .30(e Subtransmission -.30e Delayed Payment - A late paymnent charge of 5.0% will be applicable on ail accounts net paid on or before the due date. Water Heater Rentai 40 gallon Water Heater - $2.20 per month. 60 gallon Water Heater - $2.80 per month. 100 gallon Water Heater - $4.50 per month. Note: - No longer renting 100 gallon tanks. Sentinel Llghting 175 Watt $3.04 plus energy. 250 Watt $3,61 plus energy. 400 Watt $3.76 plus energy. Pole rentai - 0.75e per month. Fiat Raie Water Keating Schedlule # 234 400 Watt - $ 8.42 per month 450 Watt - $ 9.48 per month 500 Watt - $1 0.53 per month 550 Watt - $11.59 per month 600 Watt - $1 2.64 per rmonth 650 Watt - $1 3.39 per month 700 Watt - $14.09 per month 750 Watt1 - $14.91 per month 800 Watt - $1 5.63 per month 850 Watt- $16.35 per month 900 Watt - $1 7.16 per month 950 Watt - $1 7.96 per month 1000 Watt - $18.72 per month 1000/3000 Watt - $19,84 per month 150014500 Watt - $29.77 per month For conversion from f lat rate to metered water heating contact the Hydre Office at 623-4451 or 987-4073 anytime between 08:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Monday te Friday inclusive, excluding holidays. . . . .. . ....... x . . . . . .. ... Ar