Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Dec 1982, p. 2

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2, Orono Weekly lrimes, Wednesday, Deceniber 8, 1982 Seconid Cass Mai Registration Nurnber ON38 Published Every Wedesday at the office Of Publie9tion IS IT NOT NOWV TIME? ;The problemns Of waste disposai corne coser and dloser to home and even in this municipaiity there is consideration for a iow level nuclear waste area, the ex- pansion of a iandfill site and a growing cost factor for the Region with its waste disposai problems. Everyone is concerned in one fashion or another and more so when developments are proposed next door. N6thing is ever a problem if it is miles away and we tend to shrug off such matters as neyer coming to touch us. That is flot the case for waste disposai is everyone's problem and we ail contribute to the pro- blem. Counce. Hamre, when attending the recent meeting of the Clarke Committee of Constituents, ask- ed, "What are we doing as a community." Yes, what are we doing, other than stuffing gar- bage bags with our waste demanding more and more waste disposai sites and at a cost we must bear. As citizens we do flot cali upon our municipal councils and regional council to investigate other courses of action, especiaily in those of conservation and recyciing of garbage. Its flot easy but much can be donc to reduce the daily waste cycle in our home and in some communities the effort is being made. Market Place on CBC Sunday night outlined the action of some municipalities, their successes and their failures. Kitchener does enjoy one systcm 'where bot- ties, cans and paper are coliected for recycling and although it may not be thé ultimate in solutions at this timne it is a start. Here in the Town of Newcastle the garbage pick- up contract for the Village of Orono, and possibly a fur- ther extended arca wiil be let by the end of the ycar. It has been before counicil for at least a couple 'of month but with no consideration other than again stuffing the garbage bag with ail we have and dumping it out at the curb side. t may be too latte now ta cansider any change in this contract but the Town docs hav e the opportunity ta consider their own systcm of garbage collection which they carry out in Bowmanville. it possibiy will flot be easy but change has ta comne as landfill is flot the answer and under no cir- cumrstances wiil il be so. And miake nio mistake the individuai is going ta have to heip at their level. Counc. Taylor made mention of garbage disposai in his short address at the inaugurai meeting on Moïnday night ta which hesaid cansidertian must be given by this council. Taylor is right and at ieast the Town and ail other municipalities are going to have to show leadership in this growing problem. What was good in the sixties and seventies is out- dated to day. Where wiIJ the Town of Newcastle icad us? IF INTERESTED IN A VIDEO GAME If you are intercstcd in wininng an Odyssey 2 Video Game make sure you shop Orono the two weeks before Christmas. O)rono merchants are offering the Video Game as a prize to some iucky winner with the draw being nmade on December 24th. As we understand fili-out forms will be availabie in the Orono stores for the draw. InéuguraI address (Continued l'ton)paýge]) The M/ayar aiso cailed for a better systemi of pro- viding information and co mm un ic at io n throughaout thec Town and suggested this couid he studied in canJunction with ibrary services. He suiggested an identity bc eýstabIished in Courtice wi thIlth e Town 0of Newcastje. It was stated that municipal goverpment was designcd ta be anc of the most responsive farms of gavernment. We must aiso be respansive ta changes in provincial legisiatian, he said, and be prcparcd ta respond--ta change thraugh aur municipal arganizatians. The Mayor spake of the 1982 Promotion Day and its success and held that Newcastle must continue ta DpLrrmot-e- indÙstrialI Kendal News But seek ye firs t the kingdomn of Gad and his righteousness; and althese_ things shah) be addcd unto you. St. Matthew 6:33 This past week will go down in weather records for years to corne. On December 2nd 1982 was the warmest day ever. On that date 15 degrees C or 57 F. On the 3rd of December it was 69 degrees here and 70 degrees west of here. On the fourth 20 degrees of 70 F. On Sun- day morning it was 46 F at 8 a:m. The willows are tinged with yellow like springtime. Then Sunday evening we had very heavy rainfail: a record week. Glad ta sec the children ,are making preparation for the Christmas prograrn on .December l9th at 11:15 a.m. The sermon was titled "His Namne.' The scripture reading Isaiah 9: 1-12. Then in verse 6. His name shahl be calied Wonderful, Counselior, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace and there are develapmcnt and employ- ment opportunities. His worhsip noted that the town had reccivcd federal funding for tourist promotion and lakefront development and a pro- vincial grant for urban renew al. The Mayor offered his co-aperation toalal of counicil and in returfi ask- cd the same from the -members of council. "To the citizens of this municîpality, 1 welcome your interest, your par- ticipation and your con- structive criticism. The business of the Town is your business._ By your awn endeavours and with your support, WC wilI develop an attitude that is positive. As citizens, wc wiil continue ta have pride in the place in whîch wc live." "To ail of you, a Merry Christmas and good hcaith and happincss in the new year ahead. " Each council member spake bricfly foiiowing the Mayor's address. Counc. Keith Barr said he came ta counicil with a spirit of co-aperatian and ta work an behaif of everyonc fia matter where they iived. He agreed with the comments fram thc Mayor and said there wauid be some stiff deci- sian ta niake during the, term aof affice far the cauncil. Counc. Cowman said the Mayor had cavcred evcrything in his addrcss and that-she wouid give 11rsupport and ca- operatian. Cawman-said the Tawn was mast for- tunate in the staff that was naw in place and that althaugh time ahcad may be difficuit she was confi- £lent- that counicil could -ç&lne mnany other namtes by which hie was called. The second Advent candle, the purpie one was lit by Peter F'-'nk. Mr. Don Peddar and Peter led the congregation in the reading of Jesus Christ Suf- ferer: as given in the bulletin. Visitors with us on Sunday were Mr. Fred Thompson and his grand-daughter Joan Bittraff of Delta, B.C. He is a brother of Mr. Arthur Thompson and Mrs. G. Cathcart. On November the 30th the last meeting of the United Church Women for the year was held at the homte af Mrs. K. Wood. Fourteen gathered at 12:30 for a pot-iuck Christmas dinner, in the spacious basemnent of Helen's home. It was gaiiy decorated for the occasion. After the meal there was an exchange of gifts. Then Miss 'C. Stewart weicomed the visitars and opened the meeting with the hynn"Jesus our brother, Kind and good," foliowed by the Lord's prayer. The scrip- ture reading was given by Mrs. M. Stevens St. Luke 2: 1-20. This was foliawed by carol singing led by Mrs. T. Tizzard. Then each gave a number on the program. One read an article on being thankful even -though there Caunc. Hamre said she supparted the remarks by the Mayor. "Over the past twa years wc have focused an administration and she loaked forward in pra- viding a better service built an the faundiation developed by the last cauncil. "We are here ta serve the people and if not then what is the purpase", she said. Counc. Hobbs said he had no camments ta make at this time. Caunc. Hubbard also came out in support of the Mayar's camments in his address and statcd she wauid work in the spirit of compromise and co- operatian. Cou'nc. Taylor said he would put forth the best effort he could and did support the Mayor's com- ments. Taylor did point ta what he said were thre major items; consolida- tion of the zaning by-law, a review of the Road Needs Study and recrea- tion. Hesaid there were athers also ta be addressed inciuding waste disposai. He said he had aiways been sympathetic ta corn- prise but with onc reserva- tion, the compromise of principal., Early in the meeting Rev. Byron Yates, Rector St. Johns Anglican church addressed council offcring his condolences and con- gratulations. He painted out that council cauid not at ail time satisfy ali the people but must ad- minister in the bcst in- terest of the Town. "You are here ta enhance the quaiity of life ini Newcas- Itic, a cammunity of peo- pie wha work, lîve and play. tagether. tes cauled for cain- promise and conciliation-, was fia crop. One of our mnembers said during the thir- ties they had fia crop in Manitoba but she had a flock of chiickens and planned ta have a chieken for Christmas dinner but a terrific wind lîke a whîrlwînd came up and site -neyer saw her chickens again. That year they had sardines for Christmas dinner. One gave a Sunshine poem, another gave Christmas ques- tions. The minutes were read. The offering was $19.50. The financial report was given by Mrs. R. Eliiott. Moved by Mrs. M. Stevens sec. by Mrs. J. Stapleton that we give $600.00 ta the Church Board. Carried. Moved by Mrs. R. Youngman sec by Mrs. J. Jackson that we give $15.00 ta the Bible Society. Moved by Mrs. E. Foster sec by Mrs. R. Elliitt that we gîve $25.00 to Street Haven Mission. The President for the comn ing year is Mrs. R. Youngmnan. The Vice- President is Mrs. J. Stapleton. The other offices remain the saine. March 4th is World Day of Prayer. The service is at Kendai this year March 8thi. Our annual meeting is aiL Port Perry. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Fern Foster and her famiiy on the passing of her mother on Saturday, December 4th. Mrs. Ida Mariotte who hasmade her homne wth her for many years. The fortiethi wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood was ceiebratcd in. the Kirby Centeniniai. School on Satur- day niglit December 4th. A very large crowd attended. Thcy enjoyed playing cards in the first part of the evening. 1 arn told that Mr. Greenwoad made a fine speech in ap- preciation to the family and friends. Then ail enjoyed a social hQur. The youngest son Brian was there from B.C. St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orano, Ontario Regular Sunday Worship Service, - 9:45 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A.L-1h. UNITED CHURCH @Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. Wayne Wright, B.A., M. Div. SUNDAY, DEC. 12, 1982 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Church Schooi 11:15 a.m. White Gift Sunday,' Morning Worship 11: 15 a.m. Officiai Board Meeting Orono Pastoral Charge Tuesday, Dec. 14th 8:00 p.m. Main Hall Bible Study Every Thursday 7:00 p.m. .Friendship Room KIRBY UNITED CHIURCH Church School 9:45 a.m. Morniing Worship 9:45 a.m. i Braun lndependents are a special gift for the holiday season. The revolutionary curling wand and curling brush both set you free from batteries, electrical plugs and cords. Powered by butane gas which burns flamelessly, the Braun lndependents can be used anytime, anywhere for quick hair curls. They are especially useful for travellers who want the convenience of a curling appliance, but dont want f0 worry aboutwhere they'il find the next electrical outf et.!- Curler Only $2695 Styler Only. $2965 Also Available At Substantial Savings Clairol - Crazy Twirl Crazy Baby One for the Road Dryer Solaray 3 in i Combo G il let te Port a Max 1200 Pro Max Compact MAIN si., ORONO. ONT. * 983-5009

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