M$31, 000 barn loss in Orono Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, December 8, 1982, Il Two Ouroino Tyke teams sqnuare off With the score tied after 2 periods the Orono No. 2 Teamr scored 3 unanswered goals in the final period to Win 6-3. With Jean Paul Tousignant playing great in goal for the first time this year received the win. Paul Flintoff also playing his first game in goal was the losing goalie. Better luck next timie Paul. Goals: Team 2: Christopher Yeo 3, Brandon Ovenden 2, Henry Kaldeway 1. Assists: Brian Good 2, Aaron Staples 1, Jay Hansen 1, Ben Deremo 1, Daryl Reid 1, Henry Kaldeway 1, and Branden Meadows 1. Teamn No. 1 Goals: Neil Haines 2, Cameron Tomkins, Assîsts: Michael Landers 1, Philip Cunningham 1, Adamn Wallace 1, Tim Hallowell 1. Corne out every Saturday at 1:30 and cheer these kids on. We will guarantee enjoy- ment. Sorne twenty to twenty- The cattle were released The loss has been valued at were assisted by Newcastle four head of young cattle after a section of metal siding $3 1,00ü for thse barn and con- and Bowmanville. escape frorn the Hooey barn was ripped from the northerni tents by thse fire department. The cause of the fire has fire last Saturday- while section of the barn sorne half The Orono departrnent not been deterrnined but is another section of the barn hour after the fire had answered the cail at 12:45 under investigation. was raging in flames. started. p.rn. Saturday afternoon and Thinking of Christmas din- ner is Bernice Stark with her purchase of Oddfellow's Ser- vice Club Turkey draw tickets Micros (Continued from page 10) already installed or are con- sidering micros as part of their management informa- tion systems. Seats in the workshops may bc purchased for a special introductory price of $200. In order to qualify for this price, reservation and payment must be made by December 23. Beginning December 24 thse price will be $250, with group discounts available. To register for the Micro kshops, contact Bruce "k, Peter Taylor or Susan Miller at (416) 576-0210, Ex- frorn Claire Martin. The purchase was made at the annual Heather Rebekah Sports (Continued from page 4) between thse two tean-s this season. Orono opened tise scoring with 3:57 left in the period on a blast from the point by Patrick Woods unassisted with 0:21 seconds tension 349 or 354. Telephone registrations will be confirmed at thse time of thse registration. Registrations by mail will be confirrned by telephone. The mailing ad- dress is Durham Conference Centre, P.O. Box 385, Oshsawa, Ont. LIH 7L7. Social Club bazaar. Thse draw is to be held on December 15tis. left in the period Millbrook evened thse count to 1-I on a goal by Ian Sanderson, assisted by Danny Gilmour and Chris Rogerson, as the local boys got sloppy in their own end. The second period saw the local boys go ahead 3-1 on two unanswered goals by: Brian Hill assisted hy Stuart Irwin, then Ted Gaudet assisted by Brent Hlutton. Thse third period saw Millbrook corne up with the onfly goal with 0:38 seconds left in the period by M\ike Worr assisted by Jamie Reid as the local boys seem to jet up thinking the game was in the bag. Corne on Guys, Keep Working!! Hamilton Insurance Mîdgets Tournament B Champs Nov. 28 Orono 3 Oshawa Red Wings 7 Orono travelled to Oshawa Sunday evening with only 2 lines and succomed to a stronger teamn in the third period just running out of gas giving up 4 goals. Orono goals Paul Morton unassisted Robert French unassisted and Guy Brachivogel. Assists: Ray Ripley. Nov. 29 Orono 6 Omemee 3 Omnemee travelled to Orono for their first meeting with the Blades this season. The score was tied at 3 at the end of thse second befo'-- Orono got it together and scored three unanswered goals in the third. Goals for Orono: Robert French 1, Steve Murree 1, Glyn Jenkins with a strong gamne scored 4, Assists: Steve Clynes 1, Mîke Hamel 1, Dave Dawes 1, Randy Tennant 1, Ken Bailey !, Ray Ripley 1, Guý Brachvogel 2. Dec. i.Orono 6 Oinemee 2 Orono played Omnemee for the second time in 3 days and camne away with a big win on the road. Orono scored 3 before Omemee could defect one by Geoff Green. The Orono Blades held the edge in play alI through the game and it was Omernee's goal tender John Finn'who kept themn in the garne. Orono goals: Paul Morton 1, David Dawes 2, Ray Ripley 1, Mike Hamel 2. Assists: Steve Murree 1, Randy Ten- nant 1, Steve Sawyer 1, Mur- ray Dennis 1, Geoff Green Goalie 1, Ken Bailey 1, Paul Morton 1. Dec. 4 Ennismore Tourna- nment Gaine i Orono 0 Ennismore 3 Orono got off to a fast start having a few good chances to score in. the first few min. of thse game but could not find the net before Ennismore scored and neyer l ooked back. Orono then proceeded to pick up 10 penalties to En- nismores 5 and could not get out of the hole they proceed- ed to dig -for themselves. Geoff Green and Dino Medd played well in net for Orono. GAME 2 Orono 4 Nor- thminister 1 Northminster opened the scoring and gave Orono a score that finally woke them up. It was a back and forth game with Orono finally overpowering them to corne away with the win to put them into the Consolation round of the tourny. Goals for Orono: Glyn Jenkins 2, Mike Hamel 1, Steve Murree 1. Assists: Paul Rosseau 1, Randy Tennant 1, Mike Hainel 1, Geoff Green 1. GAME 3 "B" Championship Orono 7 Northniinster 3 It was the point systern that put Orono in "B" round in- stead of the "A" Champion- ship against Little Britain but Orono forged ahead anyway. The score was 3 to 1 for Orono at the end of the first and neyer looked back. The local boys played their best gamne of the tournament to corne away with the "B" Championship. Scoring for Orono: Robert French 1, Randy 'Tennant 1, Paul Rosseau 1, Steve Sawyer 1, Olyn Jenkins ', Guy Brachvogel 2. Assists: Mike Hamnel 3, Randy Tennant 1, Guy Brachvogel 2, Glyn Jenkins 2, Derek Mumford 1, Dave Dawes 1, Murray Den- nis 1, Steve Sawyer 1. Goalies Geoff Green and Dino Medd played well in the final gaine. Mike Harnel, Glyn Jenkins and Guy Brachvogel were awarded the M.V.P. trophys in each gamne by a tourna- ment committee. Orono plays next Saturday evening at 8 P.M. aithtie Orono arena against Millbrook. It is a make-up gaine for earlier in the season. Then Ops Township is in town next Monday even- ing. On the weekend of'Dec. 18 -19 Hamiltonls Mîdgets will be in the Little N.H.L. Tour- nament in Oshawa looking for the trophy. Someone is to win a turkey M & W Quarter Morses HOME 0F MAKIN MAGIO A.Q.H.A. STALLION BY: Mr. Mischief Specializing In Youth PROGRAMS BOA RDINGi TRA INING TRED MUILL FACILITIES ENGLISH & WESTERN RIDING INSTRUCTION HORSES BOUGMI & Sý"JOLD ELIZABETH VILLE 797-2466