Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Oct 1982, p. 9

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Orono Gentlemens' Card Club A place for some fun, and the odd littie rub, Is truly the Orono Gentleman's Card Club, For a good gamne of Euchre, cribhage or pool, A fine buncb of fellows, I arn the only fool. With John Stone as a part- ner-, V've sure had some fun, Tili Roy Winters or Reg. Bllot, get you under the gunt, Alf Grahamn, Alec Moffat, can sure use their head, And another cailed Grahamn, his naine is Fred. Another who plays, if he's flot Florida "Ramblin", Is a mighty fine guy, named Carlos Tamblyn, That Guy Greenwood from Kendal, I think tbey cali Lawrence, Sometimes he loses, and he raises a torrent. My friend Tom Philpott, though be does flot play, Ia a real fine member and is there every day, Another to watch, he really knows bow ta "Mfix-Um", Is the Ex Oronio Banker, tbey cali him Ray Dickson. Harvey Partner the plumber, though we seldorn see bim, IVve had sorne great games with bis young son Jimi, Bill Hooey is one more you just have to accept, At handiing cribbage pegs, lie is very adept. Cails by John West and Steve, realiy do vary, Once in awhiie you see Robinson, bis naine is Gerry, Fron the garage at the north cornes a Mercers narned Buzz, And you would be surprised at the things that be does. Pretty good at the pool table isyounig Paul Jones, He's aiso pretty fair at "Rat- tlin" the bones, John Slater is a good Presi- dent, that can be bad, And we ail feel regret at the loss of William bis Dad. And a fellow frorn Newcas- tic, is really a dandy, Would you believe another Graham, bis narne is "Sandy,' One more near forgotten, by this a mateur board, Is our locai Cauncillor or Bd- ward Woadyard. Really younig Jirn Moffat, plays exceedingly well, And I near forgot another young EdwardStel, With Bill Armnstrong against YOU you'il near meet you're demise, H e is cunning and sbrewd, and wins many a prize. There are a few more memibers I, have yet ta meet, So of tbern Ill be silent and ever s0 discreet,_ Yet I arn sure when I meet thern, VUi still get the odd rub, For tbere are a few "Jokers", at the Orono Genteman's Card Club. Vic Garrod, Dur. Sr. Citizen Lodge Orono, Ont. Laying the welcome mat for Miners Woods, Water and Wlldlife By: Ron Reid - Federation of Ontario Naturalists "A man's home is bis cas- tle," or so he thinks. But if the proposais of a recent Heather Rebekah Lodge News Wbile Most lodges were busy after the suinmer break getting ready for the installa- tion of the new officers. Heather Rebekah Lodge was busy with a degree practice and on Thursday evening we weie ready for the tbree new candidates of Ganaraska Rebekah Lodge. Sisters Violet Duniop,,Betty Major, Olive Milîson and Carol Boyd ail gave their charges weil and the Conductor Sister Ethel Hhall and Warden Sister Dorothy Trirn did a beautiful job conducting the can- didates and ITam sure the can- didates were irnpressed and enjoyed the beautiful' floor work done by, the officers. The Noble Gland, of Ganaraska gave a bearty vote of tbanks to our degree Cap- tain Sister Mae'Allen for a job well done. After Lodge a sociai hour was enjoyed by ail. On Tuesday evening was a speciai nigbt for Heather Rebekah Lodge as the District Deputy President Sister Vera Camp and ber in- stalling staff were present. Lodge opened according to the Rituai with Sister Violet Dunlop as Noble Grand assisted by Sister Laverrie Barrabail as Vice Grand. The visitors were introduced and weicoxrned. Sister Vera Carnpbill District Deputy President of District 8 Oshawa east was in- troduced by Sister- Gladys Gamsby. Sister Neida Thompson Past President of the LAPM was introduced by Sister Doreen Swan. Sister Jean Youngman Canadian Colour Bearer of the LAPM. Brother Art Youngmnan Lieutanant Colonel were welcomed by the Noble Grand. Sister Toots Barrabail gave ber report on the sick and shut mns and aiso gave ber report of the year. Sister Garnsby gave a' report on the Bazaar ta be held on Saturday, December, 4tb and there is ta be a meeting on Tuesday evening at 8 P.M. in Hall. 1Sister Vera Camnpbell was then rcady ta iristail the of- ficers. Sister Ann Joncs lber Deputy Marsbai did a very capable job of installng the new officers for 1982 and 1983. Sister Vera then brought grectings fromn the President of the Rebekah Assembly. Visitors were present from Port Ferry, Oshawa No. 3 and Bowmanville. Sister Garnsby then read a very in- teresting letter frain aur Foster Cbild. Orono Weekly Timnes, Wednesday, October 20, 1982, 9 discussion paper on the pro- vincial Minîng Act are carried through, your rural castie may flot be Sa safe. It is this legisiatian that cantrols the activities of one of Canada's largest employers, the rnining industry. Along with some minor tinikering in the Act, the discussion paper recoimends two major reforms. First, al rural Iandowners would be forced to pay an acreage tax on the mninerai rights associated with their proper- ty. If you refuse to pay this annual rate (on land you tbought you already owned), yaur minerai rigbts will bc forfeited to the Province, who can then rent them to anyone cisc. Then the second change cornes into play. If a minîng company has leased your rigbts, they can notify you that tbey are coming on to your land to explore, and to develop a mine if tbey choose. You must be com- pensated for any direct Woods, Water and Wildlife damages, but you will have no right to, stop their ac- tivities, no matter bow much you want to protect your pro- perty. Little wondier that these proposais have been put for- ward so quietly. None of On- tario's major conservation groups were sent a copy of the discussion paper, and few people have even been aware of its existence. Forcing ian- downers ta pay a rent on land rights we now take for granted is not likely to be popular. Even so, this scberne is not put forward as a way to raise revenue, but rather to belp free up private landl for mning development, at the expense of both lidowner rights and the envirorneit. In my view, it's ironic that the landowner groups nwho opposed so vociferously land use controls ta protect farrnland or environinental features have been so sMent on this issue. Their concern about loss of propcrty rights should be ten times greater over these proposae. Ini any case, if you want a copy of the discussion paper to find out wbt's going on, or ta voice your concern, write ta the Honourabie Alan Pope, Minister of Natuçal Resources, Queen's Park, Toronto, M7A MW. To: The Citizens of Ward 3 Corporation of the Town 0f Newcastle I arn writing to you at this time to con- firmn that 1 will be a candidate for Local Councillor - Ward 111I in the Munficipal Elections to be held November 8, 1982. One of the purposes otf this letter is to introduce or re-introduce myseif to you and also request that you give me serlous consideration when votlng in my up- coming election and support me in mny blid for election. Being of service to the public is a great interest in rny life.1 It has been my honour and privilege since coming to this area 15 years ago to serve the Comnmunity in a number of Capacities - elected and non-elected posi- tions. My purpose in ail endeavours has been to work in the best interests of everyone. In the past two years 1 have, out of personal interest, attended approx- imately 75 percent of the meetings (except "In Camera" of course> of the Town's General Ail Purpose Committee and also Council Meetings. 1 have lived in Newcastle Village and my wife Mabs for the past 15 years. My son, Ch.ris, and my wife Mabs work with me in mny business. It is because of these two u people that 1 arn in a positiîon to give full time to represent and w4ork for you the Citizenis. M Further informaion will be forthcom ing i as the campaign proceeds. Thank You. Sincerely, Keth D. Barr.I Conserva tive Women Foundina meetina The FO0U N DINOýJC MEETING of the SOUTH CENTRAL DISTRICT PROGESSIVE CONSER- VATIVE ASSOCIATION 0F WOMEN was beld in the OdIdfellows Hall, Brooklin, an Wednesday, October 13, 1982. This District Association is cornprised of five Provinéciai Ridings of: DURHAM WEST; DURH4AM EAST; jDURHAM YORK; OSHAWA and NOR- THUMBERLAND. Alian Lawrence, M.P. DURHAM NOR- THUMBERLANI), and Ross Stevensan, M.P.P. DURHAM YORK were pre- sent. Regrets were received frorn. Hon. George Ashe, Minister of Revenue, and M.P.P. DURHAM WEST, Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. DURHAM EAST; Howard Sheppaiurd, M.P.P. NOR- THUMBERLAND, Scott Fenneli, M.P. ONTARIO RIDING; and George Hees, M.P. NOR- THUMBERLAND. The guest speaker for tbe evening was Hon. Bud Gregory, M. P.P. MISSISSAUGA EAST, and Cbief Government Wbip. He was ably introduced by Aase Hueglin, President Ontario Progressive Conservative Association of Wornen, and thankcd by Mrs. Moira Lawrence, wife of M.P. Allan Lawrence. Yvonne Christie, with the use of a rnap, explained the vastness of the District and covered tbe fact tbat is ex- tended from the boundaries of Scarborough ta the western limits of Trenton and from Lake Ontario nortb ta Lake Sircoe. She then presented the Constitution wbicb she bhad carefully prcpared, and followinig this was adopted. Kay Wetberali, 2nd V.P. of Ontario Progressive Con- servative Association, con- ducted tbe election for of- ficers. The resuits are as follows: President: Marianne Zakarow, -Vice Presidents, Eleanor Coiwell - Durhai East, Judy Moskaluk Durham West, Sheila Adams . Durhamn York, Ciare Boychyn - Oshawa, Kay Wctherail - Northumnberland, Secretary - Gaylke DeGroot, Treasurer - Sue Kilgannon. The Founding Cornmittee wbo bave worked on the plans to accornplisb tbis SOUTH CE.NTRAL DISTRICT is- as failws: Margo Asbe,' Jo Browne, Yvonne Cbristie, Eleanor Coiwell, Shirley Cutbbert- son, Marie Hutbbard, Fay Jermyni, Barb. Jonces, Sue Kilgannon, Lorraine Kudia, Moira Lawrence, Marion Manders, Judy Masaluk, Kay Wetherail, Alice Wbiting, And cbaired by Marianne Zakarow. At the close of the meeting in Brookiin, refreshments were served by the Founding Comrnittee. T

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